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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:29 pm

In regards to your computer that has the wavy lines and crackling sounds...

This could be a video card, but I doubt it. The only way to confirm is to, of course, switch back to on-board video or swap out video cards. If you're still getting the issue after a switch or swap, then it's likely a motherboard issue.

In regards to your 8800GT issue...

There are a couple of things off the top of my head that could be causing your problem (I have a 8800GTS). First, that video card is one hell of a power hog. Make sure you have a big enough PSU hooked up to the computer. Second, some motherboards have jumpers that you need to adjust to turn off onboard video and output to a graphics card.

In regards to your NO POST...

Are you getting an error about the POST? Or is nothing even showing up on the screen? Is the computer making any beeps? The more details, the better.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:11 am

no post meaning no beeps no signal. just spinning drives and fans. doesn't sound like any hd activity.

swapped the PSU and that doesn't help.

i may have fixed crackle computer.

don't think the monitor was firmly connected to the video port, or it somehow got loosened. i also switched the card to a different pci port.

keeping fingers crossed, swg is reupdating or something. i was logged in for like 1 minute and it died. hopefully this time it works!

jinxed it. -_- i am 95% sure that it is the video card. not so sure i want to go out and get another one, though i can afford it...i can't afford going to the dark side when my parents are bitching at me if it backfires on me. i about cursed them out when i was trying to fix this one, they wouldn't just leave me the fuck alone.

so i'll probably end up taking the acer to work and letting my friend take a look at it....if he can't figure it out then i'll take it to a pc repair shop. if the motherboard is toasted, i'll just get a new one. there is a half-decent one for $400 where i work. a compaq though.

i wish dell didn't go shitty, their website used to be awesome and you could use that 'make your own pc' thing to build a pc for under $600.

i would build my own, but i can't afford to lose my patience/temper if something were to go wrong.

i miss my old dell. pretty sure the motherboard is toasted on that one. i wouldn't bother putting it back together now...as i basically gutted it.
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Post by Bovive » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:32 am

Important thing to remember is that he is talking about two computers with two different problems. The 8800 is a power hog, what is the wattage on your PSU for that computer? It has been a while since I hooked mine up, but I recall my 8800 having a 4 prong power connector. I believe I remember BIOS settings for the 8800 causing some problems when it comes to setting up SLI. If you can get into the BIOS you may try disabling SLI. Does that computer still NO POST using the on-board video (if it exists)?

On the second computer with the rice crispy sound I am sure it is a fubar'd video card, possibly overheated (who really knows). NVIDIA has some great deals on their new video cards. Best Buy and NewEgg.Com are good places to look.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:45 am

lol yeah like i said i tried EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE...to that no post computer. nothing works. i swapped the PSU with this one that works.

i haven't tried going back to onboard on this one.

may end up doing that, discovered this one powered off this morning...it said something about temp. so the fan on the video card probably defective or somethin.

also, the psu is a 500w.

it would probably be cheaper to just switch out the card on the dell i'm using, but it's PCI (not PCI-E). any ideas on some good under $100? The current one is 256mb, would a 512mb be too much for the power supply?
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:33 pm


think video card just bit the dust. i heard a loud POP and the computer shut down. i removed the card and am on the integrated video now...gonna see if i get the same rice crispy effect
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Post by Jonem » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:18 pm

I like newegg for my computery stuffs..(just got a 1TB external hard drive from there <3). Go on there and check out some Nvidia cards. Read the reviews and what not too.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:58 pm

I will only ever build my own computers from now on. They may not always be cheaper, but I can configure them the way I want to. Hell, the hardest thing about building your own is making sure you have just enough thermal grease between CPU and heat sink.

And I only shop at Newegg. :D The prices and service just can't be beat. I got my new LCD TV there for almost $600 retail (and still almost $100 cheaper than any brick & mortar or website I found).

And the nice thing about building your own computer is that you can reuse old components that still work (hard drive, CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive, etc.). It saves you money so you can splurge elsewhere... hehehe...

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:47 pm

i buy all my ram at tigerdirect.com
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Post by Bovive » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:34 pm

Both good websites indeed. Def read the reviews and whatnot. 500W should be ok for a 512 card, but read the specs on it to be sure.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:35 pm

well SWG seems to run ok off the integrated video card,

yet i get the same problem. the crackly sound from the speakers, takes about 5-10 minutes for it to start acting up. When it starts doing that, I exit the game, the crackling from hell goes away, the sun comes up, and dries up all the rain, then the itsy bitsy spider waits to do it all over again...

i can get a computer in february, however...I'm probably going to just buy one where i work (walmart). There is a nice dell computer there, it's around $700 price, quad-core processor.
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:25 pm

Do you get the crackling noise in any other game or from any other sound? Did you try updating the sound driver?

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:31 pm

i've got shoutcast streaming music right now, absolutely nothing wrong with the sound.

i do get the crackling sound in other games (empire at war, watching youtube/myspace videos) followed by a computer lockdown (no signal to monitor, computer powers off, keyboard still lit, but unresponsive).

i'm confused as to why this is happening, only thing i can think is cause i never put the cover on the case, cause the unused cables from the psu were hogging all the space and i didn't want it to overheat, it's been like this since beginning of june. only last month has it started doing the crackling and freezing. =\
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Post by Bovive » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:28 pm

sound card is integrated?

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:33 pm

yes, it is. think when i get home later tonight i'll check into disabling the onboard sound and seeing if it still freezes. if that's the case...would be an easy fix and would prove my video card isn't useless.
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Post by Bovive » Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:00 pm

Very true, that would start making me think mobo problem.
