Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

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Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Osar » Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:07 pm

You guys decide not to post anything, I thought for sure that there would be some thing you had to complain about.

Anyways, I am in some real pain right now. I have 2 huge red spots on my forehead where my receding hair line is at. It will be gone by morning, but right now I am in pain from being in the sun all day.

If you guys need something let me know.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:31 pm

Sounds painful!

But yeah, nothing to complain about really lol.

I guess my only irritance is Crazygun always being AFK when it would be nice to use him for groups, but otherwise it's ok.

Tried some heroics with Taraia. Attempted to 3 man Tusken, but Kav died during the first base when we had 3 buildings left to clear.

Also tried Axkva with Tara, Evolmyke and another, but died on the elemental part.

Taraia shows a lot of potential though. She got to level 90 just recently and would really like to do heroics. The fact we did okay with only 3 and 4 people leads me to believe we'd do quite well with a full or nearly full group.

Our main problem is most of our newer members are lower levelled and most people outside RID don't like joining as pick-ups.

This went off tanget. But there's my thing to whine about! lol

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Osar » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:00 pm

Lol well at least you guys tried, next time you will have to do it with me in order to get it done right, lol. I just don't see myself losing in TK, no way no how. Just keep me informed of your next attempts until then, lol.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Xoseh » Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:20 am

Whine whine whine

Complain complain complain

I agree with Lexx, Crazygun always AFK farming is a tad annoying, but what can we do? He told me he was saving up for something and thats how he's doing it, so I guess he'll stop eventually.

I also agree with Lexx about Taraia. She does indeed show a lot of potential, she just seems cocky and arogant. I honestly feel like she's said "The wiki says..." atleast a minimum of ten times per conversation I have with her. She seems to read off the wiki rather than learning from personal experiences. That annoys me a little bit, because whats the point of reading every single aspect of the game? Then there is nothing left to learn. Granted, she'll hardly ever be wrong about anything, it's just werid she isnt actually playing through to learn. I have a feeling she will quickly become one of the Veterans who leaves the game because she learned too much from Wiki rather than herself.

Heroics are only going to be easier and easier once our lower level members get to CL 90. Just a matter of teaching them AM, ISD, and EK. The others are basically like getting tap water.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:41 am

Yeah that can indeed be her problem.

In fact, after we did Tusken, I said it's not really something you can learn about by reading the wiki, but something you have to learn through actually doing it.

Hopefully she understood that, because reading about how the instances work, and actually doing them are two different things.

And you're right about Crazygun. He seems to be in some AFK grinding zone on Dantooine. I suppose once that ends we'll know when he's actually there or not.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Xoseh » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:21 am

Speaking of Crazygun, I was just talking to him. He expressed great interest in attending the Saturday Space PvP events. I can only imagine this means his reign of AFK Farming will come to an end, lol.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Osar » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:24 am

Well as far as Crazygun goes, he does this for his mandalorain and pets from what I can see from knowing him before he joined RID. You maybe right Xoseh about his afk'ness coming to an end. I wouldn't hold my breath on it though because he still needs other pieces to his mandalorain armor that he recently got after joining RID.

And as for Taraia, lol well idk if it's just me or she doesn't bother telling me, but she hardly mentions wiki around me a tends to listen to me. At least so it appeared when I helped her with her unlocks. It might be the fact I have so many toons with heroic sets of jewelry she is trying to espire to be like me in that sense.

Anyways, I will be home later tonight and might be able to make it in game. I am not sure yet, but hope to see you guys in game if I do make it.

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Mr.Avatar » Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:53 am

Crazy gun says he does it for loot, if you ask 24/7 like him, all you do it build up loot and creds..... OMG Crazygun may be a chinese credit farmer!!! GASP

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:21 am

Lol, that'd certainly be a twist :P

It does beg the question, "When on earth does he use the credits to buy stuff?" lol

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Re: Wow, I am gone for a weekend and....

Post by Osar » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:37 pm

Yeah, well if you get a full inventory and you sell everything you got and then you also run a DNA macro for killing creatures every now and then sell them as 60 point pets, yeah you can't say you aren't out there making money.
