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Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm

So, I thought of a compromise.

This is what I am reading:
IMPHL appears upset because they desire respect from SS community as the leaders of Imperial PVP. They feel that Issele intentionally keeps them down and uses her influence to prevent IMPHL from gaining respect and a chance to prove they can lead Imperial PVP. IMPHL would like a chance to lead the rebuilding of the old Network.

Issele seems to feel that IMPHL are being unreasonable and childish, because she has tried to include them in the Network that she was trying to rebuild, because no one else was bothering and she stepped up to the plate.

So what I propose is this:
Issele's health is not good and she wants to do some hardcore RPing with TRGA, so maybe it would be a good idea to take a break, just finish the Lokian Event since TRGA is involved, and let IMPHL show what they can do with rebuilding the Imperial Network.

IMPHL has an open and unimpeded chance to prove to SS community that they can lead by example and rebuild the Network in time for Restuss Themepark. Any respect or disrespect that they earn is a result of their own actions, and no one else is to blame or be held accountable.

Does this sound accurate and acceptable?

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 4:00 pm

As far as griefing, that was in reference to when a bunch of punk ass IMPHL invaded our Ventrillo server on day one and started all kinds of nonsense.There are several RID I haven't seen on the comms server since because of that shit. And don't say you don't know who it was bumpn because you do.

Other than that one issue, I've never had a problem with IMPHL. But when you attack something we worked real hard to pull together, than take your lumps. Hell, even be man enough to say you were wrong.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 4:04 pm

And if your gonna reply bmpn, at least take the time to spell my toon's name right. If you want to discuss this on comms I can set up a public channel. My IGN is Erougn.

I actually get the feeling that you're a decent person with a sense of honor about gaming. I'm definately not trying to exacerbate the situation, but if I don't say how I feel than we're both wasting our time.

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Post by Issele » Sun May 21, 2006 4:14 pm

Szul wrote:So, I thought of a compromise.

This is what I am reading:
IMPHL appears upset because they desire respect from SS community as the leaders of Imperial PVP. They feel that Issele intentionally keeps them down and uses her influence to prevent IMPHL from gaining respect and a chance to prove they can lead Imperial PVP. IMPHL would like a chance to lead the rebuilding of the old Network.

Issele seems to feel that IMPHL are being unreasonable and childish, because she has tried to include them in the Network that she was trying to rebuild, because no one else was bothering and she stepped up to the plate.

So what I propose is this:
Issele's health is not good and she wants to do some hardcore RPing with TRGA, so maybe it would be a good idea to take a break, just finish the Lokian Event since TRGA is involved, and let IMPHL show what they can do with rebuilding the Imperial Network.

IMPHL has an open and unimpeded chance to prove to SS community that they can lead by example and rebuild the Network in time for Restuss Themepark. Any respect or disrespect that they earn is a result of their own actions, and no one else is to blame or be held accountable.

Does this sound accurate and acceptable?

As for the Network, that is up to the Network which works on a voting system. No one person leads the Network, never had and never will. Again it was done by voting system and there is a Network. I DO not lead it nor do I have the right to claim that this would be ok with the Network that they disban the Network they been a part of for 3 years so IMPHL could make one.

For the record too, anything I have done from the day I joined RID, I never did anything without Lexx's 100% approval and did always just what he told me to do. I do not take being called a liar sitting down, or that I mislead RID in any shape or way when I have been 100% loyal to my guild and never lied about anything then to have IMPHL come here and state such of my charector. I can always back up what I say because it is the truth. Bumpn can not back up what he claims I said because the fact is he is not telling the truth. Let him get honest then maybe this can be worked out.
Last edited by Issele on Sun May 21, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 4:15 pm

Whats past is past. Lots of people did things out of anger that we may or may not regret.

But the bottom line is that Bumpn said he was mad at me because I did not give him or IMPHL a fair chance. He is correct, I never did give them a fair shake, that was a mistake and I offered my apology.

