Lost & Found

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Lost & Found

Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:51 am

ogewa sat meditating at the shrine the dust from the sandstorm whirling all around him.

his old rsf sacket looking worse off than he was, flashes of rage and anger flew over him as he meditated, hints of the twin suns rising into the mid day sky, the sandstorm almost blocking them out.

he knew something was wrong but he couldnt place it, Somethings missing - he thought to him self as a bantha stoped in the distance the tuskans slowly moving towards him there rifles leveled at him they werent gona take any chances this time a another pair followed the first group closely the fear streaming off them as the sandstorm began clearing up.

he could sense them sliping out of his meditation ogewa quickly put on his cloak and grabing his saber the black and chrome handle felt as if someone elses despite the fact he had just created it a couple of days
preivously, thumbing the switch for the saber he stood there waiting for the tuskans to move.

they were dead soon as they decied to attack him anyway it didnt make a diffrence how many they were.

the lead tuskan standing 5ft rised over the sanddune firing his rifle at ogewa the shot quickly met by ogewaactivating his green saber, deflecting the shot back at them hiting the sand just infront of them.
the rest of the group came into vision "mmm...this is gona be fun"-ogewa though as he focused him self for the attack.

letting out a squeel of anger the tuskans charged at him firing there rifles each shot met with his saber hitting a couple of tuskans killing them almost instantly, ogewa quickly slauted them and charged at them slicing through two of the tuskans robe armour and meting and pairying a gafi stick, gewa quickly jumped behind them stabing two more leaving the leader "the force may of returned to me but im still too weak for this" he though to him self.

slicing the tuskans rifle in half, the rifle kicking up sand as both halfs slamed into the sand dune the two combatants pairying each others moves almost like a deadly ballet each blade dancing around them in a deadly dance.

finally ogewa slamed his saber into the tuskans gafi stick ogewa pushed the tuskan onto his knees the rage and hatred flowing off the iridoinan almost like a water fall "what make you think you can kill me scum bag" ogewa roared at the tuskan only met with a grunt ive had enough of this as he though cuting the tuskans hands off leveling his saber resting on the tuskans head.

the rage and hatred almost begging him to kill this intruder, he hated tuskans just as much as he hated tattooine.

swinging his saber up ogewa flung the green blade through the tuskans neck his head rolling down the sanddune, the body slamingdown onto the sand the tuskans blood soaking the sand around it the sand turning a dark red the sand acting as if it were a spounge.

siting back down to meditate he though how much he enjoyed killing them there lifes meaning nothing to him but just a grain of sand as a dark energy decended upon the young rsf officer he could feel it beging him to surrender to it, his hatred drawing him in thoughs raged flowed over ogewa as he surrender him self to the dark side, visions of his trials flashed before him.

A large krayt dragon falling as a red saber sliced through the thick hide of the creature , the ground viberating as it slamed down onto the ground , feeling almost like an earthquake the sand flying up as if a sandstorm had just started, the white horns of the creature glisting in the sun as the last embers of life faded from the creature.

the sweat driped off him as he stood up from his meditation, the water imediatly evaporating in the mid-day sun gracking an evil grin ogewa pulled the hood of the cloak up around him and started off for mos eisly the recent events playing over and over again in his head.
Last edited by ogewa on Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:52 am

the bright red sky of tattooine lit up the city the twin suns began to set, the hustle and bustle of the starport being replaced my a silence, almost ghost like as the local residents started off home, ogewa stood at the steps in the cantina the dancers on the floor grabing the attention of the crowed, sliding past the crowed ogewa slid past the entertaners grabin a jawa juice from the bar man tossing a credit as he sat down in a booth to the rear of the cantina.

siting down ogewa scaned the room reaching out with the force to sense everything around him, the agitated storm trooper pushing around a couple of chiss drawing his attention, "mmm..."-ogewa mumbled rubling his chin as he planted an idea into the stormies head reaching out with the force he slided the though in there with out drawing attention to him self, and laughed as he watched the stormies get more and more angry at the chiss , slaming a rifle but into there gut and hauling them off for questioning.

