Chatlog of the RP Guildleaders meeting on Sunday, Sept 14.

A place for members to share useful information with one another.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Second Lieutenant
Joined:Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:01 pm
Location:Kentwood, LA
Chatlog of the RP Guildleaders meeting on Sunday, Sept 14.

Post by Mikal » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:23 pm

[Chat] 13:10:30 Chat logging ON
[Chat] 13:10:30 Current chat log file size: 4 KB
[Chat] 13:10:44 Celox Scorpio says, "Please, I implore you, do not emote/chat/discuss/respond to other GLs, we will be debating over the meeting on the forum."
[Chat] 13:11:31 Celox Scorpio says, "If a GL is not present when I call him/her, i will switch to the next one ASAP."
[Chat] 13:11:32 Caerwynn Royce says, "Unable to join the channel"
[Chat] 13:12:13 Celox Scorpio says, "That's it. let's focus our attention on the speaker."
[Chat] 13:12:48 Celox Scorpio says, "First to go is:"
[Chat] 13:12:57 Celox Scorpio yells, "Anishor - from ChotW"
[Chat] 13:13:09 [GroupChat] rett: oh Lexx, if you or someone else speaks for our guild sometime get them to mention Malray's in Sarlaac City pleaes
[Chat] 13:13:36 [GroupChat] lexx: will do. i dont think he's gonna call us up today though. he said they were full on speakers but that we're reserved for next meeting
[Chat] 13:13:36 [GroupChat] mikal: I'll remind Arev to do that when he does our guild next meeting
[Chat] 13:13:42 [GroupChat] lexx: yea same
[Chat] 13:13:45 Celox Scorpio says, "Looks like ani is not here."
[Chat] 13:13:48 [GroupChat] rett: ok cool, thanks
[Chat] 13:14:09 [GroupChat] mikal: I set up a chat log to send to Arev since he couldn't be here
[Chat] 13:14:12 Celox Scorpio says, "Allright."
[Chat] 13:14:16 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker:"
[Chat] 13:14:18 [GroupChat] rett: good thinkin'
[Chat] 13:14:22 [GroupChat] lexx: cool, was thinking the same thing
[Chat] 13:14:27 Celox Scorpio yells, "Yshka from CorSec"
[Chat] 13:15:08 Celox Scorpio says, "No Yashka?"
[Chat] 13:15:11 Celox Scorpio says, "Allright."
[Chat] 13:15:11 [GroupChat] mikal: did ANY of the speakers show up? lol
[Chat] 13:15:16 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:15:21 [GroupChat] lexx: doesn't seem like it
[Chat] 13:15:23 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker:"
[Chat] 13:15:43 Celox Scorpio yells, "Or'dek from Creed"
[Chat] 13:15:54 [GroupChat] lexx: i dont see him either
[Chat] 13:15:57 [GroupChat] rett: holy crap
[Chat] 13:16:00 [GroupChat] lexx: good lord...
[Chat] 13:16:13 [GroupChat] rett: maybe he'll let you go up
[Chat] 13:16:15 [GroupChat] mikal: rofl
[Chat] 13:16:21 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:16:38 [GroupChat] lexx: if i know what to friggen talk about :P. i'd need another guild to go first to get the gist of it
[Chat] 13:16:55 [GroupChat] lexx: looks like or'dek is coming though
[Chat] 13:16:57 Celox Scorpio says, "Ok. Or'dek is coming. Next speaker for now."
[Chat] 13:17:00 an Imperial command security guard says to Katatha, "Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required."
[Chat] 13:17:10 [GroupChat] mikal: do RPers not have the ability to tell time? Sorry Rett :p
[Chat] 13:17:11 [GroupChat] lexx: uuuh
[Chat] 13:17:15 Euuko Paneeba whistles innocently.
[Chat] 13:17:23 [GroupChat] lexx: lol that NPC was gonna do an inspection
[Chat] 13:17:31 [GroupChat] rett: what Mikal?
[Chat] 13:17:39 [GroupChat] mikal: yeah...WAS
[Chat] 13:17:41 Celox Scorpio yells, "Darillius from DSA"
[Chat] 13:17:46 [GroupChat] lexx: no, it's there mortal weakness
[Chat] 13:17:53 [GroupChat] lexx: *their
[Chat] 13:18:00 [GroupChat] mikal: just wondering if you rp types could tell time :p
[Chat] 13:18:07 'Cirisiam Ordo says to Celox Scorpio, "I'll be speaking on his behalf, he could not attend."
[Chat] 13:18:12 Celox Scorpio says, "or Crisiam..."
[Chat] 13:18:13 [GroupChat] rett: I can, not sure about the others
[Chat] 13:18:17 'Cirisiam Ordo grins at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 13:18:18 [GroupChat] lexx: well... rett did schedule his event on a day he couldnt make it
[Chat] 13:18:22 [GroupChat] lexx: :D
[Chat] 13:18:31 [GroupChat] mikal: doh
[Chat] 13:18:32 [GroupChat] rett: bah, you hush Lexx
[Chat] 13:18:35 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:18:35 Celox Scorpio summons 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:18:51 'Cirisiam Ordo nods at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 13:18:51 'Cirisiam Ordo says to Celox Scorpio, "Thank you, Celox."
[Chat] 13:19:15 'Cirisiam Ordo states, "Greetings friends, fellow Roleplayers, and fellow Star Wars Fans. I have been appointed the great honor of representing The Dark Side Adepts ( DSA ) at this meeting."
[Chat] 13:19:38 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "While Darillius could not attend, he sends his regards. Just four days ago, September 10th 2008, the Dark Side Adepts celebrated their One Year Anniversary, and what a year it has been."
[Chat] 13:20:04 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "I would personally like to thank everyone who helped make the Dark Side Adepts what they are today, and what they have been."
[Chat] 13:20:12 [GroupChat] mikal: 1 year eh? Don't forget to mention our 5 year anniversary coming up :p
[Chat] 13:20:22 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:20:22 'Cirisiam Ordo smiles at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 13:20:24 [GroupChat] lexx: that i will
[Chat] 13:20:36 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "I can honestly say I've never been in a guild as well run as the Dark Side Adepts, Darillius simply outodes himself with everything and goes out of his way to make his members experience the full immersion that his sort of Roleplay can offer."
[Chat] 13:20:36 [GroupChat] lexx: i also mentioned on their forums that we're looking for an entertainer guild
[Chat] 13:20:59 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "The members are extremely polite and always willing to help, whether it be inquires about canon, play styles, or otherwise."
[Chat] 13:21:08 [GroupChat] rett: you can ask ramona and the pixies
[Chat] 13:21:19 [GroupChat] lexx: yea
[Chat] 13:21:22 [GroupChat] mikal: they are still around?
[Chat] 13:21:31 [GroupChat] lexx: they should be but i'll ask
[Chat] 13:21:33 [GroupChat] rett: ramona's two seats in front of me
[Chat] 13:21:38 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Now, to get down to some details. Allow me to quote Wookieepedia for the sake of accuracy and convienence."
[Chat] 13:21:38 [GroupChat] mikal: I remember them from way back lol
[Chat] 13:21:43 [GroupChat] lexx: oh yea hehe
[Chat] 13:21:48 [GroupChat] mikal: ahh, I see her
[Chat] 13:21:55 'Cirisiam Ordo recites, "Dark Side Adept was a generic term to describe any Force-sensitive, dark side using individual in the service of an established monarch or other form of royalty."
[Chat] 13:22:07 'Cirisiam Ordo recites, "Dark side Adepts were often found at the sides of rulers whose dominion was fortified with dark side teachings, and usually acted as royal guards or advisors."
[Chat] 13:22:22 'Cirisiam Ordo recites, "Most Dark Side Adepts had a basic affinity for the Force, and had received rudimentary training in the ways of the dark side."
[Chat] 13:22:35 'Cirisiam Ordo recites, "While the Masters of these darksiders were most often directly affiliated with the Sith, the Adepts themselves usually were not."
[Chat] 13:23:46 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "And end quote. Pretaining to this era, the Dark Side Adepts included: Inquisitors, Prophets of the Dark Side, Emperor's Hands, Operatives, & Royal Guards."
[Chat] 13:24:14 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "While each position has a hierarchy and lower ranks, these are the basics."
[Chat] 13:24:36 [GroupChat] mikal: I'm all about the profits...I mean, ummm...Prophets
[Chat] 13:24:46 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:25:16 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "These positions require a large sense of maturity and realism, but also open many opportunities. If you wish to serve the Emperor while being a Dark Sider, perhaps you should consider this sort of roleplay."
[Chat] 13:25:51 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Any sort of questions regarding the positions listed may be asked prior to this meeting, I'd be happy to answer you best I can."
[Chat] 13:26:11 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Moving along, within the Dark Side Adepts, we adhere by two major systems: The Lightsaber Training System and the Force Power System."
[Chat] 13:26:17 [GroupChat] rett: *prior to the meeting? bit late for that
[Chat] 13:26:21 [GroupChat] mikal: prior to this meeting eh? little late for that
[Chat] 13:26:24 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:26:27 [GroupChat] rett: LOL
[Chat] 13:26:33 [GroupChat] lexx: almost jinx!
[Chat] 13:26:57 [GroupChat] mikal: I had hit just took a few secs to show up :p
[Chat] 13:27:03 [GroupChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 13:27:05 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "To quote Darillius' post on the DSA public forums:"
[Chat] 13:27:08 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "The sabre training system has been developed to help students master their chosen lightsaber form, we use this over the IG /duel system as it gives the chance for a student to progress further in their studies of their chosen form by having a chance to be"
[Chat] 13:27:22 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "chance to beat their masters **"
[Chat] 13:27:52 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "How does the system work?"
[Chat] 13:28:21 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "At the start of the training session each combatant Roll 1 d20, this is called the initiative phase the person who rolls the highest then rolls again this is their attack roll, the 2nd person must now roll higher then the attack roll to block, if successfu"
[Chat] 13:28:44 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "if successful the clocker may roll a counter attack which the attack then must block this caries on till someone is hit, then the combatants return to the initiative phase and the process starts again."
[Chat] 13:28:59 [GroupChat] mikal: so they D&D it...I like the actual combat system better hehe
[Chat] 13:29:13 [GroupChat] lexx: yeah
[Chat] 13:29:16 [GroupChat] rett: I hate that system of combat - dice rolling and emote battles are not good in my opinion
[Chat] 13:29:22 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "I would continue further into detail, but I am limited on time. All details are located on the DSA Public Forums on Empire SSG."
[Chat] 13:29:47 [GroupChat] mikal: if you want to "defeat your master", level up and wtfpwn him :D
[Chat] 13:29:50 [GroupChat] lexx: yeah i cant quite understand the concept
[Chat] 13:29:54 [GroupChat] rett: exactly lol
[Chat] 13:29:57 [GroupChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 13:30:29 [GroupChat] mikal: *note to Arev* Feel free to use wtfpwn your master in your speech.
[Chat] 13:30:39 [GroupChat] lexx: good tip!
[Chat] 13:30:43 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "To quote our guild leader, Darillius Vynar, from his Introduction and Overview ( located on the DSA Public Forum in Empire SSG):"
[Chat] 13:31:00 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "To summarize it, DSA is in fact a small mature and strict Imperial Force Sensitive role-playing community on its own (in guild form) instead of being another Imperial branch or separate organization."
[Chat] 13:31:06 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "To summarize it, DSA is in fact a small mature and strict Imperial Force Sensitive role-playing community on its own (in guild form) instead of being another Imperial branch or separate organization."
[Chat] 13:31:08 [GroupChat] rett: ok Lexx, please don't make your speech this long and quotastic
[Chat] 13:31:18 [GroupChat] lexx: i'll keep that in mind :P
[Chat] 13:31:30 [GroupChat] rett: I don't think he's said more than one thing that wasnt a quote
[Chat] 13:31:32 [GroupChat] lexx: i think i'm gonna write a simply, to the point script and have arev macro it
[Chat] 13:31:34 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "We only will accept applications by any of the above stated Adept section members. The ranking system used is utilized from the section your character is already a part of or will be a part of."
[Chat] 13:31:45 [GroupChat] lexx: yeah he seems to like quotes lol
[Chat] 13:31:47 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "From there on it is a path for you to start or continue. Simplistic but quality, this is one of our main characteristics. DSA operates from anywhere its members are needed, we strictly follow canon and lore, not the mechanics provided by the game."
[Chat] 13:31:57 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "I'd like to sincerely thank you all on behalf of the Dark Side Adepts, it has been a great honor speaking with you all, and from the Adepts: Emperor's Blessings!"
[Chat] 13:31:57 'Cirisiam Ordo salutes.
[Chat] 13:32:02 Exen-Dar claps for Katatha.
[Chat] 13:32:05 'Cirisiam Ordo nods at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 13:32:07 Exen-Dar claps for 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:32:19 A'rai Siltar claps for 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:32:24 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Cirisiam from DSA."
[Chat] 13:32:25 Vox' Magnus claps his hands together.
[Chat] 13:32:25 Lexx Yovel applauds Lexx Yovel.
[Chat] 13:32:25 Jaezin Yerak claps his hands together.
[Chat] 13:32:32 [GroupChat] mikal: he forgot to say DONE :p/
[Chat] 13:32:36 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Thank you all :)"
[Chat] 13:32:36 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:32:41 [GroupChat] mikal: bit caught up in yourself lexx?
[Chat] 13:32:48 Celox Scorpio says, "Next - Anishor, from ChotW"
[Chat] 13:33:02 [GroupChat] lexx: i'm trying to act like i'm involved :D
[Chat] 13:33:09 Celox Scorpio summons Anishor.
[Chat] 13:33:21 [GroupChat] mikal: at least I didn't use the snore emote :p
[Chat] 13:33:27 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:33:32 Anishor says, "Hi everyone, I'm Anishor, and the leader of the champions of the Wroshyr" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:33:45 [GroupChat] mikal: let's shave him if he gets boring
[Chat] 13:34:01 Anishor says, "first, Champions of the Wroshyr is a wookiee only guild." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:34:03 [GroupChat] lexx: shaved wookies.... never saw one before
[Chat] 13:34:29 [GroupChat] mikal: my old guild used to call me one cause I originally joined them as a wook hehe
[Chat] 13:34:33 [GroupChat] rett: leaving that one alone lexx. its too easy
[Chat] 13:34:40 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:34:42 Anishor says, "Second, we are comprised of mainly rebels but ICly we are more for the liberation and interests of Kashyyyk than the Alliance." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:34:51 [GroupChat] rett: though if Erougn were hear he'd probably jump on it
[Chat] 13:35:04 Anishor says, "OOCly we have close ties with several RP-Lite guils like RS, and RA." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:35:07 [GroupChat] lexx: haha, he probably would :D
[Chat] 13:35:23 [GroupChat] mikal: oh yeah lol
[Chat] 13:35:32 Anishor says, "The process to join is rather simple, you just come and talk to me or Axxyr." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:35:42 [GroupChat] rett: they should've left the 't' out of their name and simply made it Chow
[Chat] 13:35:48 Anishor says, "and fill out one of our applications on our forums." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:36:01 [GroupChat] lexx: that'd have a nice ring to it
[Chat] 13:36:10 [GroupChat] mikal: and all of em be wookiee chefs :P
[Chat] 13:36:11 Anishor says, "We take most wookiees, combat or not, pvp or not. There's only two types we won't take." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:36:17 [GroupChat] lexx: unless it was taken
[Chat] 13:36:21 [GroupChat] lexx: lol yeah
[Chat] 13:36:25 [GroupChat] rett: oh true
[Chat] 13:36:26 Anishor says, "First, ones that are allied with slavers or imperials" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:36:33 Anishor says, "second is Madclaws." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:36:51 [GroupChat] mikal: wtf is a Madclaw? Is that like a Madcow?
[Chat] 13:37:07 Anishor says, "As to plots, well we are begining one that involves the Champions procuring a large amount of weapons from an underworld organization for the resistance." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:37:08 [GroupChat] lexx: basically it's a wookie who uses his claws to attack
[Chat] 13:37:08 [GroupChat] rett: I think its supposed to be like an insane, violent wookie or something
[Chat] 13:37:16 [GroupChat] rett: thats it
[Chat] 13:37:18 [GroupChat] lexx: considered unethical by wookies or something.
[Chat] 13:37:27 [GroupChat] lexx: yea was in KOTOR lol
[Chat] 13:37:37 [GroupChat] rett: oh that's right!
[Chat] 13:37:38 [GroupChat] mikal: ahh, so kinda like my cat, only bigger
[Chat] 13:37:40 Anishor says, "I hope to get ChotW also get more involved with some Wookiee Resitance plots with RA." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:37:47 [GroupChat] lexx: yes, and madcows, as you put it i suppose lol
[Chat] 13:37:51 Anishor says, "Well that is when RA classes start again." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:38:35 Matthiew Skyfire waves to Emei Freelight.
[Chat] 13:38:42 Anishor says, "Our members are involved with just about every type of plot including piloting events, FS Rp, crime RP, ya get the point." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:38:50 [GroupChat] mikal: RA has classes on space related stuff for a long time for rebel pilots (little tidbit I learned from guildspam with former guild)
[Chat] 13:39:03 Anishor says, "Finally, there is one thing we would like to say." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:39:11 [GroupChat] lexx: interesting
[Chat] 13:39:50 Anishor says, "While our characters may with a passion hate Imperials, most darksiders, Trandos, Madclaws, ect, ect we OOCly actually enjoy the conflict and like to be oocly friends with our IC enemies." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:40:03 [GroupChat] lexx: gee, hey we're watching this too lol
[Chat] 13:40:16 Anishor says, "Oh and we do like giving out free wookiee hugs." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:40:21 Anishor says, "that is all." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:40:25 Anishor bows deeply before Celox Scorpio, showing great respect.
[Chat] 13:40:32 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, Ani."
[Chat] 13:40:32 A'rai Siltar grins at Anishor.
[Chat] 13:40:34 Rett Vescan applauds Rett Vescan.
[Chat] 13:40:37 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:40:37 Exen-Dar claps for Anishor.
[Chat] 13:40:38 [GroupChat] mikal: if he hugs me, so help, I'll shoot him
[Chat] 13:40:40 Celox Scorpio says, "next is:"
[Chat] 13:40:40 Vox' Magnus claps his hands together.
[Chat] 13:40:44 Bella-donna holds her arms out and offers a hug.
[Chat] 13:40:45 [GroupChat] lexx: lol, self-indulgent much Rett?
[Chat] 13:40:46 You clap your hands together.
[Chat] 13:40:50 Anishor gives Bella-donna a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:40:54 Anishor gives Juroden Halcyon a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:40:56 [GroupChat] lexx: applauding yourself :P
[Chat] 13:40:56 Anishor gives A'rai Siltar a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:40:57 Anishor gives Vox' Magnus a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:40:59 Lexx Yovel claps his hands together.
[Chat] 13:41:02 Celox Scorpio says, "Or'dek from Creed"
[Chat] 13:41:04 Anishor gives Ramona Garcia a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:41:07 A'rai Siltar cheers for Anishor.
[Chat] 13:41:09 Celox Scorpio summons Or'dek Durn.
[Chat] 13:41:14 [GroupChat] rett: was I targeting myself? my spatial said it was for anishor and thats who I've got targetted. thats weird
[Chat] 13:41:15 Anishor gives Halyn Lance a great, big wookiee hug.
[Chat] 13:41:20 [GroupChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 13:41:25 Halyn Lance grunts at Anishor.
[Chat] 13:41:49 Or'dek Durn says, "Right, thank you Celox and Starsider."
[Chat] 13:42:09 Or'dek Durn says, "We'd like to quickly apoligize for being late."
[Chat] 13:42:15 Or'dek Durn says, "Hello everyone!"
[Chat] 13:42:15 Or'dek Durn says, "My name is Or'dek Durn and next to me is my Lieutenant and second in command Octe'as Recoid."
[Chat] 13:42:29 Or'dek Durn says, "We lead the guild Creed (Creed). Creed is a Mandalorian Role-Playing Guild that focuses around military structure and military style Role-play."
[Chat] 13:42:29 Or'dek Durn says, "Our theme as a Mandalorian Role-Play Guild is the Mandalorian Special Forces. This means that we can do operations that vary from "Snatch and Grab" to "Guerilla Assault" and so forth."
[Chat] 13:43:08 [GroupChat] mikal: if they did gorilla assault instead they could rp a war with ChotW
[Chat] 13:43:09 Or'dek Durn says, "We tend to limit our public appearances together so that In-Character, our identities cannot be connected and the knowledge of the existence of the Creed is little more than rumors to the general public."
[Chat] 13:43:10 Or'dek Durn says, "Privately we Role-Play a lot together at our Outpost which is home to all of our members and at times the family of our members. My Lieutenant will clarify on the rules of our Outpost in his part of the speech."
[Chat] 13:43:10 Or'dek Durn says, "In Combat we operate like any form of modern Special Forces."
[Chat] 13:43:26 Zyelor Devious says, ".fashionably late.."
[Chat] 13:43:45 Or'dek Durn says, "The guild is currently open for recruitment with high preference to main-characters. Our acceptance policy is simple:"
[Chat] 13:43:45 Or'dek Durn says, "You must come to us OOCly first and show interest in joining, from there we ask you to look over our requirements on the Creed Wiki Page, and you either tell us that yes you can comply or no you cannot."
[Chat] 13:43:45 Or'dek Durn says, "If yes, I place you on the Guild's recruitment list and Creed members will keep an eye out for you in order to open up RP."
[Chat] 13:44:03 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Quiet today
[Chat] 13:44:21 [GuildChat] mikal: Lexx Rett and I are at an RP meeting
[Chat] 13:44:24 [GuildChat] lexx: yea, a few of us are just in a meeting with some other guilds
[Chat] 13:44:28 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Ah
[Chat] 13:44:28 [GuildChat] raigo: shhhh im sleeping
[Chat] 13:44:38 Or'dek Durn says, "During RP Creed members will test you on things such as Mando'a knowledge, Mandalorian History and Culture, and so forth."
[Chat] 13:44:38 Or'dek Durn says, "After about 1 week Creed members take a vote on you, if it is positive Octe'as or I will personally invite you to the Outpost ICly and you will spend one (1) week with us doing events, training, and casual RP."
[Chat] 13:44:38 Or'dek Durn says, "After that period what we do is we take one more vote, if it comes positive you are guilded."
[Chat] 13:44:40 [GuildChat] lexx: great, you woke him! :P
[Chat] 13:45:34 Or'dek Durn says, "In regards to events and plotlines we are always open to getting involved and helping to create them."
[Chat] 13:45:34 Or'dek Durn says, "We are currently involved in a plotline with Juroden's Guild (Dust Runners) and A'rai's Guild (Fate) and we are working to develop a Plotline with Melkin's Guild (SHADE)."
[Chat] 13:45:34 Or'dek Durn says, "We also love getting involved in random and casual RP."
[Chat] 13:45:34 Or'dek Durn says, "If you are interested in starting something up or just any RP in general please contact Octe'as, Iske, Rannoch, or myself. You can also reach Octe'as and I on the forums at Octe'as Recoid and Or'dek Durn"
[Chat] 13:46:23 [GuildChat] raigo: yeah now i want a card again :P
[Chat] 13:46:35 [GuildChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 13:46:47 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Don't even get me started on that =P
[Chat] 13:47:15 [GuildChat] kuuhl: I actually had a dream last night that I managed to finally loot it, but it vanished from my inventory
[Chat] 13:47:16 [GroupChat] mikal: speaking of full of yourself, that Hsskor' guys must be...he's mayor of a town named after him
[Chat] 13:47:23 [GuildChat] raigo: lol
[Chat] 13:47:26 [GuildChat] kuuhl: I was all like "OMG WTF?!"
[Chat] 13:47:28 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:47:33 Or'dek Durn says, "My suggestion for the community as a GL is: We should all work together to create a form of "Globalization" or interdependence between our Guilds for things such as supplies and services so that guilds all interact with one another"
[Chat] 13:47:33 Or'dek Durn says, "and during the School Season that means that there are more chances for RP for everyone."
[Chat] 13:47:33 Or'dek Durn says, "I firmly believe that this will allow for a higher level of immersion and overall Role-Play on the Starsider Server rather than being limited to only events and "cantina" Role-play."
[Chat] 13:47:40 [GroupChat] lexx: maybe i should do that.... Fort Lexx
[Chat] 13:48:09 Celox Scorpio says, "no/"
[Chat] 13:48:27 [GuildChat] raigo: but you can have four in your deck ? :P i need another
[Chat] 13:48:32 Or'dek Durn says, "Now I will pass it to my Lieutenant, Octe'as Recoid."
[Chat] 13:48:42 [GroupChat] mikal: sounds like a plan...
[Chat] 13:48:43 Octe'as Recoid says, "Thank you Or'dek."
[Chat] 13:48:50 Octe'as Recoid says, "Hello fellow guild leaders! I'm Octe'as, co-leader of "Creed". I will try my best to make my presentation as short as possible."
[Chat] 13:48:53 [GuildChat] lexx: what do you kill in particular to get the card raigo?
[Chat] 13:48:57 [GroupChat] lexx: yep!
[Chat] 13:49:06 Octe'as Recoid says, "Allow me to explain the combat system that our guild currently uses. It's known to the public and other guilds that operate with us as, "Creed Combat". During Creed Combat we take in consideration of physical cover and physical boundries, such as walls."
[Chat] 13:49:12 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Anything, as long as it's not more than 5 levels below you
[Chat] 13:49:15 [GuildChat] raigo: mine are from space tier 6's
[Chat] 13:49:20 Octe'as Recoid says, "You can't heal your self out in the open or shoot while running. For further information, examine the "Creed" wiki page."
[Chat] 13:49:29 [GuildChat] lexx: oh ok
[Chat] 13:49:30 [GuildChat] kuuhl: From what I've heard, anything in space. Some Ace got it from a tier 2
[Chat] 13:49:36 Octe'as Recoid says, "Next i will give all of you a rough summary of our Outpost rule set."
[Chat] 13:49:38 [GuildChat] mikal: lexx has made an executive decision, from henceforth Fort Oasis will now be dubbed Fort Sexxy Lexxy
[Chat] 13:49:51 Octe'as Recoid says, "The Creed Outpost is a heavily fortified facility, surrounded by Blaster Turrets, and patroled by both Mandalorian soldiers and Droids. Any non-creed or guests around the area, will be fired upon by all defenses that they may come into contact with."
[Chat] 13:49:53 [GuildChat] lexx: lol, not quite what i said, but sure why not :D
[Chat] 13:50:05 Octe'as Recoid says, "Yet again, for further information, consult our guild wiki."
[Chat] 13:50:20 Octe'as Recoid says, "I would like for you now to return your attention to Creed's Guild Leader, Or'dek Durn."
[Chat] 13:50:27 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Anybody know a good WS that's on right now? I need to get a The Void crafted so I can put a weapon attachment on it =P
[Chat] 13:50:33 [GuildChat] mikal: thought it had a better ring to it :p
[Chat] 13:50:34 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Yes Raigo, my suit is finally finished
[Chat] 13:50:41 [GuildChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 13:51:07 Or'dek Durn says, "We'd like to thank you all for your time and we'd like to thank Celox for putting all of this together."
[Chat] 13:51:22 Or'dek Durn says, "That concludes our presentation."
[Chat] 13:51:38 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:51:43 [GuildChat] raigo: bout time :P
[Chat] 13:51:44 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 13:51:49 Vox' Magnus claps for Or'dek Durn.
[Chat] 13:51:49 Rett Vescan claps for Or'dek Durn.
[Chat] 13:51:51 Celox Scorpio says, "Allright. One of our pending GLs is here."
[Chat] 13:51:58 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Hey, it was free, I can't complain =P
[Chat] 13:52:02 Celox Scorpio says, "Next is: Hsskor from DOSH"
[Chat] 13:52:11 Celox Scorpio summons Hsskor'.
[Chat] 13:52:20 [GuildChat] mikal: is raigo here? that fit in perfectly with spatial :p
[Chat] 13:52:22 Anishor says, "IC: boo! OOC: /Chear" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 13:52:36 [GuildChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 13:52:43 [GuildChat] raigo: noooooooooooooooooo :P
[Chat] 13:52:44 [GuildChat] lexx: just coincidence
[Chat] 13:52:46 Hsskor' says, "I would just like to start with saying I love you all except the Wookiees."
[Chat] 13:52:47 Hsskor' smirks.
[Chat] 13:53:15 Hsskor' says, "Aspecially Anishor."
[Chat] 13:53:15 Hsskor' nods at Anishor.
[Chat] 13:53:38 Anishor licks Hsskor'.
[Chat] 13:53:45 Hsskor' says, "I have no real speech or anything "useful" to add. From the small amount I have seen I think we're pretty well off here."
[Chat] 13:54:00 You have new mail.
[Combat] 13:54:00 You have new mail.
[Chat] 13:54:05 Hsskor' says, "So I'll try my best to mirror that."
[Chat] 13:54:36 Hsskor' says, "If we are indeed trying to foster a fun and enjoyable roleplay enviroment - just go out there and do it."
[Chat] 13:55:52 Hsskor' says, "Interdependance is always fun, so try and do your best to find something soemone else has and play off that. I know right about now I'm drooling for some reason to mingle with the Wookiees."
[Chat] 13:55:56 Hsskor' glares at Anishor.
[Chat] 13:56:28 Hsskor' says, "So I will start."
[Chat] 13:56:53 Hsskor' says, "I'm Hsskor. Not only am I the greatest and most awesome person ever, but I run a small guild of Trandoshans."
[Chat] 13:57:10 [GroupChat] lexx: your right, he IS full of himself lol
[Chat] 13:57:21 [GroupChat] mikal: lol
[Chat] 13:57:22 KaarXi'Vus Devious |coughs| Small?
[Chat] 13:57:24 Hsskor' says, "We're hunters, we're slavers, we're mercs, and we've got some clutch mothers."
