Cell wants to thank you

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:15 am

I either forgot about it or didn't believe it, one of the two. Like I said, it was long ago, but after I left RID. Hell, I can't even remember who told me.

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Post by Santos » Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:54 am

ha i no ur not phow! cell thought i was weird and kept his ground but me and phow are friends

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:59 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:I either forgot about it or didn't believe it, one of the two. Like I said, it was long ago, but after I left RID. Hell, I can't even remember who told me.

Ah okay, shoulda let me know anyways but *shrug*, not a big deal.

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Post by Santos » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:33 pm

(Gasps) Cell is Lexx spelled really differently! Looks like I cracked the code!

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:02 pm


Good job Tele, you figured out I AM Cell!


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:29 am

yes yes, i think we all know now, i am cell, i have no intentions to take over anything, i just really like this guild. CFM was a long time ago, and you can bileve me when i say it was all twistedimage. but do what you must lexx. oh and btw, i dont know why we said this before, but ayamee is not my wife in game, she is my sister.

((she is my gf IRL))

Ty'e X'lor

Post by Ty'e X'lor » Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:30 am

So your sister is your Girl friend?


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:55 am

lol, in game we decided not to be married

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:11 pm

There is one thing I dont entirely get Cell/Jekks. You left RID because of several reasons; fame, hatred to Twistedimage, AND because you thought RID was weak. If these were the reasons, why did you really return?


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:34 pm

as i explained to ty'e who has a flaming hatred for me now, i love this guild, it is now a very strong, if not one of the strongest imperial guilds in the galaxie. lexx, you are by far the nicest person in the galaxy, hehe. but i completly understand any sort of banning that will happen, i think ayamee wants to register on these forums btw.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:46 pm

If you weren't loyal in the past, how can we be sure your loyal now? Besides, how do we know if all this time you've been feeding info to the rebels about defensive/offensive base strikes? After all, we did get attacked by some Rebels who planned to destroy our SF Bases. They failed miserably, yet how did they get the vuln times? I dont want to jump to conclusions, but you've hurt us in the past, you'd do it again. After all, we did trust you then.

Plus, you now say we are a strong guild, are you only loyal to strong guilds? One of the reasons you left was because we were "weak." All that shows is that you dont care about RID as a guild, but it's social status. All you want is to be noticed, and to have power. Of course, who wouldn't want that. But as far as I'm concerned, you've infiltrated a guild. When it comes down to it, you infiltrated us, and thats a personal attack against our guild. Dont expect us to be too tolerant towards your decision. You even kept this a secret from Leviathen, who was somewhat dissapointed at you.

These sort of things tear apart guilds. You cant just stroll right back into our organization once you've betrayed us 1 too many times in the past. Perhaps you changed *shrugs*, who knows? But judging from past experiences, it's better to be safe than sorry.

(By the way, this message is being moved to a more appropriate board)

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Post by Leviathen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:15 am

Aye, Jekks you should have told me of your true identity. However, you are a close friend of mine, and I believe that you would never do something such as betray us again, so I am willing to defend you next Saturday before the commity if this is what you wish.

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life


Post by Guest » Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:49 am

LexxYovel wrote:If you weren't loyal in the past, how can we be sure your loyal now? Besides, how do we know if all this time you've been feeding info to the rebels about defensive/offensive base strikes? After all, we did get attacked by some Rebels who planned to destroy our SF Bases. They failed miserably, yet how did they get the vuln times? I dont want to jump to conclusions, but you've hurt us in the past, you'd do it again. After all, we did trust you then.

Plus, you now say we are a strong guild, are you only loyal to strong guilds? One of the reasons you left was because we were "weak." All that shows is that you dont care about RID as a guild, but it's social status. All you want is to be noticed, and to have power. Of course, who wouldn't want that. But as far as I'm concerned, you've infiltrated a guild. When it comes down to it, you infiltrated us, and thats a personal attack against our guild. Dont expect us to be too tolerant towards your decision. You even kept this a secret from Leviathen, who was somewhat dissapointed at you.

These sort of things tear apart guilds. You cant just stroll right back into our organization once you've betrayed us 1 too many times in the past. Perhaps you changed *shrugs*, who knows? But judging from past experiences, it's better to be safe than sorry.

