Imperial Conference Meeting: August 14th, beginning 7 PM EST

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Imperial Conference Meeting: August 14th, beginning 7 PM EST

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:56 pm

((NOTE: Copied from 2 posters on the Imperial forums))


Date : Auguest 14th
Time: 7 PM EST

Location: Hosted by THM/ Event takes place in thier city

Request the following speaker:

Lady avalucia

Requst TIO Toopers for secruity lead by Gruntch

Decorations: Imperial Banners/ 2 TIE's/ AT-AT Nova Troopers

Guest List: All members of the Network: Any others to attend is between you all and THM to decide.

**** Special Guest Apperance : This is to stay here and not spread about the community. Leader of this Network are free to share this with trusted members of thier Unit*****

Lord Vader
Emperor <--- still discussing this

Guest list: who can come: Those Loyal to the Empire and fight to rid the galaxy of the Rebellion. Please speak to THM about the guest list


7-7:15 arrivals and setting

7:30 Issele opens the event with Call to order

8:00 Pm EST The Emperor appears and speaks and also announces the arrival of Lord Vader

Guest leave and head to the courtyard with a Diplomate Cour will greet Lord Vader

Lord Vader address the citizens and gives a mission

Guest are invited to the Cantina for drinks and socialization.

As the event end guest need to be battle ready for Lord Vader's mission request. You will have time to relax a bit in the Cantina before we head out. And please do not ask me about the mission cos I won't spoil the surprise.


OOC: As always this is your event. I merely make them happen. If you wish a special guest person to show just ask me and I will see it happens. Any Imperial Char in the game currently can be invited to our events. I normally use the chars at the Emperor's Retreat and have also begun to start using rebel famoues chars as you will see in the future.

This is the itinerary that I came up with, based on our discussions earlier today, mademoiselle Issele

7:00 pm - gathered guests form up in the hall
7:15 pm - Issele, as Mistress of Ceremonies, calls the conference to order and introduces the first speaker, Avalucia.
7:20 pm - Avalucia speaks
7:35 pm - MC Issele then introduces Reggi, and 'e speaks
7:45 pm - Issele departs to prep for Vader’s arrival
7:50 pm - Reggi introduces Lexx, then 'e speaks and when done, introduces the Emperor
8:00 pm - The Emperor appears, and delivers his speech and directives
8:10 pm - attendees are redirected outside to Athena Square to await the arrival of the Emperor’s agent, TIO’s honor guard leaves first to set up, followed by THM
8:15 pm - Vader’s Lambda shuttle lands in Athena Square, THM is formed up in front of the stage, TIO’s guard is in a manner to escort Vader to the stage.
8:20 pm - Vader speaks, the dignitaries stand on the stage behind him (Avalucia, Lexx, Reggi, and Aresius)
8:35 pm - Vader concludes his mission briefing to the gathered organizations, the assembly is broken up and the Siren’s Song Nightclub is opened for after-party talk and music.


I will also add that I really like this indoor then outdoor format, it 'as people moving, changing locations, and will give the event some additional energy. Now, if we could only plan for night, then lights could be focussed on the stage.


Post by Gesro » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:00 pm

sweet stuff


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:18 am

SWEET!! /thumbsup lexx ahemm.... i mean /salute lexx
makin things happen.


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Post by Waucod Meesman » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:12 am

TIMIT your back in RID? I thought you joined TIO. :mrgreen:

Waucod Meesman

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Post by Santos » Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:46 am

I didnt even know u were on the boards!!! :lol:

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:29 am

Event is tomarrow, I also got the speech preparped as well. See you all there.


Post by Xan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:38 am

why cant it be on Saturday..ugh cant make it.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:10 pm

I wish it was Saturday too, but somebody may fraps it for those who cannot attend.


