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instant message topic

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:12 pm

if you ever on with another member check this out maybe you uys cna talk for alittle while


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:12 pm

ok zrin did you find it?


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:14 pm

found it


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:16 pm

ok my new idea was to make a new division called (RJD) aka regal jedi defenders or rebel jedi defenders and it would be a division for bounty hunters only them we can put to use the bounty hunters that will be getting bounty hunter in are guild if you have questions or comments plz feel free to post


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:17 pm

whatcha think?


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:19 pm

it could work, but right now, we need to focus on the main revamp of divisions. we can't have too many main divisions, this might work as a subdivision, and we also have to find out how many bounty hunters we really have in guild.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:21 pm

well i know that biob is being one im pretty sure and im gonig to be one hopefully by tonight and some others talked about it and i think it would be a good sub division definatly not a main but i think its a prety good idea i need lexx is opinion and some others and junk...


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:23 pm

bizob my bad srry

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:55 pm

It's a good idea Twist, but I am afraid we cant go about it for several reasons.

1.) We already have a SpecOps Division, which technicall is responsible for the recruitment of Commandos, Rangers, Squad Leaders and BH's.

2.) SpecOps sort of already is meant to kill Jedi (Although I doubt any of us really have the skill to do so.)

3.) Like Zrin said, we already need to concentrate on the already numerous ammounts of divisions. We also need to get the new system up and running before we do anything drastic. While its a good idea, we just cant do it :(

But keep up the ideas Twist! :D

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:00 pm

Oh, and about it being a sub-divions. Well... maybe. It would have to fall under the Heavy Weaponry Division. And sub-divisions (Which I also call Patrols) might or might not be able to allow it.

There are several things to consider before we make a division, or even sub-division for that matter.

Sub-divsions are lead by Captains. And if your idea becomes popular, there could be an on-going ammount of these patrols.

For example, there could be 5 RJD Patrols each with 6 people. All 5 need to be lead by one Captain each. Also, our regular SpecOps Division already has a shortage of people. We shouldn't drain that division only to have around 2 in each Patrol.

I will consider in the future once everythings all running,


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:39 am

i dont mean to be hash but thats a really bad idea, who can kill a jedi anyways? i cant, although lex saw me kick the crap outa a reb in RID, lol


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:44 am

Lexx's isn't a bad Idea, plus you just contradicted yourself I think...
who can kill a jedi anyways?

You were asking to make a division TO KILL Jedi... weren't you? :?

Anyway :) , SpecOps division is meant for Bounty Hunters etc, so it kind of already covers your sub division/division idea. Just my pennies worth :shock: heh.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:18 pm

I have to side with Lexx on this one. We have too many dvisions as it is and the current command structure is a little confusing. If we go along with the planned revamp, we cut things down to 6 divisions which is much more manageable. By adding the patrols (subdivisions) we can create a very effective command structure.

Plus, Lexx just cleaned house on the guild roster. How many inactives did you remove Lexx??? I know it was quite a few, which means the number of members in the guild is quite low. Fully filling up the new 6 divisions will be an interesting task. And adding a 7th will make things worse in my opinion.

Of course, as has been pointed out, adding the proposed RJD as a patrol (subdivision) could work. But, we must felsh out the new divisions and patrols first before we begin adding new ones. I think the idea of the RJD as a patrol has merit down the road after we get some new members, but I feel it isn't in the guild's best interest at the moment.

It isn't my intention to bash anyones ideas, just point out alternatives and realities.

Your friendly architect,
Kurke Aumea

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:38 pm

Ooh ya. I had a lot of fun kicking out those inactives. It's almost like it pulled weight off my shoulders. We "trimmed" the guild down from 73 members to like 41 members. Which is not too bad actually. But there are still members who are online somtimes but never actually even did somthing as simple as say hello in guild chat. Those people are going to be sent warnings.

I am also in the process of forming the new ranks. It actaully feels like it will do well. Once all the division deals are done I am going to change the web site to change things a bit.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:34 pm

name one person in the guild who can kill a jedi? JUST ONE? thats right, we havent got anyone who can kil em, theya re jedi for christe sake, a division of BH's wont make a difference. just stay with waht we have...
