afkers need to be shot (or hung)

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afkers should be

No votes
hung drawn and quarted
tolerated (yeah right)
Total votes: 7

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:52 pm

Yeah... I'm sure I've mentioned it before... someone should start a thread with everyones real first names...

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Post by Apium » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:00 pm

its considered bad internet conduct to give your real name. Although, theep was constantly calling me by my first name when we played.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by d'avid » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:13 pm

they will never get my name!
oh thought of a different punishment for afkers (a sand paper slide ending in a vat of salt (too harsh?))

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:25 pm

d'avid wrote:they will never get my name!
oh thought of a different punishment for afkers (a sand paper slide ending in a vat of salt (too harsh?))

no thats too considerate... I'll think up something more sinister later...


Post by d'avid » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:24 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:
d'avid wrote:they will never get my name!
oh thought of a different punishment for afkers (a sand paper slide ending in a vat of salt (too harsh?))

no thats too considerate... I'll think up something more sinister later...

well i have them bounce off the salt into a tank of ravenish goldfish


Post by Aerick-Fyonna » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:09 am

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Post by Apium » Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:30 am

that is disappointing. Hopefully the guilds will still blacklist people who unreasonally abuse AFK gameplay. I am fine with AFK macros as long as the person is present at the keyboard at all times.

I will admit that I grinded my entertainer afk Pre-CU. Luckily I was able to respec from master entertainer to master trader before they made that impossible.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by Mikal » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:43 pm

It astounds me to think that the reason given for not going after people that violate the ToS is "it's too hard, so we aren't going to do it". If I told my boss that it was too hard to check peoples' id when buying cigarettes or cashing a check, my skinny butt would be unemployed. It's the same thing. If your job is to go after "rulebreakers"....go after them. They need to break out the big punishment stick for people that know they are breaking the rules (and "I didn't know" isn't an excuse....we all click on accept at the ToS screen before we can even log in). I realize that getting junk loot for RE takes time. But well, I filled up a pack full of junk loot a while back when I was trying out AS just playing for a few hours.

They may not actually spend all day in game looking for them, but if someone reports obvious afk activity, the CSR's should go and make sure they are actually AFK, then perform the necessary actions. Or else take out the "Disable auto-AFK" button and if someone is listed as afk for say...20 mins or so (MORE than enough time to go potty), then they are automatically logged. Period.

Those are my opinions on the matter...if I offend anyone, I'm sorry. I just really like this game and hate for people to be able to take advantage of messed up game mechanics.

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Post by Apium » Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:12 am

Base busting (the way we do it) is against the TOS but its just too big to handle. I may report a BB, but I don't expect a CSR to show up and ban everyone there. I agree that if something is reported it needs to be investigated, but at this point I think it is a waste of time for CSRs to go hunting for them.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
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Post by Dragonus » Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:15 pm

I am fine with AFK people, just as long as they are not camping a static spawn or something which most don't do. Or i can a huge mob of creatures towards them and get them killed even if i die in the process. (i used to do this as a spy in dwb when people camped wraiths afk :) )


Post by Cryl » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:44 am

great,the first thing i found after getting finaly the board acc,is about afking.

be warned,written in a bad english,and by far whole differend point then what the normal one wrote here.

well my opinion wouldnt taste many,since..iam fine and practicing it often.
i work mostly the whole time iam awake(i lead a company,so there is no real relaxing time),and i tend to accept and make use of the official announcement.
means,yes i will go to afkgrind,atleast with 1 other character.(not guilded)
my main is jedi,so way to afkgrind.(atleast no legal,and since some tend to run aggro already on the legal way,i wouldnt start to talk about other ways.)
i play now more then 10 years mmos,and always ended into discuss whats allowed and what not,in the end ..i never got banned,by any company,but macroed for all what i needed,in any way with multiple accounts.including every possible tool,and the hardwarepart is np,we have several c2q with fine parts,to make use of them.

in my opinion..
1.a macroer doesnt hurt anyone,aslong as he respect questrelated mobs

2.a macroer does not ruin this economy,i mean seriously,its ruined already.and until a server-merge shows up,it wouldnt get better.
all what coult happen,that the prices go down,and iam realy realy fine with that.