Post by Gesro » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:09 pm

either day would work for me.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:49 pm

I was unfortunately unable to attend this conference myself, but it's okay... and there is fantastic news. Issele, one of the main organizers of the event, wishes to select Fort Oasis as the next location for an Imperial conference! And we'll be able to choose who visits, such as the Emperor, Vader, Thrawn, Veers, etc.

The Emperor is a must, but if anyone here wants somone to attend, just speak up. Also, below is the log of the meeting last night:

Avalucia Versailles says, "calling to order!"
Avalucia Versailles says, "Bonjour! And welcome to Tal Kyrte, the 'ome of
The 'onored Maidens. We are very proud of the 'onor that
was afforded to us to 'ost this event, and welcome all of you into our city. I am Doctor Avalucia Versailles, Colonel in the Imperial armed forces, and 'ead Mistress of the 'onored
Maidens. I will also be acting as the Mistress
of Ceremonies for this event. Before I proceed with the formalities
and introductions, I would first like to call attention to the driving force
and instigator of this event, and the similar ones that 'ave preceded it...Mademoiselle Issele of TIO!
Please give 'er a big applause of thank you" for 'er continued and tireless efforts!"
Avalucia Versailles says, "Now, on to the main events...Four speakers will stand before you
today, just some of the many, many people that 'ave been instumental in the
fight against the band of terrorist rabble that call themselves the
Alliance. We are 'ere to stand in unity, to show
our might as Imperial officers and soldiers. To show that we may be of seperate
organizations, but our loyalty to the Empire, to the Emperor, is unwavering
and as strong as ever."

Avalucia Versailles slings her carbine.

Avalucia Versailles says, "Once the speakers 'ave concluded,
there will be a special message broadcasted to us live from the Emperor
'imself! And now, without further adieu... I
give you Inquisitor Quinos, of Armed Response"

Quinos Daken says confidently, "My fellow Imperials. For months we have fought and
preserved peace and order through out the galaxy. We have demonstrated our
effectiveness and coordination on Naboo. Countless times the Rebels have
tried to take it back in force, but we have countered their feeble attempt,
and even outnumbered we have prevailed in many situations. Our actions have been recognized
through the galaxy, on both sides. We have inspired Imperial citizens to
take up arms against the insidious rebellion. And we have brought awe and fear
into the midst of the rebellion, demonstrating the full capability of the
Empire! Although the Rebel cells
continuous hides from our sight, we will eventually find them and root them
out. And their feeble attempt to restore the Jedi order is but a failed task
at hand. They were easily defeated then,
and will be again. It is with good faith, that I have great trust in the
Empire and you all here today. Our time has come my friends!
Even his Highness and Lordship have recognized our hard work, so order may
be preserved. I am honored to talk to all of
you today as it is you who have all made this possible under the guidance of
The Emperor and Lord Vader. It was The Emperor who had the
foresight to see the coming of the old Republic, and it was his Agent and
Servant lord Vader who stroke out and defeated the Treacherous and corrupt
Jedi Knights. I am proud to be an Imperial, and
I am proud to be here today! We shall have order in the

Avalucia Versailles says, "merci, Inquisitor. now... please welcome Colonel Zachris
of ISF"

Zachris Coraban says respectfully, "I would like to thank
Avalucia and THM for hosting yet another fine event. I would also like to thank
Issele for putting allt he work in, as she always does. I think this is a good time for
Imperials all across the planets, as we see the scores turning in the favor
of the Emperor. Throught the efforts of Nova, TEH,
SHC and ISF, I have personally seen to Dantooine staying in favor of the
Emperor and my life would have to be taken, before it falls to the Rebels
again. I would also like to honor Sophy
(of ISF), for her fine work on multiple planets. She has taken credit for
taking out over 300 Rebel turrets over many planets and also coordinating
the destructions of over 100 bases. It is efforts like this, from all
of you, that allows the Emperor to keep a strong control over the planets
and keep the Rebels in hiding. The Star Destroyers above your
head, speak volumes of the power that the Emperor has and that we have at
your disposal to destroy any Rebel threat. Today is a good day, for it shows
our strengths and shows we have no weaknesses. Stand tall and be proud to be
Imperial. Thank you for your time."

