RID PvP-ers

A place to discuss RID's war plans.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Warrant Officer I
Joined:Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:13 am
RID PvP-ers

Post by Redaxe » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:08 am

I have been away from the game for a little bit due to being busy in real life, but I am planning on being back soon.
I am posting this to try and find all of our active RID PvP-ers who on a regular(If not daily) basis go into Restuss, or any of the GCW static bases. I will be trying to have one or two(maybe more depending on how many participate) nights a month strictly for PvP in restuss, to get our name out there, and show everyone else we are an active part of the PvP world, and do our share of helping the Empire. Plus it will be a good oppurtunity to get our PvP kills up, not have to depend on BB's to get our GCW, get some commendations, to donate to the guild, sell for self-profit, or use to get the rewards, whatever the use, no matter. It could also be a good chance to get junk loot for our active crafters in the guild. If you are an active PvP-er please reply to this post so I can make a list of everyone. I will be making another post with more information.

-'Redaxe/Redaxxe :lol:

Second Lieutenant
Joined:Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:01 pm
Location:Kentwood, LA

Post by Mikal » Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:38 am

Flashlight currently does not PvP per se...but I do go to the static bases until someone shows up and kills me. Something about being level 71 makes me die in PvP lol. I'm all for getting together with people for PvP type stuff on Ro'Bin though, I just have to be in a group cause she can't defend herself (combat spec'd ent).

Ruh Shi'od
Joined:Fri May 02, 2008 4:24 pm

Post by Ruh Shi'od » Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:33 pm

I PvP, but not actively heh. I would still be up for stuff tho.
Ruh / Ruh' Shi'od - Bounty Hunter / Smuggler
Ryh / Ryh' Shi'od - Medic / Dancer
Reh / Reh' Shi'od - Jedi / Spy
ShiodIndustries - Domestics Trader
ShiodInduztries - Engineer Trader
ShiodIndustriez - Munitions / Structures Trader


Post by Corvallon » Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:09 pm

I PvP, looking to make General before I'm 90..years old.
