Artists and Programmers?

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Artists and Programmers?

Post by Bovive » Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:33 am

Anyone fit either of these categories?

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Post by Daiho » Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:08 am

Not I lol I can't program my morning alarm hahaha

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Post by Santos » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:57 pm

I'm majoring in a combination of the two


Post by SkyeLine » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:29 pm


I am a software engineer senior and I work as IT personal currently. I do pretty well in graphics too.


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Post by Bovive » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:10 am

SkyeLine wrote:/raisehand

I am a software engineer senior and I work as IT personal currently. I do pretty well in graphics too.


Just feeling people out for a myspace/facebook application project. Something along the lines of Mafia Wars/Mobster but a bit different.


Post by SkyeLine » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:58 am

Interesting >.<


Post by Corvallon » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:09 pm

Process failed... I need input.

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Post by Mikal » Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:31 am

I can handle the full Adobe Suite, along with Autodesk 3DS Max, courtesy of those crooks known as ITT Tech. Just don't ask me to write a paper or anything...I don't do that so well.


Post by klaceo » Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:52 pm

i build networks, pc's, cars, and pretty handy with fish tanks too...

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Post by Bovive » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:37 am

I'm still brainstorming here but here is what I have so far:

* Convert to a new website
* WWII Theme
* Multiple Factions (Nations). Allied vs Axis
* Integrated point/monetary system
* Faction based units
* Time based campaigns where the faction that wins is rewarded
* Keep guilds integrated but not required. Instead of "inviting friends" like Mafia Wars does, you could join a guild for similar benefits

First step really would be to set out a design which I may work on soon. I have to decide if this is a decent venture first. It would require quite a bit of art, but wouldn't require any actual animations. The site is probably 50% complete toward the end goal.

Ideas for funding:
Mafia Wars and similar games require no fee to play, however added bonuses can be obtained by visiting advertisers which is possible. Also added bonuses can be obtained directly by paying money. Another option would be simply to just have an ad based site and also make it a micro-transaction game. I would probably start with ad-based and then move onto micro-transactions.

Most of the programming is in PHP but also in Smarty, Javascript and some Flash. I can handle most of the programming, but art would be difficult for me.

What I would offer:
If I took anyone on for this project I would only be able to offer royalties (i.e. - a straight percentage of the profit).

Basically I'm just looking for general ideas here and feedback. Casual gaming has become fruitful and this could be a project well worth some thought. Also I am wondering if WWII is over-played and if a different theme would be appropriate. Thanks for the ideas!


Post by SkyeLine » Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:37 am

Bovive wrote:I'm still brainstorming here but here is what I have so far:

* Convert to a new website
* WWII Theme
* Multiple Factions (Nations). Allied vs Axis
* Integrated point/monetary system
* Faction based units
* Time based campaigns where the faction that wins is rewarded
* Keep guilds integrated but not required. Instead of "inviting friends" like Mafia Wars does, you could join a guild for similar benefits

First step really would be to set out a design which I may work on soon. I have to decide if this is a decent venture first. It would require quite a bit of art, but wouldn't require any actual animations. The site is probably 50% complete toward the end goal.

Ideas for funding:
Mafia Wars and similar games require no fee to play, however added bonuses can be obtained by visiting advertisers which is possible. Also added bonuses can be obtained directly by paying money. Another option would be simply to just have an ad based site and also make it a micro-transaction game. I would probably start with ad-based and then move onto micro-transactions.

Most of the programming is in PHP but also in Smarty, Javascript and some Flash. I can handle most of the programming, but art would be difficult for me.

What I would offer:
If I took anyone on for this project I would only be able to offer royalties (i.e. - a straight percentage of the profit).

Basically I'm just looking for general ideas here and feedback. Casual gaming has become fruitful and this could be a project well worth some thought. Also I am wondering if WWII is over-played and if a different theme would be appropriate. Thanks for the ideas!

Several Questions

1. Are you looking for real-time campaigns pvp? Or are we talking turn-based? pvc and the points are compared versus other players?

2. What about WWII is it that made you pick that theme? I am not sure if the theme is the best one however I want to know what caused you to pick this one before I consider if there is a better theme.

3. I think for starters ad-based is a good plan until you gain popularity. Once you reach a certain limit of people using it you can implement the bonuses people can buy and people will actually bother if they are worth it.

4. I really like the guild system.

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Post by Bovive » Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:23 pm

Several Questions

1. Are you looking for real-time campaigns pvp? Or are we talking turn-based? pvc and the points are compared versus other players?

I suppose it would fall under turn-based. It would have to fall back on a structure that is point based but with random rolls.

2. What about WWII is it that made you pick that theme? I am not sure if the theme is the best one however I want to know what caused you to pick this one before I consider if there is a better theme.

It is not currently used for a similar game. Space, pirates, mafia have all been done.


Post by SkyeLine » Fri May 01, 2009 8:02 am

You didn't say the campaigns were player versus player or player versus computer?

As far as the theme goes it makes a lot more sense. I think you have something there.

I can't wait to see your designs, Bo.

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Post by Mikal » Sun May 03, 2009 10:21 pm

Well, as far as the "genre" of WWII, some might say it has been overdone in the gaming industry. Truth be told, it has been done so much because it is very popular among gamers. The art design is made easier due to so much reference material that is available. If you decide that you need some input or feedback on your ideas, or some general ideas artwise, give me a holler at It's easier to reach me there because I'm not so much a forum whore anymore, been working on my truck and when not doing that or gaming I'm doing my 3D modeling (Now just to actually finish one of the 50 or so models I have floating around on my comp hehe)

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Post by Bovive » Mon May 04, 2009 1:52 pm

Mikal wrote:Well, as far as the "genre" of WWII, some might say it has been overdone in the gaming industry. Truth be told, it has been done so much because it is very popular among gamers. The art design is made easier due to so much reference material that is available. If you decide that you need some input or feedback on your ideas, or some general ideas artwise, give me a holler at It's easier to reach me there because I'm not so much a forum whore anymore, been working on my truck and when not doing that or gaming I'm doing my 3D modeling (Now just to actually finish one of the 50 or so models I have floating around on my comp hehe)

Thanks for the input Mikal. I'm still pondering in my head how the design would come together. Honestly I'm not even sure I would be good enough to program it. Meditate on this I will :)