Avalucia Versailles says, "merci, Colonel Zachris. Colonel Zachris on the ground war...and now, Flight Lieutenant Resha of IXth to speak on the war in space.

Resha Skyslider says, "Colonel Zachris mentioned the Star
Destroyers as proof of the Empire's might watching over us in space.. well...let me tell you all up in space, things are not well. we are stretched thin. while people down here talk about how
mighty we are just a few pilots are actually out there patrolling systems and battling rebels.
I have been fighting in space for months now, non stop and the rebels have grown stronger and
stronger. they muster more fighters, more pilots and more aces. just this weekend we suffered a defeat in
Lok and Tatooine system. we were outnumbered by 50% and over half of us were rookiees fresh
out of the academy, who have never battled rebel aces for real. the rebels have been pushing their
development as well, producing and scrapping togetehr relic
fighters and where is the imperial navy? we have pilots not flying for fear of
their fighters. we need to focus again on the Empire's key
virtues: discipline, organisation and sacrifice. If you are not ready to die in space,
don't fly in it but don't talk how mighty we are either. you here represent the creme of the Empire
in the sector so it is up to you to push the rebels out of space, down on the planets, where we can stomp them out. we need pilots and fighters up there. we fight key battles weekly.
if half of your soldeirs could leave the garrison duty for 2 hours a week we would wipe the rebels out in space"
so instead of talking how good we are focus on getting pilots ready for battle and send them out. deny rebels deep space
and keep them from gaining ressources up there which are turned into bases on our
planets show your comittment to the Empire with deeds, not words

Resha Skyslider nods.

Avalucia Versailles says, "merci, Flight Lieutenant for your
cander and straight talking. these events are more than just
speeches...they are meant to bring Imperials
together, act together... and learn of each other, and the realities all
face. you look around... and you see other
like-minded individuals for some... like THM... 'o operate
mostly internally with little outside aid... it is a real boost to see
others also fighting the war, even if unseen by all eyes. now... to close this up... Maiden
Xalya will speak, and then introduce our Emperor."

Xalya Shadowalker says, "Loyal Imperials, today we have gathered
together, not to forge a new direction, but to recommit ourselves to the
path that lies ahead. The rebellions lies and slander are corrupting the
hearts of our galaxies impressionable youth. The Empire stays stong, however, or the truth of order shall not
be eclipsed by the Rebellion's propaganda, no matter how vile.
The leaders of the Rebellion speak to
the galaxy of freedom and democracy , how quickly the galaxy seems to have
forgotten that it was these same so-called leaders that lined their pockets
with the blood of the proletariat through their corrupt senate tran.
How quickly these rebels have forgotten
the countless dead on backwater worlds, from tribal warfare, from swoop gang
murders, all dead because of the Repubic's
corrupt inaction... to the organized criminal syndicates
that are once again using the the chaos this rebellion has created to prey
upon the weak, the innocent. The rebellion's war, the war started in
the name of protecting 'innocent' life is the cause of more bloodshed than
the galaxy has seen since the Republic was purged and formed into our mighty
empire. Their fight for freedom is not so, its
merely a fight to line their own pockets, to return themselves to their
place of power. But one man saw the lies of the
Republic, the greed, corruption, and evil it contained... and it is because
of him that we here do not forget. It is in the name of his vision, a
vision of a NEW ORDER that we fight. I present to you, His Excellency,
Emperor Palpatine."

Xalya Shadowalker says, "All Hail the Emperor!"

Emperor Palpatine (hologram) says coldly, "Ah yes. So many. Emperor Palpatine (hologram) announces, "I have heard much of your exploits. Lord Vader is very pleased with your progress so far, but there is much yet to be accomplish.
This war cannot be over until every last Rebel is destroyed."