[Chat] 13:57:41 Hsskor' says, "If you want a villain to bash over the head or get bashed by, we're good for that kind of thing."
[Chat] 13:58:30 Hsskor' says, "If you need some annoying pestering speciest to give you something to talk about, we're good for that too. I think we've already angered most warmbloods of Stasider."
[Chat] 13:59:17 Hsskor' says, "My suggestion right now - add everyone in this room to your friends now, and attach something you could use from them. I'm not your character so I wouldn't know."
[Chat] 13:59:52 Hsskor' says, "You don't need me telling you guys how to do things. Just roleplay. That is all."
[Chat] 14:00:10 Hsskor' nods.
[Chat] 14:00:23 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, lizradman."
[Chat] 14:00:32 [GroupChat] rett: haha
[Chat] 14:00:36 Celox Scorpio says, "I would like to remind everyone that the meeting is totally OOC."
[Chat] 14:00:46 Celox Scorpio says, "Also, please try to make the 6 minutes limit."
[Chat] 14:00:57 Celox Scorpio says, "I already see some folks dozing off in the back"
[Chat] 14:01:03 Celox Scorpio says, "Mona! Wake up!"
[Chat] 14:01:09 No such command, mood, chat type: pont
[Chat] 14:01:14 Celox Scorpio says, "Ok. Next to go is:"
[Chat] 14:01:22 Matthiew Skyfire says, "AH! I have no clothes on!.... Oh... I was dreaming"
[Chat] 14:01:22 Celox Scorpio says, "Exen-dar who will speak for EXEN"
[Chat] 14:01:30 Celox Scorpio summons Exen-Dar.
[Chat] 14:01:35 Juroden Halcyon yawns at Iwoci Orodo.
[Chat] 14:01:35 'Cirisiam Ordo claps for Exen-Dar.
[Chat] 14:01:41 Exen-Dar waves.
[Chat] 14:01:51 [GroupChat] mikal: omfg...this one named his guild after himself?
[Chat] 14:01:51 Exen-Dar says, "hello everyone, Im Exen, and i lead the Shadows of Exen'Dar"
[Chat] 14:02:01 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 14:02:03 [GuildChat] raigo: spams lexxs box take that!
[Chat] 14:02:07 [GroupChat] lexx: ok... renaming our guild to Lexx now also
[Chat] 14:02:12 [GuildChat] lexx: nooo
[Chat] 14:02:15 Exen-Dar says, "We're not a guild in the conventional sense, we are here to provide RP to other guilds and also individuals"
[Chat] 14:02:35 Exen-Dar says, "Anyone can join up to become a "Shadow" of Exen's, and be given a secret second life to lead."
[Chat] 14:02:55 [GuildChat] raigo: yeah im going to just spams it :P till its full
[Chat] 14:03:02 [GuildChat] lexx: *cries*
[Chat] 14:03:09 Exen-Dar says, "Exen himself has his own agenda, and these set the tone and mood for all the missions we give out to Shadows, and our interactions with other guilds."
[Chat] 14:03:17 Laryssa Dotan says, "i'm here more to listen than to talk"
[Chat] 14:03:24 Laryssa Dotan says, "(( MT! sorry ))"
[Chat] 14:03:33 [GroupChat] mikal: well then shut up then :p
[Chat] 14:04:00 Exen-Dar says, "For instance, at the moment, we have GP working to track down a rogue Shadow who has stolen something for himself of great important, and Nova, who are helping Exen acquire something to appease a Hutt"
[Chat] 14:04:25 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 14:04:32 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Anybody maybe up for AM?
[Chat] 14:04:53 [GuildChat] mikal: for morningtime? morningtime sucks
[Chat] 14:04:53 Exen-Dar says, "We try our best to provide RP and engaging RP storylines for other people and guilds, and there is no requirement to join the Shadows in any way shape or form as a real guild."
[Chat] 14:05:02 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Erm, Axkva Min
[Chat] 14:05:08 [GuildChat] lexx: i can probably form a group around 7:00 or so
[Chat] 14:05:09 Exen-Dar says, "The best analogy is for anyone that played the Dark Brotherhood in The Elder Scrolls : Oblivion"
[Chat] 14:05:13 [GuildChat] raigo: darn you lo
[Chat] 14:05:26 [GuildChat] mikal: oh...she stole my harvies I use to drop on her, so I can't go
[Chat] 14:05:29 [GuildChat] lexx: if all of you can be on then
[Chat] 14:05:53 Exen-Dar says, "We also try our best to meet everyone half way with regards to combat, emote interaction and any other points of clashing RP styles. We're all here to have fun RPing after all, not to let differing styles divide us"
[Chat] 14:06:06 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Phooey, I was going to go to Restuss at 7 for that SHC event
[Chat] 14:06:17 [GuildChat] lexx: ah yes that
[Chat] 14:06:22 [GuildChat] rett: is that the stormtrooper one?
[Chat] 14:06:26 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Yep
[Chat] 14:06:30 Exen-Dar says, "We're currently involved in 5-6 overall plots and stories, and we are always looking to meet new people OOCly, and engage in even more RP."
[Chat] 14:06:34 [GuildChat] rett: might try to be there myself
[Chat] 14:06:41 [GuildChat] lexx: well we can work on forming up a group at 5:30 or 6 then. i'd do so now but i'l be logging after this RP meeting
[Chat] 14:06:41 [GuildChat] mikal: I'll be there, standing on the edge of the zone cause I can't get in on Flashlight hehe
[Chat] 14:06:49 [GuildChat] raigo: kuuhl likes to do things as soon as i start to make food for dinner lol
[Chat] 14:06:58 [GuildChat] lexx: hehe
[Chat] 14:07:02 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Excuses...
[Chat] 14:07:06 [GuildChat] raigo: yeah :P
[Chat] 14:07:07 Exen-Dar says, "Thankyou for your time listening, and lets keep up the spirit of co-operation and friendship this meeting should foster!"
[Chat] 14:07:09 [GuildChat] raigo: lol
[Chat] 14:07:20 Exen-Dar bows.
[Chat] 14:07:26 [GuildChat] raigo: how longs it take ? i ordered applebees :P
[Chat] 14:07:29 Laryssa Dotan applauds Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 14:07:30 Vox' Magnus claps for Exen-Dar.
[Chat] 14:07:34 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, X-man"
[Chat] 14:07:36 [GuildChat] mikal: food? and you cal yourself a gamer? gamers subsist soley on snacks
[Chat] 14:07:37 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Usually doesn't take too long
[Chat] 14:07:38 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:07:44 'Cirisiam Ordo claps for Exen-Dar.
[Chat] 14:07:46 [GuildChat] kuuhl: What Mikal said
[Chat] 14:07:51 Celox Scorpio says, "The lovely A'rai from FATE"
[Chat] 14:07:56 Celox Scorpio summons A'rai Siltar.
[Chat] 14:08:00 Vox' Magnus cheers for A'rai Siltar.
[Chat] 14:08:10 Anishor says, "(( any smugglers that can BH check me in the house? ))" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:08:15 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Speaking of which, my supply of Cheez-Its and Mr. Pibb is running low.
[Chat] 14:08:17 [GuildChat] raigo: pffft :P lol
[Chat] 14:08:23 A'rai Siltar nods at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 14:08:27 A'rai Siltar thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 14:08:59 Amillo Halcyon raises an eyebrow at Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:09:07 [GuildChat] raigo: usually i do but i wanted boneless buffalo wings and quasadillas ... erm spelling doesnt count on that word ...
[Chat] 14:09:08 A'rai Siltar says, "Hello and thanks"
[Chat] 14:09:30 A'rai Siltar says, "My name's A'rai and our guild is Faate"
[Chat] 14:09:35 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Taco Bell can assist with one of those
[Chat] 14:09:52 A'rai Siltar says, "Vox and Amillo are my right hand... er.. ad my left hand?"
[Chat] 14:09:52 [GuildChat] raigo: yeah with one :P
[Chat] 14:10:00 A'rai Siltar says, "Without them... our guild would be chaos"
[Chat] 14:10:12 A'rai Siltar says, "We own and operate the Resort on the Lake on Dantooine"
[Chat] 14:10:25 [GuildChat] kuuhl: Order some Chicken Taquitos and pretend they're boneless wings =P
[Chat] 14:10:37 A'rai Siltar says, "As well as Fate Security that is currently very small, but with recent new hires should move forward well"
[Chat] 14:10:53 [GroupChat] mikal: afk for a few
[Chat] 14:11:00 A'rai Siltar says, "Each Saturday night we host our RP nights"
[Chat] 14:11:02 [GroupChat] lexx: kk
[Chat] 14:11:10 A'rai Siltar says, "The Lake Lottery... which is a server wide lottery drawing"
[Chat] 14:11:33 A'rai Siltar says, "The party before hand starts at 10p EST and we hold the drawing ... live on Holovid.... at midnight"
[Chat] 14:12:01 A'rai Siltar says, "Thanks not only to my guys at Fate, but also to Jascyn and Celox.. who have helped to sponsor the event as well"
[Chat] 14:12:29 Celox Scorpio says, "no/"
[Chat] 14:12:33 A'rai Siltar says, "The numbers of participants has ebbed and flowed over the summer, and lately seems to be a steady increase"
[Chat] 14:12:49 A'rai Siltar says, "Soon we will be opening an industrial park on Dantooine"
[Chat] 14:13:19 A'rai Siltar says, "to have an IC place for businesses to congregate... the Indy Park isn't going to be guild exclusive, we're hoping to have a large mix of many there"
[Chat] 14:14:02 A'rai Siltar says, "We have been doing many different story lines"
[Chat] 14:14:18 A'rai Siltar says, "a lot of them including bounties either on one of our guys or bounties we're seeking"
[Chat] 14:14:33 A'rai Siltar says, "In coming weeks we'd like to be hosting weekly Sabaac games"
[Chat] 14:14:50 A'rai Siltar says, "and we still have designs to host a fight night at some point in the future"
[Chat] 14:15:04 [GuildChat] raigo: spams!
[Chat] 14:15:06 KaarXi'Vus Devious claps for A'rai Siltar.
[Chat] 14:15:11 [GuildChat] raigo: lol :P
[Chat] 14:15:11 A'rai Siltar says, "As for suggestions"
[Chat] 14:15:15 [GuildChat] lexx: oh noez!!
[Chat] 14:15:25 A'rai Siltar says, "truly.... I believe that so often we fall into one of two categories"
[Chat] 14:15:53 A'rai Siltar says, "the key is to avoid becoming a category... don't sit back and wait for RP... at fate... we tend to go out and get it."
[Chat] 14:15:58 A'rai Siltar says, "Talk with others"
[Chat] 14:16:04 A'rai Siltar says, "Ive had others come to talk with us about it as well"
[Chat] 14:16:31 A'rai Siltar says, "We have a business agreement with Black Coven right now... as well as with Creed, MSC"
[Chat] 14:16:34 A'rai Siltar says, "and Shade"
[Chat] 14:16:47 A'rai Siltar says, "I've seen some that get worried over not having anything to RP"
[Chat] 14:17:06 A'rai Siltar says, "but these guys have approached me... or me them... it works so much better if you go out and get the RP"
[Chat] 14:17:07 A'rai Siltar says, "thanks"
[Chat] 14:17:10 A'rai Siltar smiles.
[Chat] 14:17:21 Vox' Magnus cheers for A'rai Siltar.
[Chat] 14:17:21 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Ara,"
[Chat] 14:17:25 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:17:31 Celox Scorpio says, "Ronin for GHOST"
[Chat] 14:18:15 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai inquires, "I bet you all are wondering where my GHOST tag is...well we will get to that."
[Chat] 14:18:31 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai announces, "Greetings Everyone,"
[Chat] 14:18:31 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai says, "I am Ronin Medjai of Project G.H.O.S.T."
[Chat] 14:18:31 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai says, "Project G.H.O.S.T. or Project Genetic Hybridised Offensive Strike Team is a hardcore Imperial RP "Guild""
[Chat] 14:18:40 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai describes, "The Guild itself originated on the Radiant server. The idea behind it is we are a group focused around the research of one Imperial Geneticist by the name of Raf Morro. We had to change things when we moved to Starsider to not restrict people to JUST GHOST"
[Chat] 14:18:47 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai says, "RP"
[Chat] 14:18:50 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai announces, "So as of now we are no longer a "Guild" in-game as anyone can join as long as they pass the recruitment process, but still stay guilded to whatever guild they may enjoy. Much like Exen's Shadows :D"
[Chat] 14:18:52 [GroupChat] mikal: that he is not a part of rofl
[Chat] 14:18:55 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai divulges, "GHOST Roleplay works much like when you have a mission you are contacted and you complete your top secret mission and then go back to your "normal" life in the galaxy ."
[Chat] 14:19:03 [GroupChat] lexx: lol yea i wonder what his story is
[Chat] 14:19:04 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai decrees, "Due to the nature of the storyline behind Project GHOST we have adapted a very strict recruiting process."
[Chat] 14:19:09 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai describes, "The Program involves "specimens" being inducted into the project via "viral programming". This GHOST virus has both advantages and disadvantages."
[Chat] 14:19:12 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai decrees, "Because of these advantages we have to make sure that people dont "cherry-pick" in a sense. This means joining our guild just to be able to use these new abilities to get an upper-hand in RP."
[Chat] 14:19:17 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai states, "We are highly opposed to Godmoding and would not want someone to discredit our Guild's good name."
[Chat] 14:19:22 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai jests, "Something I think we can all agree on, yes?"
[Chat] 14:19:27 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai intones, "Moving Along."
[Chat] 14:19:59 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai announces, "Right now GHOST is not involed with any active plots or storylines."
[Chat] 14:20:04 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai divulges, "In our IC Storyline we are at a point now where the Maniacal Doctor was removed from his leadership over the Project due to using it for his own personal goals."
[Chat] 14:20:09 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai states, "The Empire did not take kindly to this so he was "removed" and the Project is headed up and overseen by an AI Program by the name of E.V.A. (Electronic Voice Avatar)."
[Chat] 14:20:17 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai prophesizes, "By taking the power over the guild out of an IG and IC Player's hands we put the power into an NPC that way we feel we can stay on track towards how we feel GHOST should be ran."
[Chat] 14:20:20 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai admits, "So Far this has worked really well for us, and I wish we had done it sooner."
[Chat] 14:20:26 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai states, "Now lets talk about suggestions for the community"
[Chat] 14:20:59 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai exclaims, "I would first like to say that I believe Starsider is one of the great roleplay communities still out there."
[Chat] 14:21:01 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai divulges, "There are however other communities that we might not be aware of. Right now today we have several guests from other servers in attendance and I would like thank them and welcome them."
[Chat] 14:21:05 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai states, "For my suggestion I would just like to say for everyone to take from this meeting a better understanding of just how big we can be."
[Chat] 14:21:06 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai divulges, "Right now we have a good amount of Guilds all colloborating together and by me seeing that kind of initiative I feel if we keep this bond and connection strong we can accomplish anything."
[Chat] 14:21:11 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai inquires, "I would like to ask that all present go forth from this meeting and tell their respective guild members of what they encountered. Then from there take an active part, YOUR part in this community...."
[Chat] 14:21:13 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai exclaims, "On both the Starsider Galaxy Forums AND more importantly the Official Forums on the SWG main website."
[Chat] 14:21:18 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai announces, "Thank you for allowing me this time to present myself and my "guild" for any and all recruitments or questions please send me an in-game mail or a PM on the SSG forums."
[Chat] 14:21:37 [GroupChat] rett: wow, that dude is ADD
[Chat] 14:21:51 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai exclaims, "And now that the spam circle is complete.....I am the master and Im DONE"
[Chat] 14:21:54 Ronin'Jekknai' Medjai bows.
[Chat] 14:21:55 [GroupChat] lexx: lol
[Chat] 14:22:03 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, MC-ronin."
[Chat] 14:22:06 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 14:22:10 [GroupChat] rett: needs to breath and relax
[Chat] 14:22:13 Celox Scorpio says, "Next to speak is:"
[Chat] 14:22:17 Celox Scorpio says, "Lona for the HGS"
[Chat] 14:22:26 [GroupChat] rett: wow, lengthy meeting
[Chat] 14:22:38 Celox Scorpio summons Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:22:47 Lona' Valamari says, "thank you Celox"
[Chat] 14:22:50 [GroupChat] lexx: yeah i may need to log in like 10 minutes
[Chat] 14:23:06 Lona' Valamari smiles at Vonn' Arr'nel.
[Chat] 14:23:15 Vonn' Arr'nel nods at Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:23:30 Lona' Valamari says, "Greetings! I'm here to tell you about Holowood Galactic Studios."
[Chat] 14:23:43 Lona' Valamari says, "Vonn is one of my VPs"
[Chat] 14:23:57 Lona' Valamari says, "HGS was born on Sunday night, March 5th 2006 - the same night as the 78th Annual Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California."
[Chat] 14:24:18 Lona' Valamari says, "We were originally from Sunrunner server, and found our home on Starsider"
[Chat] 14:24:47 Lona' Valamari smiles at Jazzix Ona.
[Chat] 14:24:51 Lona' Valamari says, "IC-wise it is an entertainment studio. It is the Star Wars equivalent of the Paramount Pictures, Ford Models, and MGM Studios."
[Chat] 14:25:06 Lona' Valamari says, "HGS members role play as performers, bodyguards, personal trainers, costume designers, stunt coordinators or anything that their imagination lends itself to."
[Chat] 14:25:21 Lona' Valamari says, "Members of HGS are allowed to be in other bands and troupes. Think of us as a "union" rather than a band."
[Chat] 14:25:32 Lona' Valamari says, "As an Entertainment Studio, HGS is a non-aggressive guild. We will not partake in guild wars and IC GCW battles."
[Chat] 14:25:48 Lona' Valamari says, "HGS was created as an underdog entertainment studio, hiring aliens who could not find work within the mainstream media due to the widespread discrimination against non-humans."
[Chat] 14:26:02 Lona' Valamari says, "HGS runs the Studio Events, which are tied with real-world holidays, but always with an IC storyline and Star Warsy twist. Some events are premiers: Calendar Release Party. Some are war relief efforts: Performing for troops to raise morale."
[Chat] 14:26:26 Lona' Valamari says, "We are -always- looking to collaborate or merge our events with other guilds, cities or people. Please contact us if you are interested in collaboration."
[Chat] 14:26:42 Lona' Valamari says, "We look forward to work with other role play cities when it comes to planning our events. We carry on the tradition of cantina crawls by making them into IC events: RP'ing it as the Studio going on 'tour' to different cities."
[Chat] 14:26:56 Lona' Valamari says, "We love to assist cross-sever friends such with Yhishara's upcoming Entertainer Explosion event, scheduled for October."
[Chat] 14:27:00 Lona' Valamari cheers for Yhishara'.
[Chat] 14:27:09 Yhishara' smiles at Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:27:14 Lona' Valamari says, "Players can remain in touch with our Studio Events by signing up for our Event Mailing List on"
[Chat] 14:27:25 Lona' Valamari says, "We are currently setting up a Newbie welcome package called "Show in a Bag". Assisting new entertainers coming to Starsider or cross-server visitors aquire clothes, vehicle, instruments, droids and props."
[Chat] 14:27:33 Lona' Valamari winks suggestively at Jod Iegemai.
[Chat] 14:27:43 Lona' Valamari says, "We would -anyone- and -everyone- to get involved in this community endeavor. Contact me if you want to get involved."
[Chat] 14:27:49 Jod Iegemai smiles at Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:27:56 Lona' Valamari says, "Our OOC Requirements to join HGS is listed on"
[Chat] 14:28:04 Lona' Valamari says, "We are a guild based on respect for whom we play with. Role playing is for the joy of the story, a mutually co-operative endeavor to us."
[Chat] 14:28:13 Lona' Valamari says, "We strive to maintain good will in the Starsider role play community and look forward to role playing with other guilds, cities and organizations. Role play communication is paramount and OOC relationships are what is important to us."
[Chat] 14:28:21 Lona' Valamari says, "Thank you for your time!"
[Chat] 14:28:37 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, Lona and Vonn"
[Chat] 14:28:38 Vox' Magnus claps for Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:28:38 Lona' Valamari thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 14:28:47 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:28:50 Your status is now automatically marked as away from keyboard.
[Chat] 14:28:52 Reglin Freelight says, "chatter_speech:[RPGLC]"
[Chat] 14:28:53 You are now away from the keyboard.
[Chat] 14:28:53 Rett Vescan claps for Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:28:54 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:28:55 Celox Scorpio says, "Bella-donna from Lumen"
[Chat] 14:29:06 Zyelor Devious claps for Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:29:09 Celox Scorpio summons Bella-donna.
[Chat] 14:29:23 Deson Blake claps for Lona' Valamari.
[Chat] 14:30:01 Bella-donna says, "Okay, I will try to keep the impending wall of text moving quickly but not too quickly."
[Chat] 14:30:09 Bella-donna says, "Lumen's RP as a group revolves around Sith/dark Jedi/FS RP of varying ideologies. We've been on Starsider for about 5 months, although most of our members have been involved in FS RP here for over 2 years."
[Chat] 14:30:12 Bella-donna says, "On one hand, our RP is about teaching/learning about the Dark side of the Force. On the other hand, it is about acquiring and preserving Force artifacts/lore under the auspice of a "Historial Institute.""
[Chat] 14:30:14 Bella-donna says, "We do not restrict ourselves ONLY to FS RP, but it is a focal point for most of us."
[Chat] 14:30:23 Bella-donna says, "Lumen's RP as a group is NOT about Sith secks, rape, or slavery (sorry to those of you who asked!), nor is it about casual saber-waving/FS RP in public places which frown on that sort of thing."
[Chat] 14:30:27 Bella-donna says, "Our RP as a group is guided by canon but not limited by canon -- for instance, our FS RP is open to a pretty wide range of ideas and concepts not explicitly described in SW lore, but which we consider feasible given our knowledge of SW/SW:G canon."
[Chat] 14:30:41 Bella-donna says, "*Where we might fit into other's RP:*"
[Chat] 14:30:43 Bella-donna says, "If your group is looking for a lost artifact/lore, and you want another group to hamper your efforts or acquire the thing instead, or if you play a Jedi looking to be tainted or undergo a Dark side trial of sorts, we can play those roles."
[Chat] 14:30:46 Bella-donna says, "We are not looking to teach characters outside the guild (Our Master/Apprentice RP is not an overnight thing and requires months of dedicated RP interaction), but we can give undeveloped characters a nudge toward some FS development."
[Chat] 14:30:49 Bella-donna says, "Lastly, we are willing to set our group up as a rival, foil, or nemesis for RP'd conflict with other groups (including guildwar) with some qualifications, mostly involving OOC communication and similar playstyles."
[Chat] 14:31:03 Bella-donna says, "*What we are looking to add to our own RP:*"
[Chat] 14:31:04 Bella-donna says, "We are looking to get involved with "outside" characters who can be consulted about the history of our overt "historical" work, or who want these sort of things researched by our group"
[Chat] 14:31:07 Bella-donna says, "We are also looking to get involved with characters who want to hire out to investigate and with various people and things on our behalf."
[Chat] 14:31:11 Bella-donna says, "On the FS side of our RP, we'd like to encounter other Force users of all "beliefs" -- players do not need to be OOCly Jedi-spec'd to roleplay FS characters around us."
[Chat] 14:31:24 Bella-donna says, "Lumen presently has a memberbase of 10 players on at various times and we are always looking to add more players who want to RP with us. Players interested in joining Lumen are expected to RP regularly with everyone else in the guild."
[Chat] 14:31:27 Bella-donna says, "They should also be willing to learn the FPS v1.0 (see SSG wiki), although most of us both /duel and /emote for roleplaying combat. Visiting our forums at may give you a better idea of our playstyle and what we're looking for."
[Chat] 14:31:52 Bella-donna says, "*How to find us for RP:*"
[Chat] 14:31:55 Bella-donna says, "You do not need to be in Lumen to RP with Lumen, nor do you need to OOCly play a Jedi to RP a FS character with us, nor do you need to play a FS character. We'll RP with anyone who is interested, though we can't/won't RP everything with everyone."
[Chat] 14:31:57 Bella-donna says, "You are most likely to find us around Mos Eisley, the villa in NE Dantooine, or at FS POIs for random encounters. If you'd like to set something up OOCly first, your best bet is to post to our forums at or via PMs at SSG."
[Chat] 14:32:04 [GroupChat] lexx: i gotta go, but keep the chat logs posted mikal :)
[Chat] 14:32:08 [GroupChat] lexx: be back at 6 or so
[Chat] 14:32:12 Bella-donna says, "*Current RP Storylines:*"
[Chat] 14:32:13 Bella-donna says, "At present Lumen is involved in a handful of open/semi-open storylines progressing in game and through forum RP. We welcome more involvement in these."
[Chat] 14:32:13 ***lexx Officer has gone offline at Sun Sep 14 14:32:13 2008.
[Chat] 14:32:15 Bella-donna says, "*Black Circle (Open - clued puzzle/treasure hunt around an NPC order and fragments of a mysterious artifact, contact Bella-Donna)"
[Chat] 14:32:17 Bella-donna says, "*Blueleaf Temple Investigation (Open - freeform, contact Bella-Donna)"
[Chat] 14:32:20 Bella-donna says, "*Brain Worms (Semi-Open, the worst mixture of mad scientist, alchemy, and mischief, contact Bella-Donna or blame the bothans)"
[Chat] 14:32:21 Bella-donna says, "*Jedi Temple Ruins Investigation (Open - freeform, contact anyone in Lumen)"
[Chat] 14:32:23 Bella-donna says, "*Master/apprentice (Semi-Open, contact anyone in Lumen)"
[Chat] 14:32:26 Bella-donna says, "*Sith Sword (Semi-Open - acquiring and investigating an ancient sword, contact anyone in Lumen)"
[Chat] 14:32:39 Bella-donna says, "*Suggestions to improve RP, community coordination and interguild interaction:*"
[Chat] 14:32:41 Bella-donna says, "I think we all have our perceptions about others and their RP (even within my own group this is the case) which leads to our secluding ourselves to play with a select few people or themes."
[Chat] 14:32:45 Bella-donna says, "For the sake of keeping our own interactions as broad as possible, our group tries to push those aside...sometimes we succeed, often we fail."
[Chat] 14:32:47 Bella-donna says, "I feel like we have an environment where many groups do not try to do that, and rather than simply having fun with the RP around them, spend their time examining other's RP under a microscope for impropriety."
[Chat] 14:32:52 Bella-donna says, "Remarks like "my style/theme/RP > your style/theme/RP" and forum/channel snark about types of characters/groups/RP being godmoding, metagaming, bad, unreaslitic, crappy, BS, etc. do not encourage interguild interaction."
[Chat] 14:32:55 Bella-donna says, "The only thing fostered there is seclusion."
[Chat] 14:33:07 Bella-donna says, "Most people do not find it very fun to have their RP reviewed with a critical eye or even be insulted when they try to coordinate RP with other groups."
[Chat] 14:33:09 Bella-donna says, "So they seclude themselves, stick to playing with those they know aren't going to be so openly critical or unpleasant."
[Chat] 14:33:13 Bella-donna says, "I think interguild interaction and coordination all around would be improved with less focus on how others' RP may be improper, and more focus on our own RP."
[Chat] 14:33:18 Bella-donna says, "Perhaps we can work on how we can all still have fun while interacting with other groups who may RP differently."
[Chat] 14:33:20 Bella-donna bows.
[Chat] 14:33:23 Bella-donna says, "Thanks."
[Chat] 14:33:34 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Bella"
[Chat] 14:33:43 Zyelor Devious bows to Bella-donna.
[Chat] 14:33:53 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:34:07 Celox Scorpio says, "Warrykk from OS"
[Chat] 14:34:21 Celox Scorpio summons Wyrrykk.
[Chat] 14:35:01 Wyrrykk says, "Hello, everyone. I'm here Wyrrykk, a master armorsmith, representing the Order of the Skald (OS), a Corellian trading guild based out of a small village near Doaba Guerfel." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:35:17 Wyrrykk says, "The Order of the Skald consists of only six characters played by three people. I play Wyrrykk and a smuggler named Zandyr. My f/l fiancé plays Malinde (clothier). Her r/l sister plays Cathbodua (structures), Nicarissian (droids), and Danumaili (combat ent." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:35:32 Wyrrykk says, "Regretfully, this is likely to be both the first and the last time you hear from the Order of the Skald as a guild." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:35:46 Wyrrykk says, "Unfortunately, the player of Cathbodua, Nicarissian, and Danumaili is leaving the game permanently, and we won't have sufficient people to really maintain a guild anymore." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:36:01 Wyrrykk says, "I also play Malcar (who is in Order of the Burning Blade) and Ro'mas (who is in the Galactic Sector Rangers). I'm quite happy with the RP I'm getting as Ro'mas, but I've applied for a new guild with Malcar." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:36:16 Wyrrykk says, "OBB has nice people, but the time zones simply aren't working out for much interaction. Frankly, if my application with Malcar works out, he may be accompanied by all my other toons other than Ro'mas." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:36:31 Wyrrykk says, "Joining him would be Malinde, as well as possibly R'lassa (jedi...shhhh!) and Ivaadi, an entertainer and Malcar's wife. We have a lot to offer another guild." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:36:47 Wyrrykk says, "We are also considering taking over the account that contains Cathbodua and Nicarissian, to keep the full spread of traders." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:37:01 Wyrrykk says, "While that would definitely give us enough for a guild all on our own, one of the main reasons we are in a guild is for roleplay with other people!" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:37:16 Wyrrykk says, "So my apologies for not really discussing much about OS itself, but as it is going to be folding soon, there wasn't much point." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:37:32 Wyrrykk says, "I thought I could better spend the time showing that while it is possible to build a guild with a small group of people running multiple toons, it sort of negates the point of RP, unless you only want to RP with a very small group of people." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:37:47 Wyrrykk says, "So those RP guilds that are going to be more successful are those that will have multiple players, not just multiple toons." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:38:01 Wyrrykk says, "Provide your players the opportunity to meet with many other players, and allow for flexibility among all character types." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:38:17 Wyrrykk says, "OS didn't do this, and that is why it is folding. Please learn from our example. Thanks very much for your time. If you have any questions, let me know in a tell." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 14:38:27 Wyrrykk bows his head.
