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The Official Unofficial Smack Talk guide!

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:24 pm
by Apium
Copied from the Starsider forums, be sure to request a sticky!

It happens to just about everyone. You're out minding your own business, and BAM - you get an insulting /tell from some tard. Now, the person who sent the /tell hasn't got a clue. That isn't proper smack talk ettiquite. To do it professionally, there are some basic rules and caveats that a few ppl seem to understand, but by and far the majority of 13.6 yr olds here just don't seem to get it. They spout off at the mouth, and accuse you of smack talking them by posting screenshots and such for others to see. So here's the basic rules to follow so you don't make an a$$ of yourself.

1. Never initiate the smack talk. This is by and far #1. However there ARE some exceptions to the rule:
a. You may initiate smack talk in the form of a tell by pointing out to an individual their cowerdace. For example, in PvP, anyone who RUNS AWAY without actually engaging and attempting to fight, even a larger group, is a plain coward and deserves to have it pointed out to them that they're a complete lamer for running away without even trying.
b. Anyone guilty of (a) above, deserves to be reminded of that fact any and every time you see them.

2. Stay on topic. When your smack-talked, don't go changing the subject to other issues, unless you are reminding them of 1-a, or 1-b above.

3. Sarcasm works best. Don't argue a point, but instead point out to your smack talker their inadequecies in the form of sarcasm.

4. Don't make threats (unless you're AXIS and can actually carry them out). Threats are idle words that you can't typically back up. It only serves to make you look like an idiot for saying them in the 1st place.

5. Know when to stop responding. There's a point where your smack-talker will just keep going over and over. Let them. They're spending time and energy trying to win a war of words they can't win and don't yet realize it. The only reason they continue is because they think they need to make another point to prove themselves, which indicates they have a low self-esteem and don't think they've sufficiently made their point.

6. Don't retaliate hastily. If your smack-talker has pissed you off, don't go dash out to confront them. Take your time to assess the situation and plan accordingly to nail them. At these times, words seldom do the trick, so it's going to be an in-game action. Don't jump the gun, do it right.

7. Don't ignore. Never put someone on ignore. You'll be missing valuable text that you can use later to show your smack talker is a complete moron. They usually sink their own ship, so have everything you can.

Some simple guidelines for better management of smack talk. Use them and maybe others won't think of you as some pre-pubecent kid with an axe to grind.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:25 am
by Takura
If you need a guide, you should be killed..

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:52 am
by Apium
Takura wrote:If you need a guide, you should be killed..

then we need to kill 95% of starsider because they don't know how to smack talk. The guide is 100% on target. People really do need to follow those rules, so we can all have enjoyable smack talking sessions.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:54 am
by Leviathen
Leviathen's guide:

/ignore <insert character name>

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:07 am
by Apium
Leviathen wrote:Leviathen's guide:

/ignore <insert character name>

I hate /ignore because you don't know what the person's saying to you. If hes cussing me out I want to know.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:45 am
by Kurke_Aumea
Apium wrote:
Leviathen wrote:Leviathen's guide:

/ignore <insert character name>

I hate /ignore because you don't know what the person's saying to you. If hes cussing me out I want to know.

Who cares??? It's just a game and it's just soem teen jackass trying to feel important. Gotta admit, Lev's guide is best.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:44 pm
by Leviathen
Why Thank you Kurke :D

And if you want to know what they are saying, then you don't ignore them.

What would someone come up to you seeing two people smack talk? Great, more little kiddies running around.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:28 pm
by Apium
Leviathen wrote:Why Thank you Kurke :D

And if you want to know what they are saying, then you don't ignore them.

What would someone come up to you seeing two people smack talk? Great, more little kiddies running around.

all smack talking occurs in /tells

and and some people enjoy a good argument, I for one love getting in fights. I try to keep it in TC though.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:44 pm
by Leviathen
I enjoy a good argument wtih someone who has more than half a brain, most of what I think you are referring to would be rather frustrating and a very unproductive use of my time.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:16 pm
by Apium
Leviathen wrote:I enjoy a good argument wtih someone who has more than half a brain, most of what I think you are referring to would be rather frustrating and a very unproductive use of my time.

the whole game is unproductive, based on the average man's goal in life

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:18 pm
by Waucod Meesman
yeah I think I'm gonna go with Auvair on this one...

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:10 am
by Dakaraim
for the record this is a very good guide and pissing off people is funner than some of you guys realize, Manu just about had a heart attack tonight

Re: The Official Unofficial Smack Talk guide!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:15 am
by Waucod Meesman
Apium wrote:13.6 yr olds

Wow I think thats pretty accurate lol

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:20 am
by Lexx Yovel
I dont put anyone on ignore. But I typically don't respond and watch themselves complaining about having me not respond :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:29 pm
by Jaysont
LexxYovel wrote:I dont put anyone on ignore. But I typically don't respond and watch themselves complaining about having me not respond :lol:

no wonder you never reply to me and i go ape-shit lol jk.