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Kurke's Story

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:24 am
by Kurke_Aumea
Kurke was originally born near Tyrena, Corellia. His parents were quiet folks and they led quiet lives. That all changed when Kurke was 16...

Not long after Kurke's birthday, his parents went into town to get some supplies for the following week. While wandering past the starport, a group of terrorists set off an explosive device. His parents were killed isntantly in the explosion. CorSec was sent in to investigate the attack, and while it was never officially announced, Rebels were feared to be behind the attack.

Without a home and family, Kurke scraped together his belongings and snuck aboard a transport destined for Tatooine. When he landed in the city of Bestine, all he had was a piece of fruit, a few credits, and a cheap little blaster someone had given him. It wasn't long before Kurke realized that Tatooine was a pretty nasty place. Thieves and thugs constantly stalked him and Kurke come to realize he wasn't to handy with his cheap pistol.

Kurke was able to find some safety though. As Bestine was the Imperial capitol on Tatooine, Storm Troopers provided decent security around the core of the city. And this is where Kurke found some easy work. He hung out around the main starport and tinkered on swoops and harvestors. During this time he became quite handy with a hydro-spanner and was known in the city as a capable artisan.

It was around this time that Kurke decided he should try to do something to avenge his parents death. Kurke knew he was no mercenary and hardly had any combat skills to be a foot soldier for the Empire. So, he decided taht his best bet was to try to get into the Imperial Support Division. In the beginning he ran cheap missions across Tatooine making unimportant items. Then, after much hard work, he was allowed to join Imperial Support Division Epsilon. While it wasn't a grand job, it was a job and it was a way for him to seek revenge against the Rebels who killed his parents, even if in a minor way.

With the increase in pay and experience, Kurke was able to study the field of architecture in depth. Using his knowledge he built his first house just 500m south of the Bestine starport and soon setup his own vendor there. He first started selling light mining equipment and slowly worked up to small houses and a few larger items as well.

It was about this time that Kurke met a man by the name of Eurluro. Eurluro was a relatively quiet guy, but a friend to Kurke none the less. Eurluro eventually went into architecture with Kurke and they both helped each advance their careers. It was on one fateful day that Eurluro showed up to tell Kurke about this new organization he had joined. It was a guil named RID, the Regal Imperial Defenders. Kurke was intrigued by the guild and was destined to join it.

Upon joining RID, Kurke was greeted by the guild's leader, Lexx. Lexx proposed a deal with Kurke. Kurke woudl supply houses for RID's city, Fort Oasis, in exchange for a decent payment of credits. This deal worked out well for Kurke as Fort Oasis was experiencing some nice growth at the time and Kurke made his initial fortune off this.

Not long after joining RID, Kurke was forced to take a leave of absence for various reasons though. Upon his return a few months later, RID was still there. Of course, while RID was still there, much had changed. Eurluro was gone and there were many new members Kurke had never met. But, at least Lexx was there.

When Kurke returned to RID, he decided that he should help the guild out as much as possible. He first started by selling his architectural goods in the city and slowly started to work up the rather confusing command structure of the time. It wasn't long before Kurke was a well respected member of the guild and was considered a "senior" member. Not too long after Kurke reached this status, RID began to go through changes. These changes completed changed the guild from the way it was run to who was in it. Between betrayals and command structure revisions, RID was a mess of sorts. In the end, all that was left were the core members of RID and Kurke was there to help as much as possible. With the leadership of Lexx and the loyalty of RID, a new command structure was born within RID. To help with this command structure, Kurke was placed in command of the Crafting Division after earning the title of Master Architect not long ago.

From this position, Kurke was able to help shape the guild into the stable, yet effective guild RID is today. As a commander, Kurke was entrusted with much power, most of which was in the way the Crafting Division was run. While some would consider such a division boring and pointless, Kurke embraced the opportunity. Telemchus had originally started the RID Mall. While it achieved a small level of early success, it never really succeeded as well as everyone had hoped. Kurke was eventually given command of the mall. Kurke still was unable to help it...

