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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 3:18 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Bahhh..... I have to go back to class tomorrow....

I am one credit hour short of being a senior in college. I'm taking a summer class to pick up the hour.... The class is weather.... yeah, looks like I'll be catching up on my sleep.

Kurke what is your major?? First dirt and now weather. I'm going to guess your major is Business.
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Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 5:35 pm

Actually, my major is Information Technology. All of the geography stuff fits into my minor, Geographic Information Systems. I can use my minor to use GPS satellites and GIS software to make cool maps. The dirt class fits in because I needed a geography elective for my minor... Yeah, I should have picked something else. Weather fits in because it fulfills my general education requirements.

Yeah, I'm almost done with my major and minor. It's my general education requirements I'm kind of lacking. It's going to be an easy year in 2007. lol

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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 6:52 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Actually, my major is Information Technology. All of the geography stuff fits into my minor, Geographic Information Systems. I can use my minor to use GPS satellites and GIS software to make cool maps. The dirt class fits in because I needed a geography elective for my minor... Yeah, I should have picked something else. Weather fits in because it fulfills my general education requirements.

Yeah, I'm almost done with my major and minor. It's my general education requirements I'm kind of lacking. It's going to be an easy year in 2007. lol

did you pick that major/minor before or after you went to college?
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 7:23 pm

I started at DeVry University in Columbus, OH with a CIS major (which is almost the same as IT, but with an emphasis on programming). When I transferred to Youngstown State University, I changed my major to IT. About two semesters ago I picked GIS as my minor.

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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 7:24 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:I started at DeVry University in Columbus, OH with a CIS major (which is almost the same as IT, but with an emphasis on programming). When I transferred to Youngstown State University, I changed my major to IT. About two semesters ago I picked GIS as my minor.

What programming languages do you know??
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 7:39 pm

I was an ace in my C+ class last semester. I used to know VB back before Microsoft went all .Net on us. Still, that's why I went with IT, less programming. Give me computer parts and a Windows OS and I'm a happy little camper. Give me programming and I suddenly develop a sleeping disorder.

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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 7:46 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:I was an ace in my C+ class last semester. I used to know VB back before Microsoft went all .Net on us. Still, that's why I went with IT, less programming. Give me computer parts and a Windows OS and I'm a happy little camper. Give me programming and I suddenly develop a sleeping disorder.

I'm just the opposite. I love programming, not so fond on the hardware though. The only problem due to my creative is that I'm having trouble finding uses for my own programs. Last semsester I did make a program for my chemistry teacher that converted every thing you would ever want to convert to and from metric. I can't wait until I actually have a teacher for this programming. Now when I get stuck all I have is myself and a book. So far I've learned Basic, generation you know), C++(ms-dos), C++(windows), a little C#, and some javascript entirely on my own.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Ri'Me » Mon May 22, 2006 7:54 pm

what kind of math do you need to know to learn all this? is it difficult math? I hate math

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 8:00 pm

I'm sure it wouldn't take much for me to pick up VB again. It's all object oriented, so once you can understand that you can understand other object oriented programming.

AS for the math skills involved, it depends on how in depth you get with the programming. For the most part, all of the math is pretty basic. It is the logic behind the math that can get complex. Then again, that is why I enjoy hardware more than I do software. It is all less complex, well to me at least.

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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 8:05 pm

Ri'Me wrote:what kind of math do you need to know to learn all this? is it difficult math? I hate math

well your high school math teachers always seem to say you need calculus and such for programming, but you don't. There are "mathematical concepts" in programming. Such as IF dog = 9 then fruit = 17. dog and fruit being variables. if and then you may recognize as a "if then" statement that is in some math classes, but you dont really dont need to know much math.

