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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:01 pm

I never said thank you, but you can thank me later when your username is suspended!!!


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Post by Waucod Meesman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:02 pm

NO!!!!!! That'll be the second time in a week I've been banned from a forum! :shock:

What would you guys do if I wasn't here anyways this place would be dead!A whopping 3.83 % of the posts on these forums are mine!!!

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:07 pm

<---- 17.32%

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:08 pm

Mine are mor emeaningful however!! Now if only this thing would let me get your IM screen name then you would be hating life lol.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:15 pm

Not really considering I really don't use instant messengers.

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Post by Apium » Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:42 pm

I personally hate the xbox 360 its not that its a bad console its just b/c people say it is a next generation console and it is NOT a next generation console. It is based on this generation hardware. PS3 and possibly the revolution are the only next generation consoles. Not sure about revolution, I don't know what hardware it runs on, anyways save yourself from the noobness and get a PS3.
swtor: Aeroxis

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:22 pm

Apium wrote:I personally hate the xbox 360 its not that its a bad console its just b/c people say it is a next generation console and it is NOT a next generation console. It is based on this generation hardware. PS3 and possibly the revolution are the only next generation consoles. Not sure about revolution, I don't know what hardware it runs on, anyways save yourself from the noobness and get a PS3.

Ummm dude, the PS3 is running on even older hardware than the Xbox 360. The graphics chip is an off the self Nvidia chip. The 360's chip was specially made by ATI for the 360. Btw, what do you expect out of a console? Graphics that are light years ahead of a PC??? Give me a break. PC games will always have better graphics than consoles simply because you can upgrade a PC.

Sorry, but I smell a Sony fanboy. The only thing "new" on the PS3 is the cell chip and blu-ray. First, if you are basing whether a console is next-gen solely off of graphics, you need to put down the Final Fantasy games and come back to reality. I'll admit, the graphics currently seen on the 360 are not a great jump over regular Xbox games. Remember, though, that the first games to come out on a new console are never going to exploit the capabilities of a console. Hell, look at Halo 1 versus Halo 2. Both were for the original Xbox, but Halo 2 is leaps and bounds prettier than Halo 1. Now, when the PS3 comes out, you will see an insane amount of difference when you compare its games to PS2 games. Why? Because the PS2's graphical capabilities were pegged two years ago. Hell, the last two GTA games have looked practically identical. A large reason Xbox games look comparable to 360 games is that the original Xbox came out later than the PS2 (hence much newer hardware) and the 360 came out before the original Xbox's hardware was fully exploited.

Part of the other problem when you talk about 360 graphics versus Xbox graphics is that people often compare ported games like Battlefield 2 or Need for Speed: Most Wanted. When you look at games that were specifically designed for the 360, you see what the machine is really capable of. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is visual eye candy.

The truth of the matter is, the PS3 and the 360 will have comparable graphics. The 360 is using a special GPU designed by ATI, the PS3 is using an off the self Nvidia GPU. The 360 is using a three core processor that excels at general computing, the PS3 is using the cell processor which is good at... well, we don't really know what it's super good at yet. Meanwhile, the 360 has twice the amount of memory the PS3 has. Both consoles will be comparable with the 360 leading in some areas while the PS3 leads in other areas.

The problem with it all is that people place their "next-gen" expectations on graphics alone. Yeah, graphics can make a game, but there is also gameplay and other features. Xbox Live and the Marketplace are two things which make the 360 excel far and beyond what the original Xbox offered. Sony is finally getting smart and offering a centralized online service. I still have my doubts about it as this is their first foray into centralized online service. Practice makes perfect and Microsoft has been working diligently to bring more and more features to Live and the Marketplace. From what I've seen, Sony's online service is a direct ripoff of Xbox Live.

By the way, if I see anyone comparing the PS3 E3 videos from 2005 to the graphics on the 360, I'm going to bitch slap someone. Those were CGI video. If you saw any of the "gameplay" footage from the GDC this year, then you know the graphical output of the PS3 dev kits are right inline with what we currently see on the 360.

On a side note (and this is directed at everyone), don't trash any console unless you've played it. Saying the 360 sucks or that it isn't next-gen is a waste of breath if you've never played one before. And playing one in the store doesn't count. You get to play at a kiosk and you don't even get to tap into half the features the console offers (this applies to all consoles).

Also, if you're going to knock a console, you better be packing facts.

And why does everyone think the PS3 is the second coming of Christ?!?!?! Seriously, all Sony has to show so far for the PS3 is a George Foreman Grill, a boomerang, and a few CGI videos that they keep showing over and over again. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the Foreman Grill joke and poking fun at the boomerang. Feel free to poke fun at the form factor of the 360. Not my choice in style, but it get's the job done)

OK, time for a question.

Does size and form factor matter? The original Xbox was big, black, and square. The 360 is curvy, white, and has a power brick... Meanwhile, the PR2 was smalle to begin with and then they made a super slim version. The PS3 will be bigger than the PS2, but will still be smaller than the 360. Does this matter to anyone? I mean, with the way the 360 and PS3 at shaped, you really can't stick them in a stack of electronics (well, you can with a 360, but it just doesn't look right...). I mean, the PS3 is basically "electronic" silver, but it's curved top means you can't put anything on top of it.

I dunno, just thought it was an interesting question to ask considering that Sony has always tried to market the PS2/PS3 as the compact consoles. Like I said, the 360 isn't my choice of form factor, but it get's the job done. The biggest problem I have with it is that the damn power supply is in its own brick that is spereate. It's just a pain in the ass to drag the brick around...

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:51 pm

My brain hurts and Kurke you get way to carried away with this stuff! :D

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:11 pm

Ehhh, I'm bored tonight...

Btw, when was the last time Lexx posted in the GAT???

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Post by Leviathen » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:26 pm

But what was wrong with Revolution??? I think the Revolution named catered more to what Nintendo was trying to accomplish: revoultion in system design, revolution in gameplay, revolution in next-gen, and revolution in how the world views video games. I just don't think naming it "Wii" is doing the console any favors. Plus, the Revolution name had one hell of a cult following...

Nothing was wrong with them naming it Revolution.. it was a fine name, but damned if I will tell them how to name THEIR consol. They can name it whatever they feel like. I am sure the name of this consol went through heavy disscusions and deliberation before it was made final, and I am sure they picked it for good reasons. I am just saying people are acting like idiots about it, how immature can some people get?

Nintendoes are by far the worst game consoles I have ever had the displeasure of playing, the controller layout doesn't make sense the games are terrible. So this name doesn't suprise me in the least and yet people will still buy it and they'll be wasting their money when they could get an Xbox.

I am not sure you ever had the pleasure of playing a NES, SNES, or an N64. All three of those all had GREAT games for them, and the controllers were ergonomoic for all of them. Though the N64 was something new at the time and did not have a flawless controller, I felt it was still pretty good. My best memories of games are on the original nintendo systems and I still have a lot of fun with various gameboy games, be it for the original or the DS.

I never really looked at the Gamecube, or played many of its titles, so I can't make a good judgement. It didn't seem to appeal to my demograph so I didn't explore it much. I also don't think it looked like a very good system, so I opted for a PS2 isntead. But when you look back to Super Smash Brothers, the mario karts, Earthbound, the Super Mario series. You honestly think those were BAD games?

Sorry, but I smell a Sony fanboy. The only thing "new" on the PS3 is the cell chip and blu-ray.

Kurke and his grudge against Playstations :P I know you don't actually have them, and you just find the x-box superior, but I think that each system could be the right system dependant on the person, regardless of which titles are on which systems, and the graphics capabilities.

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:53 am

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Ehhh, I'm bored tonight...

Btw, when was the last time Lexx posted in the GAT???

Last time Kurke posted was rigt here ... &start=285 on page 20 and the funny thing is he was talking about QFE!!!!

btw how many pages a day is the GAT thread going?


Post by Vogik » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:09 am

Waucod Meesman wrote:
Kurke_Aumea wrote:Ehhh, I'm bored tonight...

Btw, when was the last time Lexx posted in the GAT???

Last time Kurke posted was rigt here ... &start=285 on page 20 and the funny thing is he was talking about QFE!!!!

btw how many pages a day is the GAT thread going?
lol Jan 1st.

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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:29 pm

Kurke_Aumea wrote:
Apium wrote:I personally hate the xbox 360 its not that its a bad console its just b/c people say it is a next generation console and it is NOT a next generation console. It is based on this generation hardware. PS3 and possibly the revolution are the only next generation consoles. Not sure about revolution, I don't know what hardware it runs on, anyways save yourself from the noobness and get a PS3.

Ummm dude, the PS3 is running on even older hardware than the Xbox 360. The graphics chip is an off the self Nvidia chip. The 360's chip was specially made by ATI for the 360. Btw, what do you expect out of a console? Graphics that are light years ahead of a PC??? Give me a break. PC games will always have better graphics than consoles simply because you can upgrade a PC.

Sorry, but I smell a Sony fanboy. The only thing "new" on the PS3 is the cell chip and blu-ray. First, if you are basing whether a console is next-gen solely off of graphics, you need to put down the Final Fantasy games and come back to reality. I'll admit, the graphics currently seen on the 360 are not a great jump over regular Xbox games. Remember, though, that the first games to come out on a new console are never going to exploit the capabilities of a console. Hell, look at Halo 1 versus Halo 2. Both were for the original Xbox, but Halo 2 is leaps and bounds prettier than Halo 1. Now, when the PS3 comes out, you will see an insane amount of difference when you compare its games to PS2 games. Why? Because the PS2's graphical capabilities were pegged two years ago. Hell, the last two GTA games have looked practically identical. A large reason Xbox games look comparable to 360 games is that the original Xbox came out later than the PS2 (hence much newer hardware) and the 360 came out before the original Xbox's hardware was fully exploited.

Part of the other problem when you talk about 360 graphics versus Xbox graphics is that people often compare ported games like Battlefield 2 or Need for Speed: Most Wanted. When you look at games that were specifically designed for the 360, you see what the machine is really capable of. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is visual eye candy.

The truth of the matter is, the PS3 and the 360 will have comparable graphics. The 360 is using a special GPU designed by ATI, the PS3 is using an off the self Nvidia GPU. The 360 is using a three core processor that excels at general computing, the PS3 is using the cell processor which is good at... well, we don't really know what it's super good at yet. Meanwhile, the 360 has twice the amount of memory the PS3 has. Both consoles will be comparable with the 360 leading in some areas while the PS3 leads in other areas.

The problem with it all is that people place their "next-gen" expectations on graphics alone. Yeah, graphics can make a game, but there is also gameplay and other features. Xbox Live and the Marketplace are two things which make the 360 excel far and beyond what the original Xbox offered. Sony is finally getting smart and offering a centralized online service. I still have my doubts about it as this is their first foray into centralized online service. Practice makes perfect and Microsoft has been working diligently to bring more and more features to Live and the Marketplace. From what I've seen, Sony's online service is a direct ripoff of Xbox Live.

By the way, if I see anyone comparing the PS3 E3 videos from 2005 to the graphics on the 360, I'm going to bitch slap someone. Those were CGI video. If you saw any of the "gameplay" footage from the GDC this year, then you know the graphical output of the PS3 dev kits are right inline with what we currently see on the 360.

On a side note (and this is directed at everyone), don't trash any console unless you've played it. Saying the 360 sucks or that it isn't next-gen is a waste of breath if you've never played one before. And playing one in the store doesn't count. You get to play at a kiosk and you don't even get to tap into half the features the console offers (this applies to all consoles).

