Defending Imperial Base

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Defending Imperial Base

Post by bizob » Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:42 pm

our base has become a hunting ground for at least 2 NYC members. these terrorist attacks must be be stopped at all cost! i have givin my life twice defending the base and will gladly do it again, but i think a little strategy here could save our beloved base.
being the noob that i am, i don't know exactly how bases work. what actions can we take to defend the base (besides attaking the terrosrist obviously)? What type of mines, turrets etc can we buy or craft? basically -how does a base work?
if someone could post a little tutorial on bases, the rest of us would have a better idea of how to defend our base. i'd hate to see our base lost but with a little effort from us all i know we can ward off these terrorists attacks and preserve the glory of RID

First Officer, ISB Spy Division


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:30 pm

yes i would like to know how much those items cost also. i am in favor of the tutorial.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:54 pm

Okay, here is some information. But before I explain more, I dont have the prices for defences. It varies on the type, and rank, etcetera. However, I would be more than happy to explain how a base works.

What we have is an Imperial Forward Outpost. This outpost, which costed 14,000 FP is under the control of Cell at this current time. Thise base has two main functions, a recruiter, and Imperial terminals. The better base you get, the more functions, IE: Bank, Insurance Term, etc.

Normally, 20 Imperial NPC's spawn at the base with each certain ammount of time. Probobly 15 minutes. If 10 Imperial NPC's are killed, about 15 minutes later 10 more will spawn to fill in the gap, going back to 20 NPC's. Our base normally has 1-2 AT-ST NPC's defending it. According from a former rebel base attacker, he said the AT-ST's helped out a lot in protecting the base.

The Storm Troopers protection provides little protection, it is mostly an annoyance to the Rebels if anything. As for Turrets, there are several kinds. There are small, medium, and large turrets. Either a dish, or tower type. Presumably, the large dish turret is the best.

However, it has been witnessed that turrets dont do that well. They normally get destroyed withen 2-7 days, depending on turret type. These turrets are also pretty much nothing more than an annoyance to the Rebels.

These turrets however, can do many interesting things. If we have turrets at our base, they fire autmatically at any overt Rebels that comes by. If a covert Rebels walks by the base, the turret has its own covert scanner to turn the covert Rebel overt. The turret can continue to fire automatically unless you go to its controls.

If you are an overt Imperial inside the base, you can select the turret control terminal. If a Rebels is withen a decent range and angle of the turret, a menu will pop up giving you choices of what Rebel to shoot.

As long as turrets are at the base, Rebels cant enter the base. Turrets sort of act as a "lock" for the Forward Outpost. If the turrets are destroyed, Rebels will be allowed to enter the base.

Mines are a more recomended defence. They can be bought from the recruiter for a relatively small FP cost. Once you buy the mine field, you have to buy one of the two mine explosives to put inside the mine field. These can also be purcahsed from the recruiter or manufactured in a factory. If a Rebels walks into an explosive filled minefield... BOOM. Normally the Rebels wont die right away, but it causes decent damage. Also, the mines give a Rebel a TEF, also known as a Flag, to the Rebel.

This makes mines a very effective pice of defence, since they cant be destroyed by weapons. Another issue about bases I would like to bring up are base donations. Below is a list of the 3 types of donations.

Credit Donations- This works like any other structure maintenance. Any Imperial (And maybe neutral) can contribute any ammount of credits they like. This adds more days to the base maintenance.

Resource Donations- If there is a damaged Turret and/or Covert Scanner outside the base that is damaged, any Imperial can supply any type of resource to the base. These resources repair the damaged defences, yet I am unsure how many resources is needed to repair how much damage.

Defence Donations- This is probobly one of the most important donations. If you have a mine field, turret, and/or covert scanner, you can put it through the donation terminal. This automatically adds that certain defence outside.

One final issue about bases I would like to bring up are vulnerability times. Vulnerability times are probobly the most fightening thing about owning a base, because it means the risk of losing your 14k+ Faction Point base! The way vulnerability times work is like this. Everyday at what I think is a random time, 4 types of terminasl appear around the inside of the base for 2 hours.

When these terminals appear, your base is vulnerable. It takes 4 proffesions to destroy a base. A bio-engineer, sumggler, and 2 other ones which I dont know what they are. If Rebels manage to enter the base and have those proffesions, they can all slice the terminals. This begins the countdown to destruction.

If you are an overt Imperial, it is possible to shut down the countdown by using the terminal, however the base will most likely be destroyed in the end anyways.

Normally, Rebels will purpously keep the base alive just so they can gain FP, so risk of losing a base wont always be about.

If you have any more questions, please ask!


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:38 pm

The two other professions are Bounty Hunter and Commando... Before Skaarj claims otherwise.
Didn't know about Bio Engineer....

Large tower turrets deal the most damage.

Rank should not largely affect cost of items... The best bet is delegating faction points to a human to buy perks, as us Aliens have to pay a shiteload more, which sucks.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:19 am

As a Guild we all need to contribute to the defense of this base. It might seem trying at times but in the end it will be worth it.

Aleksandrov Danislavko
Loyal Servant of the Empire

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:30 am

So far I am happy for RID contributing some extra mines. Only problem is those dumb terrorists keep walking on our mines leaving them with no explosives left. The mine-fields are effective and cheap, but need to be reloaded with explosives. Some of us were considering starting a factory operation to make mines, however I heard some of the resources needed are somewhat rare.


Post by bizob » Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:13 pm

I had an idea to help defend the base. It seems the minefields are our best defense, but keeping them stocked takes some effort. I suggest we get a group together say 2 or 3 times a week for like an hour or so to do imperial missions and use the FP gained to purchase mines and keep the minefields stocked up.

Theres a few good reasons for doing this:

1. all members of the group get paid from the misions (hey we all need money)
2. all members of the group gain xp, this includes all types of xp - combat, healing and probable even some App xp.
3. rank doesn't seem to have a great importance in the game (personally it means nothing to me) so donating FP to help the guild doesn't really cost you anything but some time.
4. it's a great opportunity to do something together and have some fun

I am taking it upon myself to organize one of these Defensive Mission Runs (like that, i made that up myself hehe). It will be Monday nights 9pm EST. We will meet in front of the base to group up. I'm planning on going for about an hour but we'll see how fast we gain the FP. Anyone interested in joining me to help defend our base and reputation as a great guild send me a /tell or email in game for details. Anyone interested in organizing a DMR of thier own should post a message here.