The above example was bad, it makes programming look simple. So to show you it is infact not simple here is a section of code from my first C++ program:

case 1:
int nFahrenheit1;
cout << "\n1 for Fahrenheit to Celsius\n2 for Fahrenheit to Kelvin...";
cin >> nFahrenheit1;

if (nFahrenheit1 != 2)
double dFtoC;
cout << "\nWhat is the fahrenheit degrees you would like to convert to celsius?...";
cin >> dFtoC;
double answer1;
answer1 = (dFtoC - 32) * .5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer1 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

double dFtoK;
cout << "\nWhat is the fahrenheit degrees you would like to convert to kelvin?...";
cin >> dFtoK;
double answer2;
double answer25;
answer2 = (dFtoK - 32) * .5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555;
answer25 = answer2 + 273;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer25 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

case 2:
int nCelsius1;
cout << "\n1 for Celsius to Fahrenheit\n2 for Celsius to Kelvin...";
cin >> nCelsius1;
if (nCelsius1 != 2)
double dCtoF;
cout << "\nWhat is the celcius degrees you would like to convert to Fahrenheit?...";
cin >> dCtoF;
double answer3;
answer3 = dCtoF * 1.8 + 32;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer3 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

double dCtoK;
cout << "\nWhat is the Celsius degrees you would like to convert to kelvin?...";
cin >> dCtoK;
double answer4;
answer4 = dCtoK + 273;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer4 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

case 3:
int nKelvin1;
cout << "\n1 for Kelvin to Fahrenheit\n2 for Kelvin to Celsius...";
cin >> nKelvin1;
if (nKelvin1 != 2)
double dKtoF;
cout << "\nWhat is the kelvin you would like to convert to Fahrenheit?...";
cin >> dKtoF;
double answer5;
double answer55;
answer5 = dKtoF - 273;
answer55 = answer5 * 1.8 + 32;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer55 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

double dKtoC;
cout << "\nWhat is the kelvin you would like to convert to celsius?...";
cin >> dKtoC;
double answer6;
answer6 = dKtoC - 273;
cout << "\nYour answer is:";
cout << answer6 << endl;
cout << "\n1 to continue or 0 to exit...";
cin >> nfinish;

cout << "\nYou didn't enter a 1, 2, or 3\n";

Last edited by Apium on Mon May 22, 2006 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 8:06 pm

Actually looking at that now, I realize that I should have put notes in there so I would know what the fuck I was doing when I looked back at it.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Ri'Me » Mon May 22, 2006 8:14 pm

ok, I have no clue what any of that is, probably take me 45 minutes to an hour just to type all that too.. but I will learn

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Post by Apium » Mon May 22, 2006 8:17 pm

Ri'Me wrote:ok, I have no clue what any of that is, probably take me 45 minutes to an hour just to type all that too.. but I will learn

lol if you want to learn programming especially by yourself start with basic. That was C++. Basic is basically basic, pun totally intended. Anyways you can learn all the concepts with out overwhelming yourself.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 8:20 pm

Apium wrote:Actually looking at that now, I realize that I should have put notes in there so I would know what the fuck I was doing when I looked back at it.

Ahhh, the ever lovely comments. Still, try using indents to help distinguish your if and case statements. It will help you when you're looking for things later. OF course, you probably did use indents, they just didn't make the conversion on the forums. On that note, try using the Code feature when posting coding, it really helps. It is up beside the bold, italics, link, and image tags when you make a post.

What makes programming so messed up is how complex it is to do simple things. For instance, the program you posted is realtively simple, but takes a lot of coding to get it done. That's probably why I hate programming most. Still, if you can understand step-by-step processes, if-else statements, and a few other logical processes programming can be pretty simple to understand.

And yes, I can understand everything in that program... Wow, that means I actually paid attention in programming class...

Still, I am slightly confused by how you are naming your variables. In the one else statement you created two doubles, answer2 and answer25. I'm just curious why you labeled it answer25? Still, quite effective use of an if-else statement and a case statement.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon May 22, 2006 8:24 pm

Apium wrote:
Ri'Me wrote:ok, I have no clue what any of that is, probably take me 45 minutes to an hour just to type all that too.. but I will learn

lol if you want to learn programming especially by yourself start with basic. That was C++. Basic is basically basic, pun totally intended. Anyways you can learn all the concepts with out overwhelming yourself.

Yeah, basic and C++ are two different animals, but both use the same logic. The nice thing about Visual Basic is that you can make a visual user interface to see what your programming corresponds to. With C++, you get that old school DOS prompt and text output. The problem is that since they are two different animals, learning one probably won't help you code the other. IT will make you understand the logic behind it all though. Then again, it all depends how you learn it too. I went through a C++ class at both DeVry and YSU. I had a devil of a time at DeVry because of how the professor taught it. At YSU, it was mostly a breeze because of how it was presented to me.