I am of the opinion that they are mad at Issele for similar reasons.

So as far as I am concerned, whats done is done, and bumpn and IMPHL have the fair chance that they asked me for, and a fresh clean slate. I don't care who said what, or griefed whoever, in the past. All I care about is what behavior is exhibited from this point forward.

And I ask that everyone do the same.

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Post by Issele » Sun May 21, 2006 4:27 pm

Szul wrote:Whats past is past. Lots of people did things out of anger that we may or may not regret.

But the bottom line is that Bumpn said he was mad at me because I did not give him or IMPHL a fair chance. He is correct, I never did give them a fair shake, that was a mistake and I offered my apology.

I am of the opinion that they are mad at Issele for similar reasons.

So as far as I am concerned, whats done is done, and bumpn and IMPHL have the fair chance that they asked me for, and a fresh clean slate. I don't care who said what, or griefed whoever, in the past. All I care about is what behavior is exhibited from this point forward.

And I ask that everyone do the same.

I think in order to make this work, IMPHL needs to step up and make some amends and commit to what they are willing to do to put this is the past. RID has not warrented this, nor have I but I am willing to put it in the past if I see IMPHL post they will honestly try this for all of RID to see.

But then I only speak for myself and can't speak for all of RID but if you call my guild a joke, do not ever expect me to just wipe the plate clean without an appolgy and honest effort to get along. I am not a liar.

Many of us have been a bunt of this issue Szul, and I am all for fixing it. Please do not think I am not. We have been on this road before. Understand where I am coming from. I am a member of RID, I have 2 chars in RID. If Lexx wants me to leave RID or RID wants me to leave RID, I will. But that is Lexx's call.

This is how I see this: Someone comes up to you and punches you in the face, they break your nose even, then they say it was your fault and try to tell everyone in the schoolyard that you made them hit you and break your nose. You tell the other people the truth, that he just came up and out of no where punched you. Then your asked, well lets just drop this and move on.

Who started this post? Who posted flames about RID on the Starsider boards? Who has trashed RID every chance they got? Who asked Lexx to send out a guild mail weeks ago to please no one say anything bad about IMPHL, no matter what? Who posted screen shots on our boards just a week ago when a RID was afk and IMPHL came by and said stuff of about RID and how Lexx is his boy or something like that? Show that screenshot to bumpn. Who up to this morning has tried to post flames about us again on SS boards?
Last edited by Issele on Sun May 21, 2006 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 4:52 pm

Noone wants you to leave, Issele. I just hope your other toons are as cute as your first. I know you've been through some tough times lately, and I will be your huckleberry no matter who you fight with. I've already had a bounty contract on you and aborted it. I seriously think bumpn has an axe to grind with you, and his explanation of why has been circumstantial at best.


Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 4:59 pm

Bumpn and IMPHL did not ask for my apology. I gave that freely. They did ask to be given a fair chance, and because of that I am not demanding any apologies or amends from them towards RID. That is up to them to offer on their own. IMO, bumpn did offer me an apology in his reply to mine, but I didn't need one or expect one. They did nothing to me, only to my guildmates.

Everyone needs to stop caring so much about what others feel or think about them in a video game. Its just not that important to your RLs, or even your gameplay. IMPHL has apparantly hated me for, wow, a couple months now? Up until now, I wasn't even aware of it, or that I'd succeded in pissing them off. Their hatred of me has not affected my gameplay, or my life, a single bit. I started to grief them, but Lexx and Apium asked me to back off, so I did and went on my merry little way.

I am saying that to prove that all this anger over disrespect and whatever other offensive babble someone can think of, is totally ridiculous. If someone hates you, so what? If someone disrespects you, so what? People waste more time trying to change someone's opinion of them, when odds are... nothing is going to change.

