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Post by Santos » Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:45 pm

ok everyone, i no my banners suck but its the best i can do with paint. I want to ask myzkia if she can send me some of the templates she uses or tell me wat program she uses to make her banners :)

Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 11:56 am

Post by Myzia » Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:48 am

Hey Tele,

I think your banners are quite good - especially if it's your first time making them! I use photoshop for all my work and I usually use lots of layers to get the effect I want. I don't really have a template that I use, but I'll provide a mini-tutorial:

1. When I take screenies, I make sure the settings are set to the highest quality JPEGS. (You can adjust this in the options panel in SWG).
Yes, the images take up more space on your hard-drive, but they're more crisp and clear as opposed to slightly blurry or jaggy-looking.

2. In Photoshop I open a blank document with the following settings:
650 pixels X 175 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB.

3. In a new layer I drag in a screenie (I usually start with the close-up shot). Sometimes I have to resize it using the "transform > scale" tool. ALWAYS remember to hold down the SHIFT key when sizing images so that they don't stretch or squish.

4. Using the angular lasso tool I select the background around the character and delete it.

5. In a new layer behind the character, I make a background. I think this step is crucial to pulling the whole look together. Rather than use a solid color or pattern, I always use a separate screenshot of an interesting landscape or sky. There are tons of cool landscapes in SWG, and I often take screenies when I see a postcard-worthy shot!

6. I then bring in my smaller character screenie and position it somewhere using the same techniques I described.

7. Then I add elements such as the RID logo or Imperial insignia. For different effects try putting them behind the characters. Or try putting them in front of the characters but with a lower opacity. I also use the layer options to experiment with "multiply", "screen", etc.

8. To pull it together I usually add a layer on top of everything (you may want to keep your character on the very top layer, though), and I fill that layer with a solid color of my choosing. Then I select "multiply" for that layer. It gives everything in the composition a unified hue and creates a mood.

9. To experiment with blurs or glowy-shapes, never adjust your original layers. Always make a duplicate layer. For example: say I want to make a white glow around my character. I duplicate the character layer first and place it beneath my original. On the duplicate layer, I adjust the brightness and contrast until it's all white. Then I add some gaussian or motion blur.

10. As for type, it is best to have a different font for the name and for the slogan. If you use a thick font for the name, use a thinner font for the slogan. I usually make the name bigger than the slogan. It's best to use ALL-CAPS and a san-serif typeface. For those that don't know, san-serif if a typeface without little hooks or tails on the ends of each letter. (This font is san-serif). San-serif typefaces are easier to read and more crisp.

11. You can add a blur or glow to a block of type the same way I described in step 9. However, to ensure that the type is easy to read, I usually reduce the opacity of the blur or glow so that it is more subtle.

12. Some last general tips: Don't go too crazy with all the effects that photoshop has to offer. Too many effects can make a composition look muddy and cluttered. I usually only use a touch of motion blur and sometimes the "render lighting" tool to make a lightsource in my picture. Otherwise I limit myself to layer effects such as opacity and "multiply"
When you're done remember to flatten all those layers and save it as a JPEG!

Hope this all makes sense!


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Joined:Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:18 pm

Post by Santos » Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:25 pm

hey myzia,
thanks for the tips :) it turns out i use photoshop to make video games at camp heheh my game is about a sushi chef lol. as for the scenery, thanks! i always figured that u used some effects on a plain color or something, but screens do make it alot easier lol


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