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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:40 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:I probaly sounded like a 2 year old when I said that but its not as bad as how fruity you sounded when you said Go Jeff Gordon and Dave Blaney when we started the NASCAR conversation.

I wasn't saying that you sounded like a two year old. I was simply stating that unless the situation at NASA improves, it's going to go the way of vinyl records. Private spaceflight is where the future is.

Now, if you want to get into a mud slinging contest, we'll take it up in private messages.

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:44 pm

Kurke check your pm's

Ty'e X'lor

Post by Ty'e X'lor » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:50 pm

Im going to Annapolis Naval Academy, then Im going to join the U.S. Marine Corps. And I also want to be in Special Forces. So that means... 4 yrs. of college, 13 weeks of boot camp, 6 weeks officer candidate school and 8 weeks Marine Force Reconaissance. And then im going to get a tattoo on my back thats says "Semper Fi" like the "Rock" in the movie DOOM. And I plan to spend the rest of my life in the military, unless I get married and have a child. then I'll try to keep my job, but most likely I'll have to come home and be a buisiness man or a scientist or more preferebly a mercenary for the United States/and or its allies. The United States always will come first even if the other country pays me millions and the United States pays me $1.00. I hope to also become part of a black-ops unit like Delta Force or something better.

( wow.... now that I read it. It sounds so out of place and unorganized. oh well its the GAT thread.)

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Post by Apium » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:55 pm

LOL I'm moving to Japan, I'm tired of all the stupid people in the United States. Besides the Japanese are owning us in intelligence and you know what they say "if you can't beat them join them", and so I plan.
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Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:59 pm

I highly recommend making a career out of the military given the choice. You get paid for everything you do, you get to go places you probably wouldn't normally get to go to, and unless you royally screw up, it is a job for life. Plus, the military is such a diverse unit anymore, you can find a job in just about any career path you choose.

Why didn't I join the military? I'm too opinionated... I'd be better as a politician... HAHA!!!

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Post by Leviathen » Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:15 pm

I highly considered going to officer school in Canada. Great education, good pay, good benefits, but you know, I just don't think I could enjoy the lifestyle that is the military. It just wouldn't be me. I enjoy being my own boss too much.

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life

Ty'e X'lor

Post by Ty'e X'lor » Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:35 pm

Apium are you implying that im stupid? And also where are you getting your facts? And which Intelligence are you talking about? Mental or Military Intelligence. If you mean mental intelligence however...if there is something wrong with our schools then get out there and do something about it don't just give up. Don't just run off and join someone else. And yes I will admit there are problems in the United States. But most of those problems stem from one thing laziness. kids in this country are too damn lazy or do not care. I sit in my class and all I hear is " I don't want to do it" or "Im too tired" or "I Don't know how to do it." thats the problem these days You don't get it the first time so you just give up. ("If at first you don't suceed, try,try again") Whatever happened to Succeding? Whatever happened to competition? Whatever happened to discipline? We need more discipline in this country people are undiscliplined and therefore do not know how to succed. We need to re-teach the values of honor,respect and discipline. there is no more room for this rebellious teenage B.S. we need to get harder we are far,far to soft on the kids. (I would write my sentences correctly, but im tired,angry and I am just trying to get my point across) ( and I have to go to sleep)

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:55 pm

Easy there Ty'e. Take a breath.

Hey Apium, I forgot to mention Ty'e is what you might call a diehard patriot (and I do mean that in a good way). I can remember many a nights spent debating the good and evils of our own country and the world abroad. Fun memories...

Anyways, let's not get into any flame wars. I'd hate to have to lock the GAT...

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Post by Leviathen » Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:07 am

I agree with you Ty'e on the fact that far too many people are age are lazy. They would get so much more done, be so much smarter, more productive and successful if they just got up and did something.

As for needed more discipline, I have to disagree. Though it is a neccessity, using it to enforce rules, too much of it stunts creativity and is counter productive. It is good when you need absolute order and people following every last thing a leader says, it is not good when you need a person to think out side the box, or be abstract, etc.

And as for patriotism (I will stop talking about this if asked to by anyone as to not have this thread locked) , but I just wanted to say something short. It bugs me so much when people here look down at their nose and point out how much better our country is than another. Or how stupid people are in another nation. I think every first world nation has amazing things to offer, but each one has their down sides too, each has their great successes, each has their great failures. Patriotism is great, but up until the point where you think of your nation as better than the next.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:06 am

I bet Kurke is secretly a politician he acts like one here he is almost always arguing or showing off how much he knows about computers. (which isn't always bad.)

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:23 pm

Ty'e X'lor wrote:Apium are you implying that im stupid? And also where are you getting your facts? And which Intelligence are you talking about? Mental or Military Intelligence. If you mean mental intelligence however...if there is something wrong with our schools then get out there and do something about it don't just give up. Don't just run off and join someone else. And yes I will admit there are problems in the United States. But most of those problems stem from one thing laziness. kids in this country are too damn lazy or do not care. I sit in my class and all I hear is " I don't want to do it" or "Im too tired" or "I Don't know how to do it." thats the problem these days You don't get it the first time so you just give up. ("If at first you don't suceed, try,try again") Whatever happened to Succeding? Whatever happened to competition? Whatever happened to discipline? We need more discipline in this country people are undiscliplined and therefore do not know how to succed. We need to re-teach the values of honor,respect and discipline. there is no more room for this rebellious teenage B.S. we need to get harder we are far,far to soft on the kids. (I would write my sentences correctly, but im tired,angry and I am just trying to get my point across) ( and I have to go to sleep)

I was talking about mental intelligence.

I'm a 16 year old sophmore in high school, I have a 4.75 grade point average. It is impossible for me to get any higher with my classes. Next year I am taking 5 AP classes and 3 honors out of 8 classes. I'm doing all I can, not many other people are. I would much rather be some place where people cared about themselves a little. The response to asians taking american's jobs was met with laughter. Why was this not met with vows to work harder? Someone please tell me. This country is in a process of decline, not that it won't come back up. I'm sure it will. I'm just not going to waste my life in a country that is not growing in areas where I need it to be.

My other reason for leaving the country is because of my field choice. I'll be going to CASE Western Reserve University to get a degree in Computer Engineering. We may have the best schools for engineering, but we don't have the best jobs for them. Borders are starting to open up, every country is no longer its on little island isolated from the rest of the world. I for one want to be a part of this globalization.

Besides, I have dual Italian and American citizenship. This makes me less attached to this country anyways.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:55 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:I bet Kurke is secretly a politician he acts like one here he is almost always arguing or showing off how much he knows about computers. (which isn't always bad.)

I should have been a politician (then again, I'm only 21 so who knows... haha), but I have a feeling my honesty policy would tick off too many voters. Hehehe... Plus, as much as I love/ hate politics, I am more versed in computers. Of course, I'm sure a political science class would be right up my alley...

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Post by Leviathen » Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:58 pm

I enjoy politics a lot, I am not sure if I would enjoy being a politician

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:59 pm

Leviathen wrote:I enjoy politics a lot, I am not sure if I would enjoy being a politician

I don't think I'd have the patience either...

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Post by Leviathen » Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:00 pm

Yeah, I would start yelling and telling people in the House of Commons or at Queens Park off.

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