Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

What types of events would like to see RID hold more often?

Poll ended at Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:46 pm

PvP Events
PvE Events
No votes
Total votes: 10


Post by bizob » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:46 pm

Hey all
We would like to get everyones opinion on what type of events we should be holding as a guild. These events may or may not be "guild only" events but will be events all RID members would be expected to attend. We have had some issues with event organization and participation and want to hold events that our members want to participate in.

The options:

PvP Events - this would include stuff like battles with rebel guilds (like we used to do with MEK), Duelling Tournaments, or attacking Rebel bases/ defending Imperial bases (such as Firebase).

PvE Events - this would include stuff like the DeathWatch Bunker, Corillian Corvette, or running missions out on Dantooine to make some money together (please note that solo groups have been nerfed so as to force people to actually work as a group)

Parties - pretty self explanatory. The parties I've been to that have been succesful have always had some sort of hook to brin people in. Raffling off some good prizes brings people to the party and can also double as a fund raiser for the guild. Recently we attended a party that had a Murder Mystery game (like the game Clue). Our Jeapordy game did really good and was alot of fun.

Please respond to the survey here and post any ideas for events you would like to see RID do. Also please let us know what days and times you think would be best to hold these events.
Last edited by bizob on Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:49 pm

I said parties. Why???

Because it seems like the last big party we had, Jeopardy, had a really big turn out. I think that good success at some early guild events will lead to bigger successes in future guild events.

Example: Get a good turn out for a guild party and more people will show up at a PvP event the following weekend. Successful guild events lead to other successful guild events.

What do you think?


Post by bizob » Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:04 pm

Parties are a great place to start i think. like kurke said if we have a good turnout at a party its easier to get a good turnout at other events. everyone can attend a party, the hard part is organzing it and advertising enuff so people show up.
I would like to see us do more PvP events. The battles are Firebase were great. for those that dont know - imagine 20-50 imperials gaurding like 8 imperial bases all (in the same place) being attacked by rebel forces of just about equal numbers. WOW, that was the kinda of battle i imagined being in when i bought SWG. Duelling touneys after parties would be a good way to start hosting PvP events. Also our guild wars with MEK were fun, even though participation was light. After mastering my proffesions there isnt much to do expect PvP or quests.
For PvE i would like to know how many of you would like to do a theme park (like Emperors Retreat or Hero of Tatooine quests) but cant because your combat skills arent good enough (or non-existent for entertainers/crafters)? maybe we could get some combat people to escort you or work through it as a group? I would be willing to take people out on these say for an hour or 2 once or twice a week.
For now i would say lets get some parties going, let the galaxy know that RID is here and we're a fun loving and active guild. this will draw in members too. It really doesnt matter what we do as long as we do it as a guild TOGETHER and have a good time.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:25 pm

The only problem with parties is that you kind of have to keep reinventing the event. Jeopardy worked out pretty good in the first time, but if we have it again it needs spiced up a bit. We can have yacht party after yacht party, but unless we modify it differently somehow each time, participation will go down each time.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:58 pm

I know... how about instead of doing a plain Jeopardy... and a plain Yacht Party... we have Jeopardy ON the Yacht! :lol:

I voted parties, not because thats mainly what I wanted this guild to do at first as a whole, but because we need to get to know eachother first, and see if members will come to these events. I still feel we will need to fill in PvP/PvE, particularly not too difficult though. I feel we need to push on RID to start getting the proffesions they want, then we may pack a punch.


Post by Guest » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:00 am

I've also chose parties, cause I'm a social kind of girl (plus I have no combat). Although, any PvP events would be kinda sweet to watch. I do agree with every one though, we do need ALOT more events going on, and different ones. Jeopardy is a great idea, we had lots of fun before, and I think the start of the planning of it will definately raise money for the guild and hopefully attract outsiders to come and participate. I do believe that we need some kind of follow up party afterwards where everyone can socialize or have battles or whatever, I only say this because last jeopardy, it kind of got a little out of hand with all the conversations in the middle of the game, so if we have a follow up party that is known, maybe people this time will respect the event going on. I dunno, just a thought. Anyway, it seems like the most time people are on are the weekends at night. Weekends are best for me personally, cause of work and other crap I have to deal with on the weekdays.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:49 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I know... how about instead of doing a plain Jeopardy... and a plain Yacht Party... we have Jeopardy ON the Yacht! :lol:

Ummmm... Lexx..... you can only have 8 people on a yacht at once...


Post by Guest » Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:33 pm

Not to mention the anal 75 item limits...

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:43 pm

lol, I'd peg the item limit on the Jeopardy board alone.....


Post by Xan » Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:57 pm

lol zrin. we were just jokin around and having a little fun lol. nothing wrong with a good few interuptions during a heated jeopardy match! :wink:

So you are one of the bastards I wanted to hang the night of Jeopardy...

Maybe i should make a pvp checklist so people know HOW to pvp.

Not a bad idea. Go for it Xanus, I'm sure it will be much appreciated.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:20 pm

Regarding Oraf's post, It wasn't long before I realized the stupidity of a Yacht Jeopardy game :lol:

It's a good idea in theory, but the item limit, people limit, and not to mention people who dont have JTL are holding back the idea :lol:

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:08 pm

Xan wrote:
lol zrin. we were just jokin around and having a little fun lol. nothing wrong with a good few interuptions during a heated jeopardy match! :wink:

So you are one of the bastards I wanted to hang the night of Jeopardy...

Maybe i should make a pvp checklist so people know HOW to pvp.

Not a bad idea. Go for it Xanus, I'm sure it will be much appreciated.

Oops, I think I edited your post Xanus instead of quoting it...... Who put the Edit and Quote buttons so friggin close together???!!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!

Allow me to fix this as best I can....

Xan: lol zrin. we were just jokin around and having a little fun lol. nothing wrong with a good few interuptions during a heated jeopardy match! :wink:

Kurke: So you are one of the bastards I wanted to hang the night of Jeopardy...

Xan: Maybe i should make a pvp checklist so people know HOW to pvp.

Kurke: Not a bad idea. Go for it Xanus, I'm sure it will be much appreciated.

Sorry about that... :oops: lol


Post by Guest » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:08 pm

i voted for PvP becasue PvPing is a large and by far the most fun thing about SWG. why not have a rebel killing party? that would make everyone happy. guilds need to know who leads them and who dosent, so what better way could we do?


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:25 am

I agree. I am a fighter so I want to do pvp. Being completely honest..... I get bored at parties lol :roll:

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:18 am

OK, why do you get bored at parties?
