My Problems with the Division Revamp

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My Problems with the Division Revamp

Post by Guest » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:36 pm

Lexx, I know you've probably slaved over the division revamp, but there are some MAJOR problems.

First, Aemagibeia and I are both lowly Gamma III grunts... I know I was promised Captainhood, and Aem just deserves better.

Second, I'm grouped with Idfig, who I don't really know, and two guys who haven't played in ages.

The system needs some work


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:40 pm

Hehe, also, Bizob needs underlings, lol

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:59 pm

Well let me clear some things up. I sent some mails stating that the titles given were *not* final. So just hang in there :wink:

But the fact of the matter is 100% of RID is deserving of a Commander or Captain title, but it wouldnt make sense if we gave all of RID a leadership role to highten their self esteem. It doesnt matter if your a Commander, Captain, Leader, or Grunt, as long as you take pride in it, it's much more rewarding. However I will do my best to find you and some others a decent rank. But as it stands now, only 6 people can be Captains, and 3 can be Commanders. I am certain all 30 members deserve a title, but it's an imposibilty to make everyone happy.

However, as long as the system works, I feel the Division Revamp has suceeded. :)

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:00 pm

Also, not all non-active have been weeded out. And as for people you dont know, it's better to be with them so you can get to know them better.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:38 pm

I'd like to add that I don't feel Oraf's concern is necessarily with the new system itself, but more about who was put where. What does this mean? Basically that the new system we put in place is effective, we just need to work out who goes where.

By the way, Kaesin has resigned from the SLC position of Squad 1. I felt it would be unfair to the guild if I held two leadership positions at once. Also, there are others (Oraf, Aem, Fing) who are more deserving of a SLC position.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:27 pm

Absouluterly true. As of now, we havn't decided exactly who goes where. What I did was just going down the list and not really basing squad members on skills and such. Thats because it was the first phase. But no worries, I will fix things up so groups are diversed, and everyone can be friends with different members.


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:49 pm

Hmm... my main problem was that it was kind of a shock, when pressing Ctrl + C to check my faction points seeing "Frst Offcr of ST Wepnry" changed to "GAMMA III", and something else. Hehe, I couldn't even make it into Alpha? (lol, I'm probably overreacting to that part, but considering I just read Brave New World for school, I guess the class system is stuck in my head :wink: )

Lexx, if it turns out that Kaesin's spot is the only one available, let Aemagibeia have the post. He deserves it more than I do, but I'd be honored to serve under him. The two of us both owe our force sensitivity to each other, and I've grown to really like him, in a totally heterosexual way.

Thirdly, what about Xanus? Lol... why is he a captain? And on a similar note, is Zetagala ever really coming back?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:00 pm

Good points Oraf, lol. But me and Kurke spoke with each other, and Aem will be Captain, and you will be given a Captain leadership role too, I assure it. You both well deserving of it. Kurke will send you details in-game :)

And for Zetagala, I dont know, maybe he will be a legend, or maybe he will be back. If he isnt back in a month we may need to issue a new General.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:59 pm

Hehe, I was so caught up in what I didn't like about the revamp that I didn't mention that it has some things I really like. First of all, there seems to be actual organization this time around. With the old system, there were several divisions, each with their own Commander and officers, but then everyone without a title just kind of floated around as "RID". Now, we Captains can actually tell who our underlings are, and the new system is infinitely better because of that.

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, that what Kurke said is totally true. The only problems I have are with who has what rank, not the actual system. I think this will make our guild a much stronger and more efficient one.
