Application: Billie-Joe

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Application: Billie-Joe

Post by Billie-Joe » Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:12 pm

Basic Info:

Full Name:Billie-Joe
Rank:Sergeant Major
Number of PvP Kills:4697
Heroic Instance Access: Tusken King, ISD. (Partially finished quests for access to some, completed Tusken King, ISD, Axkva, and IG-88 with other chars so I know how to do em')
Combat Level:90
Profession:Commando (May switch to officer in the distant future)
Pilot Type (and Squadron):4-time Ace Pilot, Currently Imperial Ace (Can't remember the squadron specificly).
Political Status:No

Character Info:
Do you have any alternate character(s)? If so, mention their name(s), faction(s), level(s), profession(s), and any additional info. List if they are in guild(s). If any are not in a guild, state if you'd like them to join RID: Currently I have one other lv90 character who is still on my home server of Wanderhome. His name is (currently) Jastier, he is a Lv90, Neutral, Bounty Hunter. I do plan on bringing him here shortly, however I'de like to keep him unrelated to my main character (Billie-Joe) for the time being.

Do you have any rl friends or family within RID? No

Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? If so, mention the name of the guild(s), ect, ect. : I have not been in any guild so far on this server with any character.

Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?: I have never played as a Rebel on Starsider.

What is your citizenship status? Interested in holding citizenship in a city associated with Regel Imperial Fort Network? If so, mention a preferred city (If able): Currently my two structures (A bunker and a generic guildhall) are located in the middle of nowhere on Lok. I'de be more than happy to hold citizenship with the Regel Imperial Fort Network. As for preferred city, I can't say anything specificly, however I would prefer something not too difficult to access, and something with room for both a generic guildhall and bunker.

Peronal Info:

Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already?: I do have a working mic and have used the ingame voice chat system before, however I do prefer using text as often as possible for various reasons. For things such as serious PvP, Heroics, and anything else that requires organization and such I am obviously willing to use it though.

What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?: BillieJoe106(I think). I used to use the forums a bit back when I was on WH, must mostly just the sales portion of it, as the normal WH forums were constantly flooded with flaming, griefing, ect.

What is your favorite of all planets? Which planet of the four do you prefer the most?: Tatooine, Rori, Talus, or Dantooine (RID planets): My favorite of all planets is Endor. Of the four RID planets I prefer Dantooine.

What time zone are you in? What playing hours? What days of the week/times usually most active?: My timezome is EST(Eastern Standard Time, -5). My playing hours vary on how much fun I'm having with the game in general, which is influenced greatly by how active my current guild is. :) On weekdays : 6:00PM - 1:00AM (sometimes earlier, sometimes later), On weekends : 9:00AM - 1:00AM (hard to say anything specific as rl activities during the weekends vary).

What is your rl age?: 18 on Feb 9 ;)

What are your traits? Are you a good communicator, leader, follower, ect? How do you feel the guild can assist you, and how do you feel you can assist the guild? : I consider myself to be good at both leading and following (from what I can remember anyways), for the time being I'll leave it at following - If there's one thing im good at, it's following orders. :) I feel the guild could assist me get back into, and enjoy SWG once again, while I feel that I could assist the guild with a helping hand in combat.

Additional Info: The highest bounty I've ever collected as a BH was 35 million credits. I'm the only pilot (that I know of) from Wanderhome who flies an ARC-170 as a PvP/PvE ship. I enjoy pie, and serving the Empire!

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Joined:Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:24 am

Post by Bovive » Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:48 pm

Welcome to Starsider! Nice app, Lexx should be contacting you soon for an interview. He should be on tonight for the base bust which is at 8PM CST. If you need waypoints for it send me a tell (bovive). Hope to see you in-game soon!


Post by Sawyilartia » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:05 pm


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Post by Arev » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:39 pm

Yay! He'll be legal soon! :)

Welcome to the forums, that's a nice lookin' app. I've run into quite a few Wanderhomians here, mostly PvPers and RPers. It's also worth mentioning that the ARC is heavily frowned upon here in PvP and outright banned in Space PvP events because it's bugged hit box. Just wanted to let you know.

I'm sure we'll talk in-game soon. Take it easy.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:49 pm

welcome to the forums!
Apathy is Death.

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Re: Billie-Joe's App

Post by Xoseh » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:55 pm

Billie-Joe wrote: I enjoy pie, and serving the Empire!

I might have to come back to SWG just to /hug you.

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Post by Daiho » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:57 pm

Welcome and I hope to see you in Fort Nar Shadda :)

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Post by Bovive » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:16 pm

Arev wrote:Yay! He'll be legal soon! :)

Just so you know, Arev is NOT a least not that we know of.

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Post by Mikal » Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:31 am

Bovive wrote:
Arev wrote:Yay! He'll be legal soon! :)

Just so you know, Arev is NOT a least not that we know of.

Well, let's hope he's not a petifile...someone's pet may get molested or something :roll:


Post by Sawyilartia » Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:50 am



Petifile xD

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Post by Bovive » Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:17 am

Lol I just realized my own typo! That was great.



Post by mystorian » Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:30 am

If there is ever anything you can do to help me, let me know.

