War is upon Us!

A place to discuss RID's war plans.

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Post by Arev » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:51 pm

Jonem wrote:As there are two places where generally go in this game (Eisley/Restuss) this issue is a big deal. I have never seen a Chotw member besides Anishor in restuss. I have seen multiple members in Eisley.

Dude, no need to be defensive in your post. Now, I'm not trying to knock you, but you don't get out much do you? There's plenty of player activity in other sectors of our galaxy. Not to mention, I've been on Scylla recently, and Restuss in Scylla has MORE players than Starsider, meanwhile, Mos Eisley is dead on Scylla. (Yes, ChotW members do go to Restuss, they just don't hang out there like others.)

Anyways, no, your argument fails on several accounts, chiefly that you assume that hang outs are where you're going to find ChotW members. You do know that Moenia is crawling with Rebels right because of this Moon Festival? If they're going to be anywhere (besides Eisley), this is a good place to find them. Theed and Lok are great places to monitor Rebel activity.

No one is "forcing" you to RP, but you do have an obligation to respect the rules.

LexxYovel wrote:But as I said we'll have full-out guild wars in the near future, perhaps November.

How is this not a "full-out" war? If by "full-out" you mean no rules or restrictions? I'll gladly sign up, but I know that it'll never happen.

Engaging with a RP PA was not our first choice, but they were the first ones to agree after we went to the self-proclaimed PvP PAs. But, we didn't like those PAs applied more rules and restrictions than anyone could remember.

If we go to war with a "PvP PA", you can most certainly bet that Mos Eisley will be ENTIRELY off-limits (from our experience with other PAs), because they'll use the excuse that it should be a no-fighting zone because of instance preparation. (Unlike with ChotW, where we can still fight in Mos Eisley, under the condition, that it's RP'd out.)

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:48 pm

When I said "full-out" war I didn't mean to undermine the current war that will be taking place, which is of course, a full-out war in itself.

I meant "full-out" as in a war which can appease those who simply wish to shoot and kill anytime, anywhere, with limited regulations, if any. Which of course is fine, but is a different sort of way to go about things.

In many cases it can be a mess which involves clone camping and load ganking. Plus it usually involves the killing of lowbies and crafters at anytime.

Those wars can be definitely be exciting, but I usually prefer them when we're attacking a guild we're truly angry with, such as the case with DS and several others.

However, as I previously stated, the war taking place tomorrow is pretty straightforward in that we have uniforms for non-fighters, and a few designated safe/RP-zones.

Arev is right though, the "true-PvP" guilds we tried to arrange a war with were even more restricting than ChotW. I forgot the name of the guild, but one of these so-called PvP guilds kept piling on rules after rules. One of the rules was, "We can turn the war on and off at our own discretion, since we need time to organize groups for heroic runs, etc. No killing of low levels or crafters, no killing here, no killing there, etc, etc." That didn't sound like a fun war, so we decided against that one.

Really, it's hard to arrange a guild war with any Rebel guild. Most are not interested, or will only fight with insanely restricting rules or excessive numbers.

I really wish the Devs would improve the guild war system altogether to be honest, by adding terms of victory/defeat, ability to mechanically tag members as "non-fighters," or by establishing certain fighting zones using in-game mechanics... not to mention space guild wars. But I'm getting ahead of myself now.

I'm rambling again, but in any case, looking forward to tomorrow!

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:18 pm

yea can't wait to get home and do some REAL pvp, not this lame restuss garbage that is boring as hell.
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Post by Jonem » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:37 pm

no, your argument fails on several accounts, chiefly that you assume that hang outs are where you're going to find ChotW members

I assumed nothing. I was stating that ive seen ChotW members in the two places i go to, nothing else.

You do know that Moenia is crawling with Rebels right because of this Moon Festival? If they're going to be anywhere (besides Eisley), this is a good place to find them. Theed and Lok are great places to monitor Rebel activity.

I really dont care about other rebels, as they do not really matter in this issue.

No one is "forcing" you to RP

Yes, technically some one is forcing me to RP.

Engaging with a RP PA was not our first choice

Thats why you posted in the starsider RP forums first then right?

Now, I'm not trying to knock you, but you don't get out much do you?

I think you are. Dont get out much? What is there to do? To PvP i have to go restuss, though ill find an occasional 1v1 in eisley. Space i get bored of due to grinding. Instances i cant because i have things to do on our instance days (which is like saturday?). And a pick up group is hard to get into as a spy. To loot stuff to have some credits, i have to..Wait for it..GRIND. SWG is the game that takes the LONGEST time to push more content into. And when they do it is just a retextured version of something old, and involves more grinding.

(This post is only offensive/defensive like due to the offensive nature of your post)

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Post by Jaysont » Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:17 am

1st of yall need to STFU with this argueing or ill come back over there and bust some heads.

2nd its not hard to say 1 line like "By order of the empire i am here to question you about suspicious activities" after that line considering this guild DOES want to war most of them will attack straight away after a line like "you shall not prevail imperial scum" or somthing along those lines u can even macro the line i said to make things more simple so please stop QQ'ing how your forced to RP and use and i quote lexx COMMON SENSE.

and don't grief by clone camping and whatnot.

my bad yet again

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Post by Jonem » Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:06 am

I thought i read something some where that said we couldnt do that Jaysont. (The whole RP thing)

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Post by Jaysont » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:48 pm

think about it, a imperial officer goes up to a rebel soldier and says im here to question you bla bla bla, instead of risking capture he takes the opotune moment of surprize and starts attacking straight awa, thats enuf lolRP to satisfy the rules and you get into action quickly. ive rp'ed almost every form possible from long debates/meetings to short ones concluding in battles so trust me on this.

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Post by Redaxe » Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:57 pm

I am already having problems with the war, and ChotW members breaking one of, what I believe to be a rule. Three times I came upon a red, and they were in armor not an off-limits uniform, and all three times they ran from me. If they are going to fight in the war then they need to fight, if they aren't then they need to step aside and stop making me waste my time chasing them. Eventually. I will just end up getting mad.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:59 pm

screenshot or it didn't happen. :D good that they're running from us, shows how weak they are.
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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:31 am

I wouldn't say running is against any rules, but it's definitely poor practice I would say. I mean if they don't want to fight they shouldn't even choose to participate in the first place.

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Post by Mikal » Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:31 am

Has there been any fighting? I logged yesterday before the war started and didn't get back on, so was wondering if we have any kills :D (or deaths :cry: ) yet

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Post by Arev » Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:56 am

Yes and no, Mikal.

There was fighting yesterday. Red attacked Axxyr causing him to run. I attacked Axxyr and lost (complete facepalm-not thinking PvP moment of staying in melee range), incapped me. Dila'ae attacked Axxyr was DB'd. Dila'ae and I regrouped and DB'd Axxyr outside. Axxyr came back, Daiho, Lexx, and Kuuhl joined us and Axxyr was *poof* in about five seconds. He ran to Mos Entha and logged.

The current problem that I talked with Axxyr is apparently ChotW has had some low attendance recently, including Anishor. He hasn't been on recently.

Nonetheless, my theory was right. They'll prove to be more than a fight for us.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:04 am

wish my computer didn't crash. think my video card didn't agree with the power going out so many times. =\
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Post by Corvallon » Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:51 pm

I'm in. Let's break some Wook heads.

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Post by Mikal » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:36 pm

If you can get a confirmed (Screenshot or it didn't happen rule applies) kill, and happen to have a tanned hide draft schematic, let me know and I can make you a "pelt" with the name of the wookiee you took out hehe. I love making souveniers! :roll: :twisted:
