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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:59 pm

Apium wrote:Heres some links to back up the Nvidia GPU and the Cell processor

GPU: ... 25957.html ... orce-7800/

That last one is from xbox guys who admitted they posted a rumor saying basically what kurke said. Now they have gone back and corrected the mistake.


Theres your facts.

OK, so it's faster than the PC version of the 7800. That still doesn't make it better than the ATI GPU. I've seen a few estimated benchmarks of the 360's CPU and GPU compared to the PS3's CPU and GPU. Fact is, if you average the benchmarks for each system and compare them, the performance is practically the same. The 360 prevails in some areas while the PS3 prevails in other areas. Mind you, those are estimated benchmarks of what is known about the technology being implemented into both consoles. It's hard to estimate about a product (PS3) that isn't on the market yet.

Question for ya Apium. Have you ever played a 360? I'm not talking at the kiosk in a store either. If so, what games have you played for the 360?

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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:07 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:I may have a grudge against the Playstation, but in honesty, it is more at the players themselves. For some reason, it seems like those who play on Sony consoles seem so narrowminded at times. All I've ever heard come out of the Sony camp is complete and utter trash talk about the Xbox (and I'm talking the original and the 360). Sure, the original one had a few issues such as the original supersized controller and the fact that you have to pay for online service, but I can find similar issues with all of the Sony consoles.

I just get frustrated when I hear someone trash talking a console and they never played it. And just so you all know, I have played on a PS2 before, I could just never get into the games I played on it. I mean, for someone to sit and trash Nintendo's first three generations of consoles is just stupidity on that person's part. The first three consoles out of Nintendo will go down in history as some of the greatest consoles to ever be made. I mean, where would we be today without the NES and Mario and Duckhunt?!?!?! What about Goldeneye on the N64??? That game was a revolution all by itself.

Why do I view the Playstations with such hatred??? Mostly because they are overrated. The PS1 was great in its own right and the PS2 was a stepping stone upon the PS1. The problem with the PS2 was that Sony made promises that they couldn't keep. "Toy Story" graphics anyone??? To me, this issue is even more evident with the PS3. Sony released those CGI videos at E3 last year and people believed those were the kinds of graphics they were going to get in the final product. If you've seen side-by-side footage of the GDC footage from this year and the E3 videos from last year, you'll see that the GDC footage is crap compared to the E3 videos. The problem is that the E3 videos were CGI and the GDC footage was actual in-game stuff.

I mean, you have Sony fanboys touting the PS3 as the second coming of Christ and bad-mouthing the 360. Not only that, they sit there and make fun of the 360's complex launch and they think the PS3 will launch flawlessly. Let's be honest, the launch for the PS3 will be just as bad or worse than the 360's. Fact is, no one even knows what the PS3 will actually bring to the table, so praising it and bashing the 360 is foolish. Now, at Christmas time we can start up the whole PS3 vs. 360 debate again.

I for one have played the xbox quite a bit. We have lan parties once a week. That is one thing the xbox killed sony in, ps2 lan parties are extremely rare, to the point where I've never heard of one. I've put plenty of hours into the xbox, so stop using that as an argument.

It is not that I don't think the xbox will be competitve on the market, it's that its fan base is made up of mostly immature people. Xbox live is one nub(I hate that word so much) calling the other nubs, well nubs. The playstation revolutionized the gaming industry just as the NES did before it. I just can't stand that so many people are putting down the PS3 when they haven't even played a PS2. The playstation was out years before the xbox, therefore the playstation deserves the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there is a new king on the market then so be it. Lets just not count sales as the winning factor. Even though the PS3 is predicted to overcome the xbox in sales.
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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:11 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Question for ya Apium. Have you ever played a 360? I'm not talking at the kiosk in a store either. If so, what games have you played for the 360?

No I've never even seen one in person, but remember I've never put down the 360's capablities. I've never even said it was a bad console. The first thing I said was that it wasn't a true next generation console. I haven't talked any trash about it other than saying I disliked it, which is hardly trash talk. I'm defending the PS3 but I'm attacking the 360.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:26 pm

We are supposed to have a bunch of random off topic conversations here not stupid on topic one!!!1 8)

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:29 pm

Yeah, the one thing that sucks about Xbox Live is that it seems like all you get are immature a-holes on there. But, when you start to get away from Halo 2 games, you realize that there is a much more mature set of Live members out there. Halo 2 is for the kiddies and that's where they typically stay. I don't see too many immature kiddies outside of Halo 2.

I can say the same thing about those who play the PS2. Hell, I lost track of how many Sony fanboys showed up on the Xbox forums to cause trouble (I say this logically assuming that there were probably some Xbox fanboys on the Sony forums). Saying that the Xbox player base is immature is being narrowminded. The reason the situation isn't as evident on the Playstation side of life is because of the lack of centralized online service on the PS2. Have no fear, though, because the kiddies will come out of the woodwork on the PS3.

You say people put down the PS3 when it's not even on the market yet. Yeah, some people can really trash talk it. Most, I think, are being skeptical. They do this considering Sony's history of promising and then not delivering. And based on what they have released about the PS3, it's hard not to be skeptical.

You say that the 360 isn't next-gen. What do you define as next-gen then? The 360 and PS3 have quite similar components and will likely perform at similar levels. So what makes a console next-gen?

I do agree with you on the one point. You can't count sales as a wining factor. Yeah, sales can determine market share, but that doesn't make the product supreme over other products. I've heard many people say that the Dreamcast was superior to the Sony's console, but we saw what happened to the Dreamcast.

My recommendation is to go and at least play a 360. You'd be surprised how much fun it can be. I'll admit, some of the games are crap or the graphics are underwhelming, but aren't there always a few bad ones in the mix? My recommendations for games to play include COD2, GRAW, Oblivian, and PGR3. I don't know what kind of games you prefer, so I can't make very many recommendations. PGR3 is beautiful and can be fun. My major problem with it is you hardly ever get to compete against other cars (but isn't the whole series like that?). COD2 is fun, great looking, and can be downright challenging at times. GRAW is probably the best looking game I've seen on any console. When I play it, I feel like I'm in Mexico City. The game has amazing realism too. I haven't played Oblivian, but all I hear are good things about it. I'm not much of an RPG guy, so I dunno if I'll ever play it.

Try it, you might like it!!!!

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:00 pm

Check your pm's :mrgreen:

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:02 pm


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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:03 pm

This is Such a Pity...

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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:34 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Yeah, the one thing that sucks about Xbox Live is that it seems like all you get are immature a-holes on there. But, when you start to get away from Halo 2 games, you realize that there is a much more mature set of Live members out there. Halo 2 is for the kiddies and that's where they typically stay. I don't see too many immature kiddies outside of Halo 2.

I can say the same thing about those who play the PS2. Hell, I lost track of how many Sony fanboys showed up on the Xbox forums to cause trouble (I say this logically assuming that there were probably some Xbox fanboys on the Sony forums). Saying that the Xbox player base is immature is being narrowminded. The reason the situation isn't as evident on the Playstation side of life is because of the lack of centralized online service on the PS2. Have no fear, though, because the kiddies will come out of the woodwork on the PS3.

You say people put down the PS3 when it's not even on the market yet. Yeah, some people can really trash talk it. Most, I think, are being skeptical. They do this considering Sony's history of promising and then not delivering. And based on what they have released about the PS3, it's hard not to be skeptical.

You say that the 360 isn't next-gen. What do you define as next-gen then? The 360 and PS3 have quite similar components and will likely perform at similar levels. So what makes a console next-gen?

I do agree with you on the one point. You can't count sales as a wining factor. Yeah, sales can determine market share, but that doesn't make the product supreme over other products. I've heard many people say that the Dreamcast was superior to the Sony's console, but we saw what happened to the Dreamcast.

My recommendation is to go and at least play a 360. You'd be surprised how much fun it can be. I'll admit, some of the games are crap or the graphics are underwhelming, but aren't there always a few bad ones in the mix? My recommendations for games to play include COD2, GRAW, Oblivian, and PGR3. I don't know what kind of games you prefer, so I can't make very many recommendations. PGR3 is beautiful and can be fun. My major problem with it is you hardly ever get to compete against other cars (but isn't the whole series like that?). COD2 is fun, great looking, and can be downright challenging at times. GRAW is probably the best looking game I've seen on any console. When I play it, I feel like I'm in Mexico City. The game has amazing realism too. I haven't played Oblivian, but all I hear are good things about it. I'm not much of an RPG guy, so I dunno if I'll ever play it.

Try it, you might like it!!!!

I agree with you on 95% of it. There are plenty of immature people playing SOCOM on the ps2, which is why I don't even go near it anymore. I didn't say the player base was immature I said Live was. Obviously I was refering to HALO, but I'm sure your right that the other games have more mature players. I was basing next gen on the cell processor, take ps3 completely out of it. The cell processor is a break through in the computer market. Similar processors will be in the next line of computers and even the next xbox console. Although not quite as revolutionary the same can be said about the bluray project. I break the generations down as:
1st-Atari and its group
2nd-NES to sega
3rd-ps1,ps2, xbox, and parts of the 360. Maybe also parts of the ps3
4th-Parts of the 360 and ps3, also parts of the revolution.

I'm basing it on whats inside not that actual console. Although I must admit I will never go over to the xbox side. Just like with SOE, I'll stick loyally by no matter what.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:05 pm

The problem with the cell processor is it's a few years before its time. I think the delay for the PS3 is more than just some issues with the Blu-Ray. Plus, I think the fact that the cell is so much more different than current processors, it is going to be a while before you see good, quality games being made for the PS3. Not only that, I think the cell and blu-ray are going to drive up the price on the PS3 more than it needs to be.

You need to do yourself a favor and actually experience other consoles. Yeah, I'm slightly anti-Sony, but it's more because Sony has too much of the market share and many games on the PS2 just don't interest me. I like first person shooters. Playstation games seem to be more... RPG oriented. Yeah, there's SOCOM, but that's not even my style of game. There are more first person shooters on the Xbox, which is why I enjoyed it more.

