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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:20 pm

My friend's 16 year old brother can probably out drink all of you. Sad, I know. The reason he passed out next to a toilet sucking his thumb was because he had like 7 shots of Jack Daniel's followed my some homemade moonshine. Of course, that's not counting the beer he had either... Yes, my friends can be real rednecks sometimes... lol

On that note. Kid's underage drinking is a bad thing. Screwing up your liver before your 21 is not a good idea. After you're 21, feel free to make your liver cry!

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:31 pm

I could have gone to a stupid party but told myself no for the most part because I would probably be the oldest one there younger than 18.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:55 am

Yeah, we all got liquored up and played Halo 2. Oddly, that's not very different from any other Saturday night...

The good news is, I have a date Friday! It's a good way to start off the new year.

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Post by Leviathen » Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:29 am

Screw 21, legal drinking age is 19!

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:33 am

Remember, you can serve for your country in war, but you can't drink legally. Is anyone els confused by that?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:23 pm

I was about to bring that up. I'm not one to dissagree with scientists on the effects of alcohol on the brain, but if your allowed to get thrown in war, vote in elections, and be a legal adult, drinking alcohol should be your decision to make. 18 should be the legal age me thinks.

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Post by Leviathen » Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:23 pm

What is the age your allowed to smoke there? 21 again? Here you get all the adult privilages at 18 but you have to wait until 19 to drink and smoke.

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Post by Santos » Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:42 pm

Theyre also thinking about pushing back the driving age for everyone born after 1990 to 18 hahah if they do that ill start a riot!

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:44 pm

Let the revolution begin :P


Post by Darla-Prime » Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:36 pm

I would very much be in favor of that decision. I'm sorry. Likewise, as cruel as it may sound, they also very much need a maximum age limit, or at least be able to pass several skilled tests. Most accidents are caused by youth or elderly. There's something wrong with this picture.


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Post by Leviathen » Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:49 pm

I think manditory driving school should be the key.

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Post by Darla-Prime » Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:50 pm

lol I can't WAIT to see how much I get flamed for my post



Post by Darla-Prime » Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:53 pm

Better yet, with technology today, for all starting drivers, I think very sophisticated, very hard training and lessons should be required. For instance, they can market smart and advanced simulators with all kinds of scenarios and events, before someone actually gets behind the wheel and experiences it as it happens. I realize this would cost a pretty penny, but it's cheaper than real accidents. And in simulators, you'll walk away with your life everytime.


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Post by Santos » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:21 pm

IMO the further back they push the license age, the worse the drivers that come of the proper age would be. Its been proven that absorbancy (in terms of knowlege) dilapitates with age, therefore the test should not be brought to a new age. Another point is that age isnt the factor that determines how good of a driver you are, a 16 year old who has never had a drink or drug in their life is a more reliable driver than a 37 year old who drinks and smokes on a regular basis, DUIs are, after all, not instantly issued the instand one steps foot into their car.

This has been another of Tele's possibly inadequate arguments about a point in which he is very poorly educated. Tune in next week for Tele vs. Mecha Godzilla, who will pull through in the end?

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:32 pm

Actually Tele, your theory is a little flawed. It's a proven fact that the part of the brain that deals with choices of risk does not develop until in many people till long after the age of 18. I firmly believe that the legal driving age should be raised to 18 because of this. Or, you can drive at 16, but only with a permit until you are 18. I think that would be a valid compromise. Anyone under 18 would have up to 2 years of practice time before they'd be allowed out on their own.

I think there is a statistic that says almost 50% of accidents occur to people under the age of 21 (I think). Fact is, teenage dirvers make up for a large portion of the accidents on the road when compared to other age groups. (Yes, I'm well aware that this would have screwed me over a few years ago, but I would have been willing to deal with it.)

OK, that's Darla and me for raising the legal driving age. Anyone else???

As far as the legal drinking age goes, I think they either need to bring it down to 18 or raise the legal age for everything else to 21 (serving in the armed forces included). What's sad is if people under the age of 21 want to drink, they'll do it anyways. Either by the help of friends over 21 or parents. (Sorry, but I have a big problem with parents in America which can be reserved for another topic)

OK, I'm done ranting for now... lol