"mmm..maby it wasnt that fun" ogewa though grabing his drink and taking a small sip , as he started to scan the crowed watching everyones moves and sensing there feelings.


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:52 am

flash of pain decended over ogewa as he meditated a memmory trying to surface, his senses filled with pain making him loose focus on his meditation, and almost scream out as the memmory faded away, "im not ready, to see it yet" - oegwa though as he slipped out of his meditation, standing up he downed the last of the jawa juice and slamed the glass on the table sliping out into the dusty streets of eisly, his brown cloak flayling in the wind as he slowly made his way to the starport.

his early years serving the rsf had help him learn a thing or to in space, it helped calm him almost find him self in times of hardship.

now he was using it to escape away from tattooine " i hate this rock i don't know why i came here in the first place"- ogewa mummbled to him self as he walk slowly up to his ship the dark haven a small dunelizard fighter, blaster hits peppering the hull from previous fights , it still flew for how long he didnt know.

skimming over the systems he started thinking of home, he couldnt go back but he still missed it iridonia , it had been a long time since he set foot on his homeworldsome distant child hood memories surfaced joy and happyness temorally lifted his anger.

only to be replace by rage the enslavement of his people enraged him all he knew all he was destroyed in an instant, the war hit there planet like a sledge hammer on a wooden box shattering people's lives forever and ending others they took most of them into enslavement campes except him, ogewa shook his head the comm signal waking him from his memories, ogewa fliped the switch, a human male appared on the screen infront of him.

his body langue giving away his calmness, "dark haven this is the tower please transmit or clearance and flightplan" the man said in a straight and firm voice.

" tower im transmitting my clearance and flightplan to coranett"- ogewa said the anger barley regestering in his voice the delay from the tower causing him concern as he flip the switch to fully power up his engines and shields " dark haven you are clear to proceed" the man blurted out the nerviousness in his voice more clearer than it was before.

Something was wrong he could feel it as if a shadow awaited to strike him
"perhaps ill stay at the cantina a bit longer"- ogewa though fliping various switches powering down his ships systems.

" tower this is dark haven im gona abort that trip" - ogewa

said calmly, the starport tower hardly even achowledging him, jumping out of his flighter ogewa saw a dark figure in the distance he could sense his intent before he had even acted sliding his blaster into the front of him ogewa aimed for the figure's head hoping in some vain abition that he wasnt going to attack.


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:52 am

a wave of dissyness decended over ogewa falling to the gound nearly throwing up , ogewa's saber rolled onto the floor infont of him, a small dust cloud evloped the saber flowing into ogewa lungs as he stood up.

he felt empty for the first time in years he couldnt feel the force, swining his carbine up ogewa scaned the area hoping to see the figure that confronted him nothing he had just vanished.

bending down to pick up his saber he started to think "what did he do to me?"
taking one last look around ogewa started off to the cantina " maby a drink will calm me down he thought.

ogewa slowly walked into the cantina the nausa had hardly eased up from his encounter, sliding into a booth off to the side of the main area ogewa slumped with a thud onto the chair, "what am i going to do now" -ogewa thought his old saber resting on the table , iam not in-tune with the force i have to do something or else ill go mad - ogewa though as he eyed up a bounty hunter in the corner his eyes fixed on ogewa's lightsaber.

"dam it"- ogewa mumbled as the tall trandosan made his way over to him
siting down ajecent to him, ogewa could see the joy in his eyes , "the empire pays alot of money for a jedi these days" - the trando hissed his blaster resting on the table.

ogewa had an unsetling feeling about this bounty hunter his thick skin and damenor suggesting he was after him, "im no jedi at least not any more and your going to die here trando" - ogewa whispered to the trandosan

the bemused look on the trandosian giving way to laughter, " your in no fit state to fight jedi or not ogewa, your mine" - the trandosian evil grined at ogewa lifting his blaster and pointing it dircetly at him.

in a sudden urgancy ogewa slid his carbine underate the table and fliped the safety off and blasted the tranodsan, the chared remain of the reptialin making him throw up on the floor, the green bile coted with bits of food he had eaten a few hours ago.

as the nuasa started to fade ogewa grabed his old saber and hid it, the nearby storm troopers heading towards him there blasters hanging in there hands , "yes offices how can i help you" ogewa coldly said to the imperial troops.