[Chat] 14:38:38 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, Wyrrykk"
[Chat] 14:38:50 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker:"
[Chat] 14:38:57 Celox Scorpio says, "Ramona for the Pixies"
[Chat] 14:39:01 Celox Scorpio summons Ramona Garcia.
[Chat] 14:39:36 Ramona Garcia says, "hello all"
[Chat] 14:39:55 Ramona Garcia says, "The Neutron Pixies are a small RP PA, and active since 2004. We're a dancing troupe, with an information gathering business on the side, and some limited space activity, and we are active on Tatooine mostly. I won't bore you with stuff you can read for you"
[Chat] 14:40:10 Ramona Garcia says, ""
[Chat] 14:40:25 Ramona Garcia says, "As far as activities go, we're running a number of regular RP events, usually around european-friendly times:"
[Chat] 14:40:39 Ramona Garcia says, "Jailbirds, our club in Farpoint Valley, is open a few times during the week, for hanging out, and spontaneous RP events."
[Chat] 14:40:55 Ramona Garcia says, "Every Tuesday, I'm running the IMC Convoy, a space RP event for all sorts of pilots."
[Chat] 14:41:09 Ramona Garcia says, "Fridays are usually used for other events and plots, like the Karaoke nights, beach parties, or Storyteller-based spontaneous plots like pirate attacks."
[Chat] 14:41:29 Ramona Garcia says, "in addition to that, we're running longer plots, like the treasure hunt currently going on (if slowly) as well as spontaneous rp plots during the week"
[Chat] 14:41:49 Ramona Garcia says, "Other activities, mostly by me, include running an IC news service"
[Chat] 14:42:04 Ramona Garcia says, ""
[Chat] 14:42:20 Ramona Garcia says, "Generally, I adhere to the "Don't talk, just do it" principle. I'd rather do something than spend a lot of time planning it."
[Chat] 14:42:35 Ramona Garcia says, "So, I do a lot of spontaenous stuff, with strangers and friends. Sometimes it's a bust, sometimes it's great,"
[Chat] 14:42:50 Ramona Garcia says, "but it'll be done quickly, and spontaneously, without much time wasted"
[Chat] 14:43:05 Ramona Garcia says, "so, if you want to do some rp, or need some plot help, like an NPC for a scene, feel free to contact me. All I ask for is some tolerance - I can really do without a diatribe about why aliens in imperial service are not canon, or why X or Y are roleplaying"
[Chat] 14:43:25 Ramona Garcia says, "that's also my advice to the community: Don't talk (too much), just start doing stuff. Don't set your sights too high, start small and build up. And first and foremost, make sure you have fun."
[Chat] 14:43:26 Ramona Garcia bows.
[Chat] 14:43:44 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks mona."
[Chat] 14:43:48 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:43:55 Celox Scorpio says, "Remahr from RCom"
[Chat] 14:44:02 Celox Scorpio summons Remahr.
[Chat] 14:44:25 Remahr says, "blimey there's peopel in here today eh."
[Chat] 14:44:38 'Caer Sei'Allon grins.
[Chat] 14:44:39 Remahr says, "Hey, I'm here for Remahr Company, or just RCom for short."
[Chat] 14:44:53 Remahr says, "We're fairly new to Starsider, having just moved over here in Feb/May this year, but actually the guild has been around since we founded it xmas just after JTL."
[Chat] 14:45:11 Remahr says, "In fact nearly all our original members are still with us, many of which have been playing since launch."
[Chat] 14:45:27 Remahr says, "yea Im proud of that.. shut up :P"
[Chat] 14:45:39 Remahr says, "We're a merc guild, with the usual corporate front... private military contractors basically. Quite simply this allows for a varied amount of characters and RP to be in the guild which is why we went with it."
[Chat] 14:45:58 Remahr says, "Sadly though our RP activities tend to center around the fighters, despite out best efforts to create content for everyone."
[Chat] 14:46:10 Remahr says, "Fortunately we got Black Sands our RP city to cater to the non combat profs... though you might not see us there as often as you might think."
[Chat] 14:46:26 Remahr says, "A good deal of us are european, but we do have a fair amount of US players too. Generally our primetime would be 3 to 6pm EST / 21:00 - midnight CET. It varies though..."
[Chat] 14:46:51 Remahr says, "You can read the details about us and our concept on our SSG thread so I'm not gonna spout em at you here. Instead I'll skip to what's usually brought up..."
[Chat] 14:47:02 Matthiew Skyfire says, "*Fries all the shrimp, millions voices cry out in terror and were suddenly delicious"
[Chat] 14:47:11 Juroden Halcyon says, "..."
[Chat] 14:47:16 Remahr says, "... right..."
[Chat] 14:47:18 Matthiew Skyfire says, "(Mt, sorry))"
[Chat] 14:47:22 Ipuss says, "Luls!"
[Chat] 14:47:25 Remahr says, "scrimps aside..."
[Chat] 14:47:31 Remahr says, "We don't do mass emote fights, jedi or force RP and we don't accept mandolorian recruits."
[Chat] 14:47:45 Remahr says, "We could sure but then we'd have to make ourselves judges of who RPs what well enough to be "allowed" to do so... and we won't do that."
[Chat] 14:47:54 Rett Vescan is now the group leader.
[Chat] 14:47:54 Rett Vescan is now the master looter.
[Chat] 14:47:54 Lexx Yovel has left the group.
[Chat] 14:47:59 Remahr says, "We can't make those kind of calls, so we don't try."
[Chat] 14:48:15 Remahr says, "I find it actually avoids a great deal of drama... imagine that."
[Chat] 14:48:24 Remahr says, "Ofcourse we still RP with jedi, mandos and whatnot... just not in the context of what's mentioned is all."
[Chat] 14:48:37 Remahr says, "Ideas for improving RP?"
[Chat] 14:48:41 Remahr smirks.
[Chat] 14:48:49 Remahr yells, "Everyone needs to get laid!"
[Chat] 14:48:54 Remahr says, "Chillout..."
[Chat] 14:49:03 Remahr says, "We're all here to have fun and sometimes it seems people forget about that."
[Chat] 14:49:12 Remahr says, "I think more OOC activities together cross guilds might help bring down the drama some. Easier to get along RPing if you're already friends doing other stuff too."
[Chat] 14:49:30 Remahr says, "Lastly give people, ideas, concepts and whatnot a chance to work."
[Chat] 14:49:41 Remahr says, "I'll be honest and say I have my doubts a whole lot will come of this meeting... that doesn't mean I don't think it deserves the chance to produce something."
[Chat] 14:49:56 Remahr says, "It's easy to be negative, but it won't yield you anything. Part of our reasoning for leaving Eclipse was infact the lack of support. Don't punish people taking the initiative by shooting down their ideas even if you don't agree with em."
[Chat] 14:50:12 Remahr says, "With help and support, anything can work and often better than you expect em to."
[Chat] 14:50:28 Remahr says, "Ok I'm done preaching."
[Chat] 14:50:33 Deson Blake claps for Remahr.
[Chat] 14:50:36 Matthiew Skyfire says, "Amen brother!"
[Chat] 14:50:44 Deson Blake shows Remahr his approval.
[Chat] 14:50:47 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 14:50:48 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks, R-mahn."
[Chat] 14:50:58 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Remahr.
[Chat] 14:51:02 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:51:06 Celox Scorpio says, "Juroden for RUNR"
[Chat] 14:51:11 Celox Scorpio summons Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:51:18 Juroden Halcyon thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 14:51:28 Juroden Halcyon says, "I didn't prepare anything"
[Chat] 14:51:42 Juroden Halcyon says, "So I just want to say Thanks you jazzix and tziena first"
[Chat] 14:51:53 Juroden Halcyon says, "For kicking me up the ass to get this guild started"
[Chat] 14:52:09 ***kuuhl has gone offline at Sun Sep 14 14:52:09 2008.
[Chat] 14:52:11 'Caer Sei'Allon shows Juroden Halcyon her approval.
[Chat] 14:52:17 Juroden Halcyon says, "I got nothing important to say about fostering rp really"
[Chat] 14:52:27 Juroden Halcyon says, "Just something like Throw yourself out there"
[Chat] 14:52:53 Juroden Halcyon says, "Im sure I can speak for my people when I say if you need something to do come bother one of us"
[Chat] 14:53:14 Juroden Halcyon says, "And Come to Nova Orion more, Stop talking about it and do it."
[Chat] 14:53:46 Juroden Halcyon says, "What RUNr does is mostly semi-overt rebel sort of stuff"
[Chat] 14:53:56 Juroden Halcyon says, "Not going to see us running around screaming for the Alliance"
[Chat] 14:54:18 Juroden Halcyon says, "But Working the back to get what the rebels need and so on for the War"
[Chat] 14:54:37 Juroden Halcyon says, "Trading guns and supplies with Creed is really our only example at the moment"
[Chat] 14:54:49 Juroden Halcyon says, "But give us more time im sure we will have our hands in everyones pockets"
[Chat] 14:54:50 Juroden Halcyon bows.
[Chat] 14:54:53 Juroden Halcyon says, "Thanks"
[Chat] 14:54:58 Deson Blake claps for Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:55:05 Vox' Magnus claps for Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:55:07 'Caer Sei'Allon cheers for Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:55:11 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Helmet."
[Chat] 14:55:23 Laryssa Dotan claps for Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:55:55 Saraphim claps for Juroden Halcyon.
[Chat] 14:55:55 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker is:"
[Chat] 14:56:01 Celox Scorpio says, "Aenius from SBE"
[Chat] 14:56:08 Celox Scorpio says, "summon aenius/"
[Chat] 14:56:13 Celox Scorpio summons Aenius Bosk.
[Chat] 14:56:54 Aenius Bosk says, "Hello everyone, Im Aenius Bosk, Guild Diplomat of Shadow Blade Enterprises"
[Chat] 14:57:20 Aenius Bosk says, "Our guild leader, Lord-Revenant Blade cannot be here today due to the storms in Texas"
[Chat] 14:57:59 Aenius Bosk says, "We are in imperial mercenary guild that prides itelf on its ownership over several cities"
[Chat] 14:58:16 Aenius Bosk says, "Particularly our six on Talus which serve as our main bases"
[Chat] 14:58:42 Aenius Bosk says, "We are mecs for hire whther its for shooting or intelligence gathering"
[Chat] 14:59:16 Aenius Bosk says, "We're willing to work with just about anyone and encourage peole to drop by our main office near Dearic"
[Chat] 14:59:49 Aenius Bosk says, "We're involved currently with several storylines, mostly intelligence gathering at the moment"
[Chat] 15:00:28 Aenius Bosk says, "We are also reviving the city of Shadows Wake on Talus newar the depot in an effort to foster RP-PVP guild relations"
[Chat] 15:00:45 Aenius Bosk says, "Anyone interested in being part of that can contact me later"
[Chat] 15:01:14 Aenius Bosk says, "And Mona has asked me to mention we also take part in her IMC convoy every week"
[Chat] 15:02:14 Aenius Bosk says, "As far as RP goes, most of ours comes from other guilds we have been working with for some time, but to get involved with us, drop by any of our cities, youll almost certainly find someone there"
[Chat] 15:02:20 Aenius Bosk says, "Thank you"
[Chat] 15:02:24 Aenius Bosk bows to 'Caer Sei'Allon.
[Chat] 15:02:28 Deson Blake claps for Aenius Bosk.
[Chat] 15:02:33 Aenius Bosk says, "((oops))"
[Chat] 15:02:36 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Aenius"
[Chat] 15:02:49 Celox Scorpio says, "Looks like we are missing some GLs"
[Chat] 15:03:14 Celox Scorpio says, "Anyone from SECTR or Troop here?"
[Chat] 15:03:59 Celox Scorpio says, "Ok."
[Chat] 15:04:03 Celox Scorpio says, "Next speaker:"
[Chat] 15:04:11 Celox Scorpio says, "Matthiew from Trick"
[Chat] 15:04:19 Matthiew Skyfire says, "That's Trickshots"
[Chat] 15:04:44 Ramona Garcia greets everyone.
[Chat] 15:04:51 Matthiew Skyfire says, "I'm sure your butts are all tired so I'll be brief"
[Chat] 15:05:30 Matthiew Skyfire says, "To be a Trickshot is to be part of a squadron, a gang and a family"
[Chat] 15:05:49 Matthiew Skyfire says, "Always running from the law, always scheming and always helping those in need"
[Chat] 15:06:05 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We are a closenit group of friends out to have a good time, and profit while going at it"
[Chat] 15:06:29 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We welcome every wise-ass smuggler, pirate, entertainer, bounty hunter and nerf herder across the galaxy"
[Chat] 15:07:12 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We enjoy our fair shair of space shindigs up in my YT, the Galaxy Phoenix, squad combat, as well as oddjobs on the surface"
[Chat] 15:07:47 Matthiew Skyfire says, "It is our point to rp while in action, instead of playing patty cake in ME, although we do hang out and enjoy the scenery from time to time"
[Chat] 15:08:23 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We were formally Arbor Grail, but that old team has disbanded and we are starting new"
[Chat] 15:09:13 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We especially welcome fledgling players who need missions completed without tedium as we rp through the grinds, such as smuggling and space missions"
[Chat] 15:09:36 Matthiew Skyfire says, "In relation to other guilds, we are a band ready for hire for any odd job.... Like the A team"
[Chat] 15:10:10 Matthiew Skyfire says, "But we are not above illegal mischief promoted on our own, but always in the spirit of a good time"
[Chat] 15:10:39 Matthiew Skyfire says, "We are rebel and wookie sympathizers, so I would like to get with any wookie and dosh guilds for plots, as well as anyone else"
[Chat] 15:11:11 Matthiew Skyfire says, "There is more I would like to say, but it is best left to fun rp and whitty conversation"
[Chat] 15:11:30 Matthiew Skyfire says, "Coronet Highschool Football Rules!"
[Chat] 15:11:37 Juroden Halcyon cheers. YAY!!
[Chat] 15:11:40 Deson Blake cheers for Matthiew Skyfire.
[Chat] 15:11:43 A'rai Siltar chuckles politely at Matthiew Skyfire.
[Chat] 15:11:43 Ochre cheers for Matthiew Skyfire.
[Chat] 15:11:44 Deson Blake says, "CHF! CHF!"
[Chat] 15:11:45 'Caer Sei'Allon claps her hands together.
[Chat] 15:11:47 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks M-Man."
[Chat] 15:11:51 'Bo Banthaman claps for Matthiew Skyfire.
