Issue with IMPH

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Issue with IMPH

Post by Issele » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:27 am

IMPH contacted me tonight wanting to meet. I told them I was sick and lets meet tomorrow... There reply was to bash me... bash RID and call Lexx, myself and RID a joke and that we were on a power trip. I took a screen shot of the /tells.... I am right now so furioues that I am shaking... I will not let IMPH drag RID into the crap they did with OC. I request that IMPH is put on ignore and that we treat them as they do NOT even exsist in SWG. Oh they went on to say that ARMED and XFOR were NEVER a part of The Network.

I refussed to fight with them on /tells and put them all on my ignore list. I had meet with IMPH yesterday and they said the reason they left the Core was no one played with them. Trashing RID tonight was my final starw with these gimps. They think they were ignored before... they have no clue what I have in store for them now. Its rare I get pissed off. I am the most given person cos I love this server... but so help me god I will ask ever PA on this server to ignore IMPH and have it so the ONLY fight IMPH will have are with the NPCs.

You can trash me, you can trash the Empire but you CAN NOT trash RID and stay on this server. I request that RID totally ignores IMPH. Do not respond to them, do not respond to there post and to take the stance that IMPH does not even exisit. I am going to request that IMPH Be blacklisted.

I also am requesting that if IMPH does show up at the event to PLEASE ignore them and NOT feed into anything they might do to grief the event. A CSR will be there to oversee this does not accur and if they do try to gief they event they will be handled by SOE.

IMPH has even gone so far as to threaten to post REAL LIFE information about the leader of Sith'. They some how got his real life address and phone number. This is illegal to do and Curgan has taken the steps with the police and SOE to handle this issue. This is very serioues and IMPH has crossed a dangeroues line that may well have them in REAL life court. Charges are being filled aginst the members of IMPH who have posted this stuff on the SWG boards.

They also maked commits about me posting on TRGA boards. I diffently do post there and it's public for anyone to read what I post. I have a good ooc friendship with many members of TRGA and Xaneth and I often talk in TRGA Vent to plan events for TRGA and RID.

I contacted Rei and sent him an IG email about this. He has not replied yet and soon logged off so I am not sure he read it or not. When I meet with IMPH they told me Rei had been removed as leader and that all members of IMPH were the actual leaders now.

I am not one for drama and I think that pissed IMPH off when I would not flame them back but only put the ones who were sending the /tells trashing RID on ignore. They also said I should have let there post die on the boards about there removal from The Core and that I started it up again. What I posted was this:

Due to the imature behaviors, flaming, bickering by some of the less them Imperial behavior shown by a few, The Core is no more. Now I am not pointing fingers here NOR am I saying this is directed at IMPH. The Empire does not work that way. However IMPH could have contacted me to discuss this privately but I understand your intentions were not directed at us in general.

This goes out to all you Imperial who chose to fight with each other: Shame on you! To have such hate for your Imperial brothers is dishonrable. You should have focused on the common bond that brings us together as Imperials. What has gone on the last 4 weeks is something I thought I would never see between Imperials.

The one thing that always made me proud to be an Imperial was how united we all were. Back in the days of the Network this never would have taken place and I will stand firm in telling you that this NEVER will take place again within the Imperial Alliance. Thus you ALL have been removed. It's rare that I get pissed but when you make me pissed, watch out.

A New Empire is coming and if your not invited in it, deal with me. If you dare. DON"T MESS WITH THE EMPIRE OR YOU MESS WITH ME.... and I can be a stren.

Now with that said, if you want to keep fighting with each other, don't bring it to the steps of the Empire.

Which IMPH took as me being on a power trip and RID are all idiots.

Oh and Lexx I did take screen shots of all this.

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Post by Leviathen » Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:06 am

If they ever try and talk to me, will just ignore them. It is sad when this is the only way they can get amusement, to try and piss off people.

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Post by Issele » Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:12 am

Leviathen wrote:If they ever try and talk to me, will just ignore them. It is sad when this is the only way they can get amusement, to try and piss off people.

You hit the nail on the head. Even though I am pissed at them and angry, the bottomline is I feel sad for IMPH and what they have become.

Few weeks ago I was in ME and saw a new player asking for help to gather some meat because he was a new Chef and wanted to craft some food. IMPH was standing there and I won't even post there reply to this new player but only say that what they did say was X-rated. It was really sad.

