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Top Secret Plan (RID and allies only)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Due to the recent sparks of hatred against ASF, I have formed the following plan. This plan is simple yet somewhat effective, and will show what we can do as a guild alone, or as a guild with allies.

The plan involves placement of an Imperial Forward Outpost in ASF's city of Solaria, Rori. This plan is going to be executed after the oncoming publish.

Right now, this is our current set up:

1.) Obtaining an Imperial Froward Outpost. Currently these cost 14k FP from recruiters, and roughly 1.4million credits from a smuggler (assuming it's 100credits per 1 fp). However, after the oncoming publish, I expect these things to go down in price, seeing how they come free with some bases. What we can do as a guild, is compile credits to buy a cheap Forward Outpost. One that is expendable, and wont be a mourning loss if it gets destroyed.

2.) Once the base is in our hands, it is then a matter of finding a candidate willing to use the base. This will either be a person from RID, or one of our allies. It has been discovered that ASF is trying to defect some of our members, particularly our Combat Commander, Bizob. If they are trying to defect our members, it would be no difficulty to get one of our members to leave the guild (temporarily of course), and get it into the heads of our opponents that he/she wants to defect.

3.) Once we get a member who is trusted by ASF, this is where everything falls into place. The Imperial Spy will tell one of the ASF's that he wants citizenship in their city, and that he has a small house he wants to place. The militia members of ASF agrees to this, and grants the spy zoning rights to place the house. However, instead of the house, he places an Imperial Forward Outpost, followed by a small house to be used as a safe house (assuming his zoning rights aren't revoked by then.

Note: After the coming publish, I have yet to find out if you need to be fully overt (combatant mode), or half-overt (non-combatant mode), to place a base. Hopefully it will be placeable in non-combatant mode so that the spy wont be shot at by players.

4.) Once the base is placed, it is imperative not to put too much credits in it. These things will most likely blow quickly, so it's a good idea to only keep the thing running for 10-15 days at first, with no defences.

With the entire plan aside, it would be naive to believe that this base would stand for long. However, it will be a victory, and enough to prove what we can do against our enemies.

For those of you worrying that there may be traitors in our guild reading this info, I want to say that we have back-up targets. But the very idea of traitors in RID is rather rediculous, but there are always precautions in place.

Thanks for reading,

Re: Top Secret Plan (RID and allies only)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:55 pm
by Guest
LexxYovel wrote:3.) Once we get a member who is trusted by ASF, this is where everything falls into place. The Imperial Spy will tell one of the ASF's that he wants citizenship in their city, and that he has a small house he wants to place. The militia members of ASF agrees to this, and grants the spy zoning rights to place the house. However, instead of the house, he places an Imperial Forward Outpost, followed by a small house to be used as a safe house (assuming his zoning rights aren't revoked by then.

What if they request to put down the "house" but a member of milita puts it down for him/her and then transfer it? I know Kurke does that alot in Shadda to make sure everything is placed right. Just wanted to bring this up, so that maybe some sort of back up plan could be made.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:04 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah, I do that for my members too. I'm sure theres a way we can swing around it, like:

Militia: Trade me your home, I'll place it for you.
Spy: Hehe, I know how to do this a lot :). Dont want to be any trouble, etc, etc.

But that would most likely only happen, assuming the militia member has enough lots to place it for him, understands or even cares about the set-up, and what not. And it doesn't seem like their cities set-up means a lot to them. It just looks like a jumbled mess :lol:

But thanks for pointing that out Zrin. Forgot to take that into cosideration, and will most likely train the spy what to do in that sort of situation.

Better yet, we could have the spy say he wants to place harvesters. Harvesters can not be transfered, so only the spy would be able to place them.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:33 am
by Guest
just look at their city.... if they have officers place houses, they are stupid officers

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:54 am
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, I asked an ASF if he was happy with Solaria's set-up. He said he was proud of it :lol:

When looking at the map, it appeared to be a failed attempt to put a wall of houses around their bases.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:35 am
by Lexx Yovel
In addition, we can just as well do the exact opposite of this plan. After the next publish, we get a friend of ours that ASF doesn't know, who goes Rebel. He then asks to join ASF and Solaria. Since bases after the publish will most likely be swapped and traded and what not, the spy could ask ASF if he could place and maintain the Rebel base.

Now, the hard part is getting the ASF to say yes, all we need to do is cross our fingers. If ASF says yes, then the spy places the Rebel base, which is assured to stand for about a week.

In a week, the first plan goes into effect, the Imperial Base will be placed the same time the Rebel Base is destroyed by our Rebel friend. All these actions that are going on is bound to make ASF panic. And the Imperial spy will register to run for office (he wouldn't win, but would add another scare).

Now this Rebel plan is far more complicated, but the key to the whole thing is if ASF allows the Rebel to place a base.

If the plan works one hundred percent, we will need to make special precautions for ourselves. ASF will retaliate, and if our plan does work, it will be required that no neutrals join our guild and/or city, and that militia members are temporarily removed or heavily trained not to grant neutrals anything.

Fortunately, if ASF actually plans to pull of our exact same plan, they will be surprised to discover that there is almost no room in our city at all to place a base :lol: (Except the outskirts, and the far east). But unlike ASF, we normally place the structures for them, and, if it is asked to place harvesters, we would ask to see them in the trade window for confirmation.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:01 pm
by Ty'e X'lor
This plan sounds Vaguely familiar, just a few modifications.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:02 pm
by Ty'e X'lor
Or the spy could just "oh crap I have to go, If you give me the house perhaps I can place it later" then log for a few hrs.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:22 pm
by Santos
if someone gives me 5100 rebel FPs or enough cash for em, id be happy to hehe

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:07 pm
by Idfig
Are you kidding me Tele has a untrusting look to him. OR he could make the mistake and wear the Imp uniform when placing the base

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:55 am
by Santos
actually im friends with someone in ASF whos been trying to recruit me for a while now