Also, if you're going to knock a console, you better be packing facts.

And why does everyone think the PS3 is the second coming of Christ?!?!?! Seriously, all Sony has to show so far for the PS3 is a George Foreman Grill, a boomerang, and a few CGI videos that they keep showing over and over again. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the Foreman Grill joke and poking fun at the boomerang. Feel free to poke fun at the form factor of the 360. Not my choice in style, but it get's the job done)

OK, time for a question.

Does size and form factor matter? The original Xbox was big, black, and square. The 360 is curvy, white, and has a power brick... Meanwhile, the PR2 was smalle to begin with and then they made a super slim version. The PS3 will be bigger than the PS2, but will still be smaller than the 360. Does this matter to anyone? I mean, with the way the 360 and PS3 at shaped, you really can't stick them in a stack of electronics (well, you can with a 360, but it just doesn't look right...). I mean, the PS3 is basically "electronic" silver, but it's curved top means you can't put anything on top of it.

I dunno, just thought it was an interesting question to ask considering that Sony has always tried to market the PS2/PS3 as the compact consoles. Like I said, the 360 isn't my choice of form factor, but it get's the job done. The biggest problem I have with it is that the damn power supply is in its own brick that is spereate. It's just a pain in the ass to drag the brick around...

Give me a link where it says the PS3 chip is an off the shelf nvidia GPU, I am 99% sure that the PS3 chip was designed by Nvidia to work hand in hand with the cell processor. You can't base next gen solely on graphics. All they did to the 360 was put in a new card, with some "special" features if you will. The PS3's processor has a near unlimited processing capacity, the 360 will simply not stand up to it.
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:39 pm

I may have a grudge against the Playstation, but in honesty, it is more at the players themselves. For some reason, it seems like those who play on Sony consoles seem so narrowminded at times. All I've ever heard come out of the Sony camp is complete and utter trash talk about the Xbox (and I'm talking the original and the 360). Sure, the original one had a few issues such as the original supersized controller and the fact that you have to pay for online service, but I can find similar issues with all of the Sony consoles.

I just get frustrated when I hear someone trash talking a console and they never played it. And just so you all know, I have played on a PS2 before, I could just never get into the games I played on it. I mean, for someone to sit and trash Nintendo's first three generations of consoles is just stupidity on that person's part. The first three consoles out of Nintendo will go down in history as some of the greatest consoles to ever be made. I mean, where would we be today without the NES and Mario and Duckhunt?!?!?! What about Goldeneye on the N64??? That game was a revolution all by itself.

Why do I view the Playstations with such hatred??? Mostly because they are overrated. The PS1 was great in its own right and the PS2 was a stepping stone upon the PS1. The problem with the PS2 was that Sony made promises that they couldn't keep. "Toy Story" graphics anyone??? To me, this issue is even more evident with the PS3. Sony released those CGI videos at E3 last year and people believed those were the kinds of graphics they were going to get in the final product. If you've seen side-by-side footage of the GDC footage from this year and the E3 videos from last year, you'll see that the GDC footage is crap compared to the E3 videos. The problem is that the E3 videos were CGI and the GDC footage was actual in-game stuff.

I mean, you have Sony fanboys touting the PS3 as the second coming of Christ and bad-mouthing the 360. Not only that, they sit there and make fun of the 360's complex launch and they think the PS3 will launch flawlessly. Let's be honest, the launch for the PS3 will be just as bad or worse than the 360's. Fact is, no one even knows what the PS3 will actually bring to the table, so praising it and bashing the 360 is foolish. Now, at Christmas time we can start up the whole PS3 vs. 360 debate again.

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Post by Apium » Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:40 pm

Heres some links to back up the Nvidia GPU and the Cell processor

GPU: ... 25957.html ... orce-7800/

That last one is from xbox guys who admitted they posted a rumor saying basically what kurke said. Now they have gone back and corrected the mistake.


Theres your facts.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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