" what happend here? why did you blast him" - the trooper said his finger pointing at the chard remains of the trandosan a panick felw over ogewa if the noticed his saber he would be done for sure, probley taken off to dathmoir and excetued or imprision for life.


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:55 am

the stormtrooper grab ogewa and pushed him out of the door jabbing his e-11 in his back to keep him moving towards the starport "move it scum" - the trooper shouted as the starport entrance came into view,a dark armoured figure stood at the right of the starport underneath some wreakage of a starship hull ogewa could bairley make out a rifle pointing in his direction " hes gona kill me" ogewa though as panic and fear rushed through his system.
a suden blast came from the figure killing the two troopers there bodies slumping to the ground with a thud the scout guard runing out and leveling his blaster at the figure firing a few shots in his direction.

nothing the troopers blaster shots hit the wall nothing was there the he turned and walked towards ogewa "what happened? tell me now" - the trooper scoweled at ogewa "i dont know sir the troopers were just helping me with an search for a wanted criminal and i suggested we started at the starport so we came here" - ogewa calmly said to the trooper the buterfly had hardly moved from his stomach the entire time.

the trooper scaned ogewas id "mmm just another bounty hunter then" - the trooper mumbled ogewa giving a slight nod to him " move along" the trooper usuerd him to the starport.
i may as well keep up aparances for now ogewa though pulling out a carbine and sliding on a swoop hat as he walked though the starport to his ship, as he edged closer to his ship a sudden jab of a rifle came from behind him "don't turn around ogewa i know what you were ,darkness with out a light" the stranger stoped briefly to catch his breath "what do you want" ogewa said in a fearfull panic "only to give you a light, to give back someday what you lost but for now learn and live another life ogewa then you will gain what you have lost" the stranger said in a calm voice vanishing with out a sound into the night.

ogewa spun around " but what..." ogewa said looking puzzled as he only saw the entrance to the starport lounge, mmmm maby i ought to try out being a bounty hunter for a while maby he is right ogewa though as he climed into his fighter the dunlizard huming to life as he flicked various buttons switching on various systems.

the dunelizard humed the peaceful sound of the engines huming calming ogewas thought "dark haven to tower requesting permision to take off" - ogewa muttered of the comms , "dark haven this is tower, you have clearance to procede" - a voice came over the coms the neautral voice sending a shiver down his spine.

the bright purple haze from the nearby neabula lighting up his dunelizard with a purple glow he always found it strangley peaceful in the preasence of the nebula,a blaster bolt slamed into the rear of his hull the hut fighter screaming down onto him blaster bolts slaming into his hull, " dam huts always wanting to kill something" - ogewa angrley thought wishing he had his old powers so he could choke the pilot of the fighter.
"computer power up weapons and lock on to the hut fighter..target his reactor"- ogewa said with a confident tone in his voice the beep from the computer acnowledging his command " shift forward shield power to aft and overload the weapons capacitors" a seires of screaches sound as the computer shifted the ships power distrabution.
a red light started flashing on the dashboard of his cockpit as ogewa spun the dark haven around onto the rear of the attacking fighter " dam it"- ogewa roared flicking though various switches to cooldown the reactor, "im gona be a siting duck if blasted reactor doesnt cooldown anytime soon" - he though as he fired a series of shot on to the hut slaming into the fighters hull. ive only got one chance ogewa thought "computer power up torpedo tubes 1 -2" - ogewa roared at the computer, come on lock on dam it ogewa thought, a faint beep came from the computer as the computer locked onto the hut vessel "yes...die hut scum" - ogewa roared over the comms as he fired several torpedos slaming into the hut severally cripling the hut vessel, the vessel spining outof control slaming into a nearby asteriod the last todedo follwing the vessel sparking a ball of flames as the fighter disintergrated with the inpact of the astroid.

