Apium wrote:Its not Sony, not in consoles. I love SOE, and I love Sony computers. Its Square-Enix, you insult Square-Enix by insulting the PS3 which is their console of choice. Besides there has been no Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts that hasn't sold out the first day. If you watched the trailer you can't deny it wasn't gameplay, and like I said when its Final Fantasy you know its quality.
Just take an inventory of the games I own.
Final Fantasy seven through ten-two.
Two Dyansty warriors
Both Kingdom Hearts.
And GTA.
Thats it, seven Square-Enix, two koei, 1 rockstar. Besides final fantasy its nothing I can't get from another console.
I insult Square by insulting the PS3? Whatever you're smoking, please pass it over here!!!
Whatever man. I won't deny that Square has some quality products that are extremely popular. They're not exactly my cup of tea, but people do like square games.
The PS3 may be their console of choice, but a day will come where the only exclusive titles being made for the PS3, 360, and Wii are by first party developers. And since Sony doesn't have Square on their payroll like they used to, it's only a matter of time before you see a FF game released simultanesouly on the PS3, 360, and even the Wii. At the very least, you will see something similar to what is going on with the next GTA game. It will be exclusive to the 360 for... one week.
Just because I hold a low opion of Sony and their PS3 doesn't mean I hold one for Square. By only beef with Square is that they've beat the dead horse that is FF for way too long. Or maybe I just fail to comprehend what is so great about the FF franchise.