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Post by Leviathen » Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:26 am

Thats horrible... what are they all? Five? Ugh, I think if I ever heard one of them talking like that, I would get WAY more pissed off than you can imagine.

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Post by Issele » Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:38 am

Leviathen wrote:Thats horrible... what are they all? Five? Ugh, I think if I ever heard one of them talking like that, I would get WAY more pissed off than you can imagine.

The problem began with IMPH when Rei took a few weeks off cos he was burnt out. While he was away from SWG Bumpn removed him as leader and took over making IMPH leaderless. They know have a system that no one is leader and all in IMPH have equal say. :(


Post by matron » Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:38 am

you didnt bring that thread back issele. Bumpn did when he tryed provoking Jal'Hadon and calling mek crybabys. i have no love for any rebel PA but i still respect them enough to know that was worng.

have you read those psts issele? jal tryed being civil but bumpn just had to keep being a prick about it. and he pointed out himself that their new members are being outfited with bribes.... mastercloaks.... jetpacks and the likes.

i would much prefer owning them... but if you say we should add ignore them, i will do so. you have no idea how satisfieing it would be to guild war them, and have me camp cloaked somwhere they go often.... then pop their bikes and jump em :twisted:

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:28 am

Sounds like some teenie-boppers went on an ego trip...

/ignore can be your best friend at times.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:58 pm

IMPHL is WAY to sensitive. I said it before, and I say it again. It is IMPHL that is on a powertrip. It is IMPHL that is a disgrace to the Empire.

IMPHL is quite simply a guild accepting former -D S- members, who are quite frankly... idiots.

I hate it when we have Imperial enemies, but it gets to a point where I can't consider them Imperial with the attitude they have.

From this point on, I'll ban the entire guild from Fort Oasis and other private structures. I'll ignore IMPHL when they speak to us.

I encourage RID not to commense arguments with IMPHL, or fuel arguments that IMPHL started. I ask that you ignore them, and that will be our weapon against them. When IMPHL realizes that they are hated by both Imperials AND Rebels, IMPHL members will leave. Many of them are nice guys, and they wont enjoy being given a bad name because of their arrogant leaders.

I'll give IMPHL no second chance this time.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:00 pm

And Issele, post the pictures.
Last edited by Lexx Yovel on Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Issele » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:02 pm

LexxYovel wrote:IMPHL is WAY to sensitive. I said it before, and I say it again. It is IMPHL that is on a powertrip. It is IMPHL that is a disgrace to the Empire.

IMPHL is quite simply a guild accepting former -D S- members, who are quite frankly... idiots.

I hate it when we have Imperial enemies, but it gets to a point where I can't consider them Imperial with the attitude they have.

From this point on, I'll ban the entire guild from Fort Oasis and other private structures. I'll ignore IMPHL when they speak to us.

I encourage RID not to commense arguments with IMPHL, or fuel arguments that IMPHL started. I ask that you ignore them, and that will be our weapon against them. When IMPHL realizes that they are hated by both Imperials AND Rebels, IMPHL members will leave. Many of them are nice guys, and they wont enjoy being given a bad name because of their arrogant leaders.

I'll give IMPHL no second chance this time.

Lexx do you want to see the screen shot of what they said about you, me The Core and RID? I can email it to you if you want to see it. I also contacted TRGA and told them aboout IMPH and they are going to ignore them too. I plan to speak to Talon and other Rebel PA's too.

How do I post the screen shot? Can I email it to you and you post it?
Last edited by Issele on Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:04 pm

E-mail them in-game.

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Post by Issele » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:09 pm

LexxYovel wrote:E-mail them in-game.

Give me your email address... I took a screen shot of the /tells so its a picture


Post by matron » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:16 pm

issele use photobucket. go to the pic and down at the bottom you will see 3 codes. the middle on is the html code. copy and paste what u see there into the body of the message. email it to me and ill post it if you cant get it to work. or if you arnt allowed to post it, i would still like to see it :evil:

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:18 pm


Post by matron » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:22 pm

i almost wich i were rebel. so i could go sf in theed and wait for a IMPHL and go bye bye speeder...... in your hinest opinion lexx..... could we take IMPHL in a guild war? it would be funny as hell if every rid respeced a alt to spy :P a whole invisable army
