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Post by Leviathen » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:53 pm

I dont even have an xbox

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:41 pm

You don't know what you're missing. There were a lot of good games for the original Xbox.


Post by Theep » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:33 pm

I dont own an xbox, but every friday I go with a bunch of friends and play halo. I used to play halo on the computer alot, but I hated the lag. If I buy any kind of game system its usually handheld, because if im not on the go im playing online.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:43 pm

Speaking of handhelds...

Are you a Game Boy Advanced, Game Boy DS, or PSP person???

Also, what are your thoughts of the rumored Microsoft handheld gaming device??? (I am not referring to the Origami, but something else)

Personally, I haven't owned a handheld gaming device since the original Game Boy. I guess I just enjoy console gaming more. Now, when I can take one of my games that I am playing on my Xbox or 360 and sitck it into a handheld and keep on playing, I'll reconsider a handheld.

Personally, that would be the ultimate handheld. If you could play current console games on a handheld using the same game disc, you'd have the end all of portable gaming. You could transfer game saves via USB 2.0, Firewire, or even wireless networking.

Considering the last iteration of the PS2 (super thin), I'm surprised they haven't tried something like this yet.

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Post by Leviathen » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:13 pm

I own a DS (my first handheld since game gear ((best handheld EVER))) but I would have bought a PSP had I waited a few months.

DS is a lot of fun, but programmers fail to utilize the touch screen and just sort of use it as an extra visual. This is good in some cases, like having your game on one screen and a map on the other, but I wish the touch aspect of it were more involved.

Also my initial thoughts of it were that it shoulda ct like a PDA too. But eh, its good enough.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:44 pm

Yeah, I think Nintendo is sometimes too innovative for their own good. The DS is unique, but the second screen is under utilized. I can only wonder what's in store with the Revolution. Their controller is already... different...

E3 will be interesting this year. We'll have Microsoft touting the 360 and introducing countless new games for it. They might even cough up facts on the supposed handheld gaming device they are working on. Maybe, just maybe, we might see a working PS3 at E3 and some of it's games up and running. (On a side note, there was kind of a working version at the GDC this past week. They had one of the dev kits up and running. The thing looked like a computer out of 1988 and was running Windows XP...) And just maybe, Nintendo might actually show us something about the Revolution. We might even find out why they think it's so Revolutionary. Nintendo says they aren't even trying to compete with MS and Sony. OK, who the hell are they going after then??? They already have a captive audience with kids (Mario Party anyone???).

E3 will be interesting, very interesting...

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Post by Leviathen » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:19 pm

You know what, to be honest, out of the new systems, the only one that really, truely looks like it will 'feel' like a gaming consol is the nintendo one.

Now, I do not claim to be an expect on any of this, infact, I probably have less information than the average gamer, but it would seem to me that Microsoft and Sony are making computers for TVs. I dont even have a real reason even anyways, but the revolution just feels more like a consol to me.

I wont get into what I think of nintendos game cube, i would never buy one, but I do admit, revolutions has me interested.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:28 pm

Admittedly, the 360 and PS3 seem to come off as entertainment centers rather than gaming consoles. Perosnally, I'm not to fond of the idea, but so far the 360 has done a great job of staying a gaming console with some extra goodies to blend into my entertainment setup. The PS3 seems more like an entertainment center that plays games too... I mean, the thing was delayed because they can't get the Blu-Ray drives straightened out yet. The only thing that will actually utilize Blu-Ray discs are movies. They games will be on the discs, but they could still use regular DVD discs.

The only thing that bothers me about Nintendo is the lack of information about the Revolution. I mean, we know what it is supposed to look like and we know what the controllers look like, but that's it. There's no specs for it, no in-game screenshots, and very few, if any, confirmed games for it. I know E3 is just around the corner, but throw us gamers a bone already!!!


Post by Theep » Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:59 pm

I own a DS and a PSP, but I perfer the PSP. The PSP is awesome, I can get on the internet wireless, save pictures and stuff. Watch moveis, play music, download music off the net. Play games that look like N64 games, which is awesome for handheld games. The DS really isnt that great when you look at the PSP.

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Post by Leviathen » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:13 pm

I agree about that, but I bought DS before I heard about the PSP.

With regards to the consols... all the new consols I am not able to afford anyways, so it is just nice to dream and go over to my friends house. I can't wait to try revolutions though.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:53 pm

What's cool about the Revolution is that you cna play games all the way back to the NES. Talk about backwards compatibility!!! Rumor has it the Revolution will even support old Genesis and TurboGrafx games.

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Post by Leviathen » Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:03 am


/pulls out duckhunt and earthbound ^_^_^_^_^

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Post by matron » Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:47 am

lol hey tele? about that post on the 1st page of this thread.....

"Anywho, time to start a topic...

Who's that Pokemon?
(if your never watched Pokemon, you dont get it, go away!) "

Its koffing, evolves into Wheazer.

lol i need to learn how to do quotes
Last edited by matron on Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: pokemon

Post by Santos » Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:54 pm

matron wrote:lol hey tele? about that post on the 1st page of this thread.....

"Anywho, time to start a topic...

Who's that Pokemon?
(if your never watched Pokemon, you dont get it, go away!) "

Its wheazer. evolves into koffing.

lol i need to learn how to do quotes

On top of each post theres a "quote" button....

Also, your wrong!

Its Koffing, and he evolves into Wheezer. (you had it backwards)

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:34 pm

Ok now I'm back and even more Waucodier that I said I was I got A's and B's do I'm not in trouble anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
