Change in Imperial Power

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Change in Imperial Power

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:12 am

Rumor has it the Reign is to be moving servers from Starsider to Radiant. Also some of their members shall be leaving the game and heading to WoW and Guildwars.

In other news Braxis is soon to get some more Imperial Guilds within its city, the 501st is losing some of its guild from Ft. Albin. Armerd and ISS will be moving shortly. This should create a bigger power base on Naboo for the Empire.

I don't know the projected dates for this, or if it has happened already. It is something to consider.

Aleksandrov Danislavko
Loyal Servant to the Empire


Post by Xan » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:03 pm

Im curious as to why this guild created its own city and on tatooine. Is it for the mere thrill of owning our own city and because some people like Tatooine. Idk, when i was thinking about creating my own guild, i was making a deal with Malachon (leader of TIO and one of the heads of the city) to put my guildhall in Thalnax. Which as im sure most or all of you know. According to an Official Census taken by SOE, Thalnax, is the most populated most adv. city on Starsider. Im not saying this will happen or if anyone would ever prefer this to happen but if we ever do move from Fort Oasis i suggest it be Thalnax.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:40 pm

Chances are we will always reside in Fort Oasis. Some, for several reasons. One being there is nothing like the thrill of having 100's of meters of land all your guilds. I, and the guild, also ave a special connection to the Imperial Oasis which is not too far from our city.

If, in the rare case we were to leave our city, then Thalnax or Braxis would be an excellent choice. But it wouldnt be the same thing. It wouldnt really be "our" city to call our own.

However, alliances are being formed, where we have an inter-city sort of thing. We try to avoid alliances however, because we want to strengthen our guild as a whole. Not really be absorbed by the currently powerful guilds.

Eventually, we hope to turn out to be like LED, TIO, or other large guilds. It would be pretty cool to be on the forums as the new large powerful guilds. Wont be a one night thing however :D