"wheew that was close.." ogewa thought to him self as the corriellian spacestation came into view of his cockpit, the lights on the station skiming the bright white light over the stations mottled grey surface blak and grey impace craters from blaster fire littered it surface as a small repair craft buzzed about making repairslike a correlian bee collecting honey,a light flickered in the distance a ship coming out of hyperspace appared on ogewas screen the big frieghter appared in the scanner a very old yt class the chassiy showing its age pot holes from asteroids and arms fire littering it's surface.

a beep came from the ships comms unit " this is corsec space station to dark haven please trasmit flight details and clearance" - the sergent said neaturaly his face scowling at him as if he was sizing ogewa up, "trasmint data now corsec" ogewa mumbled the coldness of his voice sending a shiver down the sergents spine "okay your clear to land at coranet....enjoy your stay sir..." the pause of the sergents voice uneasing ogewa as he began his desent into the atmostphere.

a alarm rang as a blaster shot hit and disabled his shields a small eta-2 appared on ogewas screen the fighter screaming down on him his blasters firing an barrage of shots into his fighter "dam it sheilds are gone grr" ogewa roared out loudly in fustration as he spined and roaled the fighter with the following eta in close pursuit " ha-ha you got my wing mate but ull die by my hands ogewa" - the hutt laughed evilly over the comm unit.


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:56 am

"dam it this guys gona get me killed"-ogewa thought out loudly

ogewa flicked though the systems powering down various systems, "okay lets try this"- ogewa said neaturally pushing the fighter into the atmosphere of the planet the ships hull glowing red as the fighter entered the atmosphere the heat disapating after a short bursh of the fighters thrusters,"ha-ha no planet will save you now ogewa" - the hutt fighter roared
over the comm unit the nose of ogewa's fighter now pointing directly at the ground of corsec starport below his fighter picked up speed as the dark haven started to pull away from the hut fighter the nose starting to glow a white as the fighter
started to scream towards the ground.
"ha-ha so you'd rather kill your self rather than let me kill you..so be it" - the hut pilot roared

ogewa's fighter contiuned to roar towards the starport, only the lights from the sensor console light up the cockpit of the dark haven the sensor beep as the hut dissappered from view a couple of mintues past as ogewa waited to see if the pilot came back into view,a Series of beeps sounded as a colison alarm sounded "now to get out of this"-ogewa thought flicking the switches powering his fighter back up the suden burst of enegry throwing him back into his chair "sith spit forgot about the thrusters" - ogewa hastley noted sliding the thruster control to full reverse , sweat drip from ogewa's had as he grab the controls and pull back with every ounce of strength he had, The nose of the fighter gradualy pulling up, the belly skiming over the surface of the starport contol tower, relesing a proton torpedo ogewa slowly pulled away as the tropedo slamed into the tower the modifications working briantly as a bright light flashed temporarly blinding his sensors.

the hutt pilot looked down waiting for some sigh of ogewa's destruction a comm unit beeped as he continued to montior the sufrace, flicking the comm units switch a picture of a hutt appared on the pilots screen " yes sir, ogewa sent his craft into a downward spiral towards the corsec starport on the surface, im monitoring the area now" - the pilot formaly spoke to the hutt as a bright light flashed down on the surface the senors beeping to confirm the fighters destruction "sir , ogewa's ship has been destroyed,..he wont bother us anymore sir" - the pilot said formally as a loud laugh sounded from the hutt "good return and you will be reward for your deed pilot" - the hutt said as the communitaction terminated the pilots console beep as his orders came in from his master.

ogewa sensors beeped as the figher of his advasery when into hyperspace "good now to repair my baby" ogewa thoughtseting his fighter on the outskirts of coranet the cockpit humed as the roof, "as soon as im finished repair my ship im off to mustaffar to lay low for a bit" - ogewa thought out loudyly

grabing a change of clothes ogewa put on a camoflage coat a pair of rsf trousers and top slaping on a swoop helm for disguse, ogewa turned to walk towards coranet emediatly thinking "oh dam it forgot to lock the ship" - ogewa said as he turned and grab a laser blaster and pressing a button to close the cockpit making sure it was secure before setting off to coranet.