[Chat] 15:11:54 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker is:"
[Chat] 15:11:56 Emei Freelight cheers for Matthiew Skyfire.
[Chat] 15:12:00 Celox Scorpio says, "Vado for US"
[Chat] 15:12:04 Celox Scorpio summons Vado Zimbuvu.
[Chat] 15:12:26 Vado Zimbuvu says, "Hi everyone"
[Chat] 15:12:56 Vado Zimbuvu says, "Not much to say about US honestly. We are IC a Bothan-centric but not limited to Bothans guild"
[Chat] 15:13:25 Vado Zimbuvu says, "Our members are very independent, so much so you are often best dealing directly with them"
[Chat] 15:13:54 Vado Zimbuvu says, "OOC were just a group of friends that like playing together"
[Chat] 15:14:20 Vado Zimbuvu says, "We're all for community as we try to keep Fiarr'Melan and Red Sands running"
[Chat] 15:14:56 Vado Zimbuvu says, "And as for the just should approach us if you are interested in what we are doing. Everything we do is open to the public"
[Chat] 15:15:07 Vado Zimbuvu says, "We just don't really advertise it."
[Chat] 15:15:12 Vado Zimbuvu smiles.
[Chat] 15:15:27 Vado Zimbuvu says, "And I'd say I'm done."
[Chat] 15:15:32 Vado Zimbuvu smiles.
[Chat] 15:15:43 'Caer Sei'Allon cheers for Vado Zimbuvu.
[Chat] 15:15:49 Laryssa Dotan claps for Vado Zimbuvu.
[Chat] 15:15:50 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks V!"
[Chat] 15:15:58 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker is:"
[Chat] 15:16:03 Celox Scorpio says, "Me?!"
[Chat] 15:16:17 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:16:31 Jod Iegemai smiles at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:16:32 Celox Scorpio says, "Seriously, I will speak for my guild, Utini. My alt is Zzik."
[Chat] 15:16:38 Celox Scorpio says, "So, I am speaking for Zzik."
[Chat] 15:16:41 Juroden Halcyon whaps Bella-donna upside the head.
[Chat] 15:16:58 Sakkra- claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:17:01 Celox Scorpio says, "I am here to tell you about a small guild named Utini."
[Chat] 15:17:01 Celox Scorpio says, "We role-play Jawas."
[Chat] 15:17:01 Celox Scorpio says, "Currently, it is an alt guild which consists of three active players, Zzik"
[Chat] 15:17:01 Celox Scorpio says, "Al'Yssa and Dirbot."
[Chat] 15:17:15 Celox Scorpio says, "We limit appearances to once per week role-play in the cities of Tatooine."
[Chat] 15:17:29 Celox Scorpio says, "The guild is currently open for recruitment with preference to alts because of the limited RP times of the guild. Traders are preferable, however, not mandatory."
[Chat] 15:17:52 Celox Scorpio says, "We are always eager to help with character creation, some pointers on Jawaese language and Jawa role-play, and we will supply new members with clothes."
[Chat] 15:18:05 Celox Scorpio says, "Jawa role-play consists of selling and buying junk items, vehicles, weaponry and droids from and to other players."
[Chat] 15:18:08 ***kuuhl is online at Sun Sep 14 15:18:08 2008. If you are on kuuhl 's friends list, try /findFriend kuuhl to find them.
[Chat] 15:18:22 Celox Scorpio says, "It is role-played in cantinas and NPC cities"
[Chat] 15:18:22 Celox Scorpio says, "sometimes we even place props in player cities, to make role-playing with us more immersive."
[Chat] 15:18:35 Celox Scorpio says, "We speak Jawaese in spatial, and trade language when we interact with other species."
[Chat] 15:18:47 Celox Scorpio says, "Due to canon, our role-play is mostly limited to Tatooine."
[Chat] 15:18:58 Celox Scorpio says, "We do not run guild plots"
[Chat] 15:18:58 Celox Scorpio says, "our RP is casual and random in most cases."
[Chat] 15:19:05 Celox Scorpio says, "We would love to be invited to RP Jawas in plots and to be used ICly during events."
[Chat] 15:19:18 Celox Scorpio says, "We will spawn props and provide canon content as Jawas."
[Chat] 15:19:34 Celox Scorpio says, "Please contact me on Celox, or on the forums - to coordinate plots & events."
[Chat] 15:19:46 Celox Scorpio says, "My suggestion for the community as a GL are:"
[Chat] 15:19:53 Celox Scorpio says, "One major problem we all have - are time zone calculations."
[Chat] 15:20:11 Celox Scorpio says, "I would love to team up with somebody who has some programming and design skills"
[Chat] 15:20:19 Celox Scorpio says, "to help me create a flash-animated tool which will assist the community in finding/locating time zones of each player."
[Chat] 15:20:27 Sakkra- smiles at Mandash Grim.
[Chat] 15:20:39 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks for listening."
[Chat] 15:20:52 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:20:56 'Bo Banthaman claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:20:56 Deson Blake claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:20:56 Celox Scorpio says, "Right."
[Chat] 15:21:01 Jod Iegemai claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:21:03 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker:"
[Chat] 15:21:35 Celox Scorpio says, "Jazzix from VIGIL"
[Chat] 15:21:37 Celox Scorpio summons Jazzix Ona.
[Chat] 15:22:15 Jazzix Ona says, "Hey everyone. I'm here representing vigil, and Sele here is my co-leader."
[Chat] 15:22:21 'Selenite Biscayn waves.
[Chat] 15:22:35 Jazzix Ona says, "She'll be showing you all her boobies as soon as I'm done speaking."
[Chat] 15:22:44 'Selenite Biscayn says, "..."
[Chat] 15:22:52 'Bo Banthaman cheers. YAY!!
[Chat] 15:22:56 Auros Drayen says, "woohoo! Boobies!"
[Chat] 15:22:58 Jazzix Ona says, "The Vigil is a small guild of about a dozen members, not including folks from other guilds who work closely with us. Our in-character mandate is the protection of artifacts and history -- in that sense, we're in direct opposition to the Empire and the bur"
[Chat] 15:23:13 Jazzix Ona says, "-- burn and purge doctrine of uniformity."
[Chat] 15:23:27 Jazzix Ona says, "(Even at public events, truncation wins.)"
[Chat] 15:23:42 Jazzix Ona says, "The primary tension in the story of the Vigil is the race against time to get our hands on these things before the empire. And along with that goes a constant concern of exposure. Everything we do, we do under cover."
[Chat] 15:24:09 Jazzix Ona says, "The Vigil's leaders think in the long-term, and labor under the belief that the current war is only a flash point for generations upon generations of conflict to come."
[Chat] 15:24:35 Jazzix Ona says, "So not only are we protecting the knowledge and works of the past from malign forces, we're safeguarding it from the ravages of war as well."
[Chat] 15:24:51 Jazzix Ona says, "We also work against dark side groups who want to use artifacts (in particular, force-related relics and holocrons) to further their own agendas."
[Chat] 15:25:14 Jazzix Ona says, "The premise of our guild lends itself to a relatively small crowd (we'd never want to have more members than could reasonably get to know one another personally) as well as a proactive RP style. While you may see us in cantinas and at events, the bulk of"
[Chat] 15:25:25 Jazzix Ona says, "-- what we do is plot-driven."
[Chat] 15:25:56 Jazzix Ona says, "While we are not a Jedi guild, we are exclusively force-sensitive and adherant to the harmonious or light side of the force. Dabblers, out-and-proud light-siders and "gray jedi" need not apply."
[Chat] 15:26:28 Jazzix Ona says, "We have an open door policy and are currently looking for new blood, but the recruitment process is almost entirely IC."
[Chat] 15:26:49 Jazzix Ona says, "Everything else concerning what we expect from potential members can be found in our guild post on the Starsider Galaxy forums. Our website is"
[Chat] 15:27:08 Jazzix Ona says, "As far as current plotlines go, we're working with a breakaway Sith guild called the Remnants of Bogan in an effort to provide a foil for one another."
[Chat] 15:27:22 Jazzix Ona says, "We're in the process of getting our hooks into some other guilds as well. We'll work with anyone who can be cool and communicative OOC."
[Chat] 15:27:41 Jazzix Ona says, "For dark side FS guilds, we can be competant adversaries. For light side groups, we can be either friends or foes, depending on what you need, dramatically."
[Chat] 15:27:47 Laryssa Dotan sticks her tongue out.
[Chat] 15:28:47 Jazzix Ona says, "To sortof sum it all up, we're good guys with teeth. Like we think it's pretty cool that Obi-wan cut that dude's arm off in Mos Eisley. We're those kind of forcers."
[Chat] 15:29:59 Matthiew Skyfire says, "Well.... uh.... if the first hadn't died... she could have three boobs! Total Recall ftw!"
[Chat] 15:30:02 Jazzix Ona says, "Minus the saber-wielding in public, obviously."
[Chat] 15:30:07 Matthiew Skyfire says, "((MT! sorry!))"
[Chat] 15:30:26 Jazzix Ona says, "And I just want to say, that was a sweet MT."
[Chat] 15:30:34 Deson Blake agrees with Jazzix Ona.
[Chat] 15:30:43 Jazzix Ona says, "anyway, I'll save my community recommendations for the forums."
[Chat] 15:30:54 Jazzix Ona says, "Sele: Boobs."
[Chat] 15:31:02 'Selenite Biscayn says, "Jazz: Get bent."
[Chat] 15:31:04 Juroden Halcyon says, "I want moobs"
[Chat] 15:31:06 Jazzix Ona says, "K."
[Chat] 15:31:23 Jazzix Ona says, "Do you have anything, Sele?"
[Chat] 15:31:33 Jod Iegemai smiles at xenea.
[Chat] 15:32:30 Jazzix Ona says, "Don't think I didn't notice you took my seat Des, you punk."
[Chat] 15:32:39 'Selenite Biscayn says, "No you pretty much covered it all. We're here to be OOC friends and IC adversaries with anyone who can use us. We do not have a specific style of conflict. We work with the people who want to go up against us to find a combat style that'll make everyone"
[Chat] 15:32:51 'Selenite Biscayn says, "happy...whether it be duel, emote or flipping a damn coin."
[Chat] 15:32:52 The group has been disbanded.
[Chat] 15:33:03 'Selenite Biscayn says, "That's all I got."
[Chat] 15:33:13 Jazzix Ona says, "Word. We're done."
[Chat] 15:33:20 Jazzix Ona waves.
[Chat] 15:33:22 Laryssa Dotan claps for Jazzix Ona.
[Chat] 15:33:31 'Caer Sei'Allon claps her hands together.
[Chat] 15:33:31 Poe'kunal claps his hands together.
[Chat] 15:33:36 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks Jazz and Sele..."
[Chat] 15:33:45 Celox Scorpio says, "Alright, we got 2 speakers left."
[Chat] 15:33:49 Celox Scorpio says, "Let's focus... :)"
[Chat] 15:33:51 Jazzix Ona gets cozy with Deson.
[Chat] 15:34:01 Laryssa Dotan points at her blonde hair.
[Chat] 15:34:07 Laryssa Dotan says, "what's focusing?"
[Chat] 15:34:12 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker"
[Chat] 15:34:37 Celox Scorpio says, "Laryssa from NAVY"
[Chat] 15:34:42 Laryssa Dotan says, "yay!"
[Chat] 15:34:42 Celox Scorpio summons Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:35:29 Laryssa Dotan says, "Hello all, I'm Laryssa Dotan, the OOC leader of the VSD Valorum guild"
[Chat] 15:35:32 Mandash Grim says, "test"
[Chat] 15:35:46 [GuildChat] raigo: that hit the spot :P
[Chat] 15:35:49 Laryssa Dotan says, "We are a strict canon based Imperial Navy RP group, formed about 5 months ago"
[Chat] 15:36:18 Laryssa Dotan says, "When I mean strictly canon, I mean that we are not here to be heroes, or "badasses""
[Chat] 15:36:27 Laryssa Dotan says, "We like to RP as the regular rank and file members of the Imperial military"
[Chat] 15:36:56 Laryssa Dotan says, "Also, when talking about canon with us, we can be very stereotypically Imperial sometimes"
[Chat] 15:37:05 Laryssa Dotan says, "Our guild is 100% human, and apart from me, is all male"
[Chat] 15:37:28 Laryssa Dotan says, "So with that said, I'd like to tell you about what we do in Navy"
[Chat] 15:37:45 Laryssa Dotan says, "Like I said, we are not the "guts and glory" types of military people"
[Chat] 15:37:57 Laryssa Dotan says, "We RP as the officers and crew of the Victory Star Destroyer Valorum"
[Chat] 15:38:26 Laryssa Dotan says, "As instruments of the Imperial Navy, our IC focus is on law enforcement and criminal interdiction"
[Chat] 15:38:47 Laryssa Dotan says, "Many of our past and present storylines have been based around smugglers and pirates, and tracking them down ICly"
[Chat] 15:39:12 Laryssa Dotan says, "Our ship, the Valorum, is ICly assigned a patrol route in the Outer Rim territories"
[Chat] 15:39:27 Laryssa Dotan says, "so you will not see any of our members IC on planets other than Tatooine, Lok, Rori, or Naboo"
[Chat] 15:39:38 Laryssa Dotan says, "Even so, most of our RP takes place on either Tatooine or Lok"
[Chat] 15:40:03 Laryssa Dotan says, "As some of you have RPed with us already, we do have a number of means of RPing on the Valorum"
[Chat] 15:40:18 Laryssa Dotan says, "Some are more... impressive... than others"
[Chat] 15:40:26 Laryssa Dotan says, "But anyway."
[Chat] 15:41:04 Laryssa Dotan says, "We are currently building a city on Lok, that when finished will be a RP Spaceport city"
[Chat] 15:41:23 Laryssa Dotan says, "a sort of "hive of scum and villainy", nominally under the control of the Empire, with a contingent of personnel from the Valorum"
[Chat] 15:41:56 Laryssa Dotan says, "Our hope is that we can form it into a new RP hub, like some of the others currently in operation"
[Chat] 15:42:16 Laryssa Dotan says, "But as a spaceport, it will be accessibly Icly for a great variety of characters"
[Chat] 15:42:34 Laryssa Dotan says, "Which leads me to one of my points I'd like to make about RP and guild interaction"
[Chat] 15:42:57 Laryssa Dotan says, "I think too many of us get hung up on perceptions of people, without actually talking to them or RPing with them"
[Chat] 15:43:16 Laryssa Dotan says, "I'd really like to see more people actually go out there, and simply start up RP with random people"
[Chat] 15:43:44 Laryssa Dotan says, "If you see a stormtrooper doing ID checks, humor him and maybe try to steer the RP in a direction that goes beyond him asking to see your wallet"
[Chat] 15:44:04 Laryssa Dotan says, "I can go on and on with examples like that, but I think you get the picture"
[Chat] 15:44:22 Laryssa Dotan says, "I read so much on the forums, and talk to people so much in tells about wanting more variety in RP"
[Chat] 15:44:41 Laryssa Dotan says, "I think if we actually practice what we preach, we will be able to get a very diverse RP circuit going"
[Chat] 15:44:48 ***a-af is online at Sun Sep 14 15:44:48 2008. If you are on a-af 's friends list, try /findFriend a-af to find them.
[Chat] 15:45:05 Laryssa Dotan says, "I know a lot of us have our own personal rules about who we RP with and who we don't"
[Chat] 15:45:18 Laryssa Dotan says, "sometimes based on simply what some people RP as"
[Chat] 15:45:42 Laryssa Dotan says, "I myself am not too into Force-sensitive/Jedi/Sith/whatever RP, nor am I really into Mandalorian RP"
[Chat] 15:45:57 Laryssa Dotan says, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to compeltely blacklist these types of players from my RP"
[Chat] 15:46:27 Laryssa Dotan says, "If there's one thing I'd like to take away from this meeting myself, and hope that everyone else does though, is to be a little more openminded with RP"
[Chat] 15:46:52 Laryssa Dotan says, "I'm guilty of being relatively closeminded sometimes with my RP choices, I admit"
[Chat] 15:47:22 Laryssa Dotan says, "But I think now that we're in this room, and we've all seen and heard each other speak, it is a great jumping point for spontaneous RP between everyone"
[Chat] 15:47:37 Laryssa Dotan says, "which is something I personally love, and it makes storylines much easier, and more fun for those involved"
[Chat] 15:48:09 Laryssa Dotan says, "So anyway, You've heard a little bit about VSD Valorum, Aventine, and my thoughts on where we can improve ourselves with RP"
[Chat] 15:48:28 Laryssa Dotan says, "If you have any questions, please /tell me or mail me, and i hope everyone stops by Aventine in the near future =)"
[Chat] 15:48:34 Laryssa Dotan says, "Thanks for sort of paying attention"
[Chat] 15:48:39 Laryssa Dotan was just teasing.
[Chat] 15:48:48 Jaezin Yerak claps his hands together.
[Chat] 15:48:51 Poe'kunal claps his hands together.
[Chat] 15:48:53 'Bo Banthaman salutes Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:48:55 Deson Blake claps for Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:48:55 Celox Scorpio says, "ok. folks. two more speakers to go (i know i already told you 2, but, we have a surprise speaker)"
[Chat] 15:48:55 Reglin Freelight cheers. YAY!!
[Chat] 15:49:03 Saraphim thanks Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:49:04 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks L-Lady"
[Chat] 15:49:07 Vox' Magnus claps for Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:49:08 Celox Scorpio says, "Next Speaker:"
[Chat] 15:49:11 Laryssa Dotan smiles at Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:49:15 Celox Scorpio says, "Skico for FOIL"
[Chat] 15:49:16 'Caer Sei'Allon claps for Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:49:23 Celox Scorpio summons Skico Nomos.
[Chat] 15:49:29 'Cirisiam Ordo claps for Laryssa Dotan.
[Chat] 15:49:54 Skico Nomos thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 15:50:04 Skico Nomos says, "Greetings everyone!"
[Chat] 15:50:13 Skico Nomos says, "I am Skico Nomos, leader of the guild FOIL, Followers of Inner Light. We are a lightside jedi guild that hopes to do a guild war with a dark side jedi guild in the future. We hope that this will expand our storylines as well as fun for all."
[Chat] 15:50:22 Skico Nomos says, "I am Skico Nomos, leader of the guild FOIL, Followers of Inner Light. We are a lightside jedi guild that hopes to do a guild war with a dark side jedi guild in the future. We hope that this will expand our storylines as well as fun for all."
[Chat] 15:50:28 Skico Nomos says, "oops"
[Chat] 15:50:50 Your status is no longer automatically marked as away from keyboard.
[Chat] 15:50:52 You are no longer away from the keyboard.
[Chat] 15:50:55 Skico Nomos says, "We have a force that works closly with Jedi leaders of the guild which is called Taskforce Trill, which allows non-Jedi professions to enter the guild. Taskforce Trill is a SpecOps unit within the Alliance to combat the Empire. We do alot of PvP as well a"
[Chat] 15:51:16 Skico Nomos says, "We have a force that works closly with Jedi leaders of the guild which is called Taskforce Trill, which allows non-Jedi professions to enter the guild. Taskforce Trill is a SpecOps unit within the Alliance to combat the Empire."
[Chat] 15:51:25 ***mavok Commercial is online at Sun Sep 14 15:51:25 2008. If you are on mavok Commercial's friends list, try /findFriend mavok Commercial to find them.
[Chat] 15:52:01 Skico Nomos says, "Our recruitment is open! We are basically a brand new guild yet and really need some non-jedi players to join us!! All of our application process is IC, with OOC afterwards for questions that any new recruit might have."
[Chat] 15:52:17 ***eshot is online at Sun Sep 14 15:52:17 2008. If you are on eshot 's friends list, try /findFriend eshot to find them.
[Chat] 15:52:41 Skico Nomos says, "What we hope to do is this. We try and help new players with there storylines and teach them the game at the same time. Show new players how to RP correctly and what to do in certain situations. We try and hold a RP event once a week for just guild member"
[Chat] 15:52:57 Juroden Halcyon whaps Amillo Halcyon upside the head.
[Chat] 15:53:08 Amillo Halcyon whaps Juroden Halcyon upside the head.
[Chat] 15:53:09 Skico Nomos says, "Since we are suppose to be a secret organization."
[Chat] 15:53:35 Skico Nomos says, "Well I am not really one for public speaking so I have kept it short. I thank you all for your time!"
[Chat] 15:53:45 Deson Blake claps for Skico Nomos.
[Chat] 15:53:47 Skico Nomos bows.
[Chat] 15:53:54 'Bo Banthaman claps for Skico Nomos.
[Chat] 15:53:54 Celox Scorpio says, "thanks, Skico"
[Chat] 15:53:58 Saraphim claps for Skico Nomos.
[Chat] 15:53:59 Celox Scorpio says, "Right."
[Chat] 15:54:06 Poe'kunal claps his hands together.
[Chat] 15:54:08 Celox Scorpio says, "We got our last speaker for the meeting."
[Chat] 15:54:14 Jazzix Ona says, "Is it Clothing: Optional time yet?"
[Chat] 15:54:27 Deson Blake shushes Jazzix Ona.
[Chat] 15:54:28 Ro'he swats Juroden Halcyon like an insect.
[Chat] 15:54:28 Saraphim says to Jazzix Ona, "after I'm done"
[Chat] 15:54:28 Celox Scorpio says, "I will do a very short closing after it, and it's all over."
[Chat] 15:54:46 Celox Scorpio says, "Last Speaker:"
[Chat] 15:54:50 Celox Scorpio says, "Saraphim for CoA"
[Chat] 15:54:56 Celox Scorpio summons Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:54:57 'Caer Sei'Allon cheers for Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:54:59 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:55:05 Juroden Halcyon beams at Saraphim
[Chat] 15:55:12 Vox' Magnus cheers for Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:55:21 Vox' Magnus winks suggestively at Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:55:53 'Cirisiam Ordo claps for Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:55:59 Amillo Halcyon claps for Saraphim.
[Chat] 15:56:03 Saraphim says, "I was not sure i was going to be ere today, so please forgive the impromptu-ness of this"
[Chat] 15:56:16 Saraphim says, "Greetings, I am Saraphim, or Sarai Phime is my character name. I lead a guild called the Circle of Ashla."
[Chat] 15:56:19 Saraphim says, "The Circle fo Ashla is a force sensitive guild focusing on the teaching of the Jedi Order."
[Chat] 15:56:23 Saraphim says, "Though, for the most part the characters Lokke and Sarai fund the Circle, Out of Character all members of the guild are treated equally. Immediate issues are generally handled by Lokke and myself, but any other decision is made by concensus amoung members."
[Chat] 15:56:25 Saraphim says, "Though, the Circle is not a part of the Rebel Alliance, we have very strong ties to the Rebellion."
[Chat] 15:56:27 Saraphim says, "The purose of the Circle of Ashla is three fold:"
[Chat] 15:56:31 Saraphim says, "1.) To do the work of the Jedi. 2.) To rediscover or recreate the lost knowledge of the Order. 3.) To find other Force sensitves for training."
[Chat] 15:56:33 Celox Scorpio theorizes, "jhgjhgsdfhgsd guy? :)"
[Chat] 15:56:34 Saraphim says, "Out of character we not only help the players grown in knowledge of the ways of the Jedi, but also we like to train them in game mechanics. So the player can get a well-rounded knowledge of the game, and hopefully more enjoyment out of it."
[Chat] 15:56:37 Saraphim says, "We also use a Force power system using dice to help facilite abilities not represented by game mechanics."
[Chat] 15:56:40 Saraphim says, "We have close relationships with other guilds, and, I like to think, we are easy to work with."
[Chat] 15:56:43 Saraphim says, "What sets us a part from other Force users, besides the concensus decision making, is that ICly we are not stuck on title and rank, We are about growing in knowledge, not in growing in rank."
[Chat] 15:56:46 Saraphim says, "If you have any questions or are interested in having -CoA- be a part of your guild's story line, We can be reached on"
[Chat] 15:56:48 Saraphim says, ""
[Chat] 15:57:02 Saraphim says, "(( see what I mean ))"
[Chat] 15:57:18 Saraphim says, "(( scold up.. and read it later ))"
[Chat] 15:57:29 Saraphim says, "((scroll*))"
[Chat] 15:57:40 ***mavok Commercial has gone offline at Sun Sep 14 15:57:40 2008.
[Chat] 15:57:42 ***eedu is online at Sun Sep 14 15:57:42 2008. If you are on eedu 's friends list, try /findFriend eedu to find them.
[Chat] 15:58:33 Saraphim says, "Though, i would like to say something about SSG (("
[Chat] 15:58:51 Saraphim says, "(, rather)"
[Chat] 15:59:16 Saraphim says, "If you or your guild have not visited there yet, I highly encourage it"
[Chat] 16:00:02 Saraphim says, "I understand that it will be impossible to agree let alone get along with every one on that site..."
[Chat] 16:00:06 Saraphim says, "But..."
[Chat] 16:00:32 Saraphim says, "In my experience, roleplay fosters other roleplay..."
[Chat] 16:00:51 Your status is now automatically marked as away from keyboard.
[Chat] 16:00:54 You are now away from the keyboard.
[Chat] 16:01:12 Saraphim says, "And some of the best roleplayers Starsider has to offer visit that site."
[Chat] 16:01:47 Saraphim says, "The people are very welcoming and are not afraid to answer even some of the toughest questions."
[Chat] 16:02:33 Saraphim says, "I am very excited to see every leader here..."
[Chat] 16:02:48 Saraphim says, "I hoped more of these can happen in the future"
[Chat] 16:03:05 Saraphim says, "thank you for listening... err.. reading"
[Chat] 16:03:10 Saraphim performs a very formal curtsey.
[Chat] 16:03:17 Deson Blake claps for Saraphim.
[Chat] 16:03:23 Celox Scorpio says, "Thansk S-woman"
[Chat] 16:03:23 Falrinn Bohe claps his hands together.
[Chat] 16:03:27 Reglin Freelight claps for Saraphim.
[Chat] 16:03:29 'Caer Sei'Allon cheers for Saraphim.
[Chat] 16:03:36 Celox Scorpio says, "Right guys, 3 hours +1"
[Chat] 16:03:37 Amillo Halcyon claps for Saraphim.
[Chat] 16:03:44 Vox' Magnus cheers for Saraphim.
[Chat] 16:03:48 Celox Scorpio says, "As rpomised."
[Chat] 16:04:04 ***eshot has gone offline at Sun Sep 14 16:04:04 2008.
[Chat] 16:04:07 Remahr says, "nah we started 5 mins late so its just under , )"
[Chat] 16:04:11 Celox Scorpio says, "Please grace me with 2 days to post & edit the logs on SSG"
[Chat] 16:04:21 A'rai Siltar grins at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:24 Celox Scorpio says, "Second meeting time is TBD."
[Chat] 16:04:28 Jod Iegemai claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:30 Laryssa Dotan says, "edit!?"
[Chat] 16:04:38 Laryssa Dotan sticks her tongue out at Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:38 Celox Scorpio says, "Thanks everyone for attending."
[Chat] 16:04:40 Sakkra- claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:44 Nephrite claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:45 Laryssa Dotan cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:46 'Cirisiam Ordo claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:48 Jod Iegemai thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:49 Laryssa Dotan thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:52 Reglin Freelight claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:52 Anishor cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:53 Lona' Valamari cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:53 'Cirisiam Ordo applauds 'Cirisiam Ordo.
[Chat] 16:04:53 Jatsin Darkcrest says, "was fun"
[Chat] 16:04:54 'Bo Banthaman cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:55 Falrinn Bohe claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:55 Jatsin Darkcrest claps for gkdklgjdlh.
[Chat] 16:04:57 Bella-donna claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:57 Celox Scorpio says, "Lu, wants to take a group picture!"
[Chat] 16:04:57 Tuskano De'Raidaro cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:04:59 Jatsin Darkcrest claps his hands together.
[Chat] 16:04:59 Sajun Davah claps his hands together.
[Chat] 16:04:59 Laryssa Dotan says, "Hooray for organizing this celox!"
[Chat] 16:04:59 Ro'he claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:01 'Selenite Biscayn thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:01 Euuko Paneeba applauds Euuko Paneeba.
[Chat] 16:05:01 Celox Scorpio says, "Come on up stage"
[Chat] 16:05:01 Emei Freelight claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:02 Saraphim thanks Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:04 Deson Blake claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:05 Amillo Halcyon claps for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:05 Saraphim cheers for Emei Freelight.
[Chat] 16:05:09 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Wooo."
[Chat] 16:05:09 Poe'kunal cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:11 Or'dek Durn cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:12 Kaline Lessia cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:15 Celox Scorpio summons everyone.
[Chat] 16:05:18 Laryssa Dotan says, "group picture?"
[Chat] 16:05:23 Juroden Halcyon is going afk to make dinner.
[Chat] 16:05:23 ***eshot is online at Sun Sep 14 16:05:23 2008. If you are on eshot 's friends list, try /findFriend eshot to find them.
[Chat] 16:05:26 A'rai Siltar cheers for Celox Scorpio.
[Chat] 16:05:26 Ro'he preens like a feline.
[Chat] 16:05:34 'Cirisiam Ordo slicks back his hair.
[Chat] 16:05:53 Tuskano De'Raidaro flexes his muscles.
[Chat] 16:05:58 Anishor flexes his muscles.
[Chat] 16:06:05 Juroden Halcyon polishes his helmet.
[Chat] 16:06:05 Celox Scorpio yells, "GROUP PICTURE!"
[Chat] 16:06:06 Ro'he tries to hide behind helmet head.
[Chat] 16:06:06 Anishor flexes his muscles.
[Chat] 16:06:07 Tuskano De'Raidaro cringes away from Anishor in fear.
[Chat] 16:06:13 Anishor flexes his muscles.
[Chat] 16:06:18 Laryssa Dotan says, "CHEEEEEESE!"
[Chat] 16:06:25 Jatsin Darkcrest yawns.
[Chat] 16:06:30 'Cirisiam Ordo says, "Wineeeeeeee"
[Chat] 16:06:31 Anishor says, "Come on noobs get up here" in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 16:06:36 Falrinn Bohe waves to Sajun Davah.
[Chat] 16:06:42 Tuskano De'Raidaro summons xenea.
[Chat] 16:06:44 Ipuss says, "Sorreh."
[Chat] 16:06:46 Celox Scorpio says, "LOL, now we see who was snoozing the whole time"
[Chat] 16:06:49 'Caer Sei'Allon pokes the guy next to her.
[Chat] 16:06:50 xenea says, "hrmm"
[Chat] 16:06:54 xenea says, "fine"
[Chat] 16:06:59 Tuskano De'Raidaro grins at xenea.
[Chat] 16:07:02 Ipuss says, "s on vent. :S"
[Chat] 16:07:14 Anishor kisses Caerwynn Royce gently on the lips.
[Chat] 16:07:18 Celox Scorpio says, "Call him"
[Chat] 16:07:26 Kaline Lessia says, "Where's my kiss, wookiee?!"
[Chat] 16:07:28 Jatsin Darkcrest tries to calm Anishor down.
[Chat] 16:07:34 Anishor kisses Kaline Lessia gently on the lips.
[Chat] 16:07:40 Kaline Lessia says, "Woot"
[Chat] 16:07:40 'Caer Sei'Allon says, "All we're missing is Chiggs..."
[Chat] 16:07:46 Jatsin Darkcrest says, "I'm jealous"
[Chat] 16:07:55 Falrinn Bohe sticks his tongue out.
[Chat] 16:07:58 Sakkra- says, "He's not guilded"
[Chat] 16:08:07 Ipuss flexes his muscles.
[Chat] 16:08:24 'Caer Sei'Allon says, "Yeah but I still picture him standing in front of us, flexing his muscles while splayed out wearing a thong."
[Chat] 16:08:39 Tuskano De'Raidaro smiles for the camera... wait his helmet is on.
[Chat] 16:08:39 Jatsin Darkcrest cringes.
[Chat] 16:08:40 Ro'he shudders.
[Chat] 16:08:44 Anishor says, "Sajun get in front of me." in Shyriiwook.
[Chat] 16:08:47 Amillo Halcyon burns that mental image from his mind.
[Chat] 16:08:55 Falrinn Bohe says, "I blinked...crap...I blinked"
[Chat] 16:08:58 'Bo Banthaman salutes.
[Chat] 16:09:12 Celox Scorpio yells, "OUTSIDE PICTURE!"
[Chat] 16:09:23 Jatsin Darkcrest says, "bah, I gotta move?"
[Chat] 16:09:29 Tuskano De'Raidaro says, "lol"
[Chat] 16:09:29 Rannoch Vevut'la says, "[lol?]"
[Chat] 16:09:29 Amillo Halcyon yells, "Stampeed"
[Chat] 16:09:44 Tuskano De'Raidaro says, "angry mob!"
[Chat] 16:10:03 Ipuss says, "Laaaaaag..."