3.aslong as macroing characters stay out of guilds,there isnt even a way to "pointout" on a guild.

4.i tend to tell my opinion here,since ..we r no kids,some like it some not,noone demands,that anyone have to agree to a opinion,aslong as they respect them.

5.atm i craft pets,and i got hand on several 90% max tools already,means i would make elite/fightpets,and iam pretty sure,that they work well for its even good for my business.

6.spacemining is to 90% macroable(legal,and even inside the official FAQs) leave the ppl atleast 2 keys hit..sometimes,for me its working better then just 90%,for now.and since noone does it,and all need it,it wouldnt make it "legal or better" but,who would say no,on sold resources got on that way?.. think about it.

7. the points i found here..r aswell just opinions,and dont get even close to mine,but for now i see it that way"the mmo market is nothing where they can punish ppl for playing the game,or just leaving it played"
for now,every company can be happy about every single player they have.

8.afk fighting was working already in beta,worked after release,and never got punished,the punishment startet after the moneyspamming shown up,but thats it.
whoever did the hologrinds..should know what i talk it or not,but most ppl that i know did not spend days for the crafting or fighting,they left the work to some tools,and noone cryed about them.since they respected the person behind them,not what they do,in that time.

9.i know that this posting doesnt make friends,or whatever,but lets see from this side, after so many changes to a game,and so many broken or less efficient ways then before.. i couldnt care less of some like it or not,and now even more,since its legal.the prob is,ppl have to accept how other do there job,or you would never get forward,in anyway.
short example,what should explain what i mean.
i fired 3 worker short before end of the last year,since they didnt do there job,i have np if my 150+ ppl tend to surf in the web,download a movie or a mp3,its fine(on that point i wouldnt discuss the legal part,because..its a company you dont have to know who it was and who not,atleast in austria is the law working "not guilty untill its proven that you are guilty")
i fired them because they left the work open.they forgot to work,and that 2 times,that left me no choice,and iam fine with that,means 3 more spots for ppl who are willing to work.
what should this say,quite easy.. i dont care how ppl get to results,aslong they get the results. if i needed a muse and none where there to buff me,good i boughd another acc and fine,i made mine in 10hours,just watched at lvl 50 ,72,90. else i didnt touch her much,the result ..i got a perfect buffbot.and if the guild is short of a buffing muse,and only mine would be there,would you say now "nah she is bottet to 90"..or would you tend to say "thanks for the free buffs"?
ask this yourself,and if you still think botting and afkgrind is bad..fine,but learn to accept that other think other way,and make use of other ways.

and for the few who tend to report other for such small issues,with that "motivation" you would fit perfect in a company like the Army,
where ppl think "fight for freedom" doesnt mean any difference then,inszinate a blowup,then declare war on a random nation,ruin that whole nation,and get every possible bit of oil what you could steal,aslong as noone cry,is noone hurt.

btw,the most funny part on afk was years ago,as the battlefield shown up in WoW,and all fighted like hell,i tended to stay in a corner,since tehre was no rule to fight.(that changed after several thousands made the same things in the last years) but for that first half year,i got more then 90 times reported and never punished,since..i was inside the rules.and after i got from one GM the name of who reported me nearly every day i played,i made a report for herassement,and he got banned for 7 days,because of that.thats how i deal with such traitors.i wouldnt have a wonderful life,a wonderful wife,and way more then i could spend,because of pointing out on ppl,no,i tend to get profit out of it,make use of it,or ignore it.since i respect the person behind,aslong as the end is the same,as i wanted.and that counts for ingame aswell as for the RL part.

if you fight on one side,or even in one guild,you shouldnt care about how ppl get the things they do,aslong as you "maybe" profit from it.and even if not,be happy to have guildmembers who could help in differend situations.
instead of reporting them.
for now, its even better to not start a treat about "still working glitches and exploits" ..*laughs*,got it?


Post by d'avid » Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:32 pm

Cryl wrote:great,the first thing i found after getting finaly the board acc,is about afking.

be warned,written in a bad english,and by far whole differend point then what the normal one wrote here.

well my opinion wouldnt taste many,since..iam fine and practicing it often.
i work mostly the whole time iam awake(i lead a company,so there is no real relaxing time),and i tend to accept and make use of the official announcement.
means,yes i will go to afkgrind,atleast with 1 other character.(not guilded)
my main is jedi,so way to afkgrind.(atleast no legal,and since some tend to run aggro already on the legal way,i wouldnt start to talk about other ways.)
i play now more then 10 years mmos,and always ended into discuss whats allowed and what not,in the end ..i never got banned,by any company,but macroed for all what i needed,in any way with multiple accounts.including every possible tool,and the hardwarepart is np,we have several c2q with fine parts,to make use of them.

in my opinion..
1.a macroer doesnt hurt anyone,aslong as he respect questrelated mobs

2.a macroer does not ruin this economy,i mean seriously,its ruined already.and until a server-merge shows up,it wouldnt get better.
all what coult happen,that the prices go down,and iam realy realy fine with that.

3.aslong as macroing characters stay out of guilds,there isnt even a way to "pointout" on a guild.

4.i tend to tell my opinion here,since ..we r no kids,some like it some not,noone demands,that anyone have to agree to a opinion,aslong as they respect them.

5.atm i craft pets,and i got hand on several 90% max tools already,means i would make elite/fightpets,and iam pretty sure,that they work well for its even good for my business.

6.spacemining is to 90% macroable(legal,and even inside the official FAQs) leave the ppl atleast 2 keys hit..sometimes,for me its working better then just 90%,for now.and since noone does it,and all need it,it wouldnt make it "legal or better" but,who would say no,on sold resources got on that way?.. think about it.

7. the points i found here..r aswell just opinions,and dont get even close to mine,but for now i see it that way"the mmo market is nothing where they can punish ppl for playing the game,or just leaving it played"
for now,every company can be happy about every single player they have.

8.afk fighting was working already in beta,worked after release,and never got punished,the punishment startet after the moneyspamming shown up,but thats it.
whoever did the hologrinds..should know what i talk it or not,but most ppl that i know did not spend days for the crafting or fighting,they left the work to some tools,and noone cryed about them.since they respected the person behind them,not what they do,in that time.

9.i know that this posting doesnt make friends,or whatever,but lets see from this side, after so many changes to a game,and so many broken or less efficient ways then before.. i couldnt care less of some like it or not,and now even more,since its legal.the prob is,ppl have to accept how other do there job,or you would never get forward,in anyway.
short example,what should explain what i mean.
i fired 3 worker short before end of the last year,since they didnt do there job,i have np if my 150+ ppl tend to surf in the web,download a movie or a mp3,its fine(on that point i wouldnt discuss the legal part,because..its a company you dont have to know who it was and who not,atleast in austria is the law working "not guilty untill its proven that you are guilty")
i fired them because they left the work open.they forgot to work,and that 2 times,that left me no choice,and iam fine with that,means 3 more spots for ppl who are willing to work.
what should this say,quite easy.. i dont care how ppl get to results,aslong they get the results. if i needed a muse and none where there to buff me,good i boughd another acc and fine,i made mine in 10hours,just watched at lvl 50 ,72,90. else i didnt touch her much,the result ..i got a perfect buffbot.and if the guild is short of a buffing muse,and only mine would be there,would you say now "nah she is bottet to 90"..or would you tend to say "thanks for the free buffs"?
ask this yourself,and if you still think botting and afkgrind is bad..fine,but learn to accept that other think other way,and make use of other ways.

and for the few who tend to report other for such small issues,with that "motivation" you would fit perfect in a company like the Army,
where ppl think "fight for freedom" doesnt mean any difference then,inszinate a blowup,then declare war on a random nation,ruin that whole nation,and get every possible bit of oil what you could steal,aslong as noone cry,is noone hurt.

btw,the most funny part on afk was years ago,as the battlefield shown up in WoW,and all fighted like hell,i tended to stay in a corner,since tehre was no rule to fight.(that changed after several thousands made the same things in the last years) but for that first half year,i got more then 90 times reported and never punished,since..i was inside the rules.and after i got from one GM the name of who reported me nearly every day i played,i made a report for herassement,and he got banned for 7 days,because of that.thats how i deal with such traitors.i wouldnt have a wonderful life,a wonderful wife,and way more then i could spend,because of pointing out on ppl,no,i tend to get profit out of it,make use of it,or ignore it.since i respect the person behind,aslong as the end is the same,as i wanted.and that counts for ingame aswell as for the RL part.

if you fight on one side,or even in one guild,you shouldnt care about how ppl get the things they do,aslong as you "maybe" profit from it.and even if not,be happy to have guildmembers who could help in differend situations.
instead of reporting them.
for now, its even better to not start a treat about "still working glitches and exploits" ..*laughs*,got it?

Thats a long post but there is never any reason to afk grind, myself i work many many hours and get very few hours to play of late (which is why i have taken a break from SWG) however the lvls i have i gained are all my work, i have not cheated like you apear to be. (and for which i hope you are booted from the guild)

1 macro user (or exploiter) may not effect the econemy much (though i spent all day at the keyboard getting loot then when i went to sell it to get credits i noticed people were selling loot for crazy prices given the amount of effort that goes to getting the amounts (now an afk looter can get loot with out spending a whole boring day at the machine and wont care how much they sell for thus effecting the econemy a little(now times that by just 10 thats just 10 afkers and u got a problem)

Every afk player should be banned from all mmorpg games period

There is NO excuse for cheating in an online game EVER period


Post by Cryl » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:52 pm

well lets keep it simple,there is no reason to macro or bot for you.
i have several reasons,but iam not going to share with you every single one.
"(and for which i hope you are booted from the guild) "
and that will change what?i mean seriously,what would that change?
tell me please,what that changes,in any circumstance.i state my point,that i will make use of the new allowed change.and i did even before.
i did NOT use it with my jedi,so,in your simple minded statement,you would boot a person,what clearly makes his statement,including that part,where he wrote to not use it with the guildsign.
the fact is simple,i could do it the american way..
means,i could say "yes sir,yes sir,all evil exploiters..",and behind i setup 3 accounts grinding for my belongins.
why should i lie to my guildmates,why should i lie to myself? i have nothing to lose,if iam honest and say my opinion,atleast i can say.iam fine with what i do,since i do not use the guildsign to that,btw..did you even get the part "its LEGAL"..if not,leave it to someone else to explain it to you.

even that whole "you should get booted" is such a worse statement,its like"all what think differend then myself,is evil,we fight for freedom and defend the evil sides" wonder that the world looks down to NA.

what would you prefer? that i easy buy 1billions for a peanut by maybe 4-500$? its easy,and for me not even a notice worth.and buy my stuff,or just do it myself?
and using legal allowed ingame parts makes me still an exploiter in your eyes? sorry thats not even worth a laugh, but atleast,you got my attention.
be proud of that,wouldnt happen often.

"now an afk looter can get loot with out spending a whole boring day at the machine and wont care how much they sell for thus effecting the econemy a little(now times that by just 10 thats just 10 afkers and u got a problem"
just to make it clear, if i get stuff,more then 6 times,then i will sell it on the market,and i would NOT go for the holos with 10m each,i take some fair prices.and i dont care how many hours other ppl spend aslong as they take 10m each holo.for me that r the betrayer,the guys who ripoff other ppl.if you would start whining about them,maybe then takes you someone serious.

but for now,you end on the downside of the steps.u prefer to profit from everything i do,and even if i get 10 collectionparts over night,and could handout 2-3 to guildmates,then i think they would be happy about,instead of calling me exploiter..btw,if you still dont get it,maybe a last try?
afk fighting is legal/allowed/ok/free it now?


Post by d'avid » Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:09 pm

Cryl wrote:well lets keep it simple,there is no reason to macro or bot for you.
i have several reasons,but iam not going to share with you every single one.
"(and for which i hope you are booted from the guild) "

and that will change what?i mean seriously,what would that change?
tell me please,what that changes,in any circumstance.i state my point,that i will make use of the new allowed change.and i did even before.
i did NOT use it with my jedi,so,in your simple minded statement,you would boot a person,what clearly makes his statement,including that part,where he wrote to not use it with the guildsign.
the fact is simple,i could do it the american way..
means,i could say "yes sir,yes sir,all evil exploiters..",and behind i setup 3 accounts grinding for my belongins.
why should i lie to my guildmates,why should i lie to myself? i have nothing to lose,if iam honest and say my opinion,atleast i can say.iam fine with what i do,since i do not use the guildsign to that,btw..did you even get the part "its LEGAL"..if not,leave it to someone else to explain it to you.

even that whole "you should get booted" is such a worse statement,its like"all what think differend then myself,is evil,we fight for freedom and defend the evil sides" wonder that the world looks down to NA.

what would you prefer? that i easy buy 1billions for a peanut by maybe 4-500$? its easy,and for me not even a notice worth.and buy my stuff,or just do it myself?
and using legal allowed ingame parts makes me still an exploiter in your eyes? sorry thats not even worth a laugh, but atleast,you got my attention.
be proud of that,wouldnt happen often.

"now an afk looter can get loot with out spending a whole boring day at the machine and wont care how much they sell for thus effecting the econemy a little(now times that by just 10 thats just 10 afkers and u got a problem"

just to make it clear, if i get stuff,more then 6 times,then i will sell it on the market,and i would NOT go for the holos with 10m each,i take some fair prices.and i dont care how many hours other ppl spend aslong as they take 10m each holo.for me that r the betrayer,the guys who ripoff other ppl.if you would start whining about them,maybe then takes you someone serious.

but for now,you end on the downside of the steps.u prefer to profit from everything i do,and even if i get 10 collectionparts over night,and could handout 2-3 to guildmates,then i think they would be happy about,instead of calling me exploiter..btw,if you still dont get it,maybe a last try?
afk fighting is legal/allowed/ok/free it now?

ok first exploits see**&p_li=&p_topview=1

12. You will not exploit any bug in Star Wars Galaxies, and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug either directly or through public posting, to any other Sony Station member. You will promptly report such bugs via the /bug command in-game or by emailing Exploitable bugs include, but are not limited to bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in-game.

i tried to find where the rules for afk combat are (something that was a offense) sadly i found this ... _id=608908 and

"As you may or may not know, Customer Service has recently changed our policy regarding going AFK while in combat. The sad truth here is that CS has been giving hundreds of warnings, and dozens of suspensions daily for people doing this, and yet the issue continues to grow. A very large portion of the SWG community feels it is ok to AFK level pets, or AFK grind junk loot for reverse engineering. This can be seen by the huge number of players who do it on a daily basis, regardless of the repercussions. At this point, the CS team can not honestly police the issue any longer. The daily sweeps of the common areas for this consume an enormous amount of time, time that we could be spending helping players. While we do not condone this in anyway, it is much like base busting in the fact that the issue is too large for us to oversee and correct one person at a time.

Two important side notes to this are the following:

Game disruption - If a player is disrupting game play, we will remove them. Disrupting game play is not defined as a group of players out in the middle of nowhere AFK killing random mobs at their spawn point. Game disruption only applies to players who are making it impossible to continue a quest line and things of that manner.

Previous Warnings - If a player has been previously warned, suspended, or had their account terminated for this we will not remove those warnings, or reactivate that account. This simply comes down to breaking the rule while it was in place.
As stated previously, SWG Customer Service no longer considers the use of combat macros while Away From Keyboard an exploit or any other sort of violation of game policy. This change in policy has created some confusion, because of the different activities which may involve the use of combat macros while a player is not paying attention to the game. Let’s try to clear up the policy below.

If a player is using combat macros while AFK:

* in an area not containing any NPCs needed to complete missions;
* in a manner which does not prevent other players from accessing the content in that area;
* solely for the purpose of gaining experience, either for themselves or a pet;

No violation is going on, under the revised policy.

Example: A player or small group of players are camped in one part of the Dantari Village on Dantooine, killing the villagers with pets and macros while AFK, but leaving the rest of the village open for other players, there is nothing wrong with those players’ actions. They are not monopolizing content, nor are they preventing other players from completing any missions. So they are doing nothing wrong.

If a player is using combat macros while AFK:

* in an area containing NPCs needed to complete missions;
* in a manner which prevents other players from accessing the content in that area;
* for the apparent purpose of gaining loot for later sale for real-life money;
* with a third-party program (bot);

That player is violating current policy.

Example #1: A large group of players are camped in one part of the Dantari Village on Dantooine, killing the villagers with pets and macros while AFK. As before, they have left the rest of the village open for other players, but their group is so large it is lagging the zone, so that other players cannot hunt in the same area. The interference created by the lag is an unacceptable disruption.

Example #2: A player or group of players is camped in a section of the Rryatt Trail, killing Wookiees while AFK. The Wookiees are needed for at least one mission, and the group’s activities are preventing other players from being able to complete the mission. The AFK players are in violation.

Example #3: On Dathomir a group of players are running around in unison, killing and looting Nightsisters. They don’t answer hails or tells, and either follow a predictable course through the area, or monopolize a prime spawn point. These may be one legitimate player multiboxing, or a group farming for secondary sales. Enough doubt exists that CS should be alerted so we can investigate the activities.

As a player, you may be wondering how you can avoid being accused of illegal AFK combat. Here are some tips:

* Avoid large AFK groups. It’s true that larger groups can take on more NPCs and thus gain better experience, but large groups also generate so much in terms of particle effects and animations that they can slow frame-rates to a crawl for anybody in the same zone.
* Don’t set up AFK macros in an area where NPCs are needed for missions.
* Set your AFK macro running in a location where plenty of spawns are left for other players.
* Avoid dungeons and areas where mobs needed for quests spawn.
* Remote locations are best.

With regards to those who are farming purely to sell the items or credits for real world money: These people have never abided by any policy even before this announcement, and as such this has not suddenly made them all come out of the woodwork, nor does it mean CS is condoning them. However, what we believe will now happen is CS can concentrate purely on catching these people by methods we already have available to us, rather than having to handle the hundreds of petitions per day about people who –might- be AFK farming for other reasons. We spend too much time sifting through the hundreds of tickets that might contain one actual real world money farmer. Now, we can spend all our time working on catching those people.

It’s a big galaxy, with enough content to share. If the real players just play nice and consider their fellow gamers, the true exploiters and farmers will be more obvious, and thus easier for CS to catch."

above is located ... _id=608797

so before 3 days ago afk combat was a NO NO against the tos etc etc sadly the customer service guys never policed it properly and scum such as yourself were able to afk combat all you liked with little or no punishement and now they have given up (yet another nail in the coffin for swg) now all other mmorpgs that i know off (mir3 archlord WOW*spit* etc etc) view afk lvling as cheating (as well they should)

also i dont believe there is a single script for the inbuilt macro system that would allow you to afk lvl for more then an hour or so for loot to do that you would need a third partie program (of which there are a few and i have helped a few private servers detect them shame swg didnt answer my emails about the methods used) which are still a violation of the rules

as for guild members being grateful to recieve stuff you have got by afk combat well thats down to the guild members personly i would never accept them that would make me a hypercritical person which i am not

oh i just released your admiting it all therefore its ok .......WRONG send a ticket infoming the CSR`s all that you have done afk (specialy before the 25th) be sure to tell them you plan to continue, im sure they well say oh well ok then

Its a multiplayer game you are cheating you are afk scum that should be hung by his extremities untill dead your not gonna convince me otherwise simple as that. i see you doing it in game i will report you, i see you talking about it in guild chat i will report you. while im on a break from swg then you got nothing to fear from me but the rest of the guild are a bunch of honest people (on the whole) and im sure they dont want you ruining the guilds name and will report you if seen (be it your main or your alt because there both the same person controling them) thats like me creating an alt and making racial comments and saying to the guild its ok the alt dont show the guild tag

i have already wasted far too much time with you so i shall leave it at this, "Go away scum"

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Location:Kentwood, LA

Post by Mikal » Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:06 pm

Apium wrote:Base busting (the way we do it) is against the TOS but its just too big to handle. I may report a BB, but I don't expect a CSR to show up and ban everyone there. I agree that if something is reported it needs to be investigated, but at this point I think it is a waste of time for CSRs to go hunting for them.

I have been to 2 rebel base busts. I'm sure they do them the same way you guys do it. I myself just show up, usually right before they blow, so I'm not real sure with what is involved. What is done that is in violation of the ToS? Cause trust me, I'm clueless about them hehe.