Then it was decided to redesign Fort Oasis to make it look more like an actual city. Kurke saw this as an opportunity to re-establish the mall for RID and help the city grow at the same time. As part of the reorganization, Kurke was eventually able to place a new mall near the city's downtown section and slowly began work on the mall. After weeks of preparation and hard work, Kurke opened the mall to the public with a mix of his own vendors and a couple others. The mall actually achieved some early success, but it wasn't enough. As RID began to grow, Kurke was able to recruit new people to place their vendors in the mall. Because of this, the mall has become a financial success. While it is no Coronet super-mall, the RID Mall is turning a profit not seen by any other mall in Fort Oasis before.

After enjoying his success in RID and as an Architect, Kurke began to realize he had been neglecting his promise to avenge his parents' deaths. But how would he accomplish such a feat? There was a rumor floating through the desert sands that the Empire would be opening the space lanes in the near future and the Empire needed new pilots to help patrol space. The day the space lanes were reopened, Kurke signed up at the Imperial Naval Recruiter and began work as a shipwright. He worked as a low level shipwright to help maintain his income so that he could afford the equipment he knew he would need as a pilot for the Empire. As a primary seller of ships to RID, Kurke is earning enough of an income to afford only the best equipment for his ship.

Kurke originally started out with a cheap TIE Fighter patrolling the trade routes over Tatooine. He was a quick learner though. Kurke's time spent working as an Architect had made his skill with a flight stick unrivaled. Kurke was quickly promoted to Storm Squadron, the most prestigeous fighter squadron in the Empire. As a member of Storm Squadron, Kurke has seen combat in the theaters of Tatooine, Lok, Yavin, Endor, Corellia, and Kessel. Hundreds, if not thousands, of rebel pilots have perished at his hands.

While Kurke is the closest he has ever been to exacting his revenge for his parents, he is far from reaching his goal. Only after he eliminates those who truly killed his parents and sees the end of the Rebellion will Kurke ever quench his thirst for revenge...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:10 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Great story Kurke. I hardly remember Eurluro... was he really one of our members?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:37 pm
by Guest
Very nice Kurke, I was just about to pester you to write this. One thing though... you mention fighting in the combat theater of Kessel. All you've done in Kessel was we both screwed around, ran into a B-Wing, and blew it up (for 8142 experience... it was a Tier 5 ship)... Exaggeration is a bad thing.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:13 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, what... it would be a pretty boring story then :P
I mean movies based on RL events are made more exciting then they actually were lol.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:51 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Shhhhhh.... they don't need to know that Oraf!!!! lol

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:54 am
by Idfig
yea movies based on rl events are better then the real thing like the movie black hawk down or saving private ryan.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:52 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Hehe, yeah, but at least we know Kurke's story isn't *really* so heroic, :P

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:53 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Really??? Ask Fing how many times I have saved his @$$ in space and vice versa!!! lol

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:01 pm
by Lexx Yovel
lol, well I dont know. I am dissapointed with Fing however... he dragged me into Kessel not informing me of the dangers of gun ships... I thought those gun ships were easy targets because they were so slow... I sped up towards one with confidence and before I could get a first laser... BOOM. Then I died.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:03 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
LOL You n00b!!!!!!!

If it wasn't for me, Fing wouldn't be 3-3-3-2 in Imp pilot and if it wasn't for Fing, I wouldn't be 3-3-3-2 in Imp pilot.

Which comes out to about 3,452 times we have saved each other's @$$ in space... lol

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:17 am
by Idfig
and you saved me from the destructiuon of my tie.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:57 am
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, I am learning Kurke. I actually challenged a Rebel Y-Wing pilot to a duel and beat him. He kept taunting me in the Coronet Cantina.... I proved him wrong. And when I disabled him, I said, "Do you surrender?" Then he answers, "Lag, gotta log now fight later." Umm...*shoots final laser at Y-Wing*

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:25 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Lol, what a friggin pansy!!!

The dude does know that even if he logged in space, you could still have blown up his ship until his ship disappeared after like 5 minutes of him being logged off.

Yes... blame your sucky fighter skills on lag.... pathetic Rebels... lol :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:42 pm
by Lexx Yovel
hehe :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:02 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Btw, good job kickin his @$$ Lexx. You might have finally found combat you are good at. lol I know I finally did with JTL.