RID Meeting Info

Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine
RID Meeting Info

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Nov 28, 2004 11:06 am

SWG.Starsider.lexx yovel
Compiled Meeting List (PART 1)
TIMESTAMP: 1101136674

-FIRST MEETING: The first topic discussed were alliances and networking. Everyone at the meeting seemed to agree that Imperial alliances are a must. PvP events (such as Firebase) were suggested as reasons to form the alliances. I suggested possible Rebel & Imp alliances so that factional PvP events could be formed. For example, Rebel & Imperial guild leaders could communicate with each other to plant down a Rebel base and an Imperial Base not far from each other. This way a factional PvP event could be created. Those at the meeting gave this a luke warm reception at best... Those against it cited lack of cooperation on the factions' part.

-FIRST MEETING: Next was the possiblity of expanding Fort Oasis or forming a second city somewhere. Those at the meeting were more concerned with finishing Fort Oasis before any future expansion. An item of concern was obtaining a shuttleport. Those for a shuttleport cite increased travel through Fort Oasis as a reason to get one. Those against a shuttleport cited lack of use of the shuttle system due to JTL and the fact that Fort Oasis is a two minute drive from Mos Espa. Also, many suggested that if a second city was formed, they would not leave Fort Oasis.

SECOND MEETING: In the second meeting, we agreed our main plans were to get a Forward Outpost then trainers and more than 60 citizens to help maintain our city treasury. Chances on getting a shuttle are low, but either way it is pretty pointless to pay for an expensive structure when you can drive in one minute via swoop from Espa.

-FIRST MEETING: Those at the meeting were highly enthusiastic about obtaining an Imperial base for Fort Oasis. Most of the memebrs at the meeting were newer and uninformed of the need for FP. Once they were informed of the need for FP, the newer members promised to make an effort to do FP runs in the near future.

SECOND MEETING: To my knowledge, we didn't get around to how we were getting a base, but we ensured it will be in our city somtime in the near future. We currently have 7k fp on the dot, half way to getting 14k fp for the Forward Outpost. To my knowledge, there seems to be members willing to contrbiute fp, but has yet to be confirmed. In the mean time I will be doing missions to gain the extra 7k fp for the base.

-FIRST MEETING: Next on the list was current recruitment policies. These policies include that only Squad Captains can sponsor new members, Only Commanders and the guild leader can admit new members, all new members must be Imperial, a good person all around, etc. All members at the meeting agreed the current policies are adequate for the time being. Some have suggested that all members should have sponsorship rights, but those at the meeting quickly motioned such a decision to the trash.

SECOND MEETING: Everyone agreed with the way Commanders and Captains are given recruiting and sponsoring rights, but then we spoke about how we could get members to recruit. This became a long conversation, and eventually ended with real no solution. Human nature prohibits people from doing anything as boring as recruiting for RID, no matter how much it helps us. The only real way to get members to recruit is encourage them constantly.

-FIRST MEETING: The next item discussed was member activity. The amount of members hsowing up for events is rather low recently. Suggestions on how to improve this include weekly guild events (once a week at a convenient time), parties, PvP events, PvE events, RP events, and better aquad participation. It was also suggested that out of the six Squad Captains, the majority of them should be replaced. Captains using their position simply as a title was cited as a reason for this. Ateas, Dragon, and TIMIT volunteered to be possible choices for new Squad Captains. While they are new, they could serve as the breath of fresh air the squads need to get motivated.

SECOND MEETING: It was agreed that some certain people should lose and gain ranks due to inactivity, and that we should perform a major member purge no matter how much we miss that guy who is nothing more than a name on a list. Expect a large player purge throughout the week.
