The Imperial Summit?

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The Imperial Summit?

Post by Issele » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:16 pm

Some have requested we go to this Summit. First the list they posted has left off half the Great Imp PA's like THM, WAKE, and a few more. I have not corrected them on this yet and am just letting them run the show. I have mixed feelings of RID taking part in this after the way we were treated by IMPH who is on the list to be there. But my feelings asiide if you want me to go Lexx, to rep for RID, I will. It's your call.

When we regroup under the old Network Banner unless IMPH makes a 180% turn around, they will not be in the Network.

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:26 pm

I believe we should defiantly attend, I see no reason not to. After hearing many of IMPHL's opinions (I also think other guilds share their opinion) that if we go we should send someone unknown to represent us. Don't get me wrong your awesome Issele and you do tons for the guild, but your also the one other guilds tend to focus their negative opinions at.

Also as to the regrouping the old network, I believe IMPHL should be in it even if they are all jackasses. All the imperial guilds should be at least offered membership, whether they accept or not is a different matter.

Anyways just my two cents, take it or leave it.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:32 pm

I personally cannot attend this meeting. Not because I dont want to, but because I'll be on a short vacation.

Personally, I'd like you to go Issele, just to make it seem like we have good intentions.

I also noticed they only listed a few guilds (all are only PvP guilds I might add), they left out SHC, THM, Wake, XVI, etc, etc. I also find it that they did that while at the same time insulting me about how I left out other Imperial guilds in another post.

I respect IMPHL's motivation for forming a new Imperial Network, but I personally feel that they are forming one so that *they* can run the show.

We already have a new Imperial Network underway. We will have a vote for ALL Imperial guilds. If IMPHL recieves a majority vote, they will be allowed in the new Network. We will make it fair, and unbiased.

All Imperial guilds will be recommended, but whether or not they will join is another question, just like you mentioned.

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:38 pm

O wait IMPHL are the ones forming this other network? Well that changes my opinion. If thats true I think we should still go, but its not the guild leader of IMPHL running it. It's the jackass's of IMPHL.

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:40 pm

One more thing after looking over some chat logs i noticed Reirae said "the way it looks now two alliances will be formed, one for pvp and the other for what issele is planning...."

Maybe thats why only major pvp guilds were invited to the summit?


Post by bizob » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:45 pm

When is this summit? If work permits i would gladly represent RID at the summit. Seeing how I just started playing again, many people outside of RID don't know me and shouldn't have any problems with me. The few non-RIDs who do know me should remember good things about me. I've also had the chance to fight alongside and/or chat with some members and leaders of other guilds (incluing IMPHL) and things were cool between us. I think they might be more open to what I have to say since noone has any preconceived ideas about me. Those of you who know me well know I'm a very level headed, mature person and can be very diplomatic.

How much we participate in this new organization remains to be seen. What will probably happen is two organizatins will form, one out of this summit and the reformed Network. I see RID as being more active in the Network but that doesn't mean we can't also be part of this new organization. One cohesive Imperial organization would be best IMO but I don't think having two of them would be such a terrible thing. I think many guilds will participate in both groups. It would give players more events to participate in. With two groups going, there should be twice as many events being held, hance twice the fun.


Post by matron » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:49 pm

i will go. No one knows me here yet so that wouldnt be a problem. unless biz would rather go alone that i said lexx, i have alot of guild experiance from both sides of the gcw. i would keep my thoughts to my self, or talk to biz in guild or group chat. with imphl there, i would likly say somthing that would start a server war.......

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:57 pm

/agree with bizob and matron (not that it counts for anything.) You might need a briefing from issele and lexx though because if your anything like me I have no idea whats going outside of the IMPHL RID conflict.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:25 pm

The both of you may go. I dont think they'll mind.


Post by Theep » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:34 pm

Yea I think its a good idea to send someone, as long as we do not join. I think RID should avoid grouping with other imp guilds atm. My reason for this is because Imp Guilds have formed a circle where one guild hates another, and with RID taking sides it could do nothing but hurt RID. I think the best move to make is for RID to focus on killing rebels, and let RID be seen as the one guild that remained true to the empire.

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Post by Apium » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:45 pm

Theep has a point too, but it seems to be like a kind of pro con thing. I think we need to still attend everything as normal but maybe sit back a little. Just to show we arent on a "powertrip." Unless we actually are on a powertrip then I guess it would be different.

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Post by Issele » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:21 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I personally cannot attend this meeting. Not because I dont want to, but because I'll be on a short vacation.

Personally, I'd like you to go Issele, just to make it seem like we have good intentions.

I also noticed they only listed a few guilds (all are only PvP guilds I might add), they left out SHC, THM, Wake, XVI, etc, etc. I also find it that they did that while at the same time insulting me about how I left out other Imperial guilds in another post.

I respect IMPHL's motivation for forming a new Imperial Network, but I personally feel that they are forming one so that *they* can run the show.

We already have a new Imperial Network underway. We will have a vote for ALL Imperial guilds. If IMPHL recieves a majority vote, they will be allowed in the new Network. We will make it fair, and unbiased.

All Imperial guilds will be recommended, but whether or not they will join is another question, just like you mentioned.

I can go and log the talk for RID. I don't think I would have any input into this group because of IMPH being a part of it and will chew on some nails to keep from putting IMPH in there place... meaning I would Rep for RID and be respectful.

It still make me laugh when IMPH was yelling in AH that Role-players had no place in a MMPOG. I am not a die-hard role-player like I use to be but this was funny. Oh and I spoke to SHC and they said they wait till we are set up for the new Imperial Netowrk and will join ours as will all the honorable IMP PA's.

Lexx can you post then that I will be attending on behalf of RID and for them to send me a ig email as to where it will be and time
Last edited by Issele on Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:23 pm

I DO want to be a part of an Imperial Network, but not this one. The only reason I want RID to attend this meeting is to show that we are supportive, and not holding a grudge against them.

I think their plan was to invite RID, but they expected us to be stubborn and not come.

I feel we could form a more effective Network, inviting both PvP'ing and RP'ing guilds, and find a way to set a common goal.

We wish to find a way to mimic a previous Imperial Network, which was formed pre-NGE by a well known Imperial guild named TIO. The Imperial Network was perfect... we invited guilds effeciently with the use of voting, and we all worked together.

The only reason it fell was because so many people left because of the NGE.

If we can find a way to set up a new Network exactly like that one, it will work wonderfully... and yes, IMPHL, OC, and any other Imperial guild on the server will be recommended, and up for vote.

It will remain more secretive and active as well.

The system that OC and IMPHL are forming is, "everyone may join if they want to join." While there is nothing wrong with there, there is unfortunately going to be infiltration from Rebels, and a lot of drama. There intentions are good; however, and I respect what they are doing to save the Empire.

We'll see how it goes though. They might have some pretty good ideas.

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Post by Issele » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:33 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I DO want to be a part of an Imperial Network, but not this one. The only reason I want RID to attend this meeting is to show that we are supportive, and not holding a grudge against them.

I think their plan was to invite RID, but they expected us to be stubborn and not come.

I feel we could form a more effective Network, inviting both PvP'ing and RP'ing guilds, and find a way to set a common goal.

We wish to find a way to mimic a previous Imperial Network, which was formed pre-NGE by a well known Imperial guild named TIO. The Imperial Network was perfect... we invited guilds effeciently with the use of voting, and we all worked together.

The only reason it fell was because so many people left because of the NGE.

If we can find a way to set up a new Network exactly like that one, it will work wonderfully... and yes, IMPHL, OC, and any other Imperial guild on the server will be recommended, and up for vote.

It will remain more secretive and active as well.

The system that OC and IMPHL are forming is, "everyone may join if they want to join." While there is nothing wrong with there, there is unfortunately going to be infiltration from Rebels, and a lot of drama. There intentions are good; however, and I respect what they are doing to save the Empire.

We'll see how it goes though. They might have some pretty good ideas.

The two years I was a part of the old network was awesome. There never was once ouch of bad feelings between any Imp PA and another and the first summit we had was unbelievable at the unity that was in place... each PA was made to feel equal and they were. The rules we had in place too was for a guild to even be consider admin into the Network was they had to be a year old and be 100% Imperial. Thats what made it work... there were no ego's like some have now and when you add even one ego into this it begins to fall. Thats what happened with The Core. Some of the newer Imp PA have the ego they are the best... they are the history of this server when I bet they don't even remember FireBase and us who were at that complex 3 hours a day ever day defending it from the Rebels... these newer PA's like IMPH are not about honor and would as sooner go Rebel if they thought that is where the better battles could be had. This is not a pun at MEK either, MEK has been Imp and Rebel and decided to go all the way rebel and did it with honor and tact.

My talk with OC a few days ago was they did not like IMPH at all and unless Resick mislead me I am curioues as to if OC is really doing this with IMPH at all but only got a invite like we did.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:44 pm

I spoke with Bumpn and he made it seem like IMPHL was forming this new Network. As far as I can tell, OC simply made an invite post.
