Cell wants to thank you

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Post by Guest » Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:08 pm

first of all, i keep hearing me called imature? do you even understand the meaning of this word? it cant be used in the context of what i am doing.

((and as for you xan, i roleplay, I ROLEPLAY!! do not for 1 second make this about me and my personal life. i do not take kindly to threats, in fact, i take this one very personaly. i have thought about joining the canadian army many times and any insults like that should NEVER be allowed considering i do not know you very well AT ALL. mabey you should look again at what you said and realize the personal attack you have done))

levi, you are a very good friend and your help on saturday will be most welcomed. if fikke was here today, he would do it for me, lexx, you know this...

((ITS A GAME FOR CHRISTE SAKE XAN, dont take it so personally))

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Post by Santos » Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:26 pm

Ooooooh......your a roleplayer.....that explains why u always seemed fed up with me lol

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:50 pm

Okay, I can see a good portion of the guild gave their 2 cents. Personally, I already have a decision, and I'd go about it like I normally do; however, I want the guild to come in for the Emergency Council Saturday to make their own decision.

Saturday will determine it. And I do udnerstand Cell role-plays, it's good to see more RP'ers. However, we still need to grasp the threats we have in our guild and make them realities. This guild has stood for about a year and a half more or less, and it will stay for much longer. Jekks/Cell may have changed, yet his past actions are inexcusable.

I know the following statements I say will give Cell a little smile:

-He destroyed a 14k FP Forward Outpost (which we gave him as a gift!)

-He killed several members of our organization.

-He left the guild for several inexcusable reasons, such as the following:
-Lacking the support for his guild.
-Not consulting the leadership for his arguement with an old member.

-He also caused panic in our guild, which led us to believe there were spies for about a month.

-During the RID/CFM war, Cell watched some of our members get clone camped when they called for a cease fire.

All in all, Cell has no morals. He may have changed, but just because he decided to infiltrate us with a new account dosn't make him a threat.

Jekks would have got off *home free* if he did NOT start boasting about his infiltration antics here. Jekks, if you REALLY wanted to be in RID, do you think it'd be wise to go around saying, "hey, I'm Cell." Just because we got to get used to you doesn't mean anything.

The Saturday council will decide, it's time we used the council anyways.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:02 pm





Betrayal 2.


Being clone camped during RID/CFM War.


After those events, we basically forgot about Cell. Geuss he wants to be recognized again... The pictures were a long time ago. They took place in the Summer of 2004.


Post by Xan » Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:47 pm

all i have to say to that is actions speak louder than words. And also that roleplaying has its place, and it's boundaries.

Oh..and...Canadian Army sux :lol:

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Post by Leviathen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:56 pm

Xan wrote:all i have to say to that is actions speak louder than words. And also that roleplaying has its place, and it's boundaries.

Oh..and...Canadian Army sux :lol:

Okay, screw off Xan, you went too far, there is no need for descriminatory/racist slurs. Leave personal matters out of this thread, that was completely out of line.

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life


Post by bizob » Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:19 pm

ok enuff bout the personal stuff. its off topic and unproductive. you are entitled to your views/opinions but this is not the time or place for that.
Cell, if you had joined RID as jekks secretely (as u did) and eventually said "hey guys i got a confession to make, im really cell, i only lied about my name so i could get back in RID cuz i really missed you guys. what i did was wrong and im sorry". than Maybe i could see letting you stay but instead you say things like

Cell' wrote:dont worry about that tele, ive seen your comments. but i have a bigger target in mind. oh and lexx, thanks for letting me back in RID >=)

Cell' wrote:i have a different character name in game, youve already invited me in and accepted me. there, now who could i be? fenalei? mabey phow? possibly cerex or chradath or trieyn... heh, good luck buddy

i dont know about anyone else but to me these comments came across as attempts to cause more disruptions in RID, especially the 2nd qoute. if you really want to stay in this guild and aren't planning anything against us than why make such comments?
truth is we trusted you once and you betrayed that trust. why should we trust you again? you certainly have not earned it.
i wont be on saturday nite, i have to work but i think my vote is clear.


Post by Xan » Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:44 pm

im with bizob on that vote, but i will be there to watch the "trial" even though i may miss the first few minutes of it.


Post by Guest » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:53 am

I will do all I can to be there on Saturday.
I have a dog show in Wales (6 hours drive from my home) but will do my best to get back


Post by Guest » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:42 am

I will be there and no worries I am not Cell in disguise :P . I have plenty of people to tell you I been a long time player right Gounk :P


Post by Guest » Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:20 am

Thats right lol
I can say that I knew Opasish I longish time ago in Dark soveriegnty

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:49 pm

All of what Bizob said is correct. Heck, Cell would have been better off if he didn't make this post AT ALL much less mocking us about it. If you really intended to stay in RID, is mocking us here good for that?

When I spoke to you in tells, you clearly said, "yeah, I enjoy messing around with RID," as if we were some toy to you.


Post by Xan » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:25 pm

:? <------The smiley says it all.......

^---=Not Cool!


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:23 am

I really hate to say this but if you have to mess around with people in a game to get your thrills then I hate to see what real life is like.

Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 11:56 am

Post by Myzia » Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:09 pm

This reply may be a little late, but I just wanted to say something in regards to Cell's "roleplaying".

I come from a roleplaying guild, the honored maidens. We take roleplaying very seriously and rarely speak to one another out of character, or make any kind of personal RL remarks.

Cell says his betrayal etc. is his way of roleplaying. I take issue with that. In THM, let's say one of the leaders wanted to take their character in a new direction and betray the guild as part of their storyline.

Rather than just doing it and letting the guild suffer due to their actions, a responsbile RPer would talk to one or two other leaders OOCly and say something like ((as part of my storyline, I want my character to go berserk and betray the guild and make a grand exit with guns flaring. How can we make this happen?))

Then, as a group, they would discuss a storyline and enact it in such a way that everyone in the guild is aware that it is a roleplaying event (even if the details are left as a surprise to most of the guild). That way, the roleplaying is less of a selfish act by one person, but an event that everyone can enjoy.

And, more importantly, no bridges are burned and there are no hard feelings or personal attacks - because everyone knows it's part of the "plot".

So, basically, I don't buy the explanation that you can betray other people and try to destroy a guild and then come back later saying it was "roleplaying". It's a selfish act, and that's not what true roleplaying is about.

Just my 2 credits.