Emperor Palpatine (hologram) pounds his fist into his palm,

Emperor Palpatine (hologram) announces, "Even now they plot and
move against the Empire. Control of cities that
are important to our command and control lines are teetering on the brink of
Rebel control. This cannot continue. You have done well in
the past, but now I expect more from this command. Base by base. City by
city. Planet by planet. You are to wrest
control from these traitorous Rebels regardless of the cost. The people living in
the systems under your command must be taught the power of the Empire. They must be turned or
destroyed. Either way, dissent is not to be tolerated. I expect great things.
Do not disappoint me. You act as an extension
of my will. Continue to serve well and the Rebellion shall be crushed
beneath the weight of your loyalty. I leave you now with
this...Rule by fear of force,
rather than force alone. My apprentice will
arrive with orders. I expect total loyalty from each of you. Long live the Empire."

Xzusarius Alucarde shouts, "Everyone please remain seated or
inside. Lord Vader shall be arriving shortly."

Avalucia Versailles announces, "THM... at ATTENTION! move out to receive our Lord Vader. Lord Vaders shuttle will arrive momentarily. Please make your way to Athena Square."

code clearance blue. Command Station: This is st321: We're starting our approach.>>

NX-758 says, "Warning, this is a restricted area."

Darth Vader announces, "Loyal solders of the Empire...For too long the Rebellion has survived
in our midst, but no longer will such an affront be tolerated. Order must be
restored. The Emperor is depending on you to keep
his Empire strong. Dominate the cities and crush all resistance! Even now the Rebels control Coronet.
This ends today. Your orders are to assault Coronet and
secure it for the Emperor. You are to purge the city of Rebel
traitors. Any who survive are to be taken into Imperial custody.
Your command has a list of known Rebels.
These are to be sought out and captured."

'Cade' yells alertly, "Got no such list here, Sir"

Darth Vader announces, "Your commanders have your detailed
orders. Dismissed."

Chaad Losan says, "Hail Lord Vader"
Jon' Alamar yells, "LETS GO!"
Bishen Sienar says, "He means for us to seize the planet."
Genos Idanian yells, "TO CORONET!"
TIMIT says, enraged, "im down"
phow-jin cheers. YAY!!
Si'dhol Kran says, "Who has roders"
Genos Idanian yells, "ASSAULT ON CORONET NOW!"
Jon' Alamar yells, "EVERYONE TO CORONET!"

Avalucia Versailles shouts, "alright... we 'ave our orders"
Ashelin Gladestone says, "TO CORNET" in Lekku.
Ryleigh says, "I am ready!!!!"
Avalucia Versailles shouts, "seize Coronet!"
Jon' Alamar yells, "SHUTTLE TO CORONET NOW!"

an Imperial recruiter says to Auros Drayen, "Very good. I'll
fast-track this application and you will be active in 30 seconds."

Aresius Helmet says, "Legion, move out to Coronet, by the
Emperor's will"

an Imperial recruiter says to Cyras DeValera, "Very good. I'll
fast-track this application and you will be active in 30 seconds."

Avalucia Versailles says, "THM! you 'ave your orders, as spoken
from our Lord... move out!"

an Imperial recruiter says to Kashya Sszar, "It will take the
system about 30 seconds to process your status. After that, you are good to

Shayla Srarlight says, "Permission to get my gear for battle"

NL-730 says, "Goodbye."


Post by Gesro » Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:41 pm

It was actualy a lame event, the guy playing Palpetine and Vadar did a horrible job and the mission Vadar gave us was pointless and very hard. He sent us to Cnet where about 20 cl95 Rebels were waiting for us, the worst part is they kept respawning so there was no point to the fight at all!

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:03 pm

Yeah, I heard about Vader sending everyone that listened to his speech to their doom on the TIO boards.

Fortunately it sounds like it wasn't the best meeting, hopefully the next one will be better. It shall be our turn to have AT-AT's lined in Fort Oasis :D
