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Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:22 am
by Guest
I'm vegetarian.....
Apologies for my conduct last night... I'd been out with the lads and had a bit too much to drink.
Apologies to Ty'e for being the focus of my abuse.... I feel pretty shitty about it so send me a tell in game and i'll buy you a suit of composite, k?
I forgot that everyone starts out as a newbie... i was one myself!
Good laugh lads... the thing i most enjoyed was being with so many R>I>D members at one time.....

tbh it was none of our faults... i'm sure you've all just experienced the grim reality of pvp....
Someone with master rifleman/ combat medic and poisons you and shoots you from 64m away.... it's ridiculous.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:01 am
by Lexx Yovel
Mnyaks right, although I am sure all of us didn't have to be drunk to feel pretty embarrassed and upset. I would like to thank those who did come, you all tried. We were simply slaughtered by 5 experienced PvP'ers and 2 Jedi lol. In the end, it was fun, I actually saw several Jedi in action. As for PvP, it is pretty unbalenced. Once the Devs release the combat rebalence we will probobly be able to do decent sized PvP events again. For now, we will do PvE hunts and raids and small PvP raids like the ones on Anchorhead. It will help us train better :)

P.S.- That Forward Outpost will be placed shortly by Commander Fikke to celebrate RID's growth. The ceremony will also be somtime this week. Maybe next weekend. And... on one last note, I noticed RID may not be so wonderful at combat for now, yet we sure could gain terrirtory easily. I will speak more about that later... 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:54 pm
by Guest
If we can get some thoranium steel... i can constantly keep the forward outpost stocked with mines :)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:21 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah, we could arrange that somtime :)

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:55 am
by Santos
OK, many of you have been picking up bounty hunter and other skills with guns, but not many of them are useful in PvP without a combo.
Many of our RIDs (including myself) are taking up TKM and M Commando, but please! we dont need an ENTIRE guild of the same proffesions, people, try something DIFFERENT! (btw, i was first so im keeping it :P lol) Without variety, our efforts at battle will become futile and we will be beaten over and over. Instead of taking that bike ride from oasis to bestine, how about killing some fambaas, tuskens or quenkers? I am still glad to see that our guild has improved so much, but remember, we have other valuable members besides Aem, Xanus and Onslaught-, our TKMs, we should, instead of saying "oh, we have TKMs so were fine", try to pick up master skills ourselves. Good luck RID, hope I havent been too harsh (like anyone will read this lol)
Commander of Intelligence, Telemchus Argus