So just accept it, deal and move on. You'll find that their affect and influence on your daily gameplay is irrelevant, and miniscule at most.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 5:13 pm

I don't think that post was directed at me, but I will say this;

I think you need to lay off the valiums or ridlin or whatever were more fun as a griefer.


You ever type a post, then read it and think it was a little over the top? I do it all the time. I figured you guys would get a kick out of the truth for a change ;-) So the previous is what I really thought.

/end context/

Take 2;

While I totally agree with you, Szul, I will not back down as far as the comms crap. We deserve an apology, since all involved know that IMPHL was all involved.


Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 5:14 pm

Issele wrote:This is how I see this: Someone comes up to you and punches you in the face, they break your nose even, then they say it was your fault and try to tell everyone in the schoolyard that you made them hit you and break your nose. You tell the other people the truth, that he just came up and out of no where punched you. Then your asked, well lets just drop this and move on.

Sorry I missed this part.

Ok, this is not a realistic example for trashing each other in a video game. That is RL. This is a video game. What people do to you in this game has absolutely NO effect on your life, or even gameplay, unless YOU allow it to. And if you allow it to affect you, then yea.. that is your fault for being so insecure and sensitive. How do you think all this got started, insecure people letting insults and disrespect affect their emotinal well-being.

But in response to your RL example, I'd put them in the fucking hospital. Harsh? Yea, but I say that because I have done exactly that. I've done bad things I'm going to answer for when I die.

So when I say that its best to forgive, forget and move on, you can damn well bet that I am shooting straight from experience as someone who has lived their life being horrible and mean to people. Its a rotten way to live, and eventually it will catch up to you.

So yea, I am asking to just drop this and move on. If its shown that people are unable and unwilling to do that, then I will cross that bridge if it comes.

Bumpn wanted me to give him and IMPHL a fair chance, and that is what I will give them.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 5:19 pm

In RL when people fuck with me, I just erase them from my life. It's an easy, painless solution that has yet to fail in 41 years.


Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 5:32 pm

Erougn wrote:I think you need to lay off the valiums or ridlin or whatever were more fun as a griefer.

Don't worry, I haven't gone soft. I have this weird moral configuration in that I only grief people who I feel are deserving of it. Bumpn was correct that I hadn't given him or IMPHL a fair chance, and he asked that I give them one. So I admitted I had not given them a chance, and offered my apology for it and and I am giving them the chance they asked for.

IMO, this might go either way. If good, then great. I don't like to grief people if they don't deserve it. If it goes badly... well why bother talking about that possibilty. To do so isn't really giving them a fair chance, now, is it?

I'm just asking that everyone else in RID follow example and extend the olive branch. If they want a fair chance, then give it to them. Then we can go from there, because the ball will be in their court as to how they wish to proceed with this business.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 5:41 pm

I totally agree, Szul. I am personally cool with IMPHL and consider all past, passed.

If there is a reality to this cyber-reality, it is that we are both on the same course in the Emperor's Service. It is then our duty to spank rebel asses to the best of our ability. That means personal differences aside, we have one enemy.


Post by Szul » Sun May 21, 2006 5:48 pm

Erougn wrote:In RL when people fuck with me, I just erase them from my life. It's an easy, painless solution that has yet to fail in 41 years.

heh well I have this demonic vindictive side that I can't control when people fuck with me. The thoughts that race through my head when someone starts screwing with me or mine would make a shrink start hearing cash register cha-chings in his sleep. I literally get obsessed with making their lives as miserable as I possibly can. And in 40 years I'm sad to say that I've seriously wrecked some peoples lives, not that they did not deserve it. But proud of it, I am not because my conscience is catching up to me as I get older. Yea I got my revenge, but it got me nothing in the long run.

I'm just trying to pass this lesson along to these kids. Sometimes you got to let shit go.

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Post by Erougn » Sun May 21, 2006 6:06 pm

Yeah of course. Sometimes to erase people from your life you just hafta erase them.

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