the room lit up as ogewa walked into the junkdealers shop the twi'leks's blue lecktue hunge over his shoulder the motly coulerd paters litterd his leteckue , " hi im looking for parts of a dunelizard , a new weapons capacitor , armour , thruster control and computer core" the twi'lek tuted as he skimed over his data pad " those part will cost you 30000 credits" - the twi'lek said as he grind at ogewa "dam thats too expensive anyone else do part for dunelizards on corellia" - ogewa said nevoiously a gut feeling telling him that this was the only fighter dealer in the area, " no noone else does parts for your craft, but perahps we can come so some sort of arangement so you can pay for your parts you need we would both benift from the arangement" - the twi'lek said greedly at ogewa "what sort of..Argengement" ogewa said to the twi'lek either way what he was preposing gave him the chance to start again " well you would trak and hunt down people who own me alot of credits a sort of bounty hunter when your finished we will be even but you will earn no credits for this understood" - the twi'lek said .

ogewa though over the twi'lek proposle "if you bring up some sort of legal agrment that says i owe you nothing the yes" - ogewa said to the twi'lek gaurdly as he pushed a blank data pad towards the twi'lek " yes that will be acceptable" - the twi'lek said brushing over the data pad signing it with his bio-metic data when he finished " i guess ill get started then" ogewa said as the twi'lek handed him both datapads one full of names of creditos the other with the contract, "the parts will be available to you when the next shipment comes in tomorow" - the twi'lek said with an evil tone .

" be warned twi'lek no agrment will protect you if you double coss me got it" ogewa said leveling his weapon at the twi'lek "ooh and the saftey is off as well so dont try anything" - the twi'lek jumped back in supprise droping his datapad onto the floor "i think we understand eachother now twi'lek" - ogewa said noting the twi'leks fear , he had seen that look in peoples face before fear had hit him, the adrenalie rushed through his system as he reached for the triger "no i have made an agrement im gona stick to it untill he crosses me" ogewa thought out loudly.

turning to face the distant starport ogewa neautraly said to the twi'lek "ill pick the parts up then get started on this list soon as were done i dont want to see any bountys on my head or ill come after you got it" a slow nod came from the twi'lek as ogewa turned his head towards the starport and headed back to his ship for some rest.

(i have another story in development the return: the path to darkness)

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Post by Apium » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:00 am

oh wow, you know the people on these forums have short attention spans, ill read it, but it will take me a while.

Reminds me that I need to post "The Tragedy of a World, a People, and a Child's Toy: Part 2" and "The Fall of Apium Auvair."
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by ogewa » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:25 am

mmm i bear that in mind next time :( i originally wrote the post for the ssprn fourms i just copyed and pasted the eniter post only edited a few things on it.

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Post by RettVescan » Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:12 pm

P.S. Periods, commas, and capitalization are helpful too. Especially in posts that are as long as yours. :wink:


Post by ogewa » Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:26 am



Post by Jal'Hadon » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:42 am

Apium wrote: and "The Fall of Apium Auvair at the hands of Jal'Hadon."

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Post by Apium » Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:24 pm

Jal'Hadon wrote:
Apium wrote: and "The Fall of Apium Auvair at the hands of Jal'Hadon."

actually your right. You kill me in the story.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Jal'Hadon » Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:28 pm

<3 apium :wink: i wanna read it. your gonna pop my RP cherry apium!!! :lol:

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Post by Apium » Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:02 pm

Jal'Hadon wrote:<3 apium :wink: i wanna read it. your gonna pop my RP cherry apium!!! :lol:

lol its really short. I wanted to make it longer, but my subscription was running out and I had others things I wanted to write.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Dragonus » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:41 pm

Apium wrote:oh wow, you know the people on these forums have short attention spans, ill read it, but it will take me a while.

Reminds me that I need to post "The Tragedy of a World, a People, and a Child's Toy: Part 2" and "The Fall of Apium Auvair."

bs i read it i think its very interesting... but yea using commas and all that other stuff would have been better
