Civil War amongst us...

A place for members to discuss general information about RID.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
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Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine
Civil War amongst us...

Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:15 pm

Hello all,

Somthing very unfortunate is taking place to RID. Cell, the one member who we saw as the most loyal Imperial Exremist, went Rebel. Not only that, but the base that I grinded 5 months to get 14k FP was taken down by him. I gave him my base knowing he was RID's highest ranking must trusted and loyal member. Yet because of that, he tore it down along with the 100k credits and mines. RID, this is horrible. Cell defected to the Rebellion to join Crimson Fist Marines. Yet it is rumored that he cant join untill he kills me (It wont happen, trust me).

Now why exactly did our most trusted member, now traitor, just leave and destroy everything he could that we loved? Because we attacked the Rebellion, thats why.

Cell was mad of an event that happened when we were a 5 member guild, 3 months before he was recruited. He was mad that we placed a base next to a Rebel city named Crystal Hollow. After he heard the Rebels side of the story, (which was probobly overly dramatic) he was brainwashed into joining the Rebels. Apparently he found it unjustified that we attacked the city that housed the CATS, after when they mined the Imperial Oasis litterally to desertion months ago.

Not only that, but Iseed left the guild for unknown reasons. And its also rumored that there are members in RID at this moment plotting against me. Possibly high ranking members. Cell's second reason for leaving was Twistedimage/Ranxerok. Apparently they got in a fight. Well I have come to the decision to kick Twist out. I know he is owner of the Hospital, but Kuiloo is a highly trusted Doc and he will be given a hospital once we raise the money.

As for this Renegade Group I like calling the Rebel Civies, they cant do anything. I sent a message in-game. There is very little they can do. I dropped all militia members out so they cant grant Rebels the ability to place structures. The last thing we want are Rebels placing a base in our city. It is also rumored they want to put a new mayor in our city because they want our city to be more organized. No offense Civies, but you and your so called mayor threatening to vote me out wouldnt know the first thing about running a city. Besides, organization purposes are underway, despite the fact we placed our city in the mountains which may complicate things.

We WILL rebuild. Kuiloo will place the Hospital. Zrinity will place the Cantina. And once I buy a new base (with the faction I was TRYING to save up for the ATST before Cell's rude uprising :x ) it will be given to Bizob. Who is a tristed member of our guild. He is not one of those power hungry, high ranking officers trying to ruin all my months of dedication for this guild in which we NEVER gave up.

It's so annoying to log on after my vacation to be brought upon stress in a game! People, below are our active members. I am announcing who, or who may not be a risk to RID's well being. The inactive members, who we mostly kicked out anyways wont be listed. Not like they will do anything against us anyways.

Kuiloo: Trusted member, your not against me most likely.

Zrinity: I trust you a lot Zrin. Good luck with master Dancer.

Kurke: Thanks for letting me know of the situation. Keep up the crafting for our guild.

Aleksandrov: I know you are very loyal to the Empire. But I am worried... I will make you a Royal Guard. But I want to be 100% sure I can trust you.

Rakuda: I am pretty sure you wont do anything. You have done a lot for RID.

Onslaught- Your very quiet Onslaught. I dont know too much about you.

Bizob: I trust you very much Bizob. You have done so much for RID.

Skaarj: Skaarj, your a very good friend of Cell. And your behavior is also... awkward. I am very worried about you.

Zetagala: Hello Officer Zetagala. You have done countless things for RID, while at the same time being very authoratative. You started our birth of alliances with guilds and I highly commend you with that. But it's also the very loyal looking ones that worry me now. We should speak in-game.

Iwooko: Iwooko, your much like Bizob, Telemchus and Totzo. Your here for fun, and fun only. We need more members like that.

Chalic: Your much like Aleksandrov. Good friends. I trust you, just need to get to know you more.

Telemchus: Your a trusted member, good luck with your proffesions.

Kewan: I trust you a lot now Kew. Your looking to get promoted real soon.

Totzo: Another great member.

Mnyak: Hey Mnyak. I am worried a bit about you too.

As you can see everyone, I am worried and paranoid. I dont know who to trust anymore. I wish my members would just come out and say what they want. I want everyones feedback on this issue. It is the most worrying issue we have ever had in RID. The last thing I ever wanted was RID to fight eachother. I want everyone to come out to state who you know, or somone who is suspicous, that might be helping the Rebel Terrorirst Traitor Civies. We need to seperate eachother as the Loyalists or the Traitors.

Please, I beg of you to help us solve this. RID will prevail in the end. This is just nothing more than a stressful annoyance really.

Lexx Yovel


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:49 pm

I Shall Stand by yourside Lexx and to all those who are still loyal to RID. I am a Loyal Servant of the Empire. Do not Dare to Question my Loyality Again.

Aleksandrov Danislavko
Loyal Servant of the Empire


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:06 pm

OMG, that's the funniest thing you've ever said, Alek. Anywho, I am completely loyal to RID. I defended Ft Oasis before I was even a member. I think that it's just going through some growing pains, but that we're finally weeding out the jerks. I was initially upset that you revoked militia status, Lexx, but I am now grateful. I can sometimes be absent minded, and if a fellow guild member had asked me to grant zoning rights, I probably would have without question. What we need are some reliable recruits. Another coworker of Alek's and mine, Karigan, will make a fine addition to RID once she amasses enough FP. We've had some minor problems recently, but I don't see any reason why anyone should start to lose faith in the guild. I think that we should use the time of relative peace without a base (at least, without rebel attacks) to restructure and regroup.


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:19 pm

Hi Lexx... I can understand your concerns regarding to me. I can be quite flippant and impulsive at times, and i apologise for it, but it is both Mnyak's and my nature.

However, i have no plans to defect. I am an Imperial and a member of R.I.D. But, i must express my concerns that such unsettlement amongst the guild is disturbing to me, and i don't know who to trust.

I heard that there was a vote on ranxerox getting kicked out? I certainly wasn't consulted. I have no problem with ranxerox, so i'd like to hear reasons why. I think that if we're going to try and have a democratic method of governing such as voting, we should all be allowed to vote, irrespective of timezones.

I am not undermining your authority lexx, i just need to hear both sides of the story for my own peace of mind.

I hope you can understand, and if you wish to further discuss anything with me, please let it take place on these boards of on starsider,
Mnyak Erglip

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:46 pm

/nod chalic

Chalic makes some very good points in his post. RID will go through growing pains and at the moment we are experiencing one. In a sense, it is blessing and a curse for this to come up when it did. At the moment a current restucturing of command is in the works. Weeding out the unloyal and unfaithful members now will make for a more effective guild once the restructure is complete. But, at the same time RID is at one of its weaker moments. With those in higher leadership positions threating defection, we are left without some our strongest to lead us. I feel that once we sort this problem out, we will be walking a sturdier path.

While losing the base is unfortunate, it will give us a time to breathe. Sure, it was childish of Cell to take Lexx's base like that, but one can't help but wonder if the loss of the base is a good thing in a sense. Yes, Lexx did lose a lot in this ordeal and that is very unfortunate. But, at the same time we don't have to worry about rebel attacks on the city for the time being. This is our chance to breathe and sort our problems out now in an organized manner.

Loyal members, do not lose faith. We are a strong guild and we shall persevere.

Your friendly architect,
Kurke Aumea


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:50 pm

In a way, Cell taking the base means more fp for us when we find it.............


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:25 pm

yeah and wats a reb going to do with an imp base. But any who lexx how much credits for the cantina i might be able to bye it.


Post by bizob » Mon Jul 12, 2004 4:22 pm

to be perfectly honest im kinda glad the base is gone. this will free up alot of time, credits and fp for us to do other things with. the only advantages a base offers are imperial missions terminals and a imperial recruiters, both of which we have not too far from the city as the oasis. i think we do have some members who are not "team players" , as well as some who just dont play anymore or are on other servers. i agree most of our problems are growing pains and while they are frustrating, it is a sign of our growth as a guild. i think some of these problems are the result of recruiting "pushes" and the guild possibly growing too much too fast.
My suggestion:
let's slow things down some. without the base we can now focus on our members reaching their desired proffessions, building up some resources and building some guild unity. perhaps we can hold off on accepting any new members for awhile and work out some recruitment system to help us pick the best people for our guild.
i also think it would be a good idea to not particpate in PvP events for a little while (not too hard since we lost the base now). lets focus on training up our current group of dedicated loyal members. personally i like PvE stuff, the tuscan fort, corillian corvette etc. these are fun events we can do as a group, all proffessions can take part in and mostly we dont have to deal with players outside the guild (who can be very cool at times but mostly annoying).