Just so you know I'm not a truly biased bastard, I'll tell you why I chose the Xbox. OK, I haven't really owned a console since the N64 days. I just ended up a PC gamer and that was that for a while. When I moved to Columbus, OH to go to college, two of my roommates had consoles. One had an Xbox and one had a PS2. I played both, but just playing on an Xbox seemed more natural. Shortly after I moved back home, I bought an Xbox.

Still, I'm glad I played the PS2 as I at least got to see what it was like on the other side of the world. I'm still not a big fan of it, but at least I played it. Now, I will say that I won't be buying a PS3. First, I know it will be out of my price range (I just can't see it going for the $399 price tag the 360 did). Second, (which ties back to why I bought an Xbox) I enjoy most of the games on the 360 more than what I do the games that have been announced so far for the PS3. Still, I imagine I will play a PS3 one day. I have enough friends who are gamers, I'm sure I'll end up with a boomerang in my hand eventually.

It's one thing to be loyal, but blind loyalty is asinine.

On a side note, does anyone else not like the PS controller? For some reason, I could just never get into that controller. The type-s Xbox controller felt much better and the 360 controller is perfect. The PS controller just never felt right in my hands...

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:44 pm

Wheres Tele when you need him to get something off topic!! :mrgreen:

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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:42 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Just so you know I'm not a truly biased bastard, I'll tell you why I chose
On a side note, does anyone else not like the PS controller? For some reason, I could just never get into that controller. The type-s Xbox controller felt much better and the 360 controller is perfect. The PS controller just never felt right in my hands...

I like the current ps2 controller. I'm not to fond of the idea of teh ps3. The orginal xbox ones were just way to big, but now that they havent gotten smaller the xbox controller is much more enjoyable to play with. Now if I could only remember that the x key is not in the center. I also always mix up the sides for the a and b key. I'm always reloading when i mean to pause the game, or shooting when im trying to say "hello" its terrible.

Actually I officialy no longer hate the xbox, I now officially hate halo. I'm tired of hating for tonight some I'm just going to say what fps has aim assist set on default for the multiplayer part. Its like the WoW of the fps world.

Ok I'm none hating for now. One last note, everyone knows PCs are better than any console anyday. Nothing is faster than a PC fps.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:06 pm

Apium wrote:Ok I'm none hating for now. One last note, everyone knows PCs are better than any console anyday. Nothing is faster than a PC fps.

Not mine!!!

Oh and for you Apium and actully anyone else too. ... eview.html

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:49 am

Apium wrote:
Kurke_Aumea wrote:Just so you know I'm not a truly biased bastard, I'll tell you why I chose
On a side note, does anyone else not like the PS controller? For some reason, I could just never get into that controller. The type-s Xbox controller felt much better and the 360 controller is perfect. The PS controller just never felt right in my hands...

I like the current ps2 controller. I'm not to fond of the idea of teh ps3. The orginal xbox ones were just way to big, but now that they havent gotten smaller the xbox controller is much more enjoyable to play with. Now if I could only remember that the x key is not in the center. I also always mix up the sides for the a and b key. I'm always reloading when i mean to pause the game, or shooting when im trying to say "hello" its terrible.

Actually I officialy no longer hate the xbox, I now officially hate halo. I'm tired of hating for tonight some I'm just going to say what fps has aim assist set on default for the multiplayer part. Its like the WoW of the fps world.

Ok I'm none hating for now. One last note, everyone knows PCs are better than any console anyday. Nothing is faster than a PC fps.

Yeah, I'm really starting to jump on the Halo Hate Bandwagon. I used to really enjoy the game, but anymore it's just filled with kids who have nothing better to do than to be a god at the game. I'm sorry if I suck, but I have a life besides playing video games. The game just isn't fun anymore. Auto-aim is the biggest joke. Ranked matches are ruled by glitchers. (I'm sorry, sniping me from the top of a level where I can't possibly reach and then saying I suck only shows how lame you are) Add in sniper rifles whores and grenade whores and you have something that just isn't fun. Hell, the only reason I play Halo anymore is because it is fun for LAN parties. But even my friends agreed with me tonight that we need a new game to play.

Btw, have you tried the 360 controller yet? IMO, it is possibly the best controller I have ever played with. The only issue I have with it is that the wireless controller gets slippery. The wired controller and the wireless conroller are made out of the same material on the top (which is just fine) but they differ on the material on the bottom. The wired controller uses the same material as the top, but the wireless uses this silver colored plastic on the bottom. It's cool to look at, but after you have been gaming for a few hours, the thing can get a little slick. Overall though, the controllers are a step above anything I've ever played with before. After playing with the 360 controller, even the type-s controller feels big and bulky.

I'm still not sure about the PS3 controller. It just doesn't look like if would fit in your hands comfortably. Still, it looks better than Wii controller. The whole "one controller for each hand" thing is different, but odd. I dunno, I just don't think I could ever get into the Wii controller (you know, at least Wii is easier to spell than Revolution). I eman, yeah you can imitate passing a football with the thing or swing it like a bat when playing a baseball game, but what was wrong with pressing buttons?!?! Then again, I never was fond of DDR... haha...

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:09 am

Stop ignoring my posts!!!!
