RID Movie

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RID Movie

Post by Ramd » Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:40 pm

I was thinking that RID might want to do a movie, maybe raise awareness and get some press about us. I've started a script, posting it here. If you understand the "Curtz in the Jungle" allusions, you'll see where this is going...

EDIT: it could be done with FRAPS, and maybe the in-game voice stuff

Act 1

Scene 1

Place: Yavin Mining Outpost, Yavin IV

Time: Late Afternoon, close to dusk

Curtz: a middle aged, balding human male, represents a large mining conglomerate in the Expanse

Descomb: Imperial First Lieutenant, young, inexperienced

Afrax: Outpost Coordinator

2 Stormtroopers: these two troopers act as guards

((The camera pans over the outpost and the surrounding jungle. A transport arrives, lands. Curtz, Descomb, and the Stormtroopers disembark. Afrax greets them at the landing pad.))

Afrax: Welcome to Yavin 4, Mr. Curtz. We hope the Company will be pleased with our progress.

Curtz: Hmph. I doubt that. [nods at Descomb, troopers] These are the representatives of our illustrious Emperor. Apparently our mining operations are of some interest to them. [pauses, looks around] And by the Force, why is it so cold here? I thought we were supposed to be in a jungle?

Afrax: Yes, usually it is quite warm, but lately we’ve had some odd weather patterns…

((The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of several Massassi Warriors. They silently enter the compound, and make their way to one of the vendors near the local tavern.))

Afrax: Ah, yes. It seems this moon was not uninhabited, as we previously thought. These natives have turned up all over the place, we’ve worked up an agreement with their tribal leader. We trade with them, they trade with us, and around we go. Curious fellows, though. Hardly ever talk. Polite, though, and I know they speak some perversion of Basic. Where they learned it, I haven’t a clue…

((The lead Massassi suddenly turns, facing the group, studying them. His eyes lock with Descomb’s, and the young officer shivers uncomfortably.))

Descomb: I..but..he…[the officer stammers, at a loss for words.]

Afrax: Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s the eyes. There’s something unnatural in them, a kind of glow.

Curtz: [to Descomb] What a fine model officer you are, bested by bedtime stories…You, there, Afrax, my patience is waning. Let’s get this inspection over with.

((The group heads for the compound exit, intent on surveying the new mineral extractors. The lead Massassi, however, continues to study them until they are out of sight.))

((Scene fades to black, OPENING CREDITS.))

Scene 2

Place: Tyrena Opera House, Correllia

Time: Night

Ramd Ketten: 38 year old Imperial Lieutenant Colonel

Lexx Yovel: Imperial General, Oasis Detachment to Tatooine

Warrant Officer: an Imperial warrant officer

((The blackness of the star-field following the CREDITS becomes a black stage curtain. The curtain rises for the second act of a popular opera, The Talusians. A lone man begins to sing, accompanied by a hidden orchestra. {Hector Berlioz’s Vallon Sonore is played} The audience listens intently, clapping at appropriate pauses.))

Ketten: [to Yovel, quietly] I’ve received word that Mr. Curtz and his companions have arrived on Yavin, Merrick and Kalb Industries must be pleased. From the looks of things, they’ve hit one of the largest deposits of Alum ever recorded.

Yovel: Our emplacements on Tatooine need that ore. Whoever it was who organized this little co-op should get a medal for outstanding service.

Ketten: [grins, slightly] Yes, sir.

((Warrant Officer enters, paces quietly to the two officers’ seats))

Warrant Officer: Sir, COMSCAN has reported rebel fleet movements in the Quelli Sector. It looks like they might be headed to multiple locations in the Mid and Outer Rims, including, strangely, the Yavin System.

Ketten: Damn, can’t those malcontents give us a moment’s peace? Very well, reinforce our bases in those sectors, and send a message to Captain Bradeck of the Impenetrable.

Warrant Officer: Very good, sir. [salutes, and leaves]

Yovel: [frowns, slightly]

((Camera wipes to next scene))

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Post by Arev » Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:18 am

I don't get it. It's you, Lexx, and three non-RID. What does this have to do with RID? :)

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:29 am

Well I'm sure we can put more in with the characters of RID, but if it is the history of RID it should have some stuff from RID's history such as the CATS rivalry, Cell, The Europa thing, and tensions with IMPHL, and anything else that has happened over the 5+ years.

Or it could just be some action packed thing that just has guys from the guild now, either way it seems like a great idea.

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Post by Carlus » Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:58 am

Well isn't this simply Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad?
If you don't know what that is slap yourself for missing important litterature and get it.

While it's not wrong to create a remake of it... I wonder what it has to do with us : )

Also Massassi = Sith species warriors.

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Post by auren » Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:01 am

Arev wrote:I don't get it. It's you, Lexx, and three non-RID. What does this have to do with RID? :)

/agree :D we all want to be famous
Last edited by auren on Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Daiho » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:19 am

Lexx don't loves us lol

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Post by Ramd » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:04 pm

Arev wrote:I don't get it. It's you, Lexx, and three non-RID. What does this have to do with RID? :)

Its not done yet

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Post by Ramd » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:05 pm

Carlus wrote:Well isn't this simply Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad?
If you don't know what that is slap yourself for missing important litterature and get it.

While it's not wrong to create a remake of it... I wonder what it has to do with us : )

Also Massassi = Sith species warriors.

Bing Bing Bing!! Yes, Part of the story is an allusion to Heart of Darkness, but, not all of it.

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Post by Ramd » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:07 pm

To clarify, this is not all of it, only the first 2 scenes, as a taste. We'd use RID members to do it, and it could show off the guild/how creative we are. It's basically a Star Wars story made by RID, with RID "actors." We can insert a recruitment thing at the end, but its not a recruitment video.

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Post by Arev » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:09 pm

I know that you're inactive now, Ramd, but any chance of bringing this back. It would be hawt. I actually know a couple decent voice-actors over at SSG. Hell, Carlus could be one too (even if he is a darn stinking Rebel now).