(By the way, this message is being moved to a more appropriate board)

Jekks / Cell I am new to the PA and what Lexx says here is the truth. I belonged to Dark Sovereignty for a long time when Deft ran it. I left the game a few months back and I heard DS split apart because Deft left and formed Nova. I heard he took alot of the dedicated members to Nova with him. Now Deft has left Nova and went to Reign which are rebels. Now I know Deft outside the game and he is a really great person but ingame he betrayed alot of friends in both guilds and people want revenge. I do not want revenge I just moved onto another guild (RID) in which I should have done a long time ago because the members are so helpful and fun to play the game with. The point of my story is that I know Deft outside the game I felt he betrayed my trust as a leader and others as well. So basically what I am trying to say is that people trusted you in your leadership role to guide them the right way and you took that trust people had in you and flushed down the toilet because of another Guild member or Power trip you were on. You thought RID was weak is wrong. If you thought RID was weak you should have helped them become strong. I do feel that people deserve a second chance but this is a game and the Empire does not take kindly to traitors. (Yes I do like to roleplay and I am taking this from a roleplay prespective. If I was to sell any information to the rebellion and I got caught I would expect to be punished by law. Dam I wish Player Bounties existed ingame.) Good luck with everything man and hope RID as a guild makes best decision. I really hope your sincere about what you have said in the forums!


Post by bizob » Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:44 pm

ok i've been reading this topic for awhile now and its time for my 2 cents.
Cell you have no idea of much drama your little exploits caused within the guild. We lost some good dedicated members who left because they did not want to deal with the drama that you started. I even considered leaving because of it, but I'm so glad I stuck it out and helped build this guild.
Today we have a strong guild and city that is fun to be part of, and people all over the galaxy now know this. i think we're probably the fastest growing Imperial guild in the galaxy. We worked really hard to build something good here and your actions did not help at all, in fact they made it that much harder on those of us who are dedicated to RID.
I have always hated clan-hoppers (or guild-hoppers, PA-hoppers whatever you wanna call it it). its one thing if your not happy with your guild and want to leave to try to find a guild that fits you better. that i can understand, but leaving the way you did was immature and totally uncalled for. your actions affected all of us, including me and alot of others who never did anything against you.


Post by Xan » Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:32 pm

Alright...let's see here...

1. Cell was given a leadership type role within the guild, was trusted, had responsibility, ect. As a leader of any sort, wether it be of a guild or of a small division within it or whatever the case, you are a role-model for the rest of those people. Therefore you should have thought about it better and not have caused the problems you did way back when. You lack common sense of whats right and wrong and ect ect.

I have been in RID for a good while even though i wasn't around when you were in it, i cannot believe Lexx even gave you any sort of important role within the guild since its quite obvious you should never have one in any situation, i don't know if you just played nice guy until you got some power or what though, and he couldn't have expected this so the blame is not on him.

2. You left our guild for several reasons, one would be because we were "weak". Well you obviously don't care about the guild because you said that, loyal people wouldn't have done the things you have done, and would have stuck through it, even when things got rough. Also, you apparently do not get the fundamental of what a GOOD guild is Cell, a good guild is not one that is the largest, or most active, or beats the living crap out of all opposing guilds, its about the friendship, loyalty, and fun, ect ect.

3. You INFILTRATED our guild. We decided not to let you in that one time when you asked openly (even if that was a different time) why the HELL would you think we would let you in when you infiltrated our guild, lied about your identity and ect ect. This may be a game but you don't need to act like an immature idiot. Think things through before you do them or your going to get screwed over when it comes to alot of things, in RL and in-game.

4. As far as i'm concerned Cell is, A) Unloyal B)Untrustworthy C)Immature D) Doesn't get the picture of what a guild is all about

And i honestly do not know where this Saturday Trial thing or w/e this is Levi brought up but my best advice to you Lexx is, don't have one. He is not worth the trouble.

And on a personal note, don't join the Marines, ever, Cell. If i see you i'll talk to my commanding officer and get your but kicked out so fast you won't even know what hit you. (Not as if they would keep you on very long in the first place because of your personality and characteristics)

My opinion is, you need to be one of those solo characters Cell. You don't belong in a guild.

(Needed to vent a little lol, though i agree fullheartedly with everything i said and stand by it, with all due respect) :?
