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The begining of the end

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:32 am
by Jaysont
Ever since i was born i have been a simple man trying to make a living and like every hard working person i had heard rumors of the rebellion and it's war with the empire. but out in the outer rim we did'nt have anything to do with the war until a uneventfull day.I had been out working for the days meal i had had a good catch i was happy and joyfull until i got home and found my house in a burning rubble and after the rumors i heard after i thought it was the empire who had caused this monstrosety so i packed up all that had'nt been destroyed i the fire and bought a shuttle of my home world to correllia where as soon i got of the shuttle i saw something that made me relize the empire had'nt destroyed my house and family it was the rebellion because what i saw was the remenents of a massacre of civillians and all that was left where a group of people huddled in a corner, i went over to help then when suddenly a sniper shot cam from no where killing one survivor, i ran rolled and dived out of the way, i could'nt shoot back i did'nt have a blaster. then when i thought i was safe i was knocked unconsoise from behind.When i awoke there was some sort of alian hovering over me who just stares at me then says "hello my name is Gounk Sharpblaster are you alright"
i sat there for a few seconds trying to think then for some reason i said "what are you" and without shock or pause he replied "i am a twi'lek and you lie still while i heal you up" later on after i was all healed up i asked gounk if he had a spare blaster he said "sorry but i only use the tera kasi art of unarmed combat" i was shocked by this as on the outer rim all we had ever heard of in combat was draw, aim and shoot i asked him to teach me the ways of the tera kasi so i could avenge my family and help destroy the rebellion,i vowed to find the exact people who had destroyed my home because they had not only murderd my family and burnt my home they had destroyed my way of life and for that they would pay, later on in life i met a man called Lexx yovel who asked me if i would like to join his guild and city RID, i had heard of this guild and heard that they where fiercely loyal to the empire and i signed up without hesitation since then i have killed and destroyed many rebels and i am still hunting those who killed my family. :twisted:


Always hunting, always will hunt.

i walk in darkness but i do not walk alone.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 1:07 pm
by Santos
u stole my rp thread name lol

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 7:35 am
by Jaysont
yeah i id'nt relize until after i posted it soz :lol: