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Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:20 pm
by bizob
as most you of know, i am training to be a master BH, at present i am 0/4/4/2 . i know we have a few others in the guild who are also going for BH. what i 'm wondering is exactly who is going for BH and how far along are you?
i'd like for us all to share any tips/ideas related to BH, like where to grind xp, what specials/weapons are good in what situations, and what other profs or skills can we get to enhance the BH skill set (for example BH has very low defensive mods-what profs/skills can you get to gain some defenseive mods?). i'm also thinking when we get to the harder BH missions we could help each other out - keeping an eye out for each others' marks and maybe even taking out a mark together.
we can discuss any ideas later, i'll start a seperate thread for "BH tips and tricks". for now i would just like to know whos goin BH and how far along you are.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:34 pm
by bizob
sample reply:

im going BH. im 0/4/4/2 at the moment but im grinding LLC xp as fast as possible. im saving investigation for last but will prolly be ready to start it next week.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:56 am
by Guest
I'm dabbling in BH pistols 4 , Master pistoleer and the Smuggler dirty fighting line, which is AWESOME in pvp.

But anyhow, i have a basic understanding of how each of the specials work.
Pistols -
Bleeding shot - Not as powerful as healthshot2 for pistols, but often causes a mind bleed which is of course, very useful in pvp.
Eye shot- Hits for about 600-700 dmg with an average pistol (Before mitigation, armour etc) and always hits for mind. Very bloody useful in pvp and is best used with a krayt scatter against stun armoured opponents or a geonosian pistol against players without stun armour.
Torso shot - Health fire. Absolutely lovely, doesn't last for long but can tick for 200 damage and wounds at highest i have seen.

Carbines -
Underhand shot - Medium power, has a chance of knockdown. Good for starting off, but not that great in pvp.
Fire Knockdown - KD's and gives an action or health fire, which can be nice in pvp if you're fighting alongside pikemen or carbineers.
Confusion shot - Bloody awesome, can Dizzy, Stun and blind a target. Spam confusion shot until the Dizzy sticks, then Fire Kd them. Then keep spamming confusion shot to keep them on the floor. If they get up again, try a suppression fire, which will move their posture down and hopefully they will become so dizzy they fall down again.

Pistoleer is very good to take with BH, due to +40 to stun, Blind and dizzy, +50 to knockdown and +20 to posture change. You also get about +40 melee defence and +105 to dodge. Add some aircake to that and you're very very hard to hit! You are also speed capped with Bh pistols and master pistoleer which means you'll be hitting out specials at the 1 second speed cap. Stopping shot in pistoleer does about 1300-1400 damage, So if you're hitting those out in 1 second, you're looking pretty sexy. In 10 seconds, against an unarmoured target you would do about 13,000 damage. Nice!

As i said before, i have taken Smuggler Dirty fighting as well, to complement this template.
This gives you low blow, panic shot and last ditch. Last ditch is more powerful than stopping shot and you're firing at the speed cap, doing about 1500 damage per second. You also have the chance of stunning your opponent.
Low blow is great - A ranged knockdown. So KD them, then use panic shot, which works in the same way as warcry and keeps them on the ground for 10 seconds. Here, you can DoT your enemy with torso shot, bleeding shot. Or you can start belting out the eyeshot or last ditch.

This is one of the most powerful PVP templates i have come across. Riflemen don't really have a chance against you unless they're speed capped.
Anyway, hope this helps. If you need any more advice i'll be on these boards every so often.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:52 pm
by Guest
Hey Fingolfin here. I am Bounty hunter 0/0/4/3 Pistoleer 4/0/0/3 currentyl.... I strongly suggest the pistol grips line from pistoleer for the great dodge.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:15 am
by Guest
Dodge is shite unless you use air cake or pikatta pie.

If you want to master pistoleer fastest, do Tech tree first.