Most Importanly!!
to the loyal members of RID, hang in there and have faith! our primary goal as a guild has always been and will always be to have fun together.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:06 pm

Wonderful posts from everyone. I will reply to each of them.

Aleksandrov's Post: Lol, your right Alek. Actually the whole point of me posting names was so that everyone can come out and defend themselves. Also, it is now found that simple Cell and possible Skaarj are the people doing wrong in this guild. Question your loyalty again? I sure wont unless another horrible event like this takes place again, lol. Say hello to thr Royal Guard Alek!

Chalic's Post: We have gone through many growing pains. That included keeping our base in one piece, weeding out horrible or inactive members, or this event. I remember recruiting you because you defended our base for the Empire, not just RID. And the Militia Status. It might come back soon, but when it does there will be city plans given to everyone, and it would be said that only RID's maybe granted zoning at will. Unguilded must be zoned at my consent just so there isn't anything gone bad.

Mnyak's Post: Hey Mnyak, I never doubted you TOO much, except for when your brother made you go Rebel, LOL. Your attitudes not too bad at all, and as for the confusion with Ranx, heres what happened. Skaarj told me his side of the story, just making Ranx look like the base guy. I heard the other peopls stories and Ranx really didn't do anything. Cell and Skaarj were the ones that started to go berzerk on him. Chances are Skaarj might get the boot for multiple reasons. Ranx/Twist is fine for the most part.

Kurke's Post: MY GOD KURKE! YOUR RIGHT! No wonder i didn't throw a brick at my window... actually it was quite the other way around. I was RELEIVED to have the base gone. Sheesh, should we even get a new one? We got the Imperial Oasis two feet away with all your neccesities. I even added an Imp Terminal at the bank. While losing a 14k base may not be the greatest thing in the world, and what Cell did was indeed very ignorant, what can we do? It's the Galactic Civil War, and having Cell leave for the Rebels is part of it.

Mnyaks Post: Ya said it Mnyak.

Iwooko's Post: Hehe, quite true Iwook. And a Cantina, no need to worry. Rakuda still has the deed for it when Zrinity get Master Dancer, so go ahead and use your money for whatever you like :D

Bizob's Post: You said a mouthful Bizob. Everything you just said is 100% true :lol:


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:55 pm

Hehe, I know I'm late adding to this posting, but I work during the day. Lexx, you know you have my full support 100%. Even though we are going through a rough time right now, I don't doubt this guild one bit. If we can all rally together when our base was under attack, we can get through this. This is just a little bump on the road through our roadtrip. We just gotta swirve a little and get right back on the highway. Yes, this guild has had some problems before and we will continue to have more. That's just like in real life, there is no such thing as a perfect life. We will always get through them as long as we all stick together.

As for placing the cantina, it may take longer than i expected. I played this weekend for about 7 hours on Saturday and Sunday and have only filled up two of my trees. I'm now at 1/1/1/1, lol sorry but this is harder than I thought. But I will still try my best.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:57 pm

Heya Zrin, I trust you all the way. And the cantina, no rush, take your time :D


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:09 pm

Lexx, as always my sword is at your command. You have my 100% suport and you always have. I will assist you in getting that base back to the best of my ability.

Rakuda Hidi
Owner of Bothan Love Industries


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:53 am

I know I aren't playing SWG no more but damn :shock: . Tell you truth I always had some suspisions with Skaarj and I dont mean to sound really judgemental but Oktowo, he was a real good friend of Skaarj hehe, so if he ran off too I wouldnt be surprised lol.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:34 am

Hehe, yeah, Oktowo is now Rakuda. But I have good trust in him. We started a vote (Which will be announced in another post)

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Post by Santos » Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:51 pm

Sorry i havent been on much lately (i had my comp taken away) but i finally got fencer and commando :) As lexx said, yes, I do play for the fun of the game, and sorry for being over-comedic sometimes when it is unnecesary, but I will not leave RID. Totzo is my bestest buddy IRL, and his loyalty to RID inspired me to stay for good. (no more get rich quick schemes like the new guild idea lol)
Your friendly neighborhood idiot,
