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Intelligence Division Recruitment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:00 am
by Saurat Seerdon
Wonder what the Intelligence Division does for RID and the Empire?

Want an exciting job providing intel to RID members and slicing rebel bases? Enjoy exploring the galaxy?

Various Intelligence Operations:

Price Monitoring: Monitor the prices of certain loot, components, and rewards on the trade forums and finding buyers/sellers of items RID members wish to sell or buy.

RID City Neighborhood Watch: Monitor neighbors of RID cities, taking note of who most-often visits them

Reporting locations of active Rebel bases
Reporting tripped alarms on Imperial bases
Reporting control status of stim bases on corellia, talus, and naboo
Reporting planetary control statuses and city statuses (ex: rebel npcs in mos eisley, plantary score on mos eisley 25 reb, 30 imp)

Locating rebel base busts
Locating rebel buff houses
Locating rebel guild halls
Locating rebel aligned cities

Monitoring rebel traffic through major starports (guild specific)

Specialized Intelligence:

Bounty Hunter: Tracking
Smuggler: Insider Information


Bounty Hunter: Uplink Jam
Smuggler: Security Slice
Medic: Power Regulator Slice
Commando: Override Slice
Officer: Self Destruct Slice


Setting houses/storyteller tokens down outside of rebel cities and places that rebels would likely take notice

Jamming uplinks on several bases to confuse the enemy

Intel provided from participating in any of the above activities will help RID immensely.

If you wish to join the Intelligence Division, please contact myself (Kioet' ) or Commander Xoseh.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:55 am
by Xoseh
We also monitor the status of other guilds. (Imperial and Rebel alike.)

-If they're going to war with anyone, and who with.
-Amount of dedicaited members/PvPer's
-Location of their specific bases (Rebels only) for destruction
-Creating alliances with Imperial Guilds (temporary or permanent)
-Access to new buff houses that are created by other Imperial Guilds.

Intel has assingments like the ones listed above, but there are more harder assingments for the dedicaited members. Completeing these assingments will give you a great rep boost in RID. (An even bigger one in Intel.)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:08 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
Current Members:


Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:33 pm
by Theodorik
You can sign me up for the intelligence division.

Theodorik, Level 90 Smuggler