General of RID forces Zetagala Skylos

A place to discuss RID's war plans.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

General of RID forces Zetagala Skylos

Post by Guest » Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:49 pm

Hello soldiers, commanders:
I opened this discussion for battle plans that you might want to consult with me and other commanders..since battles are decided by soldiers and soldiers cannot fight to their 100% effectiveness without decisive decisions/planning. This chat is also to discuss about training sessions ideas, tips, politics..for those of you that dont know me..plz trust me and do not hesitate to ask me for advice or help in planning...even tho unfortunately i cannot fight alongside..i can still help the fight to establish RID as one of the best...

General Of RID Forces
Zetagala Skylos

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:52 pm

First we need to rip everyone out of JTL beta and back onto Starsider. The guild has been awefully quiet lately, except for a couple of incidents. After JTL comes out we can finally get back to war games, politics, and whatnot.

On a positive note, I opened up the New RID Mall the other day. Currently has 4 vendors in it. I encourage everyone to check it out. It is the medium Tatooine house right next to the bank.


hey there

Post by Guest » Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:19 am

hey there kurke..everyone is automaticalyl logged into JTL server?? thats weird...can you give me an outline of the last battle we had..i believe a fun battle with MEK and any promotions that i have missed along with a jedi count plz, commander(still same rank as b4?).

General of RID FORCES
Zetagala Skylos

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:17 am

Nah, the problem is everyone is tempted to leave the Starsider Server to check out the JTL Test Server. I have the JTL Beta Disk too, but am resisting the urge to use it so I can concentrate on RID lol. Also, i am afraid it might ruin the fun for when I actually buy it :lol:

When the real JTL comes out, RID will flock back over. Then we can form some fun JTL Events.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:56 am

Hehe about half the guild either got beta invites or got the beta disks from the pre-order deal.

OK, not sure how much of this you have heard, so I will go from when you left.

Not long after you departed, Zeta, Lexx recruited Xanus. Well, Lexx decided it would be a good idea to pass up everyone else in the guild at the time and put Xanus in as his Royal Advisor. Before we go any farther, I think we all agree (including Lexx) that this wasn't one of Lexx's best moves as our guild leader. As Royal Advisor Xanus was basically to help Lexx run the guild. Those who had been in the guild a long time really didn't like this. It wasn't long after this that a few select members of the guild got really fed up with Xanus and raised all hell in guild chat and then left RID to start their own guild. Rakuda, Eurami, and many others left to form TIE. Rakuda has since left SWG and no one hears about TIE too much.

Well, since our screw up with CFM and the feline brigade (CATS) we haven't been in too many wars. Near the end of August we got into an accidental war with CATS cause Lexx forgot to turn his end off and CATS decided to activate it for kicks. It was just our luck that Lexx was gone for the week and left no one powers to activate/deactivate guild wars. What a fiasco that was. Telemchus managed to get a truce called with the CATS leader while Xanus and I pulled the reigns on RID itself, trying to keep them from opening fire on CATS. This is partly how Twist/Ranx got the boot out of the guild. He thought it would be a good idea to blow up a CATS' AV-21 after the truce was called. Not to mention he thought it would be a good idea to raise hell the some of the leaders of RID. Onslaught was also involved with incidents after the truce was called. I guess he was killing come CATS entertainers in cantinas and then spawn camping them. We didn't find out about this until after the war, at least I didn'thear about it till then. By this time, Onslaught had left RID.

Around this time we implemented a new command structure. So far, it has been around 2 months and we haven't had any issues with the chain of command. Allow me to fill in the details on the command structure. At the top we have Lexx. Immediately below Lexx we have 3 Division Commanders. These commanders run the 3 divisions of the guild. There is the Combat Division, Combat Support Division, and Crafting Dvision. The commander's of these divisions are Aem, Kuiloo, and myself respectively. Ty'e was originally commander of the Combat Division, but he is leaving SWG and his last day is today.

Inside the Combat Division we have 6 Squads. Each squad has 6 people in it, with one of those people being the Squad Leader Captain (SLC) which runs the individual squad. In the Combat Support and Crafting Divisions there are no squads. This was done because in theory, most people in the guild would be combat oriented, which means they would go in the Combat Division. Entertainers and Docs are in the Combat Support Division and Crafter are in the Crafting Division.

Then later on in September we had a friendly guild war with the rebel guild MEK. That was quite a fun and friendly war. We had no incidents and both sides played by the rules.

And since the implementation of the new command structure, we have been a steadily growing guild. Few of the old members remain from when you left, Zeta, but those that are left are as loyal as can be. There are many new faces. Even I haven't learned them all yet. Fort Oasis is turning into a bustling city. We are only one or two citizens short of having our beloved shuttleport. And we are attempting to obtain a base for ourselves. Not to mention Lexx and myself have been helping our old and new members reorganize their houses so that Fort Oasis has an organized look to it.

Things are looking up for RID. And things will only get better once JTL comes out.



Post by Guest » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:31 pm

wow that sounsd like a brilliant command structure..i hope to take my place in it when i AEM is a commader of a division when i left he was still a hardcore soldier...tell him i said hey..o and one more thing..hows my house and stuff doin?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:12 pm

Hehe, one minor mistake Kurke. Bizob is now Commander of Combat, not Aem :P. But Aem was considered, it was a hard decision. Fortunately Aem has a nice place as a Captain of a squad :)

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:29 pm


Next time can we send out a guild mail or somethin.



Post by Guest » Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:07 pm

ha....lexx can you plz inform me if anyone in the guild besides tele has AOL AIM (Instant messenger)? and if they do...can i have their screenames....mine is gbomb8797, i have recently talked to tele on their.

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Post by Santos » Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:49 pm

...u said i could be captian lol

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:09 pm

You are a Captain Tele, lol. Your just on JTL too much to know :P

Oh and Zet, afraid I dont know of any Screenames. I am sure some people may announce here.

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Post by Santos » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:16 pm

lol im not on jtl too much im not allowed to play :(

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:30 pm

Tele, go study so you can play SWG. :P


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Post by Santos » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:42 pm

lol im one of those dumb kids whose parents think theyre great and go sign em up for honors


Post by Guest » Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:26 pm

Hey did yall get Totzos email yet???