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Post by Mikal » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:26 pm

Yeah, I fell asleep in the middle of it IRL. It took FOREVER. Arev, make sure you read the groupchat comments...some are towards you for the log. And Lexx, I better not login and be a member of guild LEXX :p

Warrant Officer I
Joined:Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:13 am

Post by Redaxe » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:43 pm

Please dont tell me you typed this out...

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Post by Mikal » Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:49 pm

Heck yeah...I painstakingly pressed Ctrl-C, then came here and pressed was hard man I tell ya :roll:

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Post by Arev » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:29 am

Thank you very much, Mikal! I appreciate the comments.

By the way, you were a great target of MTs, weren't you?

Ruh Shi'od
Joined:Fri May 02, 2008 4:24 pm

Post by Ruh Shi'od » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:56 am

cliff's notes for the love of god!!!
Ruh / Ruh' Shi'od - Bounty Hunter / Smuggler
Ryh / Ryh' Shi'od - Medic / Dancer
Reh / Reh' Shi'od - Jedi / Spy
ShiodIndustries - Domestics Trader
ShiodInduztries - Engineer Trader
ShiodIndustriez - Munitions / Structures Trader

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Post by Mikal » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:03 am

Those MT's were in spatial lol.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:04 pm

A bit late, but here's the website logs of it: ... 1#37241608

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Post by Jonem » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:06 pm

Does this mean we are an RP guild? :O

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:08 pm

Jonem wrote:Does this mean we are an RP guild? :O

I think it's well established we take part in all activities, as it has been for the past 5 years.

However, I had to make some clarification to get our guild involved in the meeting, since we weren't really considered an RP guild by them. However, neither is SHC really, and they got invited. So dunno.

Master Sergeant
Joined:Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:19 pm

Post by Jonem » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:11 pm

Yea ive always known we did like..everything but lately we have been leaning over to RP guildish o,o *shrug*

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Post by Arev » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:44 pm

Jonem wrote:Yea ive always known we did like..everything but lately we have been leaning over to RP guildish o,o *shrug*

Because the RPers are the most active portion of RID, which is really surprising considering the trends within SWG.

Staff Sergeant
Joined:Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:20 pm

Post by RettVescan » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:21 pm

I wouldn't say RPers are the most active portion but its getting more popular amongst guildies than I've noticed before.

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Post by Jaysont » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:31 am

it r funny cuz most ppl on chilly i chat to think SS is a ALL RP SERVER yet when i was there, there was like no rp and loads of pvp (ground and space) its hilarious also the pilots ovr here r lame so i aint been able to set up any sort of space pvp *sadface* lexx or erougn let us know when the next space pvp event is so i can hop on my newb and turret for one of j00 remember i r best turreter on starsider :P. not that im bragging or anything.

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Post by Arev » Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:13 pm

Jaysont wrote:it r funny cuz most ppl on chilly i chat to think SS is a ALL RP SERVER yet when i was there, there was like no rp and loads of pvp (ground and space) its hilarious also the pilots ovr here r lame so i aint been able to set up any sort of space pvp *sadface* lexx or erougn let us know when the next space pvp event is so i can hop on my newb and turret for one of j00 remember i r best turreter on starsider :P. not that im bragging or anything.

I've been on Starsider since June 28, 2003, and never seen a shortage of RP. I've been to every cantina, every NPC city, always seen some form of RP. Not sure how could have not seen the RP, it's clearly the most important activity on Starsider as everyone can participate in it easily.
