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State of the RID Navy

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:19 pm
by Erougn
I'm gonna start with the bad stuff, and work my way to the positive.

The Navy's coffers ran dry a long time ago, since then I have been using my own money to acquire supplies for RID pilots. I don't mind, I have a lot of money and all the stuff I really want. I also took on a lot of responsibility with this job, my only goal being RID as the finest force in space.

My problems with this are as follows;

1-All the Heavy TIEs that were supplied to RID pilots are RID property. Only ONE pilot to date has returned one to me after they became Ace. Every pilot who was assigned a heavy was told they had to return it so future pilots could use it. At 500K apiece this is no small issue as I am out 10 heavy TIE atm.

2-Kuiloe and myself went thru extraordinary effort and expense to stock up on PvP supplies (TIE Opressors, missile launchers, ammo, and chaff packs). This has not been a TOTAL wash, I've seen one or two of these ships in the Saturday night events once or twice. The bigger problem in my mind is that not enough people are taking advantage of what we have for the right reason. RID PvP gear is for RID pilot events, which at this time is only Ramona's Saturday events.

3-I love helping new pilots, and volunteer to wing as they work thru the tiers. But I am honestly discouraged by the ratio who come back and help me. By that I mean show up on Saturday so RID doesn't look like a joke. At this point we are a non-factor in space, and that makes me feel like all my effort is wasted. I can post a list (which I won't) of at least twenty pilots who have made Ace in my tenure as Admiral of the Fleet who were assisted by me or my staff. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?

4-I have assigned several people, who were command material in my opinion, to the only officer ranks in the Navy.
XO- Apium, Illistyl
Master Shipwright- Kuiloe
Comms- Kardath
Squadron Commander- Sergetov and several others
Apium had too much on his plate after the beginning, so wasn't the hands on person I had wanted.
Illistyl is still around, and is my wingman. But because of other priorities in life isn't on much, and never on Saturday nights.
Kuiloe was kikkin ass and then disappeared. I got a note he's been working away from home, hopefully a return soon.
Kardath hasn't been tested, since NOBODY USES COMMS!!!
Sergetov, and every other pilot that begged for command of a squadron bailed on me.

As far as the good news;

1-Despite the pillaging of the hvy TIE, our supplies are still strong. I have chaff packs, missiles, launchers, and Opressors.

2-Due to scattered participation and good results, RID still has a good rep in the PvP pilot community. If for no other reason than we still exist.

3-Our Navy HQ is still the standard all others are judged by.

4-Tomorrow is another day (don't underestimate the power of that fact).

5-I have a boatload of medals to pass out to people who step up. They are custom made, wearable, and are named what they were awarded for :-)

Sorry for the long post, but I had a lot to say. I don't know what the short term solution will be, but things will change. In the long term, RID WILL rule the skies in the Emperor's name!

I posted this so people could absorb and discuss before the guild meeting. Reply here or in game, I need to hear what you think. And as far as the poll, I can take criticism, just post what you really want to post.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:42 pm
by Jaysont
hi erougn when i get back in game (should be this week some time) i'll run some ground missons and and some money to the navy vault, you know my space poblems BUT i should be getting net on my other comp soon and will be up in the skys no time keep a reserved sign on one of those turrets for me and i want my good luck teddy bear back now your ace.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:44 pm
by Erougn
Thanks, mate. I don't need the money though. I didn't mean to imply that we're broke, was just stressing the fact that this isn't a frivelous issue.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:26 pm
by Apium
Truly this game does not offer the organizational abilities to control a guild let alone a navy within a guild. It is so hard to keep track of pilots. Unlike on the ground we don't have a nearly endless pool of people to recruit. Pilots tend to group in all naval guilds, and it takes a lot to draw them away. ----I need to run an errand in rl real quick. Once I return I'll finish up this post-----Alright so perks help but you obviously don't want your entire navy to be just a bunch of mercs, who only have one reason to be there; rewards. You don't want to force them either, you can't force them actually. You could make it a requirement for the guild, but RID isn't a space guild. The only thing you can really do is show up, show everyone that RID is out there fighting every battle.

