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New Squad Coming Soon

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:10 pm
by bizob
Some of you veteran RIDs may remember the old squad system. While we all liked the concept of squads and squad leaders, it's just never seemed to work out. I've decided to give it another try. This time we will start with one specialized squad. The mission of this squad will be to destroy enemy turrets.

I will be naming a squad leader for this squad shortly. The squad leader will be responsible for recruiting members for the squad (from within the RID ranks), training the squad, organizing and leading the attacks on enemy turrets.

Squad members MUST be current RID members. Being part of this squad is to be considered an honor and is reserved for our loyal members. The squad leader will have final say in who joins the squad.

Recommended professions for this squad are:
Jedi - hard to get but can slice up a turret in no time.
Commandos - for their blast damage capabilities.
Medics - preferably Docs to rez and buff but healers of some kind will be needed.
TKMs - not sure why but they seem to do a good job with turrets.
Some "tanks" will be needed as well, anyone who can take alot of damage.

Please note nothing is set in stone regarding this squad. I will leave all decisions regarding the squad to the squad leader. All I expect is results, i dont care how you get it done. I will help the squad leader in any way i can of course.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:16 pm
by Xan
i have a decent amount of doubt when it comes to this acutally working...but why not try everything once right? :D

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:16 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Sounds good. I agree, RID is becoming more active in base attacks, and squads would work much better than they did in the past.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:34 pm
by Ty'e X'lor
I would like to sign up for the Commando position sir.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:43 pm
by bizob
Xan wrote:i have a decent amount of doubt when it comes to this acutally working...but why not try everything once right? :D

i can understand your doubts xan. like i said, we've tried it in the past and couldnt get it working. what im thinking here is a small group of say 6-10 people who will get together about 2-3 times a week at various times and go out blowin up turrets. the slice team can than go in at some later time and take out the base. nothing too fancy or complicated. it may or may not actaly work out but i think its worth a try. also, Xan with your military background perhaps you can help us make this work. im always open to suggestions.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:12 pm
by Leviathen
Considering we are mainly focusing on base blowing I think squad systems will work out excellently. It will make destroying the rebel strong holds that much easier and more organized.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:33 am
by Guest
Well I am still working on my Jedi and plan to have him done someday but he is not powerful enough yet to be able to join any squad or defend himself but I would be more then willing to take him up the ropes!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:24 am
by Xan
im up for giving a helping hand with my background. just talk to me in-game if you want. :lol: