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Post by Ri'Me » Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:18 am

Yeah Goldeneye was sweet, Rogue Squadron was good.. and nothing could touch WWF No Mercy.. not even current gen Smackdown games. I wish Aki would return to make a true follow up to No Mercy

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:34 am

I have goldeneye on xbox and it sux!!!

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Post by Jaysont » Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:35 am

waucod i dunno wat kinda goldeneye your playing but on N64 it's a superb game :D oh no forgot what else i was gonna say maybe i'll edit post later once i remember.


Post by Ri'Me » Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:52 pm

Goldeneye for N64 was made by Rare, after that EA bought the James Bond license and released every Bond game after that and each one sucked.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:26 pm

Ri'Me wrote:I was in Wal-Mart the other day and couldn't believe my eyes. Microsoft is actually selling coolant devices that you attach to the 360 to keep them from overheating. This to me is pathetic. Rather than designing a system to be efficient and reliable, they release a system with problems and almost force consumers who are already paying through the nose to dish out more money to pay for this add-on. And don't tell me that redesigning the system to be more efficient should up the cost.. this is Microsoft's foul-up. Efficiency should've been top priority when designing the system in the first place, and power later. If that were the case and we didn't get a system as powerful as what the 360 currently is, oh well.. at least our houses wouldn't burn down!

Microsoft does not sell any of these devices. These are third-party devices that were made to capitalize off of people's fears. The 360's internal cooling system is perfectly fine. Mine has functioned perfectly. I did have to return my first 360, but it was not killed by an overheating issue. The 360 I received in return has worked almost flawlessly since day one. In fact, my 360 is now in a more "dangerous" place than the first one I had. The first one I had sitting on its box on the floor, but my current one resides in my entertainment unit.

The coolers and fans being made for the 360 are being made by the likes of Pelican, NOT MOCROSOFT. These companies are simply capitalizing off of peoples' fears. Trust me, if the PS3 has similar heating issues as the 360 does, then third-party coolers and fans will show up for it as well.

Now, the over-heating issues the 360 had when it was first released were blown out of proportion. I know a lot of people actually returned theirs on the simple fear that it would over-heat, but the things never did. The 360's cooling is actually pretty top notch. The CPU has a a liquid-cooled heat sink and there are two 60mm fans in the back of it to suck out air. The only thing that could really cause overheating issues was that the rubber legs on the 360's base were pretty short (especially compared to the orifinal Xbox). So, if you sat your 360 on an uneven surface you stood a good chance of clogging the air vents.

The only thing ever discovered that could contribute to possible overheating of the console was the discovery of some sort of foil on the first run of 360s. The foil was found between the CPU and the heat sink. The foil was removed in later 350 runs. No one really knows what the foil did, but common belief was that it didn't do anything to help the cooling process.

Now, not every 360 is perfect. The great majority work flawlessly, but according to Microsoft, roughly 3% to 5% have some sort of fault. This apparently falls within industry standards. Trust me, Sony will suffer from some similar fate. A small group of Sony Zombies will get faulty PS3s that just don't work right, so conspiracy theorists and anti-Sony folks will have a field day. Trust me. It has happened before and will happen again. Of course, Sony has done nothing to help themselves through all of this, so...

To this day, there has never been a confirmed report of a 360 catching fire. If there was, you would have seen a massive recall. You saw what happened with Dell (and now several other laptop companies).

The fact that Sony will likely lose market share really sucks for its fanboys, but it is actually good for the industry. If Sony and MS came away with equal market share, the battle will be over game quality. That is a war that would benefit the consumer beyond belief. Still, it is a shame the way Sony treats its loyal followers. What is even more sad is how blind its followers can be sometimes...

Now, you probably own't see a price cut on the 360 this Christmas but you can probably count on one for Christmas '07. I would be shocked if Sony can afford a price cut on the PS3 by Christmas '07. Considering the Cell processor and Blu-Ray drives, the manufacturing costs will probably stay higher for longer on the PS3 than the 360 (as the 360 uses more tried and true technology)


Post by Dragonus » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:08 pm

well here we go again this time with a country WITH NUKES ... america has retards running the gorvenment (bush and most republicans + that sex thing with one of the republicans) we are gonna get alot of countries pissed off at this rate.. chavez aint much but dealing with korea and pakistan (not sure about this one dont remeber name) with nuclear sht's and wat not.. and why should these countries listen to the UN.. america didnt wen they decided to attack iraq... i thinks its time to move

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:54 pm

1. The U.S. isn't the only country a little on edge about North Korea having nukes.

2. Whether or not President Bush and the Republican party suffer from mental retardation is only speculation at this point.

3. The U.S. is one of a handful of countries that actually has the strength to not listen to the UN. That doesn't mean I agree with the choice.

4. The Presidential Election is in two years. If you can vote, get off your ass and make an educated vote. If you can't vote, go buy a congressman.

5. Political discussions are a no, no on the RID forums simply because we have a nasty tendancy to throw mud. So, this topic will be a quick one.
Last edited by Kurke_Aumea on Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Apium » Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:05 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:
Kurke_Aumea wrote:2. Wether or not President Bush and the Republican party suffer from mental retardation is only speculation at this point.


the right wing has spoken.......
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:18 pm

Hey, I wasn't the one that called the President and the ruling political party retards. I simply pointed out that it isn't a fact.

Now, Waucod, you can go sit all by yourself and I will delete each and every post you make or you can grow up and post with a little more maturity and diginity.

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Post by Apium » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:05 am

I'm studying the beginning of party politics in school, and I've come to the conclusion they are wholly unneeded. If I ever become someone important that would be my platform. The disintegration of all permanant political parties. The temporary ones that only fight for one cause are fine, it is the ones that staple 50,000 labels onto every member that are wrong.
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Post by Leviathen » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:16 am

I think having only two parties in a political system ruins it, you have this ever lasting war between two parties. If there is more than one party you tend to see the parties working together more often, less aggression between parties (but still plenty of words exchanged), and more opinions and view points are put out into political debates.

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:09 am

we have more than 2 just omnly 2 that anyone votes for cause Nader is all like I'm going to take over the world see

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Post by Apium » Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:19 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:we have more than 2 just omnly 2 that anyone votes for cause Nader is all like I'm going to take over the world see

hes refering to our two party system, not to the actually amount of political parties. Which is closer to 50, but always changes. There are many temporary parties and local parties.
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:39 pm

It will be two parties until the end of time. Nothing is stopping a third party from rising to power, but its simply that the Democrats and Republicans already identify with the majority of Americans that it is hard for a third party to step in. In truth, it's not the two party system that is at fault, but the people in it and a few other things that go on in Congress that ruin it all.

First, you have corrupt, lifetime politicians who do nothing but push their personal views and not that of their voters. Each Congressman is more concerned about where their next vote is coming from that they lose sight of true politics. I am a firm believer that all Congressmen should be term limited. No more than four terms per congressman seems like a good number to me. The only downside is that it could create a lame-duck effect for congressmen in their final term.

Second, pork is possibly the root of all evil in politics. For those of you who don't know what pork is, it is the extra funds tacked on to a bill passed through congress that allocates money for whatever to a Congressman's district or state. For instance, a bill may be passed through both houses of congress that dictates how drug companies label their products, but the bill has millions of dollars tacked onto it that are allocated to certain senators and representatives that voted to pass the bill. So, in that bill you might see $500,000 in road improvement money going to the state of Ohio because an Ohio senator voted to pass the bill. It's crap like this that tends to corrupt the political process.

Want to see how pork can be used against you? In the Ohio governors race, the Republican candidate has launched an ad campaign on the Democratic candidate because the Democrat voted down a Homeland Defense bill. What the ad doesn't say is that he voted it down because of how the pork got distributed.

In truth, a two party system is probably what is best for the country. It's when you start adding in pork, corrupt politicians, and special interest groups (yeah, forgot about those...) that the two party system doesn't work properly.

Ahhh, got to love politics...


Post by Dragonus » Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:15 pm

lets not forget about perv politicians
