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Late Night with Bizob

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:17 am
by bizob
last nite me serram, rofisp, onirele and bothala went out to the rebel base north of sarlacc city. rofisp was kind enuff to buff us all. we killed a good number of rebels and other criminals but the 2 large turrets proved too much for us. we regrouped in fort oasis and headed to the base at what used to be fort alliance (mwuhahahhaa) we farmed this bsse for awhile. a great time was had by all. and i must say these guys follow orders in battle perfectly - Good Job Soldiers!
another event is planned for tonite, stay tuned for details.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:48 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Sounds like a great time it was. Wish I could have been there! This weekend expect us to be attacking more Rebel bases.