Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

A place for members to discuss general information about RID.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel


Which faction should RID be in SWTOR?

Sith Empire
Doesn't matter to me
Total votes: 12

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Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:45 am

This is sort of an informal poll.

If RID should be founded in SWTOR, what faction would you prefer?

If RID were to be Republic, odds are it'd be named something slightly different, like "Regal Intragalactic Defenders," or something to that effect.

This is mostly preliminary. I'll make other polls later gauging interest in a SWTOR RID guild, who would like to potentially join it, and what server it'd be on.

There seems to be 3 potential choices for servers (PvP, PvE, RP), we'd likely choose the PvE one since it seems the most rounded, but I'll create another poll for that too later.

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Daiho » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:24 am

I voted Republic. It would be a nice change if RID continue in SWTOR. 7 years as an Imperial I can do a couple of years on the other side hehe but it really doesn't matter to me :)

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:34 am

I must admit, the two things I like about the Republic are the Trooper class and the fact that they can go to Corouscant. It dissapoints me that the Sith can't go there.

I do like BH and Imperial Agent though.

In any case, if we do decide to establish RID, it'd be cool to be on the same server as SinisteR. You may not be a fish anymore, but it'd still be nice to see you lol.

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Saurat Seerdon » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:17 pm

republic...trooper looks fun.
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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Monthigos » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:49 am

I'm planning on being a trooper as well. I guess I'm a sucker for armor.

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Theep » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:40 am

I have always preferred the dark side. But they arent giving us much options. I am dieing to be a smuggler. The store will probably be Epic.

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by artimaes » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:31 am

I "want" to play sith. But I voted republic and here is why:

We were Imperial. We served the Galactic Empire. Not the Sith Empire. They are not the same. We should serve the same faction as we served before, for continuity. The Republic became the Empire. We logically would have been part of the Republic just prior to SWG time period, right? Yes. As for the name, don't change the "Imperial" in it. That'd be ignorant. The Republic was an empire, they are not mutually exclusive. During the colonial period America had an empire. An Empire need not be ruled by an Emperor. An Emperor needs an Empire, not the other way around. So for the name....How about "Republic Imperial Defenders". And if anyone tries to tell us that doesn't make sense, we can crush them with truth and logic and make them feel like a piece of mindless pond scum. Well....I'l do that anyway, you don't have to. I find it fun.

So my vote for the guild is Republic. My vote for my character would have been Sith for the bounty hunter class, but guild first. BH won't be like SWG anyway, I'd probably just end up getting really pissed off about the class. I hate when something I like gets ruined...

For the Republic!

P.S. A jedi hunting jedi does sound pretty cool(Consular shadow spec). I'm definitely gonna have me one of them if we go Republic.
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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:14 am

A true argument.

I mean, I believe during the Roman Republic, their rulers were still called Emperor's? And it's true, in SWG, RID didn't exactly serve the Empire for its sake, but rather because it was the established government. In TOR, the Republic would be the established one, and the Sith Empire would be a sort of "rebellion" of sorts.

In any case, while serving the Republic would be interesting, at this point I think it'll be full steam ahead on the Sith Empire. Story-wise, RID could have other motives. Perhaps they aren't against the Republic per se, but simply want to use the Sith Empire to transform the Republic into something that's stronger and more stable.

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Re: Informal Poll: RID Faction in SWTOR?

Post by Theep » Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:18 pm

So we are going sith? Alright SI it is then.
