Redaxxe telling me to remove 'Aresius'

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Should 'Aresius' be removed?

Total votes: 6

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Redaxxe telling me to remove 'Aresius'

Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:24 pm

I'm not quite keen on threats to remove yourself if your demands aren't being met, but I'm not sure if this situation with 'Aresius' can work out any longer.

I want to hear everyones input on the matter.

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Post by Apium » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:37 pm

I'm going to need to see this dialogue between redaxxe and 'aresius'. As of right now, I'm saying we keep 'aresius'. We can't allow threats to have any part in our decision process, if we kicked 'aresius' just on redaxxe's word, who knows what people would try to get from us next.
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:40 pm

I'm gonna try and get him to send me chat logs now.


Post by Barney » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:54 pm

Who told Red Astocia left because of Aresius? Not Odysseus', Ody is ticked at her for making demands on me that night and throwing a hissy fit and leaving without even giving the guild a chance.

Personally, I see a direct quote from Astocia coming from Red in that conversation "you make aresius leave tonight or I'm leaving, I won't be in a guild with someone like that".

This is not the Red I know.

I agree Aresius has already been informed we're uncomfortable with his reputation, not even waiting out til the officers talk to him before starting crap with other players is unacceptable. Aresius should be kicked IF the "officer" who supposedly "saw everything" backs up that he saw Aresius deliberately harassing Red, or if Red can provide screenshots.

I disagree with Red that he has any right to make instant demands and threats to Lexx, dictating to him that people have to be removed. I'm also having a hard time, after listening to complaints about Redaxxe's mouth calling people names, making fun of people, hearing him complain about someone else doing it to him. There's an awful lot of pot calling kettle black here.

I know Red grouped with Astocia a LOT. I also know Astocia told Ody she removed all RID members off her friends list, even ME after I told her I understood her decision and tried to reassure her we'd try to look into it fast as we could. Yet Astocia tells Ody he's the only person she ever liked in the guild. Yet Astocia ignored me as group leader repeatedly and would only talk in tells to Ody when I was running groups. Yet Astocia refused to come in any group I ran unless Ody was in it too. I REALLY feel like this woman has done NOTHING but cause me drama and bitching ever since I met her, and what I see here is Red being coached by someone.

We need to see proof of Aresius' arguing with Red. I see too much rumor and gossip in Red's conversation here, both phrases and stuff from Astocia as well as Jonem's hand in this being big mouthed and telling everyone that he told Xoseh who Aresius is.

Red needs to be either removed or put on probational warning. I think he needs to be reminded that it's not ok to talk to a guild officer or Lexx that way ever again.

People can't ever be allowed to make threats of "you do this or I leave". That's negotiating with a terrorist. Even *I* know better than to do that and I'm a pmssy woman.


Post by Barney » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:30 pm

Spoke with Red, this whole thing is about Aresius "showing everyone his ass"

I don't get this. It's an emote? I even asked Red, what is he uploading digital pictures of his ass? How is mooning people like a capital offense?

I admit we're now having problems because of Aresius. Buit I'd like to see for myself the screenshots of what he's doing before I vote on it, like Apium said, because I won't do it just because Red wants to go all homophic and freak out over something so silly.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:32 pm

Dunno, /forage is kinda provocative. Lol

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:34 pm

We cannot allow ONE Memeber to Threaten to leave if ANOTHER member isnt removed.

What makes this more complicaited is Areious is here for redemption, we are giving it to him, and Redaxxe seems to forbid himself from doing so.
If he cant give him a chance, there needs to be a second vote. Either we force them to work it out, or we remove BOTH.

I'm tried of dealing with stupid ass drama inside the guild. A guild is a goddamn family. Yes, families have drama, but this is insane. No one should be kicked out of a family because one family member dislikes him or her.

My vote is no.

Keep them both for now. Bring them both to a private enviroment monitored by Lexx and two other Officers. Have them work out their goddamn differences. Redaxxe is my friend, and I'm giving Geedo a chance at Redemption. I will not pick one or the other.

And now I'm going to kill the total seriousness of my post with this..

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Post by Barney » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:44 pm

LOL Lexx! Forage is REALLY BAD but you know the devs made it look that way on purpose because they are perverted fiends.

I would like to point out that Lexx, why do you still have an experience bar on your screen? /tease

And Xoseh, thank you you said everything I was trying to say but couldn't because I have the Brain Fog thing going on right now and just think things like "Kill!" and "off with their heads!" and "I hate everyone!"

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Post by Kurke Aumea » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:18 pm

Xoseh wrote:I'm tried of dealing with stupid ass drama inside the guild. A guild is a goddamn family. Yes, families have drama, but this is insane. No one should be kicked out of a family because one family member dislikes him or her.

Words of wisdom.

I share Xoseh's concern. I too am sick and tired of this bullshit. It's one drama trip after another for no damn good reason. Loot rules over here and "I don't like this person" over here. Look, I don't like everyone I run into in SWG, but you don't see me giving them the finger and telling them to fuck off either.

Caving into Red's demand only gives him a power position over the guild leadership and sets us up for drama down the road. Keeping Aresius will no doubt cause some issues, buth in-guild and outside of it. Are we backed into a corner? Possibly, but we decided that he deserved a second chance. Whether or not he is living up to his end of the bargain is up for debate.

Here's my drama checklist:

1. No member of the guild shall use guild removal as a threat to make a point on an issue. If you feel so strongly about leaving, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT! Using guild removal as a threat shall be grounds for dismissal from the guild.

2. Any guild members who remove themselves from the guild in a selfish act shall be denied readmittance into the guild. Only persons in good standing with the RID leadership shall be considered for reguilding.

3. Harassment of any sorts, whether in guild chat, group chat, spatial chat, or ventrillo is unacceptable. This includes harassing non-RID players. Unless you got something good to say about someone, shut your fucking mouth or get the fuck out. Harassment of any sorts is grounds for dismissal from the guild.

4. Guild rules and policies have been made explicitly clear time and time again. If you fail to follow the rules, you will be given a warning (unless the infraction is so severe it is grounds for immediate dismissal) for the first offense before being removed from the guild for the second offense.

This is the tip of the iceberg as far as I'm concerned, but I think it spells out a firm message. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit and I know others are as well. In regards to the situation with Red, I think both of them need to sit down with Lexx, a commander, or all of us so we can discuss a few things. Red needs to be made fully aware of our position on things and Aresius needs to be made clear that he is on a very short leash.
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Post by Apium » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:01 pm

I ran both tusken and IG-88 with 'aresius' tonight. Lexx led the tusken group and I ran the IG-88 group. He was respectful to both of us, followed orders, joked around appropriately, and was an overall valuable member of the group. He has a lot of ties to people in the past through geedo and whatever happened with TIO that are upsetting him and causing him to lash out some. Other than those few instances, I really have not had or witnessed a single problem involving him. To be honest, at this point I've had more problems with Redaxxe than Aresius.
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Post by RettVescan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:57 am

I too was a part of both of the ig88 and tusken instances, not knowing there was drama going around about him and others. I didn't notice a single fault in his behavior and as Apium said he was actually a very valuable member.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:27 pm

I think the thing about TIO is that Rogue thinks 'Aresius' is the same Aresius who led TIO. Rogue probably had issues with Aresius because he was a key member of the TIO split which resulted in the downfall of the guild.


Post by Barney » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:40 pm

but isn't he? the same Aresius? I'm sure he told me he was. Ody also says he is the same guy.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:46 pm

The same character perhaps, but I doubt the same individual. Perhaps I am wrong, not sure; but from what I remember, the TIO Aresius had a different personality.


Post by Barney » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:26 pm

I have direct confirmation. I asked 'Aresius' in a tell if he was the same Aresius who ran TIO and he said yes, he is. He also was quick to ask me who wanted to know and why, and to state clearly that he just wants to leave the past behind him, and there's a lot of drama still from TIO following him around (Like when Rogue logged on the other day) that he would like to just get away from.

On a side note, from the rumor columns, Ody identified him as the same person immediately, and voiced concerns over that past TIO drama when Aresius was first guilded. Zaca/Pooks former member of TIO denies and insists our Aresius is not the same person as the TIO Aresius and is telling that to anyone who will listen.
