The GAT Thread

A place for members to speak about almost anything, at a reasonable level.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:47 am

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Hey, if you get some then what does it matter??? lol

Yeah, I'm sure she'll be experienced...

so how old are Kioet?

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:45 pm

The GAT Thread is now 1214 days old!!!

Happy 1214th day GAT!!!

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Post by Mikal » Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:51 pm

There hasn't been a post in the GAT since Feb 12th. So basically, you guys are slacking.

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Post by Xoseh » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:21 pm

No one has anything to talk about, people should get lives. :P

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:08 pm

So much snow...

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:54 pm

Xoseh wrote:So much snow...

So much...

40 degree weather?

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:43 pm

It was like 27 a couple weeks ago but now its getting warmer wooo.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:11 pm

Yeah... I've put my coat away for the summer already... hooray!

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:48 pm

3 words...BITCHES BE CRAZY. literally.

so yeah...i moved in for a few weeks...and well...she started making annoying phone calls to my parents asking stupid shit about me. my parents/friends got concerned and shit, and well on the 7th of march, my dad came over to my work and told me i had to go get my stuff out of her place ASAP...being the 'who made you boss of me?' attitude...i instead went over and *cough* anyways they called the house, and i didn't feel like picking up. bad move on my part. they come over and start banging on the doors and shit. i am like 'what the fuck' and don't answer. then they got the cops involved. so i go downstiars and am like 'listen, we're fine go away' and so everyone left. XD anyway...that following thursday i go to nyc with some friends and my fuckin cell phone dies...i don't bother calling to tell her i'd be late getting home, cause fuck it i'm having fun...well i get home and all my shit is outside on the fucking porch. i go in and am like 'WHAT THE FUCK!' and she's freaking out saying she saw me in town talking on my cell and she tried calling and i didn't pick up. well i had proof of where i was and what time...and she was like 'well you should have called me' blah blah blah. so i'm like i don't want to move out, i wouldn't cheat, just chill the fuck out! so i wait til she's asleep then i brought all my stuff in. and everything seems fine, then on saturday it's the scranton st patricks day i go to leave and i can't find me fucking keys! so i got my friends to pick me up. so i'm down there drinking, having a good time...ring ring on the cell i'm like 'yo whts up!' and she's all bitchin at me 'we gotta move away from your parents cause the cops sent out an apv and my ex husband is gonna find me now!!' blah blah i was buzzing so it was kinda funny so i was like 'listen i don't understand you i'm buzzed talk to my friend here' and i gave the phone to him and she hung up, then he called her back and she hung up again. so i'm like 'fuck it, i'm through with that shit lets get drunk'

a few drinks...walking on the sidewalk...someone has a thing and people are doing limbo n it, and i join in. i black out. party like a rockstar...woke up briefly in the hospital as i got a trache tube and catheter shoved on me. i scream and black out. i wake up again walking up the steps to my parents house, throw everything off the living room couch, crash and fall asleep. wake up. 'where the fuck am i????' and then they explain what happened, my friends said they called her and she said not to bring me there cause of her carpet and she didn't want puke on it...and my sis and her fiance went over to her apartment to get all my stuff out of her place, and she had hidden my car keys in a drawer. -_-

apparently i drank way too much. all i remember is drinking shots...but i was stupid and mixed different ones. i got a few scraches from falling on the sidewalk. my throat kills me. i go to pee. it felt as if it was going to fall off.

i'm recovered now. haven't contacted the woman since. she's left a few voice mails, but i haven't been able to call her cause she changed her number and is unlisted. she wants $600 back that she gave me to pay off my bills...cause she was expecting me to still be there and have money to pay for rent, she wants me to drop the cash in her p.o. box. i'd rather see to it personally, but since i can't get a hold of her without going to her place and her causing a scene.

so yeah...times like this is when i wish i had a computer decent enough for galaxies.
Apathy is Death.