In order for there to be a revival of the RID navy, we need a rival of the imperial navy in general. Once I return to game this will be one of my main goals. This and the imperial network if it isn't running strong by the time I get back. That is what I enjoy most about this game, not the actually game but the politics involved. I'll be devoting 80% of my game time to politics.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:20 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'll reiterate a bit about what I said to Erougn personally, including a bit more.

Space is a very important place for RID to pave their way in. Ground PvP is important too, but space is under used. Honestly, space doesn't appeal to many people, it comes down to a few core reasons:

1.) They are not very effective in a "twitch" game interface
2.) They find sufficient supplies difficult/expensive to come by
3.) People have no real incentive to fly in space

Personally, I'm far from a great pilot. I haven't involved myself in space flight all that much (although I do realize the importance of it). For the three problems listed above, I'll post solutions below. Number 2 is kinda already dealt with though:

1.) Many people are intimidated by the mere fact of a twitch game interface. Even if you have the supplies and the motivation, simply understanding how to control the ship itself (let alone the systems), is difficult. I dont think there is any easy solution to this. One easy solution is to simply put them in gunner positions... This is general straight forward. We also need co-pilots, or repair people. These secondary positions are important for ships like the decimator.

But this can't last as a permanent solution. They'll be more gunners signing up than pilots. For this we simply need to teach people... maybe on the ground, what certain space commands do, and how to effectively fly the ship. I dont know if *everyone* knows this but depending on how you adjust the throttle, you can get a faster turn rate. Firing in bursts is also more effective (as it conserves energy), rather than firing a steady stream of lasers without hitting the ship. And most importantly, the LEAD INDICATOR. Most novice pilots try aiming the crosshair directly AT the ship and NOT in front of the ship. You want to put the crosshair on the lead indicator. Firing on the lead indicator causes the ship to fly INTO the lasers (since it takes time for the lasers to travel to the distance of the ship and hit it). By teaching pilots these things, they may become more confident in flying.

2.) Many people have difficulting finding supplies... this problem is already remedied with the Navy. Erougn stated he supplied ties and equipment to members, so I dont think this needs more addressing. What we do need to do, is ensure that pilots who are LENT these supplies give the supplies back, and USE them for space events. If you get lent space supplies, you should be REQUIRED to assist in space events. If you use the ship for your own personal grinding, that's fine, but it should be repayed by assisting the Empire in PvP space events. There should be more demanding criteria for who gets supplies (particularly expensive ones). We need to make a list of who has what, for how long, and if they've benefited us in space.

3.) RID pilots are supposed to WANT to fly in space, but lets face it, it's human nature to want to earn something in space. Why fly in space when you can grind GCW points or commendations down at Restuss? Well, we dont want a lot of RID mercenary pilots, so I say we do this. For newtime pilots, we can maybe supply monetary rewards and medals. Overtime, they may realize they like flying in space because it's fun, rather than for the money they earn. As soon as they progress and join the Navy, they will fly for free (but maybe get some medals and rewards every now and then for outstanding effort).

Well, that's my 2 cents... Apium brought up a good point and said most space guilds are ONLY space guilds. This IS true but doesn't have to be. It is difficult to dabble in a little of this, and a little of that, but as long as we keep a list of good pilots, and keep them up to date on space events and space briefings, then we can prosper in space too.

RID Naval Pilots should be required to go to these space events. Non Naval pilots may choose to go (although it should be encouraged). To be given free supplies you should be a Navy member. Maybe to join the Navy there should be a test for that person. We could test the person aptitude as a pilot, gunner, repairman, or co-pilot and find that person a suitable role thats for him/her.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:21 pm
by Jaysont
Erougn wrote:Thanks, mate. I don't need the money though. I didn't mean to imply that we're broke, was just stressing the fact that this isn't a frivelous issue.

na it just got me thinking cuz i cant help out in space i might as well help out on the ground and since i'm totaly useless and grinding my CL (ask anyone) i might as well get involved with politics (RP) and the space navel.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:32 pm
Apium wrote:That is what I enjoy most about this game, not the actually game but the politics involved. I'll be devoting 80% of my game time to politics.

Ditto, I love ingame RP politics and I think SWG sets the stage for the best of the best RP.

I am returning to the game tonight and I hope to be allowed if not invited to participate ingame senerios and RP.

See you all soon hopefully.


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:27 pm
by Erougn
WB Seether