Galaxy Heart-to-Heart Day Ball

Read and post about events occuring in RID

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Joined:Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:30 pm
Galaxy Heart-to-Heart Day Ball

Post by Issele » Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:27 am

You see a flow of hearts on your data news feed as it comes to life followed by a Hologram Invitation

“And though the years have come and gone, spring comes as sharply to the galaxy now and then. And if I had it all to do, it would be done the same again. My heart is yours”

You are cordially invited to the Galaxy Heart-to-Heart Day Ball, On Feb 14th, 2006 @ 8 PM (EST) to … at Lucky Despot, Tattoine, Mos Esiley. Attire for this event is formal and all who attend are asked to wear combinations of Red, Pink, and black. There will be an open bar, games, special events, fire works, and couple contests.

Hosted by: Xaneth, Lex, and Issele

A flow of roses is seen on your datapad as it goes blank


OOC Info: Xaneth, Lex and I have worked on this together to bring you an event. This is a event for all factions and we ask that there is no fighting and that you come to just have some fun on Valentine’s Day. There are some special events, games planned during the event that will have a Valentine’s Theme to them. Loni has offered to stock her vendor’s with some special clothing for the event which is located right outside of Theed. I posted this early so everyone has time to plan for it, help keeping it bumped would be nice.

Ty'e X'lor

Post by Ty'e X'lor » Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:43 pm

Er... so does that mean I have to wear read,pink and black together?


Post by CerexHendrix » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:09 pm

but you'll look pretty tye....

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Post by Santos » Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:25 pm

So i take it nobody has a date eh? hahah

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Location:Ontario, Canada

Post by Leviathen » Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:49 pm

I am sorry I will miss this... heck I could have changed my scales to one of those colours, but I have plans for valentines day. I hope you all have a great time!

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life
