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Battlefield Groups

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:03 pm
by Xoseh
Hello RID!

As most of you hopefully know, in Star Wars Galaxies, we have battlefields. In turn, they have some pretty cool rewards, that I'm sure most people would like to have. Whether you want to actually use it or use it for decoration is up to you.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce one of my many plans for the future of RID's PvP and PvE. My first step towards accomplishing these goals and to have people become more active in the world is to participate in battlefields as RID groups. In my book, a good turn out for the battlefields would be a group of 4 RID members and 4 whoever gets paired with us ( Thus creating the team of 8 Imperials ). Since I'm creating this group, I'll obviously try my hardest to be part of the 4, so we'd only need 3 members to volunteer.

On the other hand, we don't even need 3 people, lol. I would just not like to go in alone. :P

I'll try to set up scheduled days and times (most likely later then 6:30 PM EST, and the same day(s) every week). I understand we all have lives, so there is no reserved seating. The more that show up the better. ( We just can't pass group capacity of 8 ). I'm sure we'd also be more then willing to wait for someone if they really want to participate on a given night. However, we can do an infinite amount of Battlefields as far as I know.

In terms of buffs, you really wouldn't need more then an ent buff and med buffs. (If I remember correctly, they don't go away when you die in a battlefield, but I could be wrong.) PuP's, Mustafar buffs, food and drinks are not required, but would obviously help.

If you would like to participate at all, or just be written down on the 'Hey I'll participate every now and then' list, send me mail in-game or post on the forum.

In the following posts you will see the maps for each battlefield, and some hints and sceanarios I've typed up. I know there is a post somewhere on these forums about the battlefields, and as soon as I find it I will post the link here.

This is not mandatory or forced participation in any way, shape or form. You choose to participate understanding you will be PvP'ing as 8 vs. 8.

Re: Battlefield Groups

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:18 am
by Xoseh
Jungle Warfare Map:


Jungle Warfare is a battlefield located on Yavin IV. This battlefield has two smaller bunkers near the spawn points
which can be destroyed and one central base which can be flipped. In general the team which first controls the main
bunker will win as the main bunker terminal will break after it has been flipped too many times.

This one is pretty straight forward. While destroying the smaller bases isn't nessesary, it would be helpful.
A group of 2 or 3 people should be able to handle destroying them.

The main point of this battlefield is to keep the main base in the center of your map under Imperial control.

There really isn't more then once scenario that I can think of:

Go into the main bunker full force, and win the inital battle. While defending the main bunker after the victory,
send 2 people to attack the smaller bunkers, which I assume will cause the rebels to spawn farther away when
they are destroyed. You want to make sure you time to small bunker attack perfectly with the rebels attacking the main
bunker. If all 8 of them are attacking the large base, no one will be able to stop you from assaulting the small bases.
A medic would be nice to hang back at the large base and keep everyone going until the 2 members who ran off to destroy
the small bunker come back to assist. I reccomend only destroying one rebel bunker per rebel attack on the main base.
If you try to destroy both while the rebels are making their second or third strike on the large base, some will have
been killed from the assault and will be able to defend the small bunker.

If you can think of any stratagies, please post them in this thread with the title "Jungle Warfare Stratagy" in the text box.

Re: Battlefield Groups

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:18 am
by Xoseh
*Reserved for Bunker Assault*

Re: Battlefield Groups

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:19 am
by Xoseh
*Reserved for Data Runner*

Re: Battlefield Groups

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:19 am
by Xoseh
Massassi Isle Map:


Massassi Isle is a battlefield located on Yavin IV. This battlefield involves 6 bunkers, 3 of each side and each
can be destroyed. Two smaller bunkers near the front line and a larger base near the spawn point for each side.
In order to knock down your opponent’s reinforcements quickly you’ll need to destroy the terminals in their bases
while defending your own. The smaller bunkers give 200 GCW while the larger ones give 500.

Basically, You must protect the 3 Imperial Bases you see closest to the imperial spawn, while assaulting
and destroying the 3 rebel bases closer to the Rebel spawn.


Scenario 1:

I think a team of 4 could defend, while a team of 4 assaults. While the team of 4 is defending, they should
be able to hold out long enough just incase the assault team needs to return to the battle to assist
in defense.

Scenario 2:

Split the group of 8 into teams of 2. (This would be near impossible to do without a full group of RID members, since I've
noticed people who do battlefields aren't there for the teamwork aspect, only the win.) 3 groups of 2 defend each base,
this would allow time for the other two groups of 2 who are defending to back up that particular base (using Line of Sight
is a great way to buy time while waiting for the reinforcements to arrive). While this is happening, the final group
of two would be assaulting the small bases. Once the small bases fall, the Rebels might decide to hang out at the large
base, waiting for a huge assault. In that case, go all in!

Medic's are a must for this battlefield.

If you can think of any stratagies, please post them in this thread with the title "Massassi Isle Stratagy" in the text box.

Re: Battlefield Groups

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:30 am
by Xoseh
Please send me a PM if you would like to sign up. (Send in-game mail if I am not logged in.)