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Post by Xoseh » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:31 pm

Kioet wrote:3 words...BITCHES BE CRAZY. literally.

so yeah...i moved in for a few weeks...and well...she started making annoying phone calls to my parents asking stupid shit about me. my parents/friends got concerned and shit, and well on the 7th of march, my dad came over to my work and told me i had to go get my stuff out of her place ASAP...being the 'who made you boss of me?' attitude...i instead went over and *cough* anyways they called the house, and i didn't feel like picking up. bad move on my part. they come over and start banging on the doors and shit. i am like 'what the fuck' and don't answer. then they got the cops involved. so i go downstiars and am like 'listen, we're fine go away' and so everyone left. XD anyway...that following thursday i go to nyc with some friends and my fuckin cell phone dies...i don't bother calling to tell her i'd be late getting home, cause fuck it i'm having fun...well i get home and all my shit is outside on the fucking porch. i go in and am like 'WHAT THE FUCK!' and she's freaking out saying she saw me in town talking on my cell and she tried calling and i didn't pick up. well i had proof of where i was and what time...and she was like 'well you should have called me' blah blah blah. so i'm like i don't want to move out, i wouldn't cheat, just chill the fuck out! so i wait til she's asleep then i brought all my stuff in. and everything seems fine, then on saturday it's the scranton st patricks day i go to leave and i can't find me fucking keys! so i got my friends to pick me up. so i'm down there drinking, having a good time...ring ring on the cell i'm like 'yo whts up!' and she's all bitchin at me 'we gotta move away from your parents cause the cops sent out an apv and my ex husband is gonna find me now!!' blah blah i was buzzing so it was kinda funny so i was like 'listen i don't understand you i'm buzzed talk to my friend here' and i gave the phone to him and she hung up, then he called her back and she hung up again. so i'm like 'fuck it, i'm through with that shit lets get drunk'

a few drinks...walking on the sidewalk...someone has a thing and people are doing limbo n it, and i join in. i black out. party like a rockstar...woke up briefly in the hospital as i got a trache tube and catheter shoved on me. i scream and black out. i wake up again walking up the steps to my parents house, throw everything off the living room couch, crash and fall asleep. wake up. 'where the fuck am i????' and then they explain what happened, my friends said they called her and she said not to bring me there cause of her carpet and she didn't want puke on it...and my sis and her fiance went over to her apartment to get all my stuff out of her place, and she had hidden my car keys in a drawer. -_-

apparently i drank way too much. all i remember is drinking shots...but i was stupid and mixed different ones. i got a few scraches from falling on the sidewalk. my throat kills me. i go to pee. it felt as if it was going to fall off.

i'm recovered now. haven't contacted the woman since. she's left a few voice mails, but i haven't been able to call her cause she changed her number and is unlisted. she wants $600 back that she gave me to pay off my bills...cause she was expecting me to still be there and have money to pay for rent, she wants me to drop the cash in her p.o. box. i'd rather see to it personally, but since i can't get a hold of her without going to her place and her causing a scene.

so yeah...times like this is when i wish i had a computer decent enough for galaxies.

Damn.. I thought I had it bad, well man you got my support if you need me. I'll even buy you a new computer!

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:39 pm

Kioet wrote: and everything seems fine, then on saturday it's the scranton st patricks day parade....

You live in Scranton? Sweet...

Yeah I wish I could run Galaxies too...

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:27 am

well at least i learned what this stood for

bitches be crazy!!!!!

moved into my own apartment, only a matter of time before i get internet set up there!
Apathy is Death.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:29 pm

We need to get the forums more integrated...

I'm starting to see signs of cliques!

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:59 pm

Well, we won the NCAA championship. Take that Waucod.

Yea, I dunno, but you seemed like a good target.
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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:50 pm

Apium wrote:Well, we won the NCAA championship. Take that Waucod.

Yea, I dunno, but you seemed like a good target.

Douche bag... to be honest though you don't strike me as a basketball guy. Are you? Or is it just the fact that you go to UNC and everybody there likes basketball?
