I took care of him.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:41 am
Tonight had a little action in Restuss, me and Vahdreas got tossed around by a rebel commando named Voodos and a Dark Jedi named Olmeck. We took Sapew out of the picture early on....so we left as Lord Vader was due to arrive in Restuss any minute, didn't get the badge though...vahdreas logged for the night, i was special forces, and decided to go head out fo mos eisley to check on the activity there. I killed a rebel npc, then noticed a red dot by the starport, clicked it and there he was. I was already buffed besides inspired, so i moved in and took aim, used LOS and everything i've learned while dueling Shiftie, and managed to take him out in front of a few Imperial combatants. Here are the screenshots: