What to do?

A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
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What to do?

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:44 pm

[Subject-C] is a pretty helpful member to our guild, but he seems to have been getting a bit upsetting lately.

It starts with sending me pictures of -Black- useing racial slurrs in guild chat (certainly not in a jokingly way), so the removal of him was justified. But in the pics I couldn't help but notice [Subject-C] was quick to insult Vahdreas.

You can see in this picture below:


But of course I didn't think much of it because the main focus was on -Black-, and he was definitely in the wrong, despite [Subject-C] dragging the issue out about spelling and such.

So I let it rest, but later on he's quick to peck on 'Redaxe and Cag for fooling around with one other. While I'd prefer no one swears in guild chat, I honestly don't care if it's meant jokingly... unlike the issue with -Black-. It just seemed to me that [Subject-C] has been a bit uptight lately in guild chat.

But I let that die also, since it's [Subject-C]'s right... but now I got a complaint from Aiddyn about [Subject-C] concerning what he said to him. Aiddyn has just returned to SWG again. He hasn't been on a lot, and he tells me its because he's been diagnosed with cancer. So apparently Aiddyn tells 'Redaxe (or someone else) this fact and [Subject-C] harps on Aiddyn that it doesn't belong in group chat. While maybe it doesn't, Aiddyn took offense to it, and explains to me its not a nice way to return. I'm going to try and ask him for chat log pictures to understand the context of the conversation, but I just wanted to throw this issue out there for future reference.
Last edited by Lexx Yovel on Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:38 pm

yeah i do agree he goes a bit overboard.... his excuse is that he has no tolerance of immature kids. and i was there when [Subject-C] said what he did in group chat, i mean...it's fine and all to talk but something like that should be kept to /tells (i was under impression it was a personal conversation, nothing related to the group act we were currently doing, and it didnt really seem we were included in the conversation to begin with and it should have been just kept to /tells, and [Subject-C] should have apologized)

gah. drama.
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Post by Redaxe » Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:38 pm

Oh yes, he is a good member of the guild, but theres bad blood there for me and him, sometimes we're cool.. Other times... eh. But about what happened with me and Aiddyn and him, I did take screenies of it if you would like them Lexx.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:11 am

Yeah you can post them here or PM them to me.


Post by Shiftie » Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:18 pm

I like [Subject-C], but he can be a little too serious sometimes, i understand not tolerating immature kids, but this is a MMORPG, and it will be here no matter what. And plus, we all can get immature sometimes and shouldnt have to watch ourselves for one guild member. I play SWG to escape being mature and responsilbe all the time.

Guess my point is, he may just need to calm down a little.

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Post by Mikal » Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:17 pm

Well, I myself haven't witnessed the stuff you guys are talking about (I play about the most f'd up times imaginable lol), but yeah, [Subject-C] probably needs to remember that this is still a game. I myself play to get away from stress and stuff (since my 4.0 is going down the drain in my last 3 classes I gotta take to get my degree lol). I'm not sure what his RL is like though. It could be that what he sees in guildchat is what he is trying to escape from? lol. Aaaannyyways, I'm drunk out the gazoobies so I'm gonna quit trolling serious discussions now.

I need more beeerrrrrrr